Decrying Gay Marriage, Black Pastors Join Legal Fight

You act as if black people don't decry what goes on within the marriages in which they have between men and women that are black, and that are failing also, where as they are decrying all the problems that go on in the black communities, as well as what comes at them from outside the black communities. Nice try you made there, but people aren't so simple minded as you might think they are. Blacks can handle more than one issue at the time, so go back and try your little small thinking some where else, because it failed here.

That was pretty incoherent.
Blacks make out of wedlock babies at a 70% rate. For black churches to be more vocal about opposing homo marriage while their parishioners are making babies that grow up to destroy society because they have no daddies is hypocritical.

Only a retard would think out of wedlock = no daddies.
Get real. Most unmarried 'families' are headed by a woman. Duh.
And only neosegregationist black culture feels so free to so insensitively use the word 'retard' so flippantly.
That was pretty incoherent.
Blacks make out of wedlock babies at a 70% rate. For black churches to be more vocal about opposing homo marriage while their parishioners are making babies that grow up to destroy society because they have no daddies is hypocritical.

Only a retard would think out of wedlock = no daddies.
Get real. Most unmarried 'families' are headed by a woman. Duh.
And only neosegregationist black culture feels so free to so insensitively use the word 'retard' so flippantly.

You get real retard. What does out of wedlock have to do with no daddies? I had a child out of wedlock but saw her everyday.

Declaring "the fight is on," a formidable coalition of conservative Christian groups filed legal briefs in federal appellate court Wednesday supporting Michigan's ban on gay marriage.

Representing potentially millions of worshippers in the state, the Michigan Catholic Conference, the Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor, Mich., and a national coalition of Baptists, Lutherans, Mormons and evangelicals led by Catholic bishops filed three separate briefs Wednesday in the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. The briefs back Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette in his efforts to defend the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, which was overturned earlier this year by a federal judge in Detroit.

Gay marriage would "destroy the backbone of our society," said the Rev. Stacey Swimp of Flint, Mich., at a Wednesday morning rally held by African-American ministers at First Baptist World Changers International Church in Detroit.

Decrying gay marriage, black pastors join legal fight

Which side will the subversives fall on....which one is the most immoral, unethical and unprincipled....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Here you go with your retarded OP's again. Black people are not monolithic. Some are against gay marriage while others like me could care less just as long no one is forcing me to marry a gay person. Personally i think its pretty stupid for Black people to be for any sort of denial of freedom. There is a reason Black people needed and amendment to the constitution to get our rights. Some of the arguments against gay people are the same they used in denying us our rights. It wasnt too long ago that getting married to a white girl would be illegal for a black guy.

Then you need to be more vocal in your opposition to all things 'black'. You can start with black curriculum, congressional black caucus, NAACP, UNCF, BET, Jet, Ebony, Essence, etc.

I dont need to do anything but what I do. What makes you think that you as a white boy can direct me to do anything?...:cool:
Here you go with your retarded OP's again. Black people are not monolithic. Some are against gay marriage while others like me could care less just as long no one is forcing me to marry a gay person. Personally i think its pretty stupid for Black people to be for any sort of denial of freedom. There is a reason Black people needed and amendment to the constitution to get our rights. Some of the arguments against gay people are the same they used in denying us our rights. It wasnt too long ago that getting married to a white girl would be illegal for a black guy.

Then you need to be more vocal in your opposition to all things 'black'. You can start with black curriculum, congressional black caucus, NAACP, UNCF, BET, Jet, Ebony, Essence, etc.

I dont need to do anything but what I do. What makes you think that you as a white boy can direct me to do anything?...:cool:
I was making a suggestion to help you avoid contradicting yourself. I'd never tell you what to do. I leave that to lefty fascists like homonazis and neosegregationist blacks.
Did you call me 'boy'? That's racist!

Declaring "the fight is on," a formidable coalition of conservative Christian groups filed legal briefs in federal appellate court Wednesday supporting Michigan's ban on gay marriage.

Representing potentially millions of worshippers in the state, the Michigan Catholic Conference, the Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor, Mich., and a national coalition of Baptists, Lutherans, Mormons and evangelicals led by Catholic bishops filed three separate briefs Wednesday in the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. The briefs back Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette in his efforts to defend the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, which was overturned earlier this year by a federal judge in Detroit.

Gay marriage would "destroy the backbone of our society," said the Rev. Stacey Swimp of Flint, Mich., at a Wednesday morning rally held by African-American ministers at First Baptist World Changers International Church in Detroit.

Decrying gay marriage, black pastors join legal fight

Which side will the subversives fall on....which one is the most immoral, unethical and unprincipled....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

They can protest all they like, it is a safe bet that every single one of them voted for the party that promotes gay marriage.
No, hypocrites. Nothing bigoted about opposing the fascist agenda of legal homo marriage. No potential for procreation with homos so no coercion to consider and therefore no need for legal involvement.
Hypocrites because so many blacks who are parishioners of these 'black' churches continue to create out-of-wedlock babies who go on to become feral children who bring down society. Yet these 'black' churches argue in support of hetero marriage.
You act as if black people don't decry what goes on within the marriages in which they have between men and women that are black, and that are failing also, where as they are decrying all the problems that go on in the black communities, as well as what comes at them from outside the black communities. Nice try you made there, but people aren't so simple minded as you might think they are. Blacks can handle more than one issue at the time, so go back and try your little small thinking some where else, because it failed here.

That was pretty incoherent.
Blacks make out of wedlock babies at a 70% rate. For black churches to be more vocal about opposing homo marriage while their parishioners are making babies that grow up to destroy society because they have no daddies is hypocritical.
Careful not to put everyone who is black in the same category, or you fail as well. If a Christian black is decrying gay marriage, then what does that have to do with the black who is not a Christian, and is doing the things that you say they are doing ?
Then you need to be more vocal in your opposition to all things 'black'. You can start with black curriculum, congressional black caucus, NAACP, UNCF, BET, Jet, Ebony, Essence, etc.

I dont need to do anything but what I do. What makes you think that you as a white boy can direct me to do anything?...:cool:
I was making a suggestion to help you avoid contradicting yourself. I'd never tell you what to do. I leave that to lefty fascists like homonazis and neosegregationist blacks.
Did you call me 'boy'? That's racist!

You are too stupid to be suggesting anything to anyone. As it is you have a hard understanding anything more complicated than 2+2. Yes I called you a white boy. Emphasis on boy.
I had a child out of wedlock but saw her everyday.

As a black, that makes you an anomaly.
Why did you not marry her mother?

Actually it doesnt. I have several other friends that went through the same thing. Its only an anomaly because you have been convinced by stormfront that I am an anomaly. I didnt marry the mother because she was a dumb trick that had no ambition in life.
I wonder how many victories gay marriage will have in the next couple of weeks? I can't wait to post about them :D
Which side will the subversives fall on....which one is the most immoral, unethical and unprincipled....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

It's sad and disturbing when seemingly good people misuse the Bible as means of covering their own fears and insecurities.

These "Christians" take one or two lines of scripture way out of context -- historical, cultural and misuse, misquote it to hurt other people--those not like them.

The same was done in the 60's when the bible was used to support segregation.
Gay marriage would "destroy the backbone of our society," said the Rev. Stacey Swimp of Flint, Mich., at a Wednesday morning rally held by African-American ministers at First Baptist World Changers International Church in Detroit.
Ignorant, hateful demagoguery.

In fact, seeking to deny gay Americans their civil liberties would prove harmful to our society, in addition to being un-Constitutional.

Another racist speaks out.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Nothing hypocritical about it. Fags are not a race...they come in every color and disgust anyone with a brain that functions with their attempts to ruin the lives of people who, if it weren't for the government-media complex trying to browbeat everyone into ACCEPTING their filthy lifestyle..we would otherwise never pay them no mind. stop trying to tell us how to think, and you can continue being a twink and everyone is better off.

Are you saying civil rights should only be based on race?

Civil rights as defined in the 14th are protected under "race", "religion", "country of origin" and "gender". Behaviors are not covered. In fact, the approval and regulation of human behaviors that run the gamut are regulated by a majority rule in the separate sovereign states.

So I'll ask again. In which of the three states only where gay marriage is legal per the definition of that legality and majority rule [Windsor 2013] were you married in?

Its legal in I think 12 states. .your irrelevant point legal states is meaningless.
Are you saying civil rights should only be based on race?

Civil rights as defined in the 14th are protected under "race", "religion", "country of origin" and "gender". Behaviors are not covered. In fact, the approval and regulation of human behaviors that run the gamut are regulated by a majority rule in the separate sovereign states.

So I'll ask again. In which of the three states only where gay marriage is legal per the definition of that legality and majority rule [Windsor 2013] were you married in?

Its legal in I think 12 states. .your irrelevant point legal states is meaningless.

No, it's legal in only 3 states. Windsor said that the defining of marriage as inclusive of gays and polygamists, minors etc. etc. is up to the broad consensus of each sovereign state...NOT a singular judge overriding democracy in each sovereign state. That will be the default. And by that description, gay marriage is and always has been only legal in those states where the consensus has agreed to allow it.

And the Windsor Finding in 2013 declared that retroactive to the founding of the country, "in the way the Framers of the Constitution intended"..

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