Deep blue liberal/progressive/hippy dippy Portland in decline thanks to failed lib policy

No, they do that to themselves when they choose to behave like criminals, rather than like human beings. Of course, being the racist piece of shit that you are, you just cannot help inserting the presumption that it is black people who are criminals, and white people who are human beings. Every sane person knows that subhuman criminal shit comes in all races, just as actual law-abiding human beings do.

It's about choices and behavior, not skin color.

You're the one who belongs to a cult that holds that dark skin is a curse from God.

As for crime, when the poor steal it's called crime, when the rich steal it's called profits.

You are a typical socialist who expects government to provide all your needs from cradle to grave

Most street bums are there because of drug addiction combined with laziness earlier in life when they could have been useful citizens

30% of the homeless are families.

The notion that the homeless aren't trying that hard is one of those "Check your privilege" moments.
The fake “pandemic” did not cause any of the social or economic danger that is blamed on it.

It was abuses of government power that did that. The fake “pandemic” has never been anything more than a bullshit excuse for these abuses.

Mormon Bob.

Believes in Magic Underwear, Golden Plates, and Hebrews in Pre-Columbian America

Doesn't believe in Covid. yup, the whole world just made that up!
You're the one who belongs to a cult that holds that dark skin is a curse from God.

As for crime, when the poor steal it's called crime, when the rich steal it's called profits.

30% of the homeless are families.

The notion that the homeless aren't trying that hard is one of those "Check your privilege" moments.
Do drug addicts with children get preference over single drug addicts ?

Of course not

You are using kids as hostages
Anyone here stupid enough to Iive in a city with woke DA's and cashless bails that allow repeat offenders run free?

In red states too.

First off your link only makes claims without posting any evidence or examples. It's very brief (only a few paragraphs). Secondly is that it's using 2020 statistics claiming they are still gathering info for 2021, and of course means no statistics available for 2022. Third, if a smaller suburb like mine has two murders per year, and it had three in 2020, that's a murder increase of 33% from the previous year. Not hard to imagine that at any point in time. If a smaller town has one murder per year, and had two in 2020, that's a murder rate increase of 100%.

In other words towns and suburban cities can't change murder or violent crime state figures all that much.
Starbucks has been closing stores all over the country... mostly because of oversaturation and they can't find workers.

Starbucks is closing stores because they tried to play nice with the woke left and their employees are paying the price. Crime caused by their pets has come home to roost.
Do drug addicts with children get preference over single drug addicts ?

Of course not

You are using kids as hostages

We need to build housing for the homeless.
We need to have treatment programs for addicts.

The problem with the right wing is that the cruelty has become the point. You guys aren't even trying to fix problems as this point.
Starbucks is closing stores because they tried to play nice with the woke left and their employees are paying the price. Crime caused by their pets has come home to roost.

Not really.

In fact, Starbucks is actually a pretty bad actor in terms of workers rights, where they shut down any store where the baristas try to unionize.

The biggest problem they have is no one wants to work for minimum wage and tips. Used to be, you were in HS or College, your parents insisted you take these demeaning jobs to "learn the value of work" and "understand money"

Now, parents don't make their kids to that if they don't want to.
After Berkeley, Portland is the filthiest city I've ever been in, and I've traveled all over the world, including Latin America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and North Africa.

It took leftism less than 40 years to destroy Portland, once one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Yes! The government will make hosing cheaper. Politicians always make things cheaper!

Point of investment, buddy.

If you leave it up to the private sector, they'll do what they did before they caused the crash of 2008. They'll build big gaudy McMansions that most people can't afford.
Ah, Welfare Ray... this simply isn't true.

But now, a report from the Wall Street Journal says it’s just not that simple. For example, homicide rates in rural America spiked 25 percent according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s not far behind the 30 percent increase urban areas saw. In other words, whatever slight bump affected places like Chicago, San Francisco and New York City is happening in the small towns of South Carolina, Montana and Arkansas too.

At the end of 2020, an American Farm Bureau Federation poll found that two-thirds of adults between 18 and 44 said they experienced more mental health challenges than they had the previous year. In the summer of 2020, the CDC found that 12 percent of adults in rural areas said they’d been turning to drugs or alcohol more to cope with stress. Long story short: The pandemic did a real number on us

And while Trump's Criminal Mismanagement of Covid can be attributed for some of that, the fact is, Rural Crime rates were going up before Covid.

In Iowa, the overall violent crime rate rose by 3 percent between 2006 and 2016, but shot up by 50 percent in communities with fewer than 10,000 residents. Violent crime rates have doubled in rural counties in West Virginia over the past couple of decades, while tripling in New Hampshire. “Rural areas, which traditionally have had lower crime rates, have seen dramatic increases in incarceration rates,” says Jacob Kang-Brown, a senior research associate with the Vera Institute of Justice. “We see them now having the highest incarceration rates in the country.”

The explanations for this change are familiar ones. Not all rural areas are poor, but many have lost jobs as factories have closed and farming has become increasingly consolidated. Lack of employment has naturally led to increases in poverty, which is closely associated with crime. The opioid epidemic has hit rural America particularly hard, and methamphetamine remains a major problem in many small towns.

Look, a leftists found a supporting story in
Actually, the Prison-Industrial Complex makes matters worse for everyone.

In addition to being prohibitively expensive, it destroys economic potential by rendering poor people of color unemployable.

60 years of leftism has rendered people of color unemployable
You're the one who belongs to a cult that holds that dark skin is a curse from God.

As for crime, when the poor steal it's called crime, when the rich steal it's called profits.

30% of the homeless are families.

The notion that the homeless aren't trying that hard is one of those "Check your privilege" moments.

30% huh? Let’s you and I walk through Portland and you show me
30 family members for every 70 drug addicts. I’ll make it easier on you. Show me 20%.
Point of investment, buddy.

If you leave it up to the private sector, they'll do what they did before they caused the crash of 2008. They'll build big gaudy McMansions that most people can't afford.

You don’t even know what caused the crash of 2008.
We need to build housing for the homeless.
We need to have treatment programs for addicts.

The problem with the right wing is that the cruelty has become the point. You guys aren't even trying to fix problems as this point.

Who's "we"?
60 years of leftism has rendered people of color unemployable

Not all of them. Probably not even most of them. Just those who fell too deeply for the bullshit that the left wrong have been trying to sell them. Same thing happens to plenty of white people as well.

I've got several “people of color” among my friends and colleagues. Several on my current project. Not one who I do not consider to be my equal.
We need to build housing for the homeless.
We need to have treatment programs for addicts.

The problem with the right wing is that the cruelty has become the point. You guys aren't even trying to fix problems as this point.
We need tent cities far from urbqn areas where drug addicts can be dried out whether they like it or not

And there should be no limit to how many times we send them there 6 months at a time

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