Deep blue liberal/progressive/hippy dippy Portland in decline thanks to failed lib policy

Last year, Oklahoma edged out Louisiana for the dubious honor of being the “world’s prison capital”—locking up a higher proportion of its residents than any other state or country.

Crime doesn't come from states it comes from cities which are almost always blue. Every red state has them unfortunately. That's because cities pick and vote on their own DA's, prosecutors and judges. They decide on how many police officers they have and how much they will back them in controversial situations. The lib Mayors tell them what they can and cannot do when it comes to enforcing laws.

If you get a bunch of libs in these cities, yes, crime is out of control. So how do you blame a state for that?
Nope. the issue of Homelessness is a lot more complicated than that.

For instance, 30% of the homeless are families with children.

Now, yes, our foolish policy towards mental illness (where we closed down the mental hospitals and didn't replace them with outpatient programs) is also a large part of the problem.
You mean the liberals that closed down the mental hospitals, because they thought it was inhumane to put mentally ill in hospitals. Now they roam our streets.

Thanks to failed lib policy residents in trendy parts of Portland no longer feel safe

After Berkeley, Portland is the filthiest city I've ever been in, and I've traveled all over the world, including Latin America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and North Africa.
Last year, Oklahoma edged out Louisiana for the dubious honor of being the “world’s prison capital”—locking up a higher proportion of its residents than any other state or country.

That's the way it should be. Every state should compete to see who can lock up the most criminals!
I want to live where they keep criminals away from law-abiding citizens.
Actually, it's the opposite 50 years ago, the government build housing for the poor. Now they just give them Section 8 vouchers and stick them into regular communities, but the problem is, getting someone who is willing to take a Section 8 voucher is a challenge. And I'll admit, when I had to rent out my Condo this year waiting for the stupid lawsuit to get resolved, I wouldn't have considered Section 8 like some of my neighbors did. Those people are the reason I wanted to get out of that Condo. When I bought my new Condo, I specifically got an association that required owner-occupancy.
There was a time where housing wasn't seen as an investment to make massive profits. The abuse of the Fiat Currency has caused this as the extra dollars printed has to go somewhere.
Defeund the police ... Democrats are stupid.
that's like saying squirrels are stupid. Ever notice how stupid squirrels are to run out in front of moving vehicles? Then there's that weird way they have of spazzing out..

squirrels and libs.. nice analogy, isn't it?
Crime doesn't come from states it comes from cities which are almost always blue. Every red state has them unfortunately. That's because cities pick and vote on their own DA's, prosecutors and judges. They decide on how many police officers they have and how much they will back them in controversial situations. The lib Mayors tell them what they can and cannot do when it comes to enforcing laws.

If you get a bunch of libs in these cities, yes, crime is out of control. So how do you blame a state for that?

Ah, Welfare Ray... this simply isn't true.

But now, a report from the Wall Street Journal says it’s just not that simple. For example, homicide rates in rural America spiked 25 percent according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s not far behind the 30 percent increase urban areas saw. In other words, whatever slight bump affected places like Chicago, San Francisco and New York City is happening in the small towns of South Carolina, Montana and Arkansas too.

At the end of 2020, an American Farm Bureau Federation poll found that two-thirds of adults between 18 and 44 said they experienced more mental health challenges than they had the previous year. In the summer of 2020, the CDC found that 12 percent of adults in rural areas said they’d been turning to drugs or alcohol more to cope with stress. Long story short: The pandemic did a real number on us

And while Trump's Criminal Mismanagement of Covid can be attributed for some of that, the fact is, Rural Crime rates were going up before Covid.

In Iowa, the overall violent crime rate rose by 3 percent between 2006 and 2016, but shot up by 50 percent in communities with fewer than 10,000 residents. Violent crime rates have doubled in rural counties in West Virginia over the past couple of decades, while tripling in New Hampshire. “Rural areas, which traditionally have had lower crime rates, have seen dramatic increases in incarceration rates,” says Jacob Kang-Brown, a senior research associate with the Vera Institute of Justice. “We see them now having the highest incarceration rates in the country.”

The explanations for this change are familiar ones. Not all rural areas are poor, but many have lost jobs as factories have closed and farming has become increasingly consolidated. Lack of employment has naturally led to increases in poverty, which is closely associated with crime. The opioid epidemic has hit rural America particularly hard, and methamphetamine remains a major problem in many small towns.
Last year, Oklahoma edged out Louisiana for the dubious honor of being the “world’s prison capital”—locking up a higher proportion of its residents than any other state or country.

Good. Putting criminals in their place provides for the common defense like nothing else except asylums.
Crime doesn't come from states it comes from cities which are almost always blue. Every red state has them unfortunately. That's because cities pick and vote on their own DA's, prosecutors and judges. They decide on how many police officers they have and how much they will back them in controversial situations. The lib Mayors tell them what they can and cannot do when it comes to enforcing laws.

If you get a bunch of libs in these cities, yes, crime is out of control. So how do you blame a state for that?

In red states too.
That's the way it should be. Every state should compete to see who can lock up the most criminals!
I want to live where they keep criminals away from law-abiding citizens.
want to live where they keep criminals away from law-abiding citizens.

as long as their indicted and have a jury. Like millionaires or billionaires who think they are above the law.

Are they going to stop crime if the GOP gets in?? It will go away in Fox news. There won't be anybody crossing the border. Inflation will soon disappear as well.
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Actually, the Prison-Industrial Complex makes matters worse for everyone.

In addition to being prohibitively expensive, it destroys economic potential by rendering poor people of color unemployable.

No, they do that to themselves when they choose to behave like criminals, rather than like human beings. Of course, being the racist piece of shit that you are, you just cannot help inserting the presumption that it is black people who are criminals, and white people who are human beings. Every sane person knows that subhuman criminal shit comes in all races, just as actual law-abiding human beings do.

It's about choices and behavior, not skin color.
The Pandemic did more to cripple Starbucks than crime did.

The fake “pandemic” did not cause any of the social or economic danger that is blamed on it.

It was abuses of government power that did that. The fake “pandemic” has never been anything more than a bullshit excuse for these abuses.
No, they do that to themselves when they choose to behave like criminals, rather than like human beings. Of course, being the racist piece of shit that you are, you just cannot help inserting the presumption that it is black people who are criminals, and white people who are human beings. Every sane person knows that subhuman criminal shit comes in all races, just as actual law-abiding human beings do.

It's about choices and behavior, not skin color.
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You put up a stomp picture. How about a real one.
What happened in Portland is like what would happen if anyone put their juvenile delinquent, teenage dropout in charge of their household.
It all over the states. Look at how many people do street drugs.
Yes, because we don't invest in affordable housing.
You are a typical socialist who expects government to provide all your needs from cradle to grave

Most street bums are there because of drug addiction combined with laziness earlier in life when they could have been useful citizens

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