Deep blue liberal/progressive/hippy dippy Portland in decline thanks to failed lib policy

We need tent cities far from urbqn areas where drug addicts can be dried out whether they like it or not

And there should be no limit to how many times we send them there 6 months at a time

Hmmm... sending the undesirables to camps... where have I heard that one before?

We need to build housing for the homeless.
We need to have treatment programs for addicts.

The problem with the right wing is that the cruelty has become the point. You guys aren't even trying to fix problems as this point.
Where is the line of demarcation on cruelty? Do we go back a few years and then a few years more and few years more over and over as the taxaes paid to help people keep goig up. It is understood what you typed. So....get rid of lawyers first. Get rid of endless regulations and interference second. Get rid of unionized people building the shelters. Build cheap strong shelters/homes. No extras in them. Built solid and cheap.
Where is the line of demarcation on cruelty? Do we go back a few years and then a few years more and few years more over and over as the taxaes paid to help people keep goig up. It is understood what you typed. So....get rid of lawyers first. Get rid of endless regulations and interference second. Get rid of unionized people building the shelters. Build cheap strong shelters/homes. No extras in them. Built solid and cheap.

I see the medications aren't working today.

Lawyers aren't the problem. Our failure to provide adequate housing is.
Hmmm... sending the undesirables to camps... where have I heard that one before?

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On the west coast your side is taking drug infested street bums and putting them in camps

But you call them “campuses”

And they are different from my idea since you put them in urban neighborhoods to torment the decent people

The locals in Seattle chinatown protest the “campus” that is ruining their community

But the liberals who run that city are clueless to deal with the social problem of drug abuse the progressives were instrumental in creating
On the west coast your side is taking drug infested street bums and putting them in camps

But you call them “campuses”

I don't, but okay.

And they are different from my idea since you put them in urban neighborhoods to torment the decent people
You mean the decent people who were fine with this happening to start with?

The locals in Seattle chinatown protest the “campus” that is ruining their community
Maybe you should look into the history of why we have "Chinatowns"

But the liberals who run that city are clueless to deal with the social problem of drug abuse the progressives were instrumental in creating

Wow, so liberals are making people take drugs? Somebody should tell Rush LImbaugh... oh, wait.
Maybe you should be specific rather than just hinting at some unspecified crime against humanity

Maybe you should read a history book.

Liberals who encourage harmful drug use

When did they do that? Frankly, the Democrats have been just as complicit as the Republicans in the collective stupidity known as the War on Drugs.

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