Deep Blue States Vote Democrat 2008/2010. In Return $4.00 Gas & Worsened Debt Crisis?

Feb 13, 2011

The Pattern Continues! In particular,California,Illinois & New York(aka:The Three Blind Mice States) Remember how we ridiculed California for electing Jerry Brown(again?) and New York remains on the Democrat side despite what their previous leaders did to to the State? Illinois now on the purple side,yet they elect Rahm Emanuel to Govern Chicago,a town that's broke with residents fleeing ASAP. It seems that the Deep Blue States are Deaf,Dumb & Blind when electing leaders of whom they assume will fix all of their economic problems. As far as Conservatives are concerned,Fine! let them suffer!, With they way the 2012 election is looking,only the worst of the blue states will vote for Obama.(and that's about 10 States?):cuckoo::eusa_whistle:
As I was reminded by just all the ConJos, Repugs and Teabaggers out there...under the shrub and dick(less) gas went up to $5.00 a gallon, and according to those same ConJobs, Repugs and Teabaggers that President has little or know influence over Oil Prices.

Oil Prices are in fact set by the Market, NOT by the President of the United States.

1. Get a life.

2. Move out of your Mom's Basement.

3. Find a girl friend (a real one, dump the blow up doll).
Yeah, and without that trillion dollars per year in "defense" spending providing security for corporate oil profits there would be less wars and revolutions and gas would be cheaper.

But, if you want to keep overthrowing governments and causing instability, I am sure more Bush bone-headed invasions could push the price even higher.

Maybe the Repugnicans will get their war with Iran and then we can pay $10 per gallon.

The Pattern Continues! In particular,California,Illinois & New York(aka:The Three Blind Mice States) Remember how we ridiculed California for electing Jerry Brown(again?) and New York remains on the Democrat side despite what their previous leaders did to to the State? Illinois now on the purple side,yet they elect Rahm Emanuel to Govern Chicago,a town that's broke with residents fleeing ASAP. It seems that the Deep Blue States are Deaf,Dumb & Blind when electing leaders of whom they assume will fix all of their economic problems. As far as Conservatives are concerned,Fine! let them suffer!, With they way the 2012 election is looking,only the worst of the blue states will vote for Obama.(and that's about 10 States?):cuckoo::eusa_whistle:

Unfortunately, the unrest in the ME has helped the Oil Companies take even more advantage of us. I hate the gas prices, I really do. But you tell much better would they be if McCain had won. I'm listening.
If we didn't have a morotorium on drilling for a while and if we actually tapped our own oil that resides within our borders the middle east crisis would not have such an effect on the price of oil and gas.

Yes the democrats took over for the republicans and continued down the same exact path of increasing the national debt, unsustainable defecit budgeting, printing money to pay debt resulting in the inflation of the cost of goods, high unemployment, and inneffective foreign policy.

The differences are that since Obama and democrats took over:

  1. unemployment got higher and stayed there.
  2. The value of the dollar is down meaning inflation, or the cost of goods, is up. This has led to higher food, feul(its part of the rise while most is ME turmoil), and clothing prices.
  3. Our national debt has increased by a larger amount over the last few years than during bush's last term and possibly first term combined! (I think that Obama just passed bush on this)
  4. our federal budget defecit is growing not shrinking adding even more to the debt.

Im not saying republicans are better but i sure am saying this administration, in regards to the economy jobs and debt, totally sucks.
What does this thread have to do with George Bush? It is a reference on the deep blue states who continued to vote for Democrats,who are the culprits behind the economic crisis's of their states. And look at all the other states that went from Blue&Purple to Red? Cally,NY and Illinois still voted for Democrats,and since then,residents have been fleeing South and/or as far away as possible!
As I was reminded by just all the ConJos, Repugs and Teabaggers out there...under the shrub and dick(less) gas went up to $5.00 a gallon, and according to those same ConJobs, Repugs and Teabaggers that President has little or know influence over Oil Prices.

Oil Prices are in fact set by the Market, NOT by the President of the United States.

1. Get a life.

2. Move out of your Mom's Basement.

3. Find a girl friend (a real one, dump the blow up doll).

Oil Prices are in fact set by the Market, NOT by the President of the United States.

Things obama can do to stop the bleeding of American tax payers.
Open up every area to more drilling and temporally suspend all federal fuel taxes by presidential order.
Regarding the $3.50 - $4.00 a gallon gas,,Most Americans wouldn't be complaining if we didn't have such high unemployment. Obama had such a great opportunity to create a few million jobs just by working with small business,giving them a chunk of the stimulus,keep their operating costs low, etc.,etc. BUT NO !!!, there were no funds in the stimulus package designated for helping/bailing out small business. It took for the Bush Tax Extension to finally show some signs of life !!:eusa_angel: But this sudden gas price increase will be the fault of Bush and Palin,,,Right?
and for those of you contemplating escaping the dying blue states, I hope you are able to pack up your cars and head south/southeast and west! I live in Naples Florida and things seem to be getting better here(compared to the two years of the Obama Recession we all suffered with!:redface:)
I know this: When gas was soaring in summer of 08, it was blamed on George "The Oil President" Bush.

Well, now, it's Barry "The Oil President" Obama. Fair is fair. Get over it.
What does this thread have to do with George Bush? It is a reference on the deep blue states who continued to vote for Democrats,who are the culprits behind the economic crisis's of their states. And look at all the other states that went from Blue&Purple to Red? Cally,NY and Illinois still voted for Democrats,and since then,residents have been fleeing South and/or as far away as possible!

Bush is useful for comparison's sake.

Many conservative and liberal americans were upset with bush for how much debt he added to the national debt and his defecit budgets.

Now that Obama is doing the same thing but in a larger scale many conservative americans are upset with him too but many liberal americans don't see a problem with Obama doing this.

Many does not equal all.
Red States are rising while Blue States are falling. The latest Census shows this. Redistricting is going to give Red States an edge long into the future. Productive Citizens are fleeing Blue States in droves. The Democrats have only created chaos & misery everywhere they rule. 2012 could be a fantastic year for Republicans. Come on 2012!
It takes 32 Gallons to fill up my truck, shit sucks..

And now, it's 3.54 a gallon.. I love when these companies take advantage of this crisis, and I'm not sure but we don't buy our oil from Libya do we?
Red States are rising while Blue States are falling. The latest Census shows this. Redistricting is going to give Red States an edge long into the future. Productive Citizens are fleeing Blue States in droves. The Democrats have only created chaos & misery everywhere they rule. 2012 could be a fantastic year for Republicans. Come on 2012!

As long as the people in charge don't break the system before then........and as long as the new people do something DRASTICALLY different then 2012 maybe be a great year.
But, name me one politician, Democrat or Republican, that wasn't for unsustainable military spending, increasing the money suppy, corporate welfare, intervening in foreign affairs and expanding the police state?

Okay, I give you Ron Paul, but other than that there noe much difference between the two. One wants a welfare/warfare state and the other wants a warfare/welfare state.

Both think we can and ought to rule the world. But when things get bad enough, and that will be soon, true patriots will begin holding those criminals accountable.


If we didn't have a morotorium on drilling for a while and if we actually tapped our own oil that resides within our borders the middle east crisis would not have such an effect on the price of oil and gas.

Yes the democrats took over for the republicans and continued down the same exact path of increasing the national debt, unsustainable defecit budgeting, printing money to pay debt resulting in the inflation of the cost of goods, high unemployment, and inneffective foreign policy.

The differences are that since Obama and democrats took over:

  1. unemployment got higher and stayed there.
  2. The value of the dollar is down meaning inflation, or the cost of goods, is up. This has led to higher food, feul(its part of the rise while most is ME turmoil), and clothing prices.
  3. Our national debt has increased by a larger amount over the last few years than during bush's last term and possibly first term combined! (I think that Obama just passed bush on this)
  4. our federal budget defecit is growing not shrinking adding even more to the debt.

Im not saying republicans are better but i sure am saying this administration, in regards to the economy jobs and debt, totally sucks.
so long as gas continues to average $3.50 a gallon, it will catch up to Obama and will be used against him for the next 20 months:razz:
Yeah, and without that trillion dollars per year in "defense" spending providing security for corporate oil profits there would be less wars and revolutions and gas would be cheaper.

But, if you want to keep overthrowing governments and causing instability, I am sure more Bush bone-headed invasions could push the price even higher.

Maybe the Repugnicans will get their war with Iran and then we can pay $10 per gallon.

Well, Grampy McSame wants the U.S. to start bombing Libya (Forgetting of course the last time he was a pilot he got shot down) and Bolton is always ready to bomb Iran.

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