Deep down does it ever piss you off when morons like Ocasio win elections in either party?

Does the election of people as dumb as Ocasio cause you concern?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I dont think she is dumb

Results are only viewable after voting.
Those we choose to "lead" us are like those we choose to entertain us: A reflection of our society.

From the White House down.

That could scare the shit out of some people.
Makes one miss the good ol daze of Dubya.I was one of those " If they vote for him I'm leaving the US".
Difference is, I DID.
Its' an idiocracy
Goes to show that there are idiots on both sides of the aisle.

Very true. What used to happen was that you had to pay your dues and then you work your way up to be the nominee by winning your state as a governor or being in the senate forever or something. With Obama and now the blob….if you get your party’s nomination; you have a coin flip’s chance of winning the Presidency.

Will AOC run for President? Boy, I hope not. But if she’s on the ballot against Trump…who should I vote for….the blob? No way. Some 3rd party guy nobody’s ever heard of who is in favor of renaming the states or some other bizarre platform plank? No.

Whats more is that California and their massive amount of delegates are now going to be voting on Super Tuesday in March 2020. Winning big on that one day really puts you in the driver’s seat going forward. Essentially you have Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada then boom…25% of all delegates are up for grabs on one day. A popular person with some buzz can actually become the favorite very quickly.
You're forgetting that the dems use super delegates so they can already crown their nominee from day 1 via those several hundred establishment delegates that throw their choice to one candidate to get the media to portray a situation where that candidate is already the favorite before a single vote is even cast. It's why Bernie lost even though he was clearly more popular than Hillary but voters didn't want to waste a vote if Hillary was already the chosen one


HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
If you think the supers would've chosen anyone else but Hillary you're crazy, they're all establishment power people in the party and they have an agenda and that agenda doesn't include letting a maverick they can't control win their primary

Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.
Very true. What used to happen was that you had to pay your dues and then you work your way up to be the nominee by winning your state as a governor or being in the senate forever or something. With Obama and now the blob….if you get your party’s nomination; you have a coin flip’s chance of winning the Presidency.

Will AOC run for President? Boy, I hope not. But if she’s on the ballot against Trump…who should I vote for….the blob? No way. Some 3rd party guy nobody’s ever heard of who is in favor of renaming the states or some other bizarre platform plank? No.

Whats more is that California and their massive amount of delegates are now going to be voting on Super Tuesday in March 2020. Winning big on that one day really puts you in the driver’s seat going forward. Essentially you have Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada then boom…25% of all delegates are up for grabs on one day. A popular person with some buzz can actually become the favorite very quickly.
You're forgetting that the dems use super delegates so they can already crown their nominee from day 1 via those several hundred establishment delegates that throw their choice to one candidate to get the media to portray a situation where that candidate is already the favorite before a single vote is even cast. It's why Bernie lost even though he was clearly more popular than Hillary but voters didn't want to waste a vote if Hillary was already the chosen one


HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
If you think the supers would've chosen anyone else but Hillary you're crazy, they're all establishment power people in the party and they have an agenda and that agenda doesn't include letting a maverick they can't control win their primary

Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
Obama and sanders are 2 totally different politicians. Obama was already being groomed. You don't get to make the keynote speech at the national convention because you're a nobody that your own party hates

Well, now you’re changing your story. You said they’d never abandon Hillary when they had done so once before already.

Obama was also a Democrat.

EDIT: And he didn’t have batshit crazy ideas of $15 per hour minimum wages.
Very true. What used to happen was that you had to pay your dues and then you work your way up to be the nominee by winning your state as a governor or being in the senate forever or something. With Obama and now the blob….if you get your party’s nomination; you have a coin flip’s chance of winning the Presidency.

Will AOC run for President? Boy, I hope not. But if she’s on the ballot against Trump…who should I vote for….the blob? No way. Some 3rd party guy nobody’s ever heard of who is in favor of renaming the states or some other bizarre platform plank? No.

Whats more is that California and their massive amount of delegates are now going to be voting on Super Tuesday in March 2020. Winning big on that one day really puts you in the driver’s seat going forward. Essentially you have Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada then boom…25% of all delegates are up for grabs on one day. A popular person with some buzz can actually become the favorite very quickly.
You're forgetting that the dems use super delegates so they can already crown their nominee from day 1 via those several hundred establishment delegates that throw their choice to one candidate to get the media to portray a situation where that candidate is already the favorite before a single vote is even cast. It's why Bernie lost even though he was clearly more popular than Hillary but voters didn't want to waste a vote if Hillary was already the chosen one


HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
If you think the supers would've chosen anyone else but Hillary you're crazy, they're all establishment power people in the party and they have an agenda and that agenda doesn't include letting a maverick they can't control win their primary

Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.

“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You're forgetting that the dems use super delegates so they can already crown their nominee from day 1 via those several hundred establishment delegates that throw their choice to one candidate to get the media to portray a situation where that candidate is already the favorite before a single vote is even cast. It's why Bernie lost even though he was clearly more popular than Hillary but voters didn't want to waste a vote if Hillary was already the chosen one


HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
If you think the supers would've chosen anyone else but Hillary you're crazy, they're all establishment power people in the party and they have an agenda and that agenda doesn't include letting a maverick they can't control win their primary

Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.

“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
If you think the supers would've chosen anyone else but Hillary you're crazy, they're all establishment power people in the party and they have an agenda and that agenda doesn't include letting a maverick they can't control win their primary

Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.

“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

Trump would have beaten Sanders badly. I think Trump would have won both the popular vote and the electoral vote easily. For a “hated person” she got 3M more votes than the blob.
Just think....she'll take an Oath to uphold the US CONSTITUTION, knowing full well it's her goal to dismantle it.

Um, I guess if we're stupid enough to allow people who want to destroy the Constitution the ability to do so, we're the biggest morons of all.
What has she proposed that is unconstitutional?

HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
If you think the supers would've chosen anyone else but Hillary you're crazy, they're all establishment power people in the party and they have an agenda and that agenda doesn't include letting a maverick they can't control win their primary

Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.

“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

Joe Biden would have easily beaten Trump
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.


Yes, clearly we cannot have the will of the people breaking out in america which is why both parties rig their presidential primaries.

Romney's attack prompts call to protect Trump from 2020 primary challenger
Romney's attack prompts call to protect Trump from 2020 primary challenger

Very true. What used to happen was that you had to pay your dues and then you work your way up to be the nominee by winning your state as a governor or being in the senate forever or something. With Obama and now the blob….if you get your party’s nomination; you have a coin flip’s chance of winning the Presidency.

Will AOC run for President? Boy, I hope not. But if she’s on the ballot against Trump…who should I vote for….the blob? No way. Some 3rd party guy nobody’s ever heard of who is in favor of renaming the states or some other bizarre platform plank? No.

Whats more is that California and their massive amount of delegates are now going to be voting on Super Tuesday in March 2020. Winning big on that one day really puts you in the driver’s seat going forward. Essentially you have Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada then boom…25% of all delegates are up for grabs on one day. A popular person with some buzz can actually become the favorite very quickly.
You're forgetting that the dems use super delegates so they can already crown their nominee from day 1 via those several hundred establishment delegates that throw their choice to one candidate to get the media to portray a situation where that candidate is already the favorite before a single vote is even cast. It's why Bernie lost even though he was clearly more popular than Hillary but voters didn't want to waste a vote if Hillary was already the chosen one


HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
If you think the supers would've chosen anyone else but Hillary you're crazy, they're all establishment power people in the party and they have an agenda and that agenda doesn't include letting a maverick they can't control win their primary

Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.
Bernie is a communist. A menshevik. Hillary is a bolshevik. The end game is death.
You're forgetting that the dems use super delegates so they can already crown their nominee from day 1 via those several hundred establishment delegates that throw their choice to one candidate to get the media to portray a situation where that candidate is already the favorite before a single vote is even cast. It's why Bernie lost even though he was clearly more popular than Hillary but voters didn't want to waste a vote if Hillary was already the chosen one


HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
If you think the supers would've chosen anyone else but Hillary you're crazy, they're all establishment power people in the party and they have an agenda and that agenda doesn't include letting a maverick they can't control win their primary

Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.
Bernie is a communist. A menshevik. Hillary is a bolshevik. The end game is death.

oh lord
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.

What pisses me off is when dumb asses call a bright, upcoming progressive who is attempting to bring about needed change a dumb ass.
If you think the supers would've chosen anyone else but Hillary you're crazy, they're all establishment power people in the party and they have an agenda and that agenda doesn't include letting a maverick they can't control win their primary

Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.

“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

Trump would have beaten Sanders badly. I think Trump would have won both the popular vote and the electoral vote easily. For a “hated person” she got 3M more votes than the blob.
Those extra 3 million votes came from urban metro areas where almost nobody votes republican, but you already know that because the electoral map makes it pretty clear
Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.

“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

Trump would have beaten Sanders badly. I think Trump would have won both the popular vote and the electoral vote easily. For a “hated person” she got 3M more votes than the blob.
Those extra 3 million votes came from urban metro areas where almost nobody votes republican, but you already know that because the electoral map makes it pretty clear

So? They still count…right?
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.

“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

Trump would have beaten Sanders badly. I think Trump would have won both the popular vote and the electoral vote easily. For a “hated person” she got 3M more votes than the blob.
Those extra 3 million votes came from urban metro areas where almost nobody votes republican, but you already know that because the electoral map makes it pretty clear

So? They still count…right?

For electors in California? Yup.
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.


Hank Johnson.

Pisses me off, yes!

But far, far worse when the same morons get re-elected by liked minded fools.

We really can't have everyone voting can we.
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.

“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

Trump would have beaten Sanders badly. I think Trump would have won both the popular vote and the electoral vote easily. For a “hated person” she got 3M more votes than the blob.
Those extra 3 million votes came from urban metro areas where almost nobody votes republican, but you already know that because the electoral map makes it pretty clear

So? They still count…right?
No not if the electoral votes are already secured. What good is another 3 million popular votes in a state where you've already won the electoral votes

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