Deep down does it ever piss you off when morons like Ocasio win elections in either party?

Does the election of people as dumb as Ocasio cause you concern?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I dont think she is dumb

Results are only viewable after voting.
Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.

“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

Trump would have beaten Sanders badly. I think Trump would have won both the popular vote and the electoral vote easily. For a “hated person” she got 3M more votes than the blob.
Those extra 3 million votes came from urban metro areas where almost nobody votes republican, but you already know that because the electoral map makes it pretty clear
Those 3 million votes came from American people
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.

What pisses me off is when dumb asses call a bright, upcoming progressive who is attempting to bring about needed change a dumb ass.
a bright, upcoming progressive ? Seriously !!?? ... Realizing full well that she is a progressive brings one to the obvious conclusion that she can't be too bright ... but seriously dude her lightbulb is almost as dim as yours
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.

What pisses me off is when dumb asses call a bright, upcoming progressive who is attempting to bring about needed change a dumb ass.
a bright, upcoming progressive ? Seriously !!?? ... Realizing full well that she is a progressive brings one to the obvious conclusion that she can't be too bright ... but seriously dude her lightbulb is almost as dim as yours
No doubt.
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.


Why? Why does Louie gomerhert still have a job?
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.

“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

Trump would have beaten Sanders badly. I think Trump would have won both the popular vote and the electoral vote easily. For a “hated person” she got 3M more votes than the blob.
Those extra 3 million votes came from urban metro areas where almost nobody votes republican, but you already know that because the electoral map makes it pretty clear
Those 3 million votes came from American people
In California, and those votes secured all of California’s electors for Cliton, just as the system is designed.
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.


Why? Why does Louie gomerhert still have a job?
Or Steve King or Duncan Hunter
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.

“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

Trump would have beaten Sanders badly. I think Trump would have won both the popular vote and the electoral vote easily. For a “hated person” she got 3M more votes than the blob.
Those extra 3 million votes came from urban metro areas where almost nobody votes republican, but you already know that because the electoral map makes it pretty clear
Those 3 million votes came from American people
Thats great but once you've secured the electoral votes who cares if you have 3 extra million? This is exactly the reason why the electoral college system exists, because otherwise only the highly populated areas of the country would decide the president and fuck everyone else in between.
“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

Trump would have beaten Sanders badly. I think Trump would have won both the popular vote and the electoral vote easily. For a “hated person” she got 3M more votes than the blob.
Those extra 3 million votes came from urban metro areas where almost nobody votes republican, but you already know that because the electoral map makes it pretty clear
Those 3 million votes came from American people
Thats great but once you've secured the electoral votes who cares if you have 3 extra million? This is exactly the reason why the electoral college system exists, because otherwise only the highly populated areas of the country would decide the president and fuck everyone else in between.

The electoral college issue and your assertion that Hillary was “not liked” are two different things.

If you had said that Trump was not liked and he got more votes than Hillary (if Hillary had won the EC); your comment would be just as false.
You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

Trump would have beaten Sanders badly. I think Trump would have won both the popular vote and the electoral vote easily. For a “hated person” she got 3M more votes than the blob.
Those extra 3 million votes came from urban metro areas where almost nobody votes republican, but you already know that because the electoral map makes it pretty clear
Those 3 million votes came from American people
Thats great but once you've secured the electoral votes who cares if you have 3 extra million? This is exactly the reason why the electoral college system exists, because otherwise only the highly populated areas of the country would decide the president and fuck everyone else in between.

The electoral college issue and your assertion that Hillary was “not liked” are two different things.

If you had said that Trump was not liked and he got more votes than Hillary (if Hillary had won the EC); your comment would be just as false.
The electoral college is genius. The founding fathers created a constitution with a flaw and many ways to keep a Republic. And we treated ourselves bad with that. Gold and silver eliminated as currency, the 17th amendment, the federal reserve act owned by private people, the federal income tax law, the votes of women has gotten us to here. I do not want 1910. But when the taxes go mainstream insanity, then nations become nasty.
Trump would have beaten Sanders badly. I think Trump would have won both the popular vote and the electoral vote easily. For a “hated person” she got 3M more votes than the blob.
Those extra 3 million votes came from urban metro areas where almost nobody votes republican, but you already know that because the electoral map makes it pretty clear
Those 3 million votes came from American people
Thats great but once you've secured the electoral votes who cares if you have 3 extra million? This is exactly the reason why the electoral college system exists, because otherwise only the highly populated areas of the country would decide the president and fuck everyone else in between.

The electoral college issue and your assertion that Hillary was “not liked” are two different things.

If you had said that Trump was not liked and he got more votes than Hillary (if Hillary had won the EC); your comment would be just as false.
The electoral college is genius.
I agree.

The founding fathers created a constitution with a flaw and many ways to keep a Republic. And we treated ourselves bad with that. Gold and silver eliminated as currency, the 17th amendment, the federal reserve act owned by private people, the federal income tax law, the votes of women has gotten us to here. I do not want 1910. But when the taxes go mainstream insanity, then nations become nasty.

The rest of your post is wholesale garbage.
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.

If someone as stupid as Donald Trump can win the presidency, why does everyone act so surprised when someone like Ocasio-Cortez wins a small congressional seat?
Teabagger: " I want someone who is an outsider and not part of the rich elite!"

*Cortez elected

TB: " She's poor and has no knowledge of government!" (Proceeds to worship rich stupid man with no experience)
What are you talking about? She even lied about where she lived growing up.
Democrats excel at voting for morons. Remember this guy?

Joe Biden on culturalism: "In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

Joe Biden on the economy: "The number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S."

Michael Moore on terrorism: "There is no terrorist threat. Yes, there have been horrific acts of terrorism and, yes, there will be acts of terrorism again. But that doesn't mean that there's some kind of massive terrorist threat."

Barack Obama: "I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go?"

Rosie O'Donnell: "Don't fear the terrorists. They're mothers and fathers."

Al Gore: "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet."

Al Gore : "A zebra does not change its spots."

Congressman Hank Johnson on Guam: "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,"

Nancy Pelosi on the economy: "every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs." [The US pop. is les than 300 Million]

Marion Barry, crack smoking former mayor of Washington, DC: "If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very very low crime rate."

California Senator Barbara Boxer: "Those who survived the San Francisco earthquake said, ‘Thank God, I'm still alive.' But, of course, those who died, their lives will never be the same again."
And no, I'm not surprised about it but it's also not the way I see it to begin with. Bernie was charismaitic and ignited a huge grass roots movement that could've snowballed into something huge for the party if they would've just let him have it, he's everything the party says they want and they still try to put the most establishment person in US politics into office instead, and it's exactly why Trump is president right now. Bernie would've won the election.

“Bernie would’ve won the election.”

You think Trump would've beaten him? Hillary is a hated person. She's got a base of women who love her literally only because she's a woman but overall Bernie would've been able to secure a lot of the independents that Hillary lost

Trump would have beaten Sanders badly. I think Trump would have won both the popular vote and the electoral vote easily. For a “hated person” she got 3M more votes than the blob.
Those extra 3 million votes came from urban metro areas where almost nobody votes republican, but you already know that because the electoral map makes it pretty clear
Those 3 million votes came from American people

California and Los Angeles County to Remove 1.5 Million Inactive Voters from Voter Rolls – Settle Judicial Watch Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch
Those we choose to "lead" us are like those we choose to entertain us: A reflection of our society.

From the White House down.

That could scare the shit out of some people.

That could should scare the shit out of some people.

FTFY. ;)

Ocasio is not that dumb, just young and lacks common sense. The Guam tip-over guy most certainly is that dumb.

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