Deep down does it ever piss you off when morons like Ocasio win elections in either party?

Does the election of people as dumb as Ocasio cause you concern?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I dont think she is dumb

Results are only viewable after voting.
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.

You have no idea what she is like because you do not intimately know her..She doesn't represent you and for you to personally attack her shows what a little man you are..
Lol what?
So what part of that sentence is giving you trouble. Do I need to use smaller words?
Let me try again. Can you prove that someone from her campaign did not use her Twitter account. There were too many smart pointed remarks and too many big words.
Seriously? You are seriously suggesting somebody else is writing her tweets?

Time to lay off the koolaide kid, you've OD'd.
Little boy do you actually think that someone did not write everything 44 read? Do you seriously believe that she can say the things that she has said then turn around and be smart enough to write the comebacks that have come from that account? Prove me wrong. Funny how reasoning skills are seldom used.
Yes, it is funny how seldom reasoning skills are used. Imagination now, especially when coming up with the next conservitard conspiracy theory, is rocking and rolling.
And still little one nothing but bull from you. Funny how that works out.
Not my fault if you refuse to see the truth.
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.

She has no clue about economics
Yeah…the OP was schilling for a guy name Todd Akin a few years ago. To refresh the board’s memory, Todd Akin said

View attachment 237883

Goes to show that there are idiots on both sides of the aisle.

Very true. What used to happen was that you had to pay your dues and then you work your way up to be the nominee by winning your state as a governor or being in the senate forever or something. With Obama and now the blob….if you get your party’s nomination; you have a coin flip’s chance of winning the Presidency.

Will AOC run for President? Boy, I hope not. But if she’s on the ballot against Trump…who should I vote for….the blob? No way. Some 3rd party guy nobody’s ever heard of who is in favor of renaming the states or some other bizarre platform plank? No.

Whats more is that California and their massive amount of delegates are now going to be voting on Super Tuesday in March 2020. Winning big on that one day really puts you in the driver’s seat going forward. Essentially you have Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada then boom…25% of all delegates are up for grabs on one day. A popular person with some buzz can actually become the favorite very quickly.
You're forgetting that the dems use super delegates so they can already crown their nominee from day 1 via those several hundred establishment delegates that throw their choice to one candidate to get the media to portray a situation where that candidate is already the favorite before a single vote is even cast. It's why Bernie lost even though he was clearly more popular than Hillary but voters didn't want to waste a vote if Hillary was already the chosen one
Yeah…the OP was schilling for a guy name Todd Akin a few years ago. To refresh the board’s memory, Todd Akin said

View attachment 237883

Goes to show that there are idiots on both sides of the aisle.

Very true. What used to happen was that you had to pay your dues and then you work your way up to be the nominee by winning your state as a governor or being in the senate forever or something. With Obama and now the blob….if you get your party’s nomination; you have a coin flip’s chance of winning the Presidency.

Will AOC run for President? Boy, I hope not. But if she’s on the ballot against Trump…who should I vote for….the blob? No way. Some 3rd party guy nobody’s ever heard of who is in favor of renaming the states or some other bizarre platform plank? No.

Whats more is that California and their massive amount of delegates are now going to be voting on Super Tuesday in March 2020. Winning big on that one day really puts you in the driver’s seat going forward. Essentially you have Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada then boom…25% of all delegates are up for grabs on one day. A popular person with some buzz can actually become the favorite very quickly.
You're forgetting that the dems use super delegates so they can already crown their nominee from day 1 via those several hundred establishment delegates that throw their choice to one candidate to get the media to portray a situation where that candidate is already the favorite before a single vote is even cast. It's why Bernie lost even though he was clearly more popular than Hillary but voters didn't want to waste a vote if Hillary was already the chosen one


HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
So what part of that sentence is giving you trouble. Do I need to use smaller words?
Let me try again. Can you prove that someone from her campaign did not use her Twitter account. There were too many smart pointed remarks and too many big words.
Seriously? You are seriously suggesting somebody else is writing her tweets?

Time to lay off the koolaide kid, you've OD'd.
Little boy do you actually think that someone did not write everything 44 read? Do you seriously believe that she can say the things that she has said then turn around and be smart enough to write the comebacks that have come from that account? Prove me wrong. Funny how reasoning skills are seldom used.
Yes, it is funny how seldom reasoning skills are used. Imagination now, especially when coming up with the next conservitard conspiracy theory, is rocking and rolling.
And still little one nothing but bull from you. Funny how that works out.
Not my fault if you refuse to see the truth.
Not my fault if you think that throwing a tantrum and calling names like a five year old shows truth.
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?

Lol, exactly
You are still not getting it. Trump ran on issues that Americans would agree on in majorities if given a chance. I do not know if he gets ingratiated. But he knows it now. The enemies are the shills on TV and entertainment. They speak so nice about their own. But about yours it is separate and conquer with propaganda. I have a crippled brother in law, (actually one knee has pain) who is macho calling others pussies while he collects government checks out of the wazoo with free medical care. I know damn well if the checks and medical are limited he would become a begging twat. Just like the law enforcement people who had the same attitude messing with others who never showed up to help protect their brothers during the riots under Obama. The statements I typed is what people are or can be. Trump is trying to keep his promises while everyone is fighting him who made the same promises.
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.

She has no clue about economics
Evidently no one in Congress does or it wouldn't be so far in debt.
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?

Lol, exactly
You are still not getting it. Trump ran on issues that Americans would agree on in majorities if given a chance. I do not know if he gets ingratiated. But he knows it now. The enemies are the shills on TV and entertainment. They speak so nice about their own. But about yours it is separate and conquer with propaganda. I have a crippled brother in law, (actually one knee has pain) who is macho calling others pussies while he collects government checks out of the wazoo with free medical care. I know damn well if the checks and medical are limited he would become a begging twat. Just like the law enforcement people who had the same attitude messing with others who never showed up to help protect their brothers during the riots under Obama. The statements I typed is what people are or can be. Trump is trying to keep his promises while everyone is fighting him who made the same promises.

Like better cheaper health care? :113::abgg2q.jpg::21:

Like Mexico paying for a border wall?:3::5_1_12024::777:

You mean like that?
It just shows how unintelligent, uneducated and uninformed the voters in her district are. They deserve a dummy for a representative because they are indeed all idiots.
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?

Lol, exactly
You are still not getting it. Trump ran on issues that Americans would agree on in majorities if given a chance. I do not know if he gets ingratiated. But he knows it now. The enemies are the shills on TV and entertainment. They speak so nice about their own. But about yours it is separate and conquer with propaganda. I have a crippled brother in law, (actually one knee has pain) who is macho calling others pussies while he collects government checks out of the wazoo with free medical care. I know damn well if the checks and medical are limited he would become a begging twat. Just like the law enforcement people who had the same attitude messing with others who never showed up to help protect their brothers during the riots under Obama. The statements I typed is what people are or can be. Trump is trying to keep his promises while everyone is fighting him who made the same promises.
Ok, I'm thinking obvious foreign troll just based on sentence structure and word choice, not even mentioning the disconnected nature of the reply.
Yeah…the OP was schilling for a guy name Todd Akin a few years ago. To refresh the board’s memory, Todd Akin said

View attachment 237883

Goes to show that there are idiots on both sides of the aisle.

Very true. What used to happen was that you had to pay your dues and then you work your way up to be the nominee by winning your state as a governor or being in the senate forever or something. With Obama and now the blob….if you get your party’s nomination; you have a coin flip’s chance of winning the Presidency.

Will AOC run for President? Boy, I hope not. But if she’s on the ballot against Trump…who should I vote for….the blob? No way. Some 3rd party guy nobody’s ever heard of who is in favor of renaming the states or some other bizarre platform plank? No.

Whats more is that California and their massive amount of delegates are now going to be voting on Super Tuesday in March 2020. Winning big on that one day really puts you in the driver’s seat going forward. Essentially you have Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada then boom…25% of all delegates are up for grabs on one day. A popular person with some buzz can actually become the favorite very quickly.
You're forgetting that the dems use super delegates so they can already crown their nominee from day 1 via those several hundred establishment delegates that throw their choice to one candidate to get the media to portray a situation where that candidate is already the favorite before a single vote is even cast. It's why Bernie lost even though he was clearly more popular than Hillary but voters didn't want to waste a vote if Hillary was already the chosen one


HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
Hillary and Sanders are two old mares. Near the whole system is progressive socialist now. The 2016 election was a progressive socialist guarantee. But the political/entertainment/TV shills of egos, arrogance, obnoxiousness, smirks, name calling, demeaning, accusations, and pettiness never seen before in history cost the socialists who are now communists the election. And they are still at it full speed ahead. p.s...give the people a great tax cut and mean it. No increased taxes for them. You speak the talk for the working man. Then back off the walk and put chains on them.
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?

If you don’t recognize that she is truly stupid, well let’s just say it’s a reflection on your intelligence. Sorry.
You are falling for the fake news.


Any you're worried about how things reflect on my intelligence?

Doesnt she get inaugurated tomo?
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?

If you don’t recognize that she is truly stupid, well let’s just say it’s a reflection on your intelligence. Sorry.
You are falling for the fake news.


Any you're worried about how things reflect on my intelligence?

Doesnt she get inaugurated tomo?
All the new congresscritters get seated on the third I think, and start work by noon.
Yeah…the OP was schilling for a guy name Todd Akin a few years ago. To refresh the board’s memory, Todd Akin said

View attachment 237883

Goes to show that there are idiots on both sides of the aisle.

Very true. What used to happen was that you had to pay your dues and then you work your way up to be the nominee by winning your state as a governor or being in the senate forever or something. With Obama and now the blob….if you get your party’s nomination; you have a coin flip’s chance of winning the Presidency.

Will AOC run for President? Boy, I hope not. But if she’s on the ballot against Trump…who should I vote for….the blob? No way. Some 3rd party guy nobody’s ever heard of who is in favor of renaming the states or some other bizarre platform plank? No.

Whats more is that California and their massive amount of delegates are now going to be voting on Super Tuesday in March 2020. Winning big on that one day really puts you in the driver’s seat going forward. Essentially you have Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada then boom…25% of all delegates are up for grabs on one day. A popular person with some buzz can actually become the favorite very quickly.
You're forgetting that the dems use super delegates so they can already crown their nominee from day 1 via those several hundred establishment delegates that throw their choice to one candidate to get the media to portray a situation where that candidate is already the favorite before a single vote is even cast. It's why Bernie lost even though he was clearly more popular than Hillary but voters didn't want to waste a vote if Hillary was already the chosen one


HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
If you think the supers would've chosen anyone else but Hillary you're crazy, they're all establishment power people in the party and they have an agenda and that agenda doesn't include letting a maverick they can't control win their primary
Ocasio-Cortez is no threat to me or any other conservative, and I'm happy that she got elected. She makes a great poster child to exemplify the looney liberal mindset.
Basically, a one woman comedy show of leftist absurdity. ... :thup:

Until a population is dumbed down enough enough to fill it's Congress and the WH with a majority of these same absurd fools......
Which is what happened in Venezuela. And appears to be our general direction
I was very pissed off that a moron like Trump was elected President

It was a low point in American History and highlighted the superficial nature of our political system
Yeah…the OP was schilling for a guy name Todd Akin a few years ago. To refresh the board’s memory, Todd Akin said

View attachment 237883

Goes to show that there are idiots on both sides of the aisle.

Very true. What used to happen was that you had to pay your dues and then you work your way up to be the nominee by winning your state as a governor or being in the senate forever or something. With Obama and now the blob….if you get your party’s nomination; you have a coin flip’s chance of winning the Presidency.

Will AOC run for President? Boy, I hope not. But if she’s on the ballot against Trump…who should I vote for….the blob? No way. Some 3rd party guy nobody’s ever heard of who is in favor of renaming the states or some other bizarre platform plank? No.

Whats more is that California and their massive amount of delegates are now going to be voting on Super Tuesday in March 2020. Winning big on that one day really puts you in the driver’s seat going forward. Essentially you have Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada then boom…25% of all delegates are up for grabs on one day. A popular person with some buzz can actually become the favorite very quickly.
You're forgetting that the dems use super delegates so they can already crown their nominee from day 1 via those several hundred establishment delegates that throw their choice to one candidate to get the media to portray a situation where that candidate is already the favorite before a single vote is even cast. It's why Bernie lost even though he was clearly more popular than Hillary but voters didn't want to waste a vote if Hillary was already the chosen one


HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
If you think the supers would've chosen anyone else but Hillary you're crazy, they're all establishment power people in the party and they have an agenda and that agenda doesn't include letting a maverick they can't control win their primary

Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
Just think....she'll take an Oath to uphold the US CONSTITUTION, knowing full well it's her goal to dismantle it.

Um, I guess if we're stupid enough to allow people who want to destroy the Constitution the ability to do so, we're the biggest morons of all.
Goes to show that there are idiots on both sides of the aisle.

Very true. What used to happen was that you had to pay your dues and then you work your way up to be the nominee by winning your state as a governor or being in the senate forever or something. With Obama and now the blob….if you get your party’s nomination; you have a coin flip’s chance of winning the Presidency.

Will AOC run for President? Boy, I hope not. But if she’s on the ballot against Trump…who should I vote for….the blob? No way. Some 3rd party guy nobody’s ever heard of who is in favor of renaming the states or some other bizarre platform plank? No.

Whats more is that California and their massive amount of delegates are now going to be voting on Super Tuesday in March 2020. Winning big on that one day really puts you in the driver’s seat going forward. Essentially you have Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada then boom…25% of all delegates are up for grabs on one day. A popular person with some buzz can actually become the favorite very quickly.
You're forgetting that the dems use super delegates so they can already crown their nominee from day 1 via those several hundred establishment delegates that throw their choice to one candidate to get the media to portray a situation where that candidate is already the favorite before a single vote is even cast. It's why Bernie lost even though he was clearly more popular than Hillary but voters didn't want to waste a vote if Hillary was already the chosen one


HRC won every large state. And as HRC found out in 08, SDs are not bound to any candidate. If Sanders was more popular he would have won larger states and that would have shown the SDs his electability. HRC went on to win the popular vote by a good margin. They picked the right horse, she ran a moronic campaign that ignored several swing states
If you think the supers would've chosen anyone else but Hillary you're crazy, they're all establishment power people in the party and they have an agenda and that agenda doesn't include letting a maverick they can't control win their primary

Well, they did in 08 when many jumped ship and chose Obama.

Additionally…Bernie wasn’t (and isn’t) a member of the Democratic Party. Are you really surprised that the Democratic party stalwarts were for a lifelong democrat over Senator Sanders?
Obama and sanders are 2 totally different politicians. Obama was already being groomed. You don't get to make the keynote speech at the national convention because you're a nobody that your own party hates

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