Deep ocean warming responsible for surface warming respite

Still waiting for the peer reviewed studies refuting BTK and the many concurring follow-on studies.

You are not going to get even one. These silly assholes cannot do anything other than flap yap. Even the one claiming a Phd in Geology will not give you a peer reviewed study. When called on repeatedly, he gives you something from Anthony Watts.
Sort of like that experiment right? Where's that at? you got it yet? Ah, no! :woohoo:
You gotta hand it to the warmers. They have the argument surrounded. When it's warm it's cold and American decadence must have caused it.
Rossby Waves - the physical phenomenon behind the "polar vortex" and the cold weather in the central and eastern US - do not represent nor are caused by global cooling. They are simply a redistribution of the Arctic air mass north of the jet stream. The waves are caused by warming; or more specifically: a reduction in the difference between temperatures at the equator and the poles.

From Wiipedia's article on Rossby Waves:
Deep convection and heat transfer to the troposphere is enhanced over anomalously warm sea surface temperatures in the tropics, such as during, but by no means limited to, El Niño events. This tropical forcing generates atmospheric Rossby waves that propagates poleward and eastward and are subsequently refracted back from the pole to the tropics.

Poleward-propagating Rossby waves explain many of the observed statistical teleconnections between low latitude and high latitude climate, as shown in the now classic study by Hoskins and Karoly (1981).[3] Poleward-propagating Rossby waves are an important and unambiguous part of the variability in the Northern Hemisphere, as expressed in the Pacific North America pattern. Similar mechanisms apply in the Southern Hemisphere and partly explain the strong variability in the Amundsen Sea region of Antarctica.[4] In 2011, a Nature Geoscience study using general circulation models linked Pacific Rossby waves generated by increasing central tropical Pacific temperatures to warming of the Amundsen Sea region, leading to winter and spring continental warming of Ellsworth Land and Marie Byrd Land in West Antarctica via an increase in advection.[5]

August 2014 was warmest August on record for globe, driven largely by record warm oceans
The average August temperature for the global oceans was record high for the month, at 0.65°C (1.17°F) above the 20th century average, beating the previous record set in 2005 by 0.08°C (0.14°F). It was also the highest departure from average for any month in the 135-year record, beating the previous record set just two months ago in June 2014 by 0.03°C (0.05°F). Record warmth was observed across much of the central and western equatorial Pacific along with sections scattered across the eastern Pacific and regions of the western Indian Ocean, particularly notable in the waters east of Madagascar.
Rossby Waves - the physical phenomenon behind the "polar vortex" and the cold weather in the central and eastern US - do not represent nor are caused by global cooling. They are simply a redistribution of the Arctic air mass north of the jet stream. The waves are caused by warming; or more specifically: a reduction in the difference between temperatures at the equator and the poles.

From Wiipedia's article on Rossby Waves:
Deep convection and heat transfer to the troposphere is enhanced over anomalously warm sea surface temperatures in the tropics, such as during, but by no means limited to, El Niño events. This tropical forcing generates atmospheric Rossby waves that propagates poleward and eastward and are subsequently refracted back from the pole to the tropics.

Poleward-propagating Rossby waves explain many of the observed statistical teleconnections between low latitude and high latitude climate, as shown in the now classic study by Hoskins and Karoly (1981).[3] Poleward-propagating Rossby waves are an important and unambiguous part of the variability in the Northern Hemisphere, as expressed in the Pacific North America pattern. Similar mechanisms apply in the Southern Hemisphere and partly explain the strong variability in the Amundsen Sea region of Antarctica.[4] In 2011, a Nature Geoscience study using general circulation models linked Pacific Rossby waves generated by increasing central tropical Pacific temperatures to warming of the Amundsen Sea region, leading to winter and spring continental warming of Ellsworth Land and Marie Byrd Land in West Antarctica via an increase in advection.[5]

Rossby waves are caused by THERMAL IMBALANCE and the Coriolis effect.

When cooling is amplified and the thermal imbalance increases these waves promulgate from the pole to the equator in an effort to regain thermal balance. During heating these waves decrease as opposing waves in the equatorial regions then reach poleward to distribute heat.

You can tell the difference between the waves by polar jet location and polar low size. One is apparent in a cooling world the other apparent in a warming world. Both are trying to achieve thermal balance.

WIki couldn't fight its way out of a wet paper bag.
What source would you be using to get yourself out of that soggy paper bag?
CrickHam -- Answer the questions.

1) WHERE is the FULL LENGTH research version of the BTK "letter".
2) HOW did ocean SUDDENLY create the "pause" if the RATE of warming has been the SAME or HIGHER since the 60's?
3) How the fuck did TrenBerth MISS that much energy disappearing from the surface in his original Energy diagram and STILL get the right answer for the "energy imbalance" ??
4) Go research the NOAA reaction to BTK and summarize it for us.

Tired of listening to your whining for us to produce shit that you PURPOSELY won't remember tomorrow..

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