Deep State Contract on Trumps Life Exposed...

You want want a civil war? Because if I see one hair on Trump's head out of place because of you ignorant motherfuckers, I will personally burn your shit to the ground and bury your collective asses in your own back yards.

Do I fucking sound like I'm joking? Go ahead and try me.
You want to know why they broke laws and judge shopped to get Trump to NY on frivolous charges? I might just have an answer..

USA Today published a piece on the Russian "Merchant of Death" and what he warned Trump about.

If this is true, this would ignite a Civil War. Bragg's whole point of the Trial is exposing Trump to an Assassin. Draw Trump from the safety of his home and protections to expose him for an assassin's bullet. From the man who deals to assassins, he is most likely to be in the know about who has contracts within the US. So high is the threat that he offered asylum in Russia.

While he claims he would be safe there, I do not buy it for one minuet.

Russia's 'Merchant of Death' Warns Donald Trump His Life Is in Danger (

Mod Edit: Deleted link to alternate forum.

Trump was offered a zoom arraignment. He refused, wanting the media circus. The circus Trump orchestrated is part of his legal strategy.

He actually cited it as his justification for requesting a delay on his defamation suit.
Trump is not suicidal... so a hit team is how that would happen..

The trap... Is way more probable but I do not see Trump getting caught in it.

But then there is the Third option that there is indeed a contract to kill him and he is in very real danger. Given Bragg and the NY PD did not clear routs for him, which left him in stalled traffic and immobile, this is clear evidence that they have indeed take out a contract and are giving the assassin advantages when and where they can.

There's a fourth option: that you have no idea what you're talking about and are just making this shit up as you go along.
You want want a civil war? Because if I see one hair on Trump's head out of place because of you ignorant motherfuckers, I will personally burn your shit to the ground and bury your collective asses in your own back yards.

Do I fucking sound like I'm joking? Go ahead and try me.

What are you gonna do? Hit an 80 year old with a hammer? Blow up another federal building with a daycare in it? Take a nail gun to an FBI building? Plot to kidnap and torture a governor?

There is no 'civil war'. The actual civil war was lead by the states. No state backs your bullshit. What you're calling for is generic domestic terrorism.....where you target cops, government officials, and their families.

All to insure that a game show host is immune from the law.

If you were going to give your life for Trump, you would have done it. If you were going to kill for him, you'd have done it. You're not going to do a goddamn thing but give us sniveling excuses for why your 'civil war' has to be fought by someone that isn't you.
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Trump is not suicidal... so a hit team is how that would happen..

The trap... Is way more probable but I do not see Trump getting caught in it.

But then there is the Third option that there is indeed a contract to kill him and he is in very real danger. Given Bragg and the NY PD did not clear routs for him, which left him in stalled traffic and immobile, this is clear evidence that they have indeed take out a contract and are giving the assassin advantages when and where they can.
What the cia controlled media is not reporting is the deep state has made over 55 assassination attempts on his life you just don’t hear about it for that very reason who controls the media.they have been unsuccessful because of state of the art technology we have now that we did not have back on nov22nd 1963. Because of that trump is always one step ahead of them.
We constanly hear that The Donald has avoided double figure assassination attempts .
In principle nothing has changed .

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