Defeated by Their Own Unforced Errors


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Defeated by Their Own Unforced Errors
For all of Trump's strengths, an extra assist was needed to ensure victory.
December 2, 2016
Howard Hyde

The miracle of Donald Trump's victory on November 8 is the biggest political earthquake to rock our great nation in 36 years, and will continue to send aftershocks around the world for many years to come. It is all the more remarkable considering that as of the hour of the closing of the polls, very few Americans -- whether they hoped for it or dreaded it -- believed it would happen; yet in the end it was decisive.

And lest anyone entertain delusions that this was a momentary fluke or a passing fad, let them be reminded that the legacy of the Golden Age of Obama is a Senate that has flipped from 58-41 Democrat majority to 51-48 Republican majority; the House from 257-178 Democrat to 238-193 Republican; and state mansions from 29-21 Democrat to 31-19 Republican. Republicans now hold the majority in 69 out of 99 state legislatures. Americans are decisively rejecting il-liberal progressivism.


So for all of Trump's strengths, an extra assist was needed to ensure victory. Ironically, that assist came from the establishment Democrats. The Republican party's legendary impotence and ineptitude ended up being virtuous assets by comparison to the Democrats' ruthless efficiency. The GOP establishment was unable to thwart the will of the people (though not for lack of trying). But that only got us half way there. It took the blind hubris of the Democrat machine -- hostage to the Clinton crime family -- to ensure the survival of our constitutional republic against the greatest threat it has faced since the Civil War, if not since the American Revolution.

Defeated by Their Own Unforced Errors

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