Defending Obama - The Increasingly Difficult Task


Mar 8, 2012

I feel like defending Obama is becoming an increasingly difficult task for our country's Democrats. If you still support, just wondering what your rationale is. I'm being 100% genuine here and just want to come to a better understanding.

"Included in the bill is a rider, Section 735, which says federal courts cannot intervene and halt biotech companies from planting and selling GMO goods to the public, even if testing proves them to be potentially hazardous to the greater public. Because the legislation largely shields agriculture giants Monsanto from litigation...

...after more than 250,000 people signed a petition asking the White House to intervene and ensure the bill was not passed, Pres. Obama nonetheless approved it last week"

Time to rethink Obama? The above is blatantly against the best interests of US Citizens.

Top senator apologizes for 'Monsanto Protection Act' after public outrage ? RT USA

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But, but... he's giving 10% of his income back to the feds.
He's so sincere and credible!
Well, Obama lovers can always deflect like Republican lovers do with their favorite party! Speaking of party,,,,,,,:party:
Maybe Obama can look into the fact that we spend more then we take in.
His gesture here is sort of meaningless.

I feel like defending Obama is becoming an increasingly difficult task for our country's Democrats. If you still support, just wondering what your rationale is. I'm being 100% genuine here and just want to come to a better understanding.

"Included in the bill is a rider, Section 735, which says federal courts cannot intervene and halt biotech companies from planting and selling GMO goods to the public, even if testing proves them to be potentially hazardous to the greater public. Because the legislation largely shields agriculture giants Monsanto from litigation...

...after more than 250,000 people signed a petition asking the White House to intervene and ensure the bill was not passed, Pres. Obama nonetheless approved it last week"

Time to rethink Obama? The above is blatantly against the best interests of US Citizens.

Top senator apologizes for 'Monsanto Protection Act' after public outrage ? RT USA


And yet STILL some of this boards clueless insist that Obama is a socialist?!
I don't see why it would be difficult for anyone to defend Obama.

He isn't the greatest leader of all time, but he is certainly not the worst, and history will record him as being a competent, average-to-good president. It's not difficult to see that 90% of the ranting on this board is just theatre from some often very sad, very bitter people.

I saw one poster the other day saying that the US deserved to be bombed by North Korea - at which point I wonder less if the US deserves a better leader than if the leadership deserve a better people.

There is probably more open anti-Americanism on this board and in US society than at any point since the Viet Nam war. There is no question in my mind that this is a real anchor for the entire country.
I don't see why it would be difficult for anyone to defend Obama.

He isn't the greatest leader of all time, but he is certainly not the worst, and history will record him as being a competent, average-to-good president. It's not difficult to see that 90% of the ranting on this board is just theatre from some often very sad, very bitter people.

I saw one poster the other day saying that the US deserved to be bombed by North Korea - at which point I wonder less if the US deserves a better leader than if the leadership deserve a better people.

There is probably more open anti-Americanism on this board and in US society than at any point since the Viet Nam war. There is no question in my mind that this is a real anchor for the entire country.

I don't know Saigon, I think people are legitimately fed up with our current set of politicians, and are growing tired and weary of our limited and confining two party system. Republicans/Democrats seem to have run its course, and I think a lot of folks want something fresh, new and more honest than the partisan hooplah that's being spewed from our two major parties.

Being critical of your leaders is not the same as being anti-American. In fact, to just sit there in silence and not question some of these more questionable moves (like the example I posted above) would be more anti-american than anything, right?

Isn't this a legitimate gripe, Saigon?

Why should Biotech companies not be responsible for the foods they put out? GMOs - in many respects - are irreversible; once they're out there, that's it. They're extremely hard to contain. If I see a problem with Obama signing a bill that puts literally us all at risk, would you suggest folks to stay quiet?

If citizens don't speak up and question their leadership, then their leadership basically has free reign...

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Frustration with the two-party system I completely understand - Americans should work hard to have that overthrown as soon as possible.

I also understand frustration with the cynicism of politics in general, and of course Obama is as open to accusation to that as anyone else. Whether the Monsanto Bill is right or wrong I wouldn't like to say, but I certainly understand people feeling concerned about it.

But the two-party system and the cyncism of US politics are not Obama's fault.
Frustration with the two-party system I completely understand - Americans should work hard to have that overthrown as soon as possible.

I also understand frustration with the cynicism of politics in general, and of course Obama is as open to accusation to that as anyone else. Whether the Monsanto Bill is right or wrong I wouldn't like to say, but I certainly understand people feeling concerned about it.

But the two-party system and the cyncism of US politics are not Obama's fault.

I don't think anyone ever accused Obama of that.

He is however the President and a central figure that people can direct their frustrations to. He represents the establishment, and a system that is becoming increasingly infiltrated with special interest monies and corporate influence. I'm no old buck, but I've read a few books in my lifetime and it appears things are getting worse (vs better).

I mean, in the 1990's we saw important banking regulations being ripped apart, paving the way for a Wall Street free for all that ended up collapsing our economy in 2006-2008. The Secretary of Treasury at the time (a former Goldman Sachs Chief) convinced the upper shelves of our Gov't to bail out the banks with US taxpayer money, and that's exactly what they did.

This bailout is still going on today with the Fed buying billions and billions in toxic assets from these banks every single flipping month.

And in comes Obama on his shining horse in 2008, talking about "fat cats" and holding these guys responsible. If he didn't say these things, he might not have gotten elected, but he did and I'm holding him accountable for that.

Not only did he not come through on his promise, he is actually turning out to be one of the laxest Presidents in history when it comes to prosecuting white collar crime - despite after all that's happened in the past 10 years. Yea, folks are upset, and obviously Wall Street has zero incentive to change any of their behavior. What does that mean? More fraud, more profits, and eventually another collapse (quick tidbit: banks still hold $700 trillion + of derivative risk on their books as of last year).

Kids are graduating with $50k in college debt and very few good jobs to chose from. The system is clearly not working very well and needs to be overhauled.

It's come to a boiling point.


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I don't see why it would be difficult for anyone to defend Obama.

He isn't the greatest leader of all time, but he is certainly not the worst, and history will record him as being a competent, average-to-good president. It's not difficult to see that 90% of the ranting on this board is just theatre from some often very sad, very bitter people.

I saw one poster the other day saying that the US deserved to be bombed by North Korea - at which point I wonder less if the US deserves a better leader than if the leadership deserve a better people.

There is probably more open anti-Americanism on this board and in US society than at any point since the Viet Nam war. There is no question in my mind that this is a real anchor for the entire country.

LOL, talk about damning with faint praise! This corresponds to the latest Democrat talking point: GW was so bad that he forced us to pick an inexperienced nincompoop to replace him!
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JWoodie -

I don't think you'll see many history books that rank Obama below Bush Jnr or Bush Snr.
I saw one poster the other day saying that the US deserved to be bombed by North Korea - at which point I wonder less if the US deserves a better leader than if the leadership deserve a better people.

Well said. I saw that and some other stuff like it also, and I was rather shocked --- given it was an American who said it!! Darn. I expect it from foreigners, but we're not in good shape if people openly hope the enemy bombs us and wins.

We are fundamentally divided now, of course, and presumably will eventually split up.
I don't think you'll see many history books that rank Obama below Bush Jnr or Bush Snr.

Bush Senior was fine! No problem, even won his war. (Desert Storm)

It was Bush Jr. that was such a complete disaster.

It is true that so far Obama hasn't messed up quite as bad as George W did, though he has NOT unwound Bush's stupid wars nearly fast enough, and of course Obamacare is just socialism and he'd do a lot more socialism if he weren't blocked constantly by Congress, thank goodness. Obama can't be trusted, but if he is blocked in his socialist ambitions, so far he hasn't done much actual harm. He's perceived as weak abroad, of course, and that may lead to war with NK and Iran, that would be bad.
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I feel like defending Obama is becoming an increasingly difficult task for our country's Democrats. If you still support, just wondering what your rationale is. I'm being 100% genuine here and just want to come to a better understanding.

"Included in the bill is a rider, Section 735, which says federal courts cannot intervene and halt biotech companies from planting and selling GMO goods to the public, even if testing proves them to be potentially hazardous to the greater public. Because the legislation largely shields agriculture giants Monsanto from litigation...

...after more than 250,000 people signed a petition asking the White House to intervene and ensure the bill was not passed, Pres. Obama nonetheless approved it last week"

Time to rethink Obama? The above is blatantly against the best interests of US Citizens.

Top senator apologizes for 'Monsanto Protection Act' after public outrage ? RT USA


I tend to be independent but I am curious how you can fault Obama for that provision? Is he supposed to shut down the entire Ag department over one provision he doesn't like. There is much not to like about Obama but trying to lay this at his feet instead of the home state Senator to Monsanto that stuffed this rider into the bill says more about you than Obama.
Well lets see on this sort of thinking goes over in 2014 and maybe 2016.
Even when lefties think they are defending Obama all they are doing is attacking the opposition. Clearly the left has either lost it's ability to argue in favor of an agenda or they just gave up the effort.

I feel like defending Obama is becoming an increasingly difficult task for our country's Democrats. If you still support, just wondering what your rationale is. I'm being 100% genuine here and just want to come to a better understanding.

"Included in the bill is a rider, Section 735, which says federal courts cannot intervene and halt biotech companies from planting and selling GMO goods to the public, even if testing proves them to be potentially hazardous to the greater public. Because the legislation largely shields agriculture giants Monsanto from litigation...

...after more than 250,000 people signed a petition asking the White House to intervene and ensure the bill was not passed, Pres. Obama nonetheless approved it last week"

Time to rethink Obama? The above is blatantly against the best interests of US Citizens.

Top senator apologizes for 'Monsanto Protection Act' after public outrage ? RT USA

I'm not used to this level of dishonesty from you, Kevin. Is it desperation?

ETA: OOPS! I was confusing you with Kevin Kennedy. Perhaps this IS your regular level of dishonesty.
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