Defense nominee James Mattis disagrees with Trump on Russia


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
We are very fortunate that Mattis is the Defense Chief. He has absolutely no use for Putin and Russia, and will have no trouble backing President Trump down on these issues.

“I think right now the most important thing is that we recognize the reality of what we deal with.” Defense nominee James Mattis disagrees with Trump on Russia

General Mattis supports NATO.

Mattis will not let President Trump break NATO. Mattis says Putin 'trying to break' NATO

Sounds like a good choice.
I think the die is already cast. Closer relations with Russia are a foregone conclusion. It puts us in a much better position to negotiate with Europe over who is ultimately responsible for their defense. If they want a socialist paradise...more power to them...but they are going to have to pony up...we're done underwriting the cost of their security.
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I think mattis was a good choice as he will add some balance to the Admin and has real experience.
We are very fortunate that Mattis is the Defense Chief. He has absolutely no use for Putin and Russia, and will have no trouble backing President Trump down on these issues.

“I think right now the most important thing is that we recognize the reality of what we deal with.” Defense nominee James Mattis disagrees with Trump on Russia

General Mattis supports NATO.

Mattis will not let President Trump break NATO. Mattis says Putin 'trying to break' NATO

Sounds like a good choice.
When are you aholes gonna understand Trump and how he operates?
We are very fortunate that Mattis is the Defense Chief. He has absolutely no use for Putin and Russia, and will have no trouble backing President Trump down on these issues.

“I think right now the most important thing is that we recognize the reality of what we deal with.” Defense nominee James Mattis disagrees with Trump on Russia

General Mattis supports NATO.

Mattis will not let President Trump break NATO. Mattis says Putin 'trying to break' NATO

Sounds like a good choice.
We are very fortunate that Mattis is the Defense Chief. He has absolutely no use for Putin and Russia, and will have no trouble backing President Trump down on these issues.

“I think right now the most important thing is that we recognize the reality of what we deal with.” Defense nominee James Mattis disagrees with Trump on Russia

General Mattis supports NATO.

Mattis will not let President Trump break NATO. Mattis says Putin 'trying to break' NATO

Sounds like a good choice.
I'll have a little more flexibility after the election to respond to this post.
This is what real diversity is all about getting opinions from a wide spectrum of opinions not just imagined genders and other people of different colors who got the same indoctrination from the same people.
I think that MATTIS and the rest of President Trumps Generals and people will discuss possible actions and their ramifications and will then do as the President Commands them to do . -------------- I guess that the other choice if they don't want to follow orders is for them to retire .
plus , as I said in a different thread , its likely that these Generals and people that were being grilled by lefties just gave the lefties what they want to hear !!
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I think that MATTIS and the rest of President Trumps Generals and people will discuss possible actions and their ramifications and will then do as the President Commands them to do . -------------- I guess that the other choice if they don't want to follow orders is for them to retire .

If you think that military personnel will take Trump's position over Mattis... you're crazier than I thought. There would be an all out mutny if Trump got rid of Mattis just because he didn't agree with him.
Well, we all have a freedom of speech, and with that freedom of speech comes a freedom to be wrong... Mattis is just using that freedom, much like all Liberals do constantly.
We are very fortunate that Mattis is the Defense Chief. He has absolutely no use for Putin and Russia, and will have no trouble backing President Trump down on these issues.

“I think right now the most important thing is that we recognize the reality of what we deal with.” Defense nominee James Mattis disagrees with Trump on Russia

General Mattis supports NATO.

Mattis will not let President Trump break NATO. Mattis says Putin 'trying to break' NATO

Sounds like a good choice.
When are you aholes gonna understand Trump and how he operates?

Please help us understand.
We are very fortunate that Mattis is the Defense Chief. He has absolutely no use for Putin and Russia, and will have no trouble backing President Trump down on these issues.

“I think right now the most important thing is that we recognize the reality of what we deal with.” Defense nominee James Mattis disagrees with Trump on Russia

General Mattis supports NATO.

Mattis will not let President Trump break NATO. Mattis says Putin 'trying to break' NATO

Sounds like a good choice.
Why do you want more war?
I think the die is already cast. Closer relations with Russia are a foregone conclusion. It puts us in a much better position to negotiate with Europe over who is ultimately responsible for their defense. If they want a socialist paradise...more power to them...but they are going to have to pony up...we're done underwriting the cost of their security.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that this is correct , closer relations with Russia make sense as we have a history of dealing with the Russian / soviets see WW2 for one example . Its time to put the alien and deceitful muslims that mrobama curried favor with in the sh1t can and start moving towards 'Trust but verify' and 'peace through strength' with the Russians .
I think the die is already cast. Closer relations with Russia are a foregone conclusion. It puts us in a much better position to negotiate with Europe over who is ultimately responsible for their defense. If they want a socialist paradise...more power to them...but they are going to have to pony up...we're done underwriting the cost of their security.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that this is correct , closer relations with Russia make sense as we have a history of dealing with the Russian / soviets see WW2 for one example . Its time to put the alien and deceitful muslims that mrobama curried favor with and start moving towards 'Trust but verify' and 'peace through strength' with the Russians .

You think the U.S. and Russia had good relations during WWII?
I think the die is already cast. Closer relations with Russia are a foregone conclusion. It puts us in a much better position to negotiate with Europe over who is ultimately responsible for their defense. If they want a socialist paradise...more power to them...but they are going to have to pony up...we're done underwriting the cost of their security.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that this is correct , closer relations with Russia make sense as we have a history of dealing with the Russian / soviets see WW2 for one example . Its time to put the alien and deceitful muslims that mrobama curried favor with and start moving towards 'Trust but verify' and 'peace through strength' with the Russians .

You think the U.S. and Russia had good relations during WWII?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know that we worked with them Lew !!

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