Defensive Gun Use

I find most gun owners with a CCW are very responsible.
They receive training not only on safety but when not to use a gun and how to de-escalate a situation

I only wish all gun owners had to take such training
Not really.

Where it is required most just have to take the NRA basic handgun safety class.

And for all those of you who like to vilify the NRA the organization is still the foremost gun safety training resource.
You are – as usual – wrong.

As already correctly noted: laws concerning the use of deadly force differ from state to state – to be ignorant of those laws is reckless and irresponsible.

What is reckless and irresponsible are the Liberals in the Democrat controlled big city being soft on crime. Weak police, weak Prosecutors, revolving jail sentences, no bail, unwilling to stop crime in Democrat voting minority communities, etc.

What happens is the minority community gets away with committing tremendous crime.

Here in Florida we don't have the ability to shoot some asshole to protect policy like our friends in Texas but we do have some great stand your ground and Castle Doctrine laws and that gives us good protection.
Not really.

Where it is required most just have to take the NRA basic handgun safety class.

And for all those of you who like to vilify the NRA the organization is still the foremost gun safety training resource.

I also find most hunters to be responsible gun owners who strictly follow the rules

It is a shame that responsible gun owners are judged by the actions of those who treat them like toys
There is so much more to trying to hit a target than just pulling a trigger when they are trying to delete your life or hurt you than appairently you'll ever understand. A self defense expert ? Not likely. Some expericence firing at targets under a little bit of stress yes. I have competed in IDPA ( International Defensive Pistol Association) matches, I have competed in many USPSA ( United States Practical Shooting Association) Matches and many local club 2 gun and 3 gun matches. So what is your experience that you think you have so much knowledge on hitting targets under stress?
THAT is why the shotgun.

Even a blind man can hit something with a shotgun at close range.

Not at close range?
Then why the hell are you still there?

Fantasies of a shootout aside, if the threat is not close, why walk into it?

And if you're "open carrying" a shotgun I'm pretty sure the "bad" guys will give you a wide berth.
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The initial condescending prejudiced comment you made that got you a taste of your own medicine...which you can't even swallow. 😆

As I said, the Mods KNOW you. That's why you were put in here! Don't be such a snobby holier-than-thou dickhead and you won't get it back.
Don't be a dickhead, a tiny minded dickhead. and you won't get bitchslapped by your Dado mushroom boy.
That's like saying take the safe route and cancel your car insurance. As I stated, complying with the criminal doesn't work very well in many cases. It may not be usable in all situations, but if the opportunity presents itself, it's better to have your gun with you. And again, you can't go walking around with a shotgun everywhere you go.
If you have a gun you're 3.4 times more likely to be shot in a crime.
If you try to use your gun in "self defense" you're 5.5 times more likely to be shot.

These are facts.

Intelligent people react to facts rather than imaginary fears.
Don't be a dickhead, a tiny minded dickhead. and you won't get bitchslapped by your Dado mushroom boy.
And once again we see the childish penchant for name calling and penis references.
If you have a gun you're 3.4 times more likely to be shot in a crime.
If you try to use your gun in "self defense" you're 5.5 times more likely to be shot.

These are facts.

Intelligent people react to facts rather than imaginary fears.
Not really and since you have no link to support your claim it's meaningless.
Yeah.... bullshit study....they dont specify if thoe shot were criminals or incredibly important detail they left out to push their anti gun agenda...
Inconvenient truths?

The study, if you'd read it, actually adjusts for race, criminal backgrounds and the like.

But BS fantasies about "taking down the bad guy" are just that, fantasies.
If you're armed then 70% of the time YOU will be shot.
If you try to use your weapon, then 85% of the time YOU will be shot.

These are facts, no matter how inconvenient.
Yeah....the study is not about guns and is about violent assault....not the same and it allows them to include two criminals shootimg at each other vs a crime victim fighting off a criminal
If you carry a gun and are involved in a crime...

70% of the time YOU will be shot.

If you try to use your gun

85% of the time YOU will be shot.

These are facts. No matter how much you wish they weren't.
This is all you need to see from that study........the test subjects used....

and had a greater frequency of prior arrest.
Maybe it's all you need to see.
After all, lots of information is a problem for you.

But for those who actually study the data for information rather than for a reason to deny the facts, we look deeper.
By robbery you mean one gang member trying to steal the drug stash of a rival gang member.......big difference...
As noted, looking for a reason to dispute the data as opposed to actually studying the data is just you living your lie.
That’s pretty obviously a staged photo. I can’t conceive of anyone carrying four pistols. Even two is a stretch unless you are a cop and carry a hold-out gun.


Performative bullshit?

Of course! That's all these clowns have.
If you carry a gun and are involved in a crime...

70% of the time YOU will be shot.

If you try to use your gun

85% of the time YOU will be shot.

These are facts. No matter how much you wish they weren't.
Once again no evidence to support your claims
In many states killing a trespasser would be illegal. Do you live in such a state and if so how would you dispose of the body?
We had a couple not far down the road from me that went out to investigate some noise on their property and ended up in a gunfire because the people messing around in the dark were armed. Both the husband and wife were killed and after they were shot their house was robbed and their car stolen. Not many out here would take to many chances with folks roaming around at night out here in the sticks. The very closest law enforment help from us is a minimum of 20/25 minutes. How to dispose of the body? That would be up to law enforcement on how they do that.
We had a couple not far down the road from me that went out to investigate some noise on their property and ended up in a gunfire because the people messing around in the dark were armed. Both the husband and wife were killed and after they were shot their house was robbed and their car stolen. Not many out here would take to many chances with folks roaming around at night out here in the sticks. The very closest law enforment help from us is a minimum of 20/25 minutes. How to dispose of the body? That would be up to law enforcement on how they do that.

Still not justification for shooting just because a person steps on your property.
That's why you use a shotgun.

Or follow the safer route and leave your guns at home.
Apologies but what are you arguing about? Carrying a shotgun?
It should be noted carrying long guns usually has separate laws than carrying of pistols.

As a note, am I the only one growing up in areas it was common having a shotgun (or in our case) rifle at the door?
Apologies but what are you arguing about? Carrying a shotgun?
It should be noted carrying long guns usually has separate laws than carrying of pistols.

As a note, am I the only one growing up in areas it was common having a shotgun (or in our case) rifle at the door?
I grew up in a city in a dangerous neighborhood where handguns were the weapons of choice.

Now that I live in a rural area I have a shotgun and a couple rifles. But I still prefer a handgun.
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THAT is why the shotgun.

Even a blind man can hit something with a shotgun at close range.

Not at close range?
Then why the hell are you still there?

Fantasies of a shootout aside, if the threat is not close, why walk into it?

And if you're "open carrying" a shotgun I'm pretty sure the "bad" guys will give you a wide berth.
Have you ever patterned a shotgun? At 7 yrds even my short barreled coachgun pattern is only about 10 inches wide. I think you have watched to many movies. The average distance of a gunfight is 21 feet and last about 4 to 6 seconds. That is very little time to try and wield a shotgun. As for open carry a shotgun, more than likely if a bad guy see it, you are going to catch the very first round fired.
Still not justification for shooting just because a person steps on your property.
There is no justification for you to go past signs, climb my fences and walk a couple hundred yards back into the woods to mess around my stuff at night. sorry, stay off my land.

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