Defiance Rising


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
About time. I don't understand why restaurants and bars didn't form some sort of organization to pool resources to fight for their right to life and liberty.
About time. I don't understand why restaurants and bars didn't form some sort of organization to pool resources to fight for their right to life and liberty.

What needs to happen is the following. Trained special operators need to recruit battalion sized units from the everyday American population and then use them to take, by force if necessary, small towns and cities across the country and then declare them COVID-19 restriction free zones. Such a movement could snowball until dozens, scores and then hundreds of small communities have been liberated and, among other things, small businesses, churches and whatever else can resume normal American life. Of course, there's a good chance our federal government security forces would "drone" such efforts, perhaps even use artillery against them—all in the name of preventing the spread of a virus 99% of its victims survive.
About time. I don't understand why restaurants and bars didn't form some sort of organization to pool resources to fight for their right to life and liberty.

What needs to happen is the following. Trained special operators need to recruit battalion sized units from the everyday American population and then use them to take, by force if necessary, small towns and cities across the country and then declare them COVID-19 restriction free zones. Such a movement could snowball until dozens, scores and then hundreds of small communities have been liberated and, among other things, small businesses, churches and whatever else can resume normal American life. Of course, there's a good chance our federal government security forces would "drone" such efforts, perhaps even use artillery against them—all in the name of preventing the spread of a virus 99% of its victims survive.

You need a serious mental health intervention and right now. It is either that or you are terminally stupid.
About time. I don't understand why restaurants and bars didn't form some sort of organization to pool resources to fight for their right to life and liberty.

What needs to happen is the following. Trained special operators need to recruit battalion sized units from the everyday American population and then use them to take, by force if necessary, small towns and cities across the country and then declare them COVID-19 restriction free zones. Such a movement could snowball until dozens, scores and then hundreds of small communities have been liberated and, among other things, small businesses, churches and whatever else can resume normal American life. Of course, there's a good chance our federal government security forces would "drone" such efforts, perhaps even use artillery against them—all in the name of preventing the spread of a virus 99% of its victims survive.

You need a serious mental health intervention and right now. It is either that or you are terminally stupid.

You need to grow a spine. Either that or declare your true nationality.
About time. I don't understand why restaurants and bars didn't form some sort of organization to pool resources to fight for their right to life and liberty.

What needs to happen is the following. Trained special operators need to recruit battalion sized units from the everyday American population and then use them to take, by force if necessary, small towns and cities across the country and then declare them COVID-19 restriction free zones. Such a movement could snowball until dozens, scores and then hundreds of small communities have been liberated and, among other things, small businesses, churches and whatever else can resume normal American life. Of course, there's a good chance our federal government security forces would "drone" such efforts, perhaps even use artillery against them—all in the name of preventing the spread of a virus 99% of its victims survive.

All I know is......

On the path we've been on for about 100 years now........

NOTHING good is going to come of it and most likely, very bad things are about to come of it.

There's a way we can ensure the worst is yet to come.......

About time. I don't understand why restaurants and bars didn't form some sort of organization to pool resources to fight for their right to life and liberty.

What needs to happen is the following. Trained special operators need to recruit battalion sized units from the everyday American population and then use them to take, by force if necessary, small towns and cities across the country and then declare them COVID-19 restriction free zones. Such a movement could snowball until dozens, scores and then hundreds of small communities have been liberated and, among other things, small businesses, churches and whatever else can resume normal American life. Of course, there's a good chance our federal government security forces would "drone" such efforts, perhaps even use artillery against them—all in the name of preventing the spread of a virus 99% of its victims survive.

You need a serious mental health intervention and right now. It is either that or you are terminally stupid.

You need to grow a spine. Either that or declare your true nationality.

Where are you going to get these people? Give me a shout when reality finally appears in your world! I guess you are stupid or insane. Either way, you need help!
About time. I don't understand why restaurants and bars didn't form some sort of organization to pool resources to fight for their right to life and liberty.

What needs to happen is the following. Trained special operators need to recruit battalion sized units from the everyday American population and then use them to take, by force if necessary, small towns and cities across the country and then declare them COVID-19 restriction free zones. Such a movement could snowball until dozens, scores and then hundreds of small communities have been liberated and, among other things, small businesses, churches and whatever else can resume normal American life. Of course, there's a good chance our federal government security forces would "drone" such efforts, perhaps even use artillery against them—all in the name of preventing the spread of a virus 99% of its victims survive.

If you're saying that current events justify mobilizing of the Militias as outlined in the US CONSTITUTION.......

I agree.
You need a serious mental health intervention and right now. It is either that or you are terminally stupid.

Bleats the worthless, Gillettized, cowardly sheep, who is happy to submit to Big Brother, and to forfeit all of his essential freedoms, and even his ability to make a living, if necessary, in exchange for a false promise by government to protect him from a flu bug.

It really doesn't get much more pathetic than that.
Defiance of virus dining bans grows as restaurants flounder
AP - Wed Jan 13, 5:02PM UTC

BORING, Ore. (AP) — A line formed out the door during the lunch rush at the Carver Hangar, a family-owned restaurant and sports bar, and waitresses zipped in and out of the kitchen trying to keep up with orders as customers backed up in the lobby.

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