Defiant President Trump Refuses to Back Down on Illegal Immigration “Invasion” Talk

The real question isn't who is or isn’t a racist, but who is and isn’t doing something about it...You are either an agent of justice or you are contributing to the problem
Trump cant be the person who brings america together because he's the one that tore it apart in the first place
Trump cant be the person who brings america together because he's the one that tore it apart in the first place

Shit. You are right. Remember when we all used to sing Kumbaya together for 8 years under Obama? Fuckin' Trump is the problem. Now I get it.
Trump cant be the person who brings america together because he's the one that tore it apart in the first place
Your post is a blatant lie. Trump has been trying to unite this country due to Obama and Hillary dividing it, especially after the election. Remember Hillary telling everyone to resist his presidency? Yes you do.
Trump cant be the person who brings america together because he's the one that tore it apart in the first place
Your post is a blatant lie. Trump has been trying to unite this country due to Obama and Hillary dividing it, especially after the election. Remember Hillary telling everyone to resist his presidency? Yes you do.
i agree with you on one thing...the only people who are angry at Trump for calling them mexican rapists...are Mexican rapists
There are approximately 22 MILLION ILLEGAL CRIMINAL FOREIGNERS in the United States...

There are approximately 60,000 new ILLEGAL CRIMINAL FOREIGNERS entering the United States illegally PER MONTH...

An estimated 1.1 MILLION ILLEGAL CRIMINAL FOREIGNERS expected to enter the United States ILLEGALLY this year...

...and open-border Trump-hating Democrats and snowflakes are 'offended' by / don't like these people to be called exactly what they are?

Instead of ILLEGAL CRIMINAL FOREIGNER, snowflakes and Democrats prefer the term 'IMMIGRANT'.

"A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country."

Liberals don't want Americans to be reminded so many are criminals who illegally entered the United States.

The Obama administration went out of their way to purge official terms for our enemies and criminals that would OFFEND them (and him):

"In another example of the administration's ability to make key words disappear, a 2013 Judicial Watch report revealed that the FBI scrubbed its law enforcement training material of any language that might be deemed "offensive" to Muslims. Per those guidelines, hundreds of references to "Muslim," "Islam" or "jihad" were removed from the 2004 9/11 commission report.

The first “great purge,” he said, was in 2009. Yet, in 2012 they didn’t just modify the records, they eliminated them out of the system, which, he noted, bypasses security protocol in Homeland Security. Why does it matter? Because of San Bernardino. If the department hadn’t edited its records, perhaps they could have caught the San Bernardino terrorist who killed 14 people at a Department of Public Health training event, Haney insinuated."


Cruz Hearing Exposes the Obama Admin’s History of Purging References to Islamic Terror | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas

Oh noes how dare we not love Criminals who don't respect our borders, just because a single criminal shot them up.

Wow, what logic, or rather lack of logic.

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