Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

All of them are much more able to be a more effective leader than Trump.


Trump is a narcissist, a megalomaniac, lazy, incompetent, inept, inexperienced and too ignorant to be POTUS. He lacks the fundamental skills and knowledge and won't listen to those who do to be POTUS, or even the mayor of a village; he's do fine as the village idiot.

your post is so stupid it doesn't merit a response.


now you have joined the fools brigade, congrats, but I really thought you were smarter than that.


dude, I hate to break this to you, but you are fucking moron. You are nothing but a partisan sheep that does nothing but parrot talking points.

funny, you just described yourself and every left winger on this forum. the hypocrisy is huge.

yeah you moron, there are lots of left wingers on here talking about how much Obama sucked!

you keep showing your ignorance with every post.
your post is so stupid it doesn't merit a response.


now you have joined the fools brigade, congrats, but I really thought you were smarter than that.


dude, I hate to break this to you, but you are fucking moron. You are nothing but a partisan sheep that does nothing but parrot talking points.

funny, you just described yourself and every left winger on this forum. the hypocrisy is huge.

yeah you moron, there are lots of left wingers on here talking about how much Obama sucked!

you keep showing your ignorance with every post.

you are the only left winger who dares criticize the kenyan, good for you but you are a tiny minority within the left.

and hurling insulting names just makes you look like a fool, grow the fuck up and post like an adult.
percent of change is the only way to accurately measure against different time frames, that is why anyone with a brain talks about the markets in points and not total dollars.

Obama sucked, how many times do I have to say that before you will quit lying about me? I get that when you have no facts you have to turn to lies, but it gets old after a while. Do you have no integrity or honesty at all in you?

then why do you keep defending the kenyan messiah from Chicago?

which of the current crop of dem hopefuls do you think would do a better job than Trump? and why?

All of them are much more able to be a more effective leader than Trump.


Trump is a narcissist, a megalomaniac, lazy, incompetent, inept, inexperienced and too ignorant to be POTUS. He lacks the fundamental skills and knowledge and won't listen to those who do to be POTUS, or even the mayor of a village; he's do fine as the village idiot.

your post is so stupid it doesn't merit a response.

If true, you would have evidence to rule out each point in my post.

My post is based on my observation of Trump, from his behavior during the run up to the convention, after his nomination, and for the two years and three months he has been in office.

narcissist: every president has been a narcissist
megalomanic: what politician isnt?
lazy: not even close, he works more hours a day than most people
incompetent: you dont get to be a billionaire by being incompetent
inept: speaking plainly is not inept, its real
inexperienced: successful in business for years, Obozo was a community organizer who never held a real job, thats inexperienced
ignorant: nope, smart like a fox, made the dems look like fools

wont listen: has great advisors but is the ultimate decider, thats the job of president

if you want candidates for villiage idiot: Bernie, Pocahontas, Booker, Biden, cameltoe, the gay mayor, Pelosi, AOC, Schumer, the toad Nadler, Schiff, most of the dem party.

ever notice how the lefties always resort to smiley faces when destroyed by facts and logic?

now you have joined the fools brigade, congrats, but I really thought you were smarter than that.


dude, I hate to break this to you, but you are fucking moron. You are nothing but a partisan sheep that does nothing but parrot talking points.

funny, you just described yourself and every left winger on this forum. the hypocrisy is huge.

yeah you moron, there are lots of left wingers on here talking about how much Obama sucked!

you keep showing your ignorance with every post.

you are the only left winger who dares criticize the kenyan, good for you but you are a tiny minority within the left.

and hurling insulting names just makes you look like a fool, grow the fuck up and post like an adult.

You call me a left winger when you are far to the left of me...just proving you are a moron.

Sent from my iPhone using
now you have joined the fools brigade, congrats, but I really thought you were smarter than that.


dude, I hate to break this to you, but you are fucking moron. You are nothing but a partisan sheep that does nothing but parrot talking points.

funny, you just described yourself and every left winger on this forum. the hypocrisy is huge.

yeah you moron, there are lots of left wingers on here talking about how much Obama sucked!

you keep showing your ignorance with every post.

you are the only left winger who dares criticize the kenyan, good for you but you are a tiny minority within the left.

and hurling insulting names just makes you look like a fool, grow the fuck up and post like an adult.

You call me a left winger when you are far to the left of me...just proving you are a moron.

Sent from my iPhone using

I am not to the left of you unless you are a far right anti USA asshole. I dont think thats who you are, but I wonder why you dont think people can disagree and still remain civil. Can you explain that?
neither of us can predict the future. are you clairvoyant? I'm not.

one does not need to be clairvoyant to know that budgets that add to the debt will continue to add to the debt

yes, we agree on that. What would you cut out of the budget? I would like to see a 30% across the board cut, all agencies, all programs, all lines in the budget. Would you support that?
Bush doubled the debt. O'bummer did too. At the current pace Trump won't match O'bummer.

dude, I hate to break this to you, but you are fucking moron. You are nothing but a partisan sheep that does nothing but parrot talking points.

funny, you just described yourself and every left winger on this forum. the hypocrisy is huge.

yeah you moron, there are lots of left wingers on here talking about how much Obama sucked!

you keep showing your ignorance with every post.

you are the only left winger who dares criticize the kenyan, good for you but you are a tiny minority within the left.

and hurling insulting names just makes you look like a fool, grow the fuck up and post like an adult.

You call me a left winger when you are far to the left of me...just proving you are a moron.

Sent from my iPhone using

I am not to the left of you unless you are a far right anti USA asshole. I dont think thats who you are, but I wonder why you dont think people can disagree and still remain civil. Can you explain that?

People can disagree and be civil when both sides are discussion from a position of honesty. you choose not to do that, you constantly imply that I support or defend or approved of Obama when I have told you 100 times that is not the case. Taking my view of Obama into account I take that as an insult as much as me calling you a moron.

If you want people to be civil, then start being honest.
neither of us can predict the future. are you clairvoyant? I'm not.

one does not need to be clairvoyant to know that budgets that add to the debt will continue to add to the debt

yes, we agree on that. What would you cut out of the budget? I would like to see a 30% across the board cut, all agencies, all programs, all lines in the budget. Would you support that?

I would start with a 10% cut across the board, every Dept including the DOD and DHS phased in over the next 5 years. Like it or not, the economy relies on the Fed Govt and to drop it too quickly would be dangerous for the economy. The cutting of the budget needs to be done like a diet, slow and steady over time. That is the only sustainable way to do it.

I choose 10% because I believe every agency has that much fraud, waste and abuse. We need to get rid of the mindset that money has to be spent if it is in the budget. As a Marine I would get in trouble if there was TAD money left by mid-September. We used to send our pilots on unneeded cross-countries to spend all our money. We would go buy 1000s of dollars of unneeded office supplies every August to avoid having money left over. And that was just one small FA-18 squadron. Multiple that time the hundreds of thousands of small agencies and departments in the US Govt.

After the 10% was completed I would then be more strategic in the cuts, as not all agencies are the same.
3 times as much is less than >2 times as much. I t is simple math, even for ewe!

Ok,. lets go slow so maybe you can get it. How many actual dollars did Reagan add? How many actual dollars did Obama add? You can answer honestly or ignore the question, its up to you

Slowly, Raygun added triple, Obama added less than double! See math made easy!

yes, thats very true, however, who added the most dollars to the deficit?
Are you able to give an honest answer or has your brain been destroyed by left wing lies?

I know for sure that tripling the debt is worse than less than double it! Oh by the way Dubya added more to the debt percentage wise than Obama, thanks for playing!

LOL if your debt is one dollar, triple it and its three dollars. If your debt is 10 trillion dollars, double it and its 20 trillion dollars. so do you still think the % is the important criteria or the actual number of dollars added to the debt? Try to answer intelligently.

Stupid 200% will be 2 dollars then ewe forgot to add your original dollar back into the equation. How far did ewe go in school? And yes percentage is the best way to go by with this!
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!






He even has Democrats begging to cut spending.

And he has the Repubs cheering for record levels of spending.

I dont hear anyone cheering for more debt, but the govt was such a mess that some additional spending has been necessary,






funny, you just described yourself and every left winger on this forum. the hypocrisy is huge.

yeah you moron, there are lots of left wingers on here talking about how much Obama sucked!

you keep showing your ignorance with every post.

you are the only left winger who dares criticize the kenyan, good for you but you are a tiny minority within the left.

and hurling insulting names just makes you look like a fool, grow the fuck up and post like an adult.

You call me a left winger when you are far to the left of me...just proving you are a moron.

Sent from my iPhone using

I am not to the left of you unless you are a far right anti USA asshole. I dont think thats who you are, but I wonder why you dont think people can disagree and still remain civil. Can you explain that?

People can disagree and be civil when both sides are discussion from a position of honesty. you choose not to do that, you constantly imply that I support or defend or approved of Obama when I have told you 100 times that is not the case. Taking my view of Obama into account I take that as an insult as much as me calling you a moron.

If you want people to be civil, then start being honest.

I think its you that needs to show some honesty. I recognize that you think obama was terrible, but you always try to compare trump to him or some other democrat, so it seems to any intelligent observer that you refuse to give Trump credit for anything positive and always resort to praising democrats.

I have been honest about my support for Trump and have said many times that I dont always like his rhetoric and personal attacks, but in most cases he is responding in kind to some comment made by a media lib or some democrat.

I dont approve of deficit spending but I also recognize a couple things about it.
1. every president has done it
2. every congress has done it
3. as long as politicians can accept bribes in the form of campaign contributions, it will continue.
neither of us can predict the future. are you clairvoyant? I'm not.

one does not need to be clairvoyant to know that budgets that add to the debt will continue to add to the debt

yes, we agree on that. What would you cut out of the budget? I would like to see a 30% across the board cut, all agencies, all programs, all lines in the budget. Would you support that?

I would start with a 10% cut across the board, every Dept including the DOD and DHS phased in over the next 5 years. Like it or not, the economy relies on the Fed Govt and to drop it too quickly would be dangerous for the economy. The cutting of the budget needs to be done like a diet, slow and steady over time. That is the only sustainable way to do it.

I choose 10% because I believe every agency has that much fraud, waste and abuse. We need to get rid of the mindset that money has to be spent if it is in the budget. As a Marine I would get in trouble if there was TAD money left by mid-September. We used to send our pilots on unneeded cross-countries to spend all our money. We would go buy 1000s of dollars of unneeded office supplies every August to avoid having money left over. And that was just one small FA-18 squadron. Multiple that time the hundreds of thousands of small agencies and departments in the US Govt.

After the 10% was completed I would then be more strategic in the cuts, as not all agencies are the same.

sounds like the sequester that Obama ignored.
Ok,. lets go slow so maybe you can get it. How many actual dollars did Reagan add? How many actual dollars did Obama add? You can answer honestly or ignore the question, its up to you

Slowly, Raygun added triple, Obama added less than double! See math made easy!

yes, thats very true, however, who added the most dollars to the deficit?
Are you able to give an honest answer or has your brain been destroyed by left wing lies?

I know for sure that tripling the debt is worse than less than double it! Oh by the way Dubya added more to the debt percentage wise than Obama, thanks for playing!

LOL if your debt is one dollar, triple it and its three dollars. If your debt is 10 trillion dollars, double it and its 20 trillion dollars. so do you still think the % is the important criteria or the actual number of dollars added to the debt? Try to answer intelligently.

Stupid 200% will be 2 dollars then ewe forgot to add your original dollar back into the equation. How far did ewe go in school? And yes percentage is the best way to go by with this!

do ewe have a sexual desire for sheep?

as to education, probably much farther than you did.

so you would prefer that your credit card holder added a % every month rather than a fixed amount? I understand that no credit cards do that, but the analogy is valid.
Haven't followed this in a while. I'm 85 pages did anyone explain how Trump is spending TRILLIONS, but can't spend $8Billion for Our Wall?
I think its you that needs to show some honesty. I recognize that you think obama was terrible, but you always try to compare trump to him or some other democrat, so it seems to any intelligent observer that you refuse to give Trump credit for anything positive and always resort to praising democrats.

I am not the one that always compares Trump to Obama, it is you Trumpians. Anytime a negative thing is said about Trump your first response is always "But...but....Obama". I point this out a lot because it happens a lot.

I give Trump credit for positive things he had control over or did himself. I give Trump praise far more than you give him any criticism.

I dont approve of deficit spending but I also recognize a couple things about it.
1. every president has done it
2. every congress has done it
3. as long as politicians can accept bribes in the form of campaign contributions, it will continue.

you say you do not approve of it, but yet you give Trump a free pass every time it is mentioned in connection to him. You either say it is too early to make any judgement or that it was necessary due to the state of the government or some other such thing.
neither of us can predict the future. are you clairvoyant? I'm not.

one does not need to be clairvoyant to know that budgets that add to the debt will continue to add to the debt

yes, we agree on that. What would you cut out of the budget? I would like to see a 30% across the board cut, all agencies, all programs, all lines in the budget. Would you support that?

I would start with a 10% cut across the board, every Dept including the DOD and DHS phased in over the next 5 years. Like it or not, the economy relies on the Fed Govt and to drop it too quickly would be dangerous for the economy. The cutting of the budget needs to be done like a diet, slow and steady over time. That is the only sustainable way to do it.

I choose 10% because I believe every agency has that much fraud, waste and abuse. We need to get rid of the mindset that money has to be spent if it is in the budget. As a Marine I would get in trouble if there was TAD money left by mid-September. We used to send our pilots on unneeded cross-countries to spend all our money. We would go buy 1000s of dollars of unneeded office supplies every August to avoid having money left over. And that was just one small FA-18 squadron. Multiple that time the hundreds of thousands of small agencies and departments in the US Govt.

After the 10% was completed I would then be more strategic in the cuts, as not all agencies are the same.

sounds like the sequester that Obama ignored.

explain how Obama ignored the sequester?
I think its you that needs to show some honesty. I recognize that you think obama was terrible, but you always try to compare trump to him or some other democrat, so it seems to any intelligent observer that you refuse to give Trump credit for anything positive and always resort to praising democrats.

I am not the one that always compares Trump to Obama, it is you Trumpians. Anytime a negative thing is said about Trump your first response is always "But...but....Obama". I point this out a lot because it happens a lot.

I give Trump credit for positive things he had control over or did himself. I give Trump praise far more than you give him any criticism.

I dont approve of deficit spending but I also recognize a couple things about it.
1. every president has done it
2. every congress has done it
3. as long as politicians can accept bribes in the form of campaign contributions, it will continue.

you say you do not approve of it, but yet you give Trump a free pass every time it is mentioned in connection to him. You either say it is too early to make any judgement or that it was necessary due to the state of the government or some other such thing.

the comparisons to obama are to point out the hypocrisy of the left. They criticize trump for the same things that they praised obama for.

and it is too early to judge Trump on spending. BTW, at the moment spending is controlled by a democrat house of representatives.

I dont give any politician a free pass, but I am smart enough to understand that you dont make final judgements until the end of their term.
neither of us can predict the future. are you clairvoyant? I'm not.

one does not need to be clairvoyant to know that budgets that add to the debt will continue to add to the debt

yes, we agree on that. What would you cut out of the budget? I would like to see a 30% across the board cut, all agencies, all programs, all lines in the budget. Would you support that?

I would start with a 10% cut across the board, every Dept including the DOD and DHS phased in over the next 5 years. Like it or not, the economy relies on the Fed Govt and to drop it too quickly would be dangerous for the economy. The cutting of the budget needs to be done like a diet, slow and steady over time. That is the only sustainable way to do it.

I choose 10% because I believe every agency has that much fraud, waste and abuse. We need to get rid of the mindset that money has to be spent if it is in the budget. As a Marine I would get in trouble if there was TAD money left by mid-September. We used to send our pilots on unneeded cross-countries to spend all our money. We would go buy 1000s of dollars of unneeded office supplies every August to avoid having money left over. And that was just one small FA-18 squadron. Multiple that time the hundreds of thousands of small agencies and departments in the US Govt.

After the 10% was completed I would then be more strategic in the cuts, as not all agencies are the same.

sounds like the sequester that Obama ignored.

explain how Obama ignored the sequester?
can you say "stimulus"?
the comparisons to obama are to point out the hypocrisy of the left. They criticize trump for the same things that they praised obama for.

and at the same time ignore the hypocrisy of the right, they praise Trump for the same things they criticized Obama for.

and it is too early to judge Trump on spending. BTW, at the moment spending is controlled by a democrat house of representatives.

It is not too early to judge Trump on spending, we can judge the spending he has done so far and the record setting budget request he submitted to congress.

And when it was controlled by a Repub house of representatives you never once complained about it....

not to mention the House cannot spend a dime without the Senate approval.

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