Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

The Democrat clowns are all running on a platform to spend even more money. Green New Deal, Medicare for all and yesterday that idiot Warren wants to spend almost a trillion dollars to pay off student loans. Free stuff for all!

Of course the filthy Democrats are the ones that ran up $10 trillion in debt when the wordless Muslim Negro was President so what the hell do they care?

Idiot-gram ^^^ on steroids.

See: Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

Consider the percentages in the chart:

10 Presidents With Biggest Debt Increases
Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.
Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

Raygun added 3 times more than all other presidents combined and told ewe that deficit spending was good and I know ewe were ojtraged! Weren't ewe?

so 3 times a small number is more than double a big number? Every president in memory has engaged in deficit spending, dont be so fricken naive.

But in terms of actual dollars added to the debt, no one even comes close to obama.

3 times as much is less than >2 times as much. I t is simple math, even for ewe!

Ok,. lets go slow so maybe you can get it. How many actual dollars did Reagan add? How many actual dollars did Obama add? You can answer honestly or ignore the question, its up to you

Slowly, Raygun added triple, Obama added less than double! See math made easy!

yes, thats very true, however, who added the most dollars to the deficit?
Are you able to give an honest answer or has your brain been destroyed by left wing lies?
that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

That is not a FACT. His first day in office the national debt stood at 10,632,005,246,736.

9 trillion is less than that number, thus he did not add more than all others combined.

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OK, ALMOST doubled. Happy now? and ALMOST added more than all previous presidents combined. We can split hairs all day but obama was the absolute worst at managing the debt.

There's an opinion ^^^ not based on a fact. Half-truths which do not include the zeitgeist of the time, and the issues which faced each President during their term in office + the value of the dollar at the time.

Here are some facts to ponder:

Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

LOL, by your own chart, Obama added more than any other president. Thanks for finally admitting it.
that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

That is not a FACT. His first day in office the national debt stood at 10,632,005,246,736.

9 trillion is less than that number, thus he did not add more than all others combined.

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OK, ALMOST doubled. Happy now? and ALMOST added more than all previous presidents combined. We can split hairs all day but obama was the absolute worst at managing the debt.

No, he was not. You cannot go by straight dollar amounts due to the constant changing of the value of the dollar (I.e. inflation). The percent added is a far more accurate measure.

Same practice is used with the financial markets, it is about percent change and not dollar amounts.

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ok, adjust it for inflation (if you know how), obama still added more than any other. % change means nothing, if you have one dollar and increase it 200% you have two dollars.

I know that your task here is to try to make the kenyan muslim criminal look good, but you have failed consistently.
Raygun added 3 times more than all other presidents combined and told ewe that deficit spending was good and I know ewe were ojtraged! Weren't ewe?

so 3 times a small number is more than double a big number? Every president in memory has engaged in deficit spending, dont be so fricken naive.

But in terms of actual dollars added to the debt, no one even comes close to obama.

3 times as much is less than >2 times as much. I t is simple math, even for ewe!

Ok,. lets go slow so maybe you can get it. How many actual dollars did Reagan add? How many actual dollars did Obama add? You can answer honestly or ignore the question, its up to you

Slowly, Raygun added triple, Obama added less than double! See math made easy!

yes, thats very true, however, who added the most dollars to the deficit?
Are you able to give an honest answer or has your brain been destroyed by left wing lies?

I know for sure that tripling the debt is worse than less than double it! Oh by the way Dubya added more to the debt percentage wise than Obama, thanks for playing!
Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

That is not a FACT. His first day in office the national debt stood at 10,632,005,246,736.

9 trillion is less than that number, thus he did not add more than all others combined.

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OK, ALMOST doubled. Happy now? and ALMOST added more than all previous presidents combined. We can split hairs all day but obama was the absolute worst at managing the debt.

No, he was not. You cannot go by straight dollar amounts due to the constant changing of the value of the dollar (I.e. inflation). The percent added is a far more accurate measure.

Same practice is used with the financial markets, it is about percent change and not dollar amounts.

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ok, adjust it for inflation (if you know how), obama still added more than any other. % change means nothing, if you have one dollar and increase it 200% you have two dollars.

I know that your task here is to try to make the kenyan muslim criminal look good, but you have failed consistently.[/QUOTE

Lol, if ewe have 1 dollar and increase it by 200% ewe now have 3 dollars! Wow ewe are Trump dumb, math is not your subject is it now?
Raygun added 3 times more than all other presidents combined and told ewe that deficit spending was good and I know ewe were ojtraged! Weren't ewe?

so 3 times a small number is more than double a big number? Every president in memory has engaged in deficit spending, dont be so fricken naive.

But in terms of actual dollars added to the debt, no one even comes close to obama.

3 times as much is less than >2 times as much. I t is simple math, even for ewe!

Ok,. lets go slow so maybe you can get it. How many actual dollars did Reagan add? How many actual dollars did Obama add? You can answer honestly or ignore the question, its up to you

Slowly, Raygun added triple, Obama added less than double! See math made easy!

yes, thats very true, however, who added the most dollars to the deficit?
Are you able to give an honest answer or has your brain been destroyed by left wing lies?

Simple question, answer not so. First of all, the deficit is the annual overrun; the debt is the aggravate of all administrations.

A second consideration is the value added in terms of cost-benefits. Spending more revenue than taken in during a presidency may not reflect the savings when (example) administration A. funds a bridge, which opens during administration B., and the costs of commerce is reduced exacting greater profits and lower costs to consumers.
You haven't even read the budget, have you? You're just relying on liberal summaries of it. Somehow your summaries missed the following information about Trump's proposed budget:
  • The budget reduces nondefense programmatic spending by 5 percent below the 2019 cap level.
  • Proposes policies to shrink or eliminate Federal programs that fail to deliver desired outcomes for the American people.
  • Reduces spending by $2.7 trillion over 10 years, shrinking the deficit from nearly 5 percent of GDP in 2020 to under 1 percent of GDP in 2029.
    • Puts the Federal budget on a path to balance within 15 years.
  • Sticks to the current discretionary spending caps while also providing additional defense resources through investments in Overseas Contingency Operations and emergency funding.
    • Allows us to fund our national security needs while avoiding a costly “cap deal,” which would increase defense and nondefense spending.
ok, adjust it for inflation (if you know how), obama still added more than any other. % change means nothing, if you have one dollar and increase it 200% you have two dollars.

percent of change is the only way to accurately measure against different time frames, that is why anyone with a brain talks about the markets in points and not total dollars.

I know that your task here is to try to make the kenyan muslim criminal look good, but you have failed consistently.

Obama sucked, how many times do I have to say that before you will quit lying about me? I get that when you have no facts you have to turn to lies, but it gets old after a while. Do you have no integrity or honesty at all in you?
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so 3 times a small number is more than double a big number? Every president in memory has engaged in deficit spending, dont be so fricken naive.

But in terms of actual dollars added to the debt, no one even comes close to obama.

3 times as much is less than >2 times as much. I t is simple math, even for ewe!

Ok,. lets go slow so maybe you can get it. How many actual dollars did Reagan add? How many actual dollars did Obama add? You can answer honestly or ignore the question, its up to you

Slowly, Raygun added triple, Obama added less than double! See math made easy!

yes, thats very true, however, who added the most dollars to the deficit?
Are you able to give an honest answer or has your brain been destroyed by left wing lies?

I know for sure that tripling the debt is worse than less than double it! Oh by the way Dubya added more to the debt percentage wise than Obama, thanks for playing!
And what will be the result of Rumps sugar high tax cut that fades away ??
ok, adjust it for inflation (if you know how), obama still added more than any other. % change means nothing, if you have one dollar and increase it 200% you have two dollars.

So, if only total dollars matter...

That makes Trump far worse than FDR because Trump added more than twice the amount to the debt in a single year than FDR did in 16 years.
so 3 times a small number is more than double a big number? Every president in memory has engaged in deficit spending, dont be so fricken naive.

But in terms of actual dollars added to the debt, no one even comes close to obama.

3 times as much is less than >2 times as much. I t is simple math, even for ewe!

Ok,. lets go slow so maybe you can get it. How many actual dollars did Reagan add? How many actual dollars did Obama add? You can answer honestly or ignore the question, its up to you

Slowly, Raygun added triple, Obama added less than double! See math made easy!

yes, thats very true, however, who added the most dollars to the deficit?
Are you able to give an honest answer or has your brain been destroyed by left wing lies?

I know for sure that tripling the debt is worse than less than double it! Oh by the way Dubya added more to the debt percentage wise than Obama, thanks for playing!

LOL if your debt is one dollar, triple it and its three dollars. If your debt is 10 trillion dollars, double it and its 20 trillion dollars. so do you still think the % is the important criteria or the actual number of dollars added to the debt? Try to answer intelligently.
ok, adjust it for inflation (if you know how), obama still added more than any other. % change means nothing, if you have one dollar and increase it 200% you have two dollars.

So, if only total dollars matter...

That makes Trump far worse than FDR because Trump added more than twice the amount to the debt in a single year than FDR did in 16 years.

the jury is still out on Trump and debt, save this discussion for 2024 and lets see who is worse. and I thought you wanted to adjust for inflation, oh I see, only when it helps your foolish position.
ok, adjust it for inflation (if you know how), obama still added more than any other. % change means nothing, if you have one dollar and increase it 200% you have two dollars.

percent of change is the only way to accurately measure against different time frames, that is why anyone with a brain talks about the markets in points and not total dollars.

I know that your task here is to try to make the kenyan muslim criminal look good, but you have failed consistently.

Obama sucked, how many times do I have to say that before you will quit lying about me? I get that when you have no facts you have to turn to lies, but it gets old after a while. Do you have no integrity or honesty at all in you?

then why do you keep defending the kenyan messiah from Chicago?

which of the current crop of dem hopefuls do you think would do a better job than Trump? and why?
so 3 times a small number is more than double a big number? Every president in memory has engaged in deficit spending, dont be so fricken naive.

But in terms of actual dollars added to the debt, no one even comes close to obama.

3 times as much is less than >2 times as much. I t is simple math, even for ewe!

Ok,. lets go slow so maybe you can get it. How many actual dollars did Reagan add? How many actual dollars did Obama add? You can answer honestly or ignore the question, its up to you

Slowly, Raygun added triple, Obama added less than double! See math made easy!

yes, thats very true, however, who added the most dollars to the deficit?
Are you able to give an honest answer or has your brain been destroyed by left wing lies?

Simple question, answer not so. First of all, the deficit is the annual overrun; the debt is the aggravate of all administrations.

A second consideration is the value added in terms of cost-benefits. Spending more revenue than taken in during a presidency may not reflect the savings when (example) administration A. funds a bridge, which opens during administration B., and the costs of commerce is reduced exacting greater profits and lower costs to consumers.

so now you are defending deficit spending after attacking Trump for doing exactly what you now say is good for the economy. You libs are really something, your desperation is destroying you and its kind of sad.
the jury is still out on Trump and debt, save this discussion for 2024 and lets see who is worse.

Trump is already worse than FDR, he has already added 5 times as much to the debt in just 2 years than FDR did in 16.

and I thought you wanted to adjust for inflation, oh I see, only when it helps your foolish position.

No, I want to go by percent of change like every other person with an IQ over 50 does. you are the one that says only dollar amounts matter, so I am showing you the foolishness of your position.
then why do you keep defending the kenyan messiah from Chicago?

I am not defending anyone, I am defending truth...which is why you are fighting so hard against me.

which of the current crop of dem hopefuls do you think would do a better job than Trump? and why?

not a one, that I why I will not vote for any of them.
the jury is still out on Trump and debt, save this discussion for 2024 and lets see who is worse.

Trump is already worse than FDR, he has already added 5 times as much to the debt in just 2 years than FDR did in 16.

and I thought you wanted to adjust for inflation, oh I see, only when it helps your foolish position.

No, I want to go by percent of change like every other person with an IQ over 50 does. you are the one that says only dollar amounts matter, so I am showing you the foolishness of your position.

so you really think that a 100% increase on $10 is worse than a 50% increase on 10 trillion dollars. If so, the IQ of 50 is accurate.
then why do you keep defending the kenyan messiah from Chicago?

I am not defending anyone, I am defending truth...which is why you are fighting so hard against me.

which of the current crop of dem hopefuls do you think would do a better job than Trump? and why?

not a one, that I why I will not vote for any of them.

your truth seems to exclude a basic understanding of math.

so who gets your 2020 vote?
so you really think that a 100% increase on $10 is worse than a 50% increase on 10 trillion dollars. If so, the IQ of 50 is accurate.

That is not an accurate comparison, we are not comparing 10 bucks to 10 trillion dollars, so I guess I was being a bit generous in my assumption of your IQ.

So, are you willing to admit that Trump is 100 times worse with the debt than was FDR based upon your measure?

So, are you willing to admit that Trump is worse with the debt than was Clinton based upon your measure since if Trump did not add another dime over the rest of his term he would still have added more debt than Clinton?

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