Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome.
Right, because he increased government employment astronomically, while cutting taxes and engaging in an arms race.

Apparently, his "supply side" economics was actually, "socialism without paying for it".
Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome.
Right, because he increased government employment astronomically, while cutting taxes and engaging in an arms race.

Apparently, his "supply side" economics was actually, "socialism without paying for it".

Isn't that exactly what Rethugs have been doing since Raygun?
It is. They like to "starve the beast" to hurt their political opponents, then double the size of the beast whenever they get a chance.
sure, but that doesn't offset the fact that he added 9+ trillion to the debt in 8 years. If he hadn't done the stupid stimulus package he might have had better results. we look at the entire terms of presidents, not one year out of 8.

the fact remains that Obama was the worst president in history in many ways, the worst was how he divided the country and got us all screaming at each other.

Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.
Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome.
Right, because he increased government employment astronomically, while cutting taxes and engaging in an arms race.

Apparently, his "supply side" economics was actually, "socialism without paying for it".

Isn't that exactly what Rethugs have been doing since Raygun?

have you listened to any of the current crop of democrat hopefuls? Every one of them is calling for more government spending and more control over our lives.
sure, but that doesn't offset the fact that he added 9+ trillion to the debt in 8 years. If he hadn't done the stupid stimulus package he might have had better results. we look at the entire terms of presidents, not one year out of 8.

the fact remains that Obama was the worst president in history in many ways, the worst was how he divided the country and got us all screaming at each other.

Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.
sure, but that doesn't offset the fact that he added 9+ trillion to the debt in 8 years. If he hadn't done the stupid stimulus package he might have had better results. we look at the entire terms of presidents, not one year out of 8.

the fact remains that Obama was the worst president in history in many ways, the worst was how he divided the country and got us all screaming at each other.

Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

Raygun added 3 times more than all other presidents combined and told ewe that deficit spending was good and I know ewe were outraged! Weren't ewe?
the country is fiscally sound, the economy is much improved since 2016, unemployment is at record lows, the stock market is making money for people's 401K accounts, bad trade deals are being fixed, our military is once again respected and feared. the DC deep state is being exposed and that is what the DC power brokers really fear from trump, he is derailing their gravy train. We are doing well. Stop listening to the liars on CNN, they are filling your head with crap.

Unemployment has dropped 0.9% since Jan of 2017...hardly earth shattering.

The stock market has been stagnant for more than 430 days.

Our military has always been respected and feared.

The only new trade deal was so insignificant that the biggest change was the name.

Pull your head out of Trump's ass and face reality, Trump is not god, he does not walk on the water as he is turning it to wine.

look dude, I am pleased with Trump as president, I will vote for him in 2020. Hillary would have been a disaster for this country as would any of the clowns running as dems or independents against Trump.

You can vote for whoever you want. Your anti-Trump propaganda is falling on deaf ears. you need to find another cause, you lost this one.

All I do is present facts, all you do is parrot talking points. you were never a cause, I never expected to change your mind, worshipers cannot be changed.

but I will use facts to refute your talking points all day long.

thats really funny coming from the dem/lib talking point machine. You have never countered anything I have posted with facts, because you dont have any.
sure, but that doesn't offset the fact that he added 9+ trillion to the debt in 8 years. If he hadn't done the stupid stimulus package he might have had better results. we look at the entire terms of presidents, not one year out of 8.

the fact remains that Obama was the worst president in history in many ways, the worst was how he divided the country and got us all screaming at each other.

Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

That is not a FACT. His first day in office the national debt stood at 10,632,005,246,736.

9 trillion is less than that number, thus he did not add more than all others combined.

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sure, but that doesn't offset the fact that he added 9+ trillion to the debt in 8 years. If he hadn't done the stupid stimulus package he might have had better results. we look at the entire terms of presidents, not one year out of 8.

the fact remains that Obama was the worst president in history in many ways, the worst was how he divided the country and got us all screaming at each other.

Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.
sure, but that doesn't offset the fact that he added 9+ trillion to the debt in 8 years. If he hadn't done the stupid stimulus package he might have had better results. we look at the entire terms of presidents, not one year out of 8.

the fact remains that Obama was the worst president in history in many ways, the worst was how he divided the country and got us all screaming at each other.

Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

Raygun added 3 times more than all other presidents combined and told ewe that deficit spending was good and I know ewe were ojtraged! Weren't ewe?

so 3 times a small number is more than double a big number? Every president in memory has engaged in deficit spending, dont be so fricken naive.

But in terms of actual dollars added to the debt, no one even comes close to obama.
sure, but that doesn't offset the fact that he added 9+ trillion to the debt in 8 years. If he hadn't done the stupid stimulus package he might have had better results. we look at the entire terms of presidents, not one year out of 8.

the fact remains that Obama was the worst president in history in many ways, the worst was how he divided the country and got us all screaming at each other.

Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

That is not a FACT. His first day in office the national debt stood at 10,632,005,246,736.

9 trillion is less than that number, thus he did not add more than all others combined.

Sent from my iPhone using

OK, ALMOST doubled. Happy now? and ALMOST added more than all previous presidents combined. We can split hairs all day but obama was the absolute worst at managing the debt.
Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.
Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

Raygun added 3 times more than all other presidents combined and told ewe that deficit spending was good and I know ewe were ojtraged! Weren't ewe?

so 3 times a small number is more than double a big number? Every president in memory has engaged in deficit spending, dont be so fricken naive.

But in terms of actual dollars added to the debt, no one even comes close to obama.

3 times as much is less than >2 times as much. I t is simple math, even for ewe!
Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

That is not a FACT. His first day in office the national debt stood at 10,632,005,246,736.

9 trillion is less than that number, thus he did not add more than all others combined.

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OK, ALMOST doubled. Happy now? and ALMOST added more than all previous presidents combined. We can split hairs all day but obama was the absolute worst at managing the debt.

Nope, Raygun was in modern times, and it isn't even close! He'll be even told ewe how good deficit spending was for the country!
that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.
that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

Raygun added 3 times more than all other presidents combined and told ewe that deficit spending was good and I know ewe were ojtraged! Weren't ewe?

so 3 times a small number is more than double a big number? Every president in memory has engaged in deficit spending, dont be so fricken naive.

But in terms of actual dollars added to the debt, no one even comes close to obama.

3 times as much is less than >2 times as much. I t is simple math, even for ewe!

Ok,. lets go slow so maybe you can get it. How many actual dollars did Reagan add? How many actual dollars did Obama add? You can answer honestly or ignore the question, its up to you
that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

That is not a FACT. His first day in office the national debt stood at 10,632,005,246,736.

9 trillion is less than that number, thus he did not add more than all others combined.

Sent from my iPhone using

OK, ALMOST doubled. Happy now? and ALMOST added more than all previous presidents combined. We can split hairs all day but obama was the absolute worst at managing the debt.

Nope, Raygun was in modern times, and it isn't even close! He'll be even told ewe how good deficit spending was for the country!

we are talking about actual dollars, not percentages. Try again.
Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.
Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

Raygun added 3 times more than all other presidents combined and told ewe that deficit spending was good and I know ewe were ojtraged! Weren't ewe?

so 3 times a small number is more than double a big number? Every president in memory has engaged in deficit spending, dont be so fricken naive.

But in terms of actual dollars added to the debt, no one even comes close to obama.

3 times as much is less than >2 times as much. I t is simple math, even for ewe!

Ok,. lets go slow so maybe you can get it. How many actual dollars did Reagan add? How many actual dollars did Obama add? You can answer honestly or ignore the question, its up to you

Slowly, Raygun added triple, Obama added less than double! See math made easy!
Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

That is not a FACT. His first day in office the national debt stood at 10,632,005,246,736.

9 trillion is less than that number, thus he did not add more than all others combined.

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OK, ALMOST doubled. Happy now? and ALMOST added more than all previous presidents combined. We can split hairs all day but obama was the absolute worst at managing the debt.

No, he was not. You cannot go by straight dollar amounts due to the constant changing of the value of the dollar (I.e. inflation). The percent added is a far more accurate measure.

Same practice is used with the financial markets, it is about percent change and not dollar amounts.

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Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, no other president has even come close to that. He added more than all previous presidents combined. THAT is the FACT.

That is not a FACT. His first day in office the national debt stood at 10,632,005,246,736.

9 trillion is less than that number, thus he did not add more than all others combined.

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OK, ALMOST doubled. Happy now? and ALMOST added more than all previous presidents combined. We can split hairs all day but obama was the absolute worst at managing the debt.

There's an opinion ^^^ not based on a fact. Half-truths which do not include the zeitgeist of the time, and the issues which faced each President during their term in office + the value of the dollar at the time.

Here are some facts to ponder:

Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?
The Democrat clowns are all running on a platform to spend even more money. Green New Deal, Medicare for all and yesterday that idiot Warren wants to spend almost a trillion dollars to pay off student loans. Free stuff for all!

Of course the filthy Democrats are the ones that ran up $10 trillion in debt when the wordless Muslim Negro was President so what the hell do they care?

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