Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

sure, but that doesn't offset the fact that he added 9+ trillion to the debt in 8 years. If he hadn't done the stupid stimulus package he might have had better results. we look at the entire terms of presidents, not one year out of 8.

the fact remains that Obama was the worst president in history in many ways, the worst was how he divided the country and got us all screaming at each other.

Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.
sure, but that doesn't offset the fact that he added 9+ trillion to the debt in 8 years. If he hadn't done the stupid stimulus package he might have had better results. we look at the entire terms of presidents, not one year out of 8.

the fact remains that Obama was the worst president in history in many ways, the worst was how he divided the country and got us all screaming at each other.

Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Bush II was worse than Obama.

How can Trump go down as one of the "best ever" when you only defense of the man is that he is better than Obama.
Cut the shit Asshole.

I never said anything about spending.

I am trying to illustrate how the US debt isn't the millstone around the neck you all think it to be.

Most of the debt is owned by the US government and the US public therefore most of the interest paid is paid to the US government from one agency to another and to the US public

Social Security relies heavily on Treasury bonds if there were no debt there would be no treasury bonds
Wow. Another tard with zero cognition who thinks the debt has nothing to do with spending!


"I never said anything about spending."


If you learned to read , Asswipe, you would see that I said i am in favor of a balanced budget amendment. Are you?

The debt isn't that big of a deal that we have to pay it all off.

As i said and which you obviously didn't understand is that paying it down is desirable but paying ot off isn't for the many reasons I have already given

And in reality one budget from one president isn't the fucking apocalypse

Why are you morons so prone to histrionics?
Trump is quickly making it a bigger deal. You obviously don’t support him since you are for a balanced budget right?

How many times do I have to tell you mental defectives here that I only vote 3rd party.
And I said I am all for a balanced budget amendment. Are you?

the GOP members of congress have proposed a balanced budget amendment several times, the dems always vote it down.

as to voting 3rd party, you are free to waste your vote if you choose, no one really cares.

And yet not one Republican president in my lifetime has submitted a balanced budget and every republican president in my lifetime has added to the debt

You're delusional if you think republicans are any more fiscally responsible than democrats
sure, but that doesn't offset the fact that he added 9+ trillion to the debt in 8 years. If he hadn't done the stupid stimulus package he might have had better results. we look at the entire terms of presidents, not one year out of 8.

the fact remains that Obama was the worst president in history in many ways, the worst was how he divided the country and got us all screaming at each other.

Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Bush II was worse than Obama.

How can Trump go down as one of the "best ever" when you only defense of the man is that he is better than Obama.

Obama was the absolute worst in my lifetime, no one else comes close. Bush was not great, in fact below average, but still better than Obama. Bush did not try to destroy the country by dividing it, Bush did not apologize to the world for America's successes, Bush did not hate the USA.

We shall see how Trump stacks up when he leaves office. If the country is more prosperous, less divided, more safe, and fiscally sound then he will have been a success. So far he is doing what I want him to do, and he is getting it done in spite of the lying media, the corrupt dems, and the deep state in both parties that is threatened because he is exposing them.
Wow. Another tard with zero cognition who thinks the debt has nothing to do with spending!


"I never said anything about spending."


If you learned to read , Asswipe, you would see that I said i am in favor of a balanced budget amendment. Are you?

The debt isn't that big of a deal that we have to pay it all off.

As i said and which you obviously didn't understand is that paying it down is desirable but paying ot off isn't for the many reasons I have already given

And in reality one budget from one president isn't the fucking apocalypse

Why are you morons so prone to histrionics?
Trump is quickly making it a bigger deal. You obviously don’t support him since you are for a balanced budget right?

How many times do I have to tell you mental defectives here that I only vote 3rd party.
And I said I am all for a balanced budget amendment. Are you?

the GOP members of congress have proposed a balanced budget amendment several times, the dems always vote it down.

as to voting 3rd party, you are free to waste your vote if you choose, no one really cares.

And yet not one Republican president in my lifetime has submitted a balanced budget and every republican president in my lifetime has added to the debt

You're delusional if you think republicans are any more fiscally responsible than democrats

neither party has been fiscally responsible. Newt and Clinton did balance the budget for a couple of years, and those two get credit for that.

I am not delusional, I see things as they really are, both parties are responsible for the mess, and both parties use our money to buy votes.

I support the GOP because it does not support infanticide, elimination of the 1st and 2nd amendments, and wants our military to be strong.

Its that simple.
When Trump wants to cut any bureaucratic waste (Dept of Agr 150 trillion/yr), the worthless leftist traitor hacks cry.
We shall see how Trump stacks up when he leaves office. If the country is more prosperous, less divided, more safe, and fiscally sound then he will have been a success. So far he is doing what I want him to do, and he is getting it done in spite of the lying media, the corrupt dems, and the deep state in both parties that is threatened because he is exposing them.


the country is more divided and less fiscally sound since Trump took office, and yet he is doing what you want him to do.

you are just one big walking contradiction.
When Trump wants to cut any bureaucratic waste (Dept of Agr 150 trillion/yr), the worthless leftist traitor hacks cry.

When did Trump try to cut the Dept of Ag?

Seems that Trump used the Dept of Ag to give farmers 32 billion dollars of wealth redistribution last year

Are you sure about that 150 trillion dollars a year figure?
When Trump wants to cut any bureaucratic waste (Dept of Agr 150 trillion/yr), the worthless leftist traitor hacks cry.

When did Trump try to cut the Dept of Ag?

Seems that Trump used the Dept of Ag to give farmers 32 billion dollars of wealth redistribution last year

Are you sure about that 150 trillion dollars a year figure?
Look it up dingus.

The Dept of Ag has an annual budget of 151 billion. That is 1000 times less than you said it was.

And Trump has never tried to cut the Dept of Ag.
We shall see how Trump stacks up when he leaves office. If the country is more prosperous, less divided, more safe, and fiscally sound then he will have been a success. So far he is doing what I want him to do, and he is getting it done in spite of the lying media, the corrupt dems, and the deep state in both parties that is threatened because he is exposing them.


the country is more divided and less fiscally sound since Trump took office, and yet he is doing what you want him to do.

you are just one big walking contradiction.

its only divided today because the media and the dems continue lying to the American people about what is really going on. I don't expect that to change but what is changing is that more americans are seeing the media and the dems for who and what they really are.

the country is fiscally sound, the economy is much improved since 2016, unemployment is at record lows, the stock market is making money for people's 401K accounts, bad trade deals are being fixed, our military is once again respected and feared. the DC deep state is being exposed and that is what the DC power brokers really fear from trump, he is derailing their gravy train. We are doing well. Stop listening to the liars on CNN, they are filling your head with crap.
the country is fiscally sound, the economy is much improved since 2016, unemployment is at record lows, the stock market is making money for people's 401K accounts, bad trade deals are being fixed, our military is once again respected and feared. the DC deep state is being exposed and that is what the DC power brokers really fear from trump, he is derailing their gravy train. We are doing well. Stop listening to the liars on CNN, they are filling your head with crap.

Unemployment has dropped 0.9% since Jan of 2017...hardly earth shattering.

The stock market has been stagnant for more than 430 days.

Our military has always been respected and feared.

The only new trade deal was so insignificant that the biggest change was the name.

Pull your head out of Trump's ass and face reality, Trump is not god, he does not walk on the water as he is turning it to wine.
the country is fiscally sound, the economy is much improved since 2016, unemployment is at record lows, the stock market is making money for people's 401K accounts, bad trade deals are being fixed, our military is once again respected and feared. the DC deep state is being exposed and that is what the DC power brokers really fear from trump, he is derailing their gravy train. We are doing well. Stop listening to the liars on CNN, they are filling your head with crap.

Unemployment has dropped 0.9% since Jan of 2017...hardly earth shattering.

The stock market has been stagnant for more than 430 days.

Our military has always been respected and feared.

The only new trade deal was so insignificant that the biggest change was the name.

Pull your head out of Trump's ass and face reality, Trump is not god, he does not walk on the water as he is turning it to wine.

look dude, I am pleased with Trump as president, I will vote for him in 2020. Hillary would have been a disaster for this country as would any of the clowns running as dems or independents against Trump.

You can vote for whoever you want. Your anti-Trump propaganda is falling on deaf ears. you need to find another cause, you lost this one.
the country is fiscally sound, the economy is much improved since 2016, unemployment is at record lows, the stock market is making money for people's 401K accounts, bad trade deals are being fixed, our military is once again respected and feared. the DC deep state is being exposed and that is what the DC power brokers really fear from trump, he is derailing their gravy train. We are doing well. Stop listening to the liars on CNN, they are filling your head with crap.

Unemployment has dropped 0.9% since Jan of 2017...hardly earth shattering.

The stock market has been stagnant for more than 430 days.

Our military has always been respected and feared.

The only new trade deal was so insignificant that the biggest change was the name.

Pull your head out of Trump's ass and face reality, Trump is not god, he does not walk on the water as he is turning it to wine.

look dude, I am pleased with Trump as president, I will vote for him in 2020. Hillary would have been a disaster for this country as would any of the clowns running as dems or independents against Trump.

You can vote for whoever you want. Your anti-Trump propaganda is falling on deaf ears. you need to find another cause, you lost this one.

All I do is present facts, all you do is parrot talking points. you were never a cause, I never expected to change your mind, worshipers cannot be changed.

but I will use facts to refute your talking points all day long.
Perhaps, but we need change. Trump going to turn us into Greece.
Not really

Most of our debt is either intragovernmental where one part of government owes another or is held by US interests where the interest paid on the debt is directly injected into the economy in some way or another. Greece's debt was almost solely owed to the foreign powers of the EU.

china and japan each hold about a trillion of our debt, see cite

China Owns US Debt, but How Much?

Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Repubs love debt.

the truth is that both parties love debt because they use it to buy votes, can we at least agree on that?
Certainly. That makes it important that those of us care regardless of who is in power.
the country is fiscally sound, the economy is much improved since 2016, unemployment is at record lows, the stock market is making money for people's 401K accounts, bad trade deals are being fixed, our military is once again respected and feared. the DC deep state is being exposed and that is what the DC power brokers really fear from trump, he is derailing their gravy train. We are doing well. Stop listening to the liars on CNN, they are filling your head with crap.

Unemployment has dropped 0.9% since Jan of 2017...hardly earth shattering.

The stock market has been stagnant for more than 430 days.

Our military has always been respected and feared.

The only new trade deal was so insignificant that the biggest change was the name.

Pull your head out of Trump's ass and face reality, Trump is not god, he does not walk on the water as he is turning it to wine.

look dude, I am pleased with Trump as president, I will vote for him in 2020. Hillary would have been a disaster for this country as would any of the clowns running as dems or independents against Trump.

You can vote for whoever you want. Your anti-Trump propaganda is falling on deaf ears. you need to find another cause, you lost this one.

All I do is present facts, all you do is parrot talking points. you were never a cause, I never expected to change your mind, worshipers cannot be changed.

but I will use facts to refute your talking points all day long.

you have yet to do that, mainly because your "facts" are not facts.
Graphic : NPR

Trump's Budget Wouldn't Erase Deficits, CBO Said -

"Here are the numbers: For fiscal year 2018 (which ends this coming September 30), government tax receipts of $3.3 trillion compared to government spending of $4.2 trillion will leave a gap — a deficit — of $873 billion, equivalent to 4.4 percent of the country’s gross domestic product. In the following years, that annual deficit is projected to grow to $987 billion by 2020, equivalent to 4.5 percent of the country’s current GDP. Only by 2022 does that percentage begin to decline based on the assumption that government spending is only $4.9 trillion while tax receipts would hopefully be $4.1 trillion.

That is the crux of the new math in Trump’s budget: As long as the economy grows more quickly than the debt, the debt (relative to the economy) will start to shrink. And, lo and behold, under the projections it does. By 2023 the deficit is only three percent of GDP and by 2028 it falls to just 1.1 percent. Of course, by then government spending would be $6.2 trillion and the robust new-era MAGA economy would be generating tax receipts of $5.8 trillion."
Trump’s Budget Won’t be Balanced, Just Restrained
sure, but that doesn't offset the fact that he added 9+ trillion to the debt in 8 years. If he hadn't done the stupid stimulus package he might have had better results. we look at the entire terms of presidents, not one year out of 8.

the fact remains that Obama was the worst president in history in many ways, the worst was how he divided the country and got us all screaming at each other.

Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in my view. The fact the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama, speaks a great deal about Trump

that's your opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I personally think that Trump has the opportunity to go down in history as one of the best, but the jury is still out. We shall see.

Who do you think was worse than Obama? which other president doubled the debt and divided the country like he did? How far do we go back to find someone worse? McKinley, FDR? Adams? Hoover? Does anyone give a shit about history any more? I don't think its even taught in schools, they are more focused on "gender studies" and "PC" than things young people actually need.

Raygun managed to triple the debt and that was just awesome. He even said "deficit spending is good" now that is past awesome that is MAGA!!!!

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