Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

Well Reagan tripled the debt. Bush ruined a balanced budget. And trump has increased Obama’s deficits. Repubs are certainly not fiscally responsible.
It can always get worse
Perhaps, but we need change. Trump going to turn us into Greece.
Not really

Most of our debt is either intragovernmental where one part of government owes another or is held by US interests where the interest paid on the debt is directly injected into the economy in some way or another. Greece's debt was almost solely owed to the foreign powers of the EU.

china and japan each hold about a trillion of our debt, see cite

China Owns US Debt, but How Much?

Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Repubs love debt.
Well Reagan tripled the debt. Bush ruined a balanced budget. And trump has increased Obama’s deficits. Repubs are certainly not fiscally responsible.
It can always get worse
Perhaps, but we need change. Trump going to turn us into Greece.
Not really

Most of our debt is either intragovernmental where one part of government owes another or is held by US interests where the interest paid on the debt is directly injected into the economy in some way or another. Greece's debt was almost solely owed to the foreign powers of the EU.

china and japan each hold about a trillion of our debt, see cite

China Owns US Debt, but How Much?

Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Oh, I see.

Massive overspending is GOOD now.

It can always get worse
Perhaps, but we need change. Trump going to turn us into Greece.
Not really

Most of our debt is either intragovernmental where one part of government owes another or is held by US interests where the interest paid on the debt is directly injected into the economy in some way or another. Greece's debt was almost solely owed to the foreign powers of the EU.

china and japan each hold about a trillion of our debt, see cite

China Owns US Debt, but How Much?

Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Oh, I see.

Massive overspending is GOOD now.

Sounds like a small government guy... ha
It can always get worse
Perhaps, but we need change. Trump going to turn us into Greece.
Not really

Most of our debt is either intragovernmental where one part of government owes another or is held by US interests where the interest paid on the debt is directly injected into the economy in some way or another. Greece's debt was almost solely owed to the foreign powers of the EU.

china and japan each hold about a trillion of our debt, see cite

China Owns US Debt, but How Much?

Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Repubs love debt.
They sure do. Every time they get all power, they massively increase deficits.

The deficit was going down under Obama, and then Trump and the Republican Congress sent it back upward and DOUBLED it.

I honestly wonder what special kind of retardedness it takes for someone to bleev Trump has cut spending.

We are talking about actual mental illness here.
Here’s who owns a record $21.21 trillion of U.S. debt

Some 70% of the national debt is owned by domestic government, institutions investors and the Federal Reserve.

So you see most of the interest paid on the debt stays right here in the USA

If the US paid off its debt then treasury bonds would disappear and what do you think would happen to the bond market and the economy of not only the US but other countries who rely on them?

Most of the money taken from your paychecks for Social Security are invested in Treasury bonds if the debt was paid off where would that money be invested?
It can always get worse
Perhaps, but we need change. Trump going to turn us into Greece.
Not really

Most of our debt is either intragovernmental where one part of government owes another or is held by US interests where the interest paid on the debt is directly injected into the economy in some way or another. Greece's debt was almost solely owed to the foreign powers of the EU.

china and japan each hold about a trillion of our debt, see cite

China Owns US Debt, but How Much?

Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Repubs love debt.

So does Social Security.

You morons can't seem to understand that the US debt is not the same as the 100 bucks your brother owes you
Perhaps, but we need change. Trump going to turn us into Greece.
Not really

Most of our debt is either intragovernmental where one part of government owes another or is held by US interests where the interest paid on the debt is directly injected into the economy in some way or another. Greece's debt was almost solely owed to the foreign powers of the EU.

china and japan each hold about a trillion of our debt, see cite

China Owns US Debt, but How Much?

Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Oh, I see.

Massive overspending is GOOD now.

Sounds like a small government guy... ha
It used to baffle me why pseudocons' heads didn't explode from cognitive dissonance in the face of reality grossly contradicting their beliefs about what the modern GOP stands for.

$4.7 trillion budget vs. "party of small government".

Then I finally realized that in order to have cognitive dissonance you must have cognition. Ipso facto.

When I see pseudocons like Redfish claiming Trump has cut spending, this is the final proof there is zero cognition in that pudding. They are simple parroting machines uttering pre-recorded messages. They fail the Turing test.
It can always get worse
Perhaps, but we need change. Trump going to turn us into Greece.
Not really

Most of our debt is either intragovernmental where one part of government owes another or is held by US interests where the interest paid on the debt is directly injected into the economy in some way or another. Greece's debt was almost solely owed to the foreign powers of the EU.

china and japan each hold about a trillion of our debt, see cite

China Owns US Debt, but How Much?

Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Oh, I see.

Massive overspending is GOOD now.


Cut the shit Asshole.

I never said anything about spending.

I am trying to illustrate how the US debt isn't the millstone around the neck you all think it to be.

Most of the debt is owned by the US government and the US public therefore most of the interest paid is paid to the US government from one agency to another and to the US public

Social Security relies heavily on Treasury bonds if there were no debt there would be no treasury bonds
Not really

Most of our debt is either intragovernmental where one part of government owes another or is held by US interests where the interest paid on the debt is directly injected into the economy in some way or another. Greece's debt was almost solely owed to the foreign powers of the EU.

china and japan each hold about a trillion of our debt, see cite

China Owns US Debt, but How Much?

Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Oh, I see.

Massive overspending is GOOD now.

Sounds like a small government guy... ha
It used to baffle me why pseudocons' heads didn't explode from cognitive dissonance in the face of reality grossly contradicting their beliefs about what the modern GOP stands for.

$4.7 trillion budget vs. "party of small government".

Then I finally realized that in order to have cognitive dissonance you must have cognition. Ipso facto.

When I see pseudocons like Redfish claiming Trump has cut spending, this is the final proof there is zero cognition in that pudding. They are simple parroting machines uttering pre-recorded messages. They fail the Turing test.
I am not a conservative, I am not a republican, I am not a democrat.

I would love to see a balanced budget amendment but it will never happen.

But the reality is that the US debt isn't as big of a deal as you all seem to think.

The short version is that paying down on the debt is desirable but paying it all off is not
Last edited:
Here’s who owns a record $21.21 trillion of U.S. debt

Some 70% of the national debt is owned by domestic government, institutions investors and the Federal Reserve.

So you see most of the interest paid on the debt stays right here in the USA

If the US paid off its debt then treasury bonds would disappear and what do you think would happen to the bond market and the economy of not only the US but other countries who rely on them?

Most of the money taken from your paychecks for Social Security are invested in Treasury bonds if the debt was paid off where would that money be invested?
Over 60% owned by investors. I’m sure the rich are getting richer.
Perhaps, but we need change. Trump going to turn us into Greece.
Not really

Most of our debt is either intragovernmental where one part of government owes another or is held by US interests where the interest paid on the debt is directly injected into the economy in some way or another. Greece's debt was almost solely owed to the foreign powers of the EU.

china and japan each hold about a trillion of our debt, see cite

China Owns US Debt, but How Much?

Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Oh, I see.

Massive overspending is GOOD now.


Cut the shit Asshole.

I never said anything about spending.

I am trying to illustrate how the US debt isn't the millstone around the neck you all think it to be.

Most of the debt is owned by the US government and the US public therefore most of the interest paid is paid to the US government from one agency to another and to the US public

Social Security relies heavily on Treasury bonds if there were no debt there would be no treasury bonds
Wow. Another tard with zero cognition who thinks the debt has nothing to do with spending!


"I never said anything about spending."

Isn't it just amazing that after 36 pages of this topic, you can't find a single pseudocon who bitched and bitched and bitched about Obama's spending condemning the BIGGER spender Trump?

Instead, they do some amazing retarded mental twists to defend and excuse him!

Every day, karma unveils just how profoundly hypocritical and completely unprincipled the partisan hacks really are.
"I know, let's take the 2016 Democrat Primer slogan "Dangerous Donald" and substitute a word, that'll get 'em!

And when obama had a strong economy deficits went down....

he added over 9 trillion to the debt in 8 years, there is no way to spin that to make it a good result.

In his 8 years in office Obama added an average of $2,837,492,389 to the debt each day.

Since then Trump has added an average of 2,994,799,953 to the debt each day.

At the current rate Trump will add $459,495,394,786 more than Obama did yet you continue to kiss ass daily.

Why is that?

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because he is doing what I want a president to do regarding our military, our borders, international trade, unemployment, and welfare. If the deficits continue I will put him in the same category as Obama in terms of debt management. He has 6 years to get it right, we shall see whether he does. What I do know is that he has a better chance of fixing it than any of the current crop of democrat hopefuls.

I find it hard to believe that you did not criticize Obama’s spending and deficits until his 8 years were up like you are so gleefully doing with Trump.

Sent from my iPhone using

I did criticize obozo's deficits and debt increases at the time. I'm not going to waste my time going back and finding my posts on the subject, but they are there. I also criticized Bush's debt increases and praised the efforts of Clinton and Newt to balance the budget.

But you cannot bring yourself to do so to Trump, even though he is spending faster than anyone.

Why is that?

Sent from my iPhone using
Here’s who owns a record $21.21 trillion of U.S. debt

Some 70% of the national debt is owned by domestic government, institutions investors and the Federal Reserve.

So you see most of the interest paid on the debt stays right here in the USA

If the US paid off its debt then treasury bonds would disappear and what do you think would happen to the bond market and the economy of not only the US but other countries who rely on them?

Most of the money taken from your paychecks for Social Security are invested in Treasury bonds if the debt was paid off where would that money be invested?
Over 60% owned by investors. I’m sure the rich are getting richer.

Yeah that whopping 2% is making them rich

The fact is the interest paid on the debt contributes to the GDP because most of that debt is held by Americans
Not really

Most of our debt is either intragovernmental where one part of government owes another or is held by US interests where the interest paid on the debt is directly injected into the economy in some way or another. Greece's debt was almost solely owed to the foreign powers of the EU.

china and japan each hold about a trillion of our debt, see cite

China Owns US Debt, but How Much?

Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Oh, I see.

Massive overspending is GOOD now.


Cut the shit Asshole.

I never said anything about spending.

I am trying to illustrate how the US debt isn't the millstone around the neck you all think it to be.

Most of the debt is owned by the US government and the US public therefore most of the interest paid is paid to the US government from one agency to another and to the US public

Social Security relies heavily on Treasury bonds if there were no debt there would be no treasury bonds
Wow. Another tard with zero cognition who thinks the debt has nothing to do with spending!


"I never said anything about spending."


If you learned to read , Asswipe, you would see that I said i am in favor of a balanced budget amendment. Are you?

The debt isn't that big of a deal that we have to pay it all off.

As i said and which you obviously didn't understand is that paying it down is desirable but paying ot off isn't for the many reasons I have already given

And in reality one budget from one president isn't the fucking apocalypse

Why are you morons so prone to histrionics?
Here’s who owns a record $21.21 trillion of U.S. debt

Some 70% of the national debt is owned by domestic government, institutions investors and the Federal Reserve.

So you see most of the interest paid on the debt stays right here in the USA

If the US paid off its debt then treasury bonds would disappear and what do you think would happen to the bond market and the economy of not only the US but other countries who rely on them?

Most of the money taken from your paychecks for Social Security are invested in Treasury bonds if the debt was paid off where would that money be invested?
Over 60% owned by investors. I’m sure the rich are getting richer.

Yeah that whopping 2% is making them rich

The fact is the interest paid on the debt contributes to the GDP because most of that debt is held by Americans
It’s not good use of tax dollars. Quite a large some in $22 trillion.
china and japan each hold about a trillion of our debt, see cite

China Owns US Debt, but How Much?

Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Oh, I see.

Massive overspending is GOOD now.


Cut the shit Asshole.

I never said anything about spending.

I am trying to illustrate how the US debt isn't the millstone around the neck you all think it to be.

Most of the debt is owned by the US government and the US public therefore most of the interest paid is paid to the US government from one agency to another and to the US public

Social Security relies heavily on Treasury bonds if there were no debt there would be no treasury bonds
Wow. Another tard with zero cognition who thinks the debt has nothing to do with spending!


"I never said anything about spending."


If you learned to read , Asswipe, you would see that I said i am in favor of a balanced budget amendment. Are you?

The debt isn't that big of a deal that we have to pay it all off.

As i said and which you obviously didn't understand is that paying it down is desirable but paying ot off isn't for the many reasons I have already given

And in reality one budget from one president isn't the fucking apocalypse

Why are you morons so prone to histrionics?
Trump is quickly making it a bigger deal. You obviously don’t support him since you are for a balanced budget right?
Here’s who owns a record $21.21 trillion of U.S. debt

Some 70% of the national debt is owned by domestic government, institutions investors and the Federal Reserve.

So you see most of the interest paid on the debt stays right here in the USA

If the US paid off its debt then treasury bonds would disappear and what do you think would happen to the bond market and the economy of not only the US but other countries who rely on them?

Most of the money taken from your paychecks for Social Security are invested in Treasury bonds if the debt was paid off where would that money be invested?
Over 60% owned by investors. I’m sure the rich are getting richer.

Yeah that whopping 2% is making them rich

The fact is the interest paid on the debt contributes to the GDP because most of that debt is held by Americans
It’s not good use of tax dollars. Quite a large some in $22 trillion.

And what happens if that 22 trillion disappears from the economy?
Where will Social Security surpluses be put?
What will happen to the international bond market?
What will be the standard that interest rates are based on for mortgages and any other loan if the US treasury bond disappears?

A lot of that interest is used to fund the retirement of millions of people as well via pension funds that invest heavily in the safe bet that are treasury bonds

It's not as simple as you idiots like to think
Which is nothing compared to the amount held by US citizens and institutions.

Most of the interest paid on the debt ends up right here in the states and in fact if that debt and interest were to be paid off we would see a huge disruption in th bond market and that would wreak havoc on the retirement accounts and pensions of millions of people

30% of the debt is money the government owes to itself about 6 trillion
The remaining 70% is held by the public 58% of the public debt is held my US interests which includes the Federal Reserve, other banks, investment funds and individuals
Oh, I see.

Massive overspending is GOOD now.


Cut the shit Asshole.

I never said anything about spending.

I am trying to illustrate how the US debt isn't the millstone around the neck you all think it to be.

Most of the debt is owned by the US government and the US public therefore most of the interest paid is paid to the US government from one agency to another and to the US public

Social Security relies heavily on Treasury bonds if there were no debt there would be no treasury bonds
Wow. Another tard with zero cognition who thinks the debt has nothing to do with spending!


"I never said anything about spending."


If you learned to read , Asswipe, you would see that I said i am in favor of a balanced budget amendment. Are you?

The debt isn't that big of a deal that we have to pay it all off.

As i said and which you obviously didn't understand is that paying it down is desirable but paying ot off isn't for the many reasons I have already given

And in reality one budget from one president isn't the fucking apocalypse

Why are you morons so prone to histrionics?
Trump is quickly making it a bigger deal. You obviously don’t support him since you are for a balanced budget right?

How many times do I have to tell you mental defectives here that I only vote 3rd party.
And I said I am all for a balanced budget amendment. Are you?

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