Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

do ewe have a sexual desire for sheep?

as to education, probably much farther than you did.

so you would prefer that your credit card holder added a % every month rather than a fixed amount? I understand that no credit cards do that, but the analogy is valid.
Brother ewe aren't smart enough to understand that if ewe have $1 and increase it by 200% that ewe now infact have $3 total! Get back to me once ewe understand this higher math concept!

200% of 1 is two. 100% of 1 is 1. yes, if you make a 200% gain on 1 dollar you now have 3 dollars.

obama came into office with the national debt at around 10 trillion, when he left it was over 19 trillion. SO, he almost doubled it. he added just under 100%, or 9 trillion dollars. No other president has added 9 trillion to the debt. FACT.
Don't worry. Trump will break Obama's record debt. Comrade Donald HATES being second to anyone.

He's already managed to double the deficit Obama passed on to him. And it only took him a couple years!

Also, fuckwits like you didn't wait until Obama set a new record before you began howling about his spending. Your kind started in on him right away.

How the FUCK do you people stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?!?

$4.7 TRILLION fucking dollars, and not a fucking peep out of you mindless parroting submissive cucks.

You've been impaled on your own standards, asshole. Fuck you.

typical libtard ^^^^^^ nothing of substance and a bunch of juvenile insults. You dont even understand the difference between deficit and debt. You dont understand that congress passes budgets, the president only signs or vetoes them.

Obama added over 9 trillion dollars to our debt, all previous presidents only added 10 trillion combined.

I dont approve of the current budget and I think Trump will get it back into balance, if not, he would still have to go a long way to match obama's record. If he does, then he too, will be a financial failure as president.

Its amazing how you ignorant libs cannot debate anything civilly and with respect. and to end a post with FY, just confirms what a moron you are.
Trump personally requested $4.7 trillion for the year.

The largest budget in the history of the Universe.

And you fucking schizos NEVER blamed Congress for Obama's spending.

You've been impaled on your own standards, asshole. Fuck you.

$4.7 trillion.

The biggest government spending in the history of the Universe.

I believe it would literally kill you hypocritical fucks to complain, despite EIGHT YEARS of whining about Obama's SMALLER spending.

no one likes deficit spending, No one approves of deficit spending, especially me. Your juvenile crude attempts at insults just confirm that you are a brain dead moron who only repeats the talking points fed into your tiny brain by the libs and the corrupt media.

Obozo added over 9 trillion to the debt, if Trump matches that I will bitch about it. What's amazing is that you are so stupid that you cannot admit that obama added more than any president in history and was a terrible president.

trying to have an adult debate with you is like talking to a garden slug about nuclear physics.
Haven't followed this in a while. I'm 85 pages did anyone explain how Trump is spending TRILLIONS, but can't spend $8Billion for Our Wall?

Wow, this is easy. MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL! Dotard told us,duh!

Mexico is having to deal with the thousands of illegals, that is costing them more than the wall will cost. The companies that have left mexico to return to the USA have cost mexico billions in tax collections. Mexico is indirectly paying for the wall big time. I know that you are too dumb to understand how that works, but most people get it.

So ewe admit that Mexico is NOT paying for the wall. Thank ewe, I accept your surrender!

no one ever said that Mexico would mail us a check for the wall. your obsession with female sheep is quite telling.
LOL if your debt is one dollar, triple it and its three dollars. If your debt is 10 trillion dollars, double it and its 20 trillion dollars. so do you still think the % is the important criteria or the actual number of dollars added to the debt? Try to answer intelligently.

Stupid 200% will be 2 dollars then ewe forgot to add your original dollar back into the equation. How far did ewe go in school? And yes percentage is the best way to go by with this!

do ewe have a sexual desire for sheep?

as to education, probably much farther than you did.

so you would prefer that your credit card holder added a % every month rather than a fixed amount? I understand that no credit cards do that, but the analogy is valid.
Brother ewe aren't smart enough to understand that if ewe have $1 and increase it by 200% that ewe now infact have $3 total! Get back to me once ewe understand this higher math concept!

200% of 1 is two. 100% of 1 is 1. yes, if you make a 200% gain on 1 dollar you now have 3 dollars.

obama came into office with the national debt at around 10 trillion, when he left it was over 19 trillion. SO, he almost doubled it. he added just under 100%, or 9 trillion dollars. No other president has added 9 trillion to the debt. FACT.

But the 2 Rethugicon presidents that preceded him added more by percentage than he did, FACT!

true, but absolute dollars is what matters, is 50% of 10 more or less than 50% of 3?
Stupid 200% will be 2 dollars then ewe forgot to add your original dollar back into the equation. How far did ewe go in school? And yes percentage is the best way to go by with this!

do ewe have a sexual desire for sheep?

as to education, probably much farther than you did.

so you would prefer that your credit card holder added a % every month rather than a fixed amount? I understand that no credit cards do that, but the analogy is valid.
Brother ewe aren't smart enough to understand that if ewe have $1 and increase it by 200% that ewe now infact have $3 total! Get back to me once ewe understand this higher math concept!

200% of 1 is two. 100% of 1 is 1. yes, if you make a 200% gain on 1 dollar you now have 3 dollars.

obama came into office with the national debt at around 10 trillion, when he left it was over 19 trillion. SO, he almost doubled it. he added just under 100%, or 9 trillion dollars. No other president has added 9 trillion to the debt. FACT.

But the 2 Rethugicon presidents that preceded him added more by percentage than he did, FACT!

true, but absolute dollars is what matters, is 50% of 10 more or less than 50% of 3?

Yes, absolute dollars is all that matters...thus Trump is 1000 times worse with the budget than FDR was.

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do ewe have a sexual desire for sheep?

as to education, probably much farther than you did.

so you would prefer that your credit card holder added a % every month rather than a fixed amount? I understand that no credit cards do that, but the analogy is valid.
Brother ewe aren't smart enough to understand that if ewe have $1 and increase it by 200% that ewe now infact have $3 total! Get back to me once ewe understand this higher math concept!

200% of 1 is two. 100% of 1 is 1. yes, if you make a 200% gain on 1 dollar you now have 3 dollars.

obama came into office with the national debt at around 10 trillion, when he left it was over 19 trillion. SO, he almost doubled it. he added just under 100%, or 9 trillion dollars. No other president has added 9 trillion to the debt. FACT.

But the 2 Rethugicon presidents that preceded him added more by percentage than he did, FACT!

true, but absolute dollars is what matters, is 50% of 10 more or less than 50% of 3?

Yes, absolute dollars is all that matters...thus Trump is 1000 times worse with the budget than FDR was.

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FDR? geez dude, can you factor 75 years of inflation into that claim?
Brother ewe aren't smart enough to understand that if ewe have $1 and increase it by 200% that ewe now infact have $3 total! Get back to me once ewe understand this higher math concept!

200% of 1 is two. 100% of 1 is 1. yes, if you make a 200% gain on 1 dollar you now have 3 dollars.

obama came into office with the national debt at around 10 trillion, when he left it was over 19 trillion. SO, he almost doubled it. he added just under 100%, or 9 trillion dollars. No other president has added 9 trillion to the debt. FACT.

But the 2 Rethugicon presidents that preceded him added more by percentage than he did, FACT!

true, but absolute dollars is what matters, is 50% of 10 more or less than 50% of 3?

Yes, absolute dollars is all that matters...thus Trump is 1000 times worse with the budget than FDR was.

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FDR? geez dude, can you factor 75 years of inflation into that claim?

You are the one that said only absolute dollars matter. Absolute dollars cannot be qualified in any manner.

This is your standard you have to love with it.

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I know for sure that tripling the debt is worse than less than double it! Oh by the way Dubya added more to the debt percentage wise than Obama, thanks for playing!

LOL if your debt is one dollar, triple it and its three dollars. If your debt is 10 trillion dollars, double it and its 20 trillion dollars. so do you still think the % is the important criteria or the actual number of dollars added to the debt? Try to answer intelligently.

Stupid 200% will be 2 dollars then ewe forgot to add your original dollar back into the equation. How far did ewe go in school? And yes percentage is the best way to go by with this!

do ewe have a sexual desire for sheep?

as to education, probably much farther than you did.

so you would prefer that your credit card holder added a % every month rather than a fixed amount? I understand that no credit cards do that, but the analogy is valid.
Brother ewe aren't smart enough to understand that if ewe have $1 and increase it by 200% that ewe now infact have $3 total! Get back to me once ewe understand this higher math concept!

200% of 1 is two. 100% of 1 is 1. yes, if you make a 200% gain on 1 dollar you now have 3 dollars.

obama came into office with the national debt at around 10 trillion, when he left it was over 19 trillion. SO, he almost doubled it. he added just under 100%, or 9 trillion dollars. No other president has added 9 trillion to the debt. FACT.
Obama was a miracle worker. Not only did he have to fight the destruction Republicans brought to our economy, but he also had to fight Republicans.

200% of 1 is two. 100% of 1 is 1. yes, if you make a 200% gain on 1 dollar you now have 3 dollars.

obama came into office with the national debt at around 10 trillion, when he left it was over 19 trillion. SO, he almost doubled it. he added just under 100%, or 9 trillion dollars. No other president has added 9 trillion to the debt. FACT.

But the 2 Rethugicon presidents that preceded him added more by percentage than he did, FACT!

true, but absolute dollars is what matters, is 50% of 10 more or less than 50% of 3?

Yes, absolute dollars is all that matters...thus Trump is 1000 times worse with the budget than FDR was.

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FDR? geez dude, can you factor 75 years of inflation into that claim?

You are the one that said only absolute dollars matter. Absolute dollars cannot be qualified in any manner.

This is your standard you have to love with it.

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and I stand by that, if you want to add inflation to obama's debt go for it.
But the 2 Rethugicon presidents that preceded him added more by percentage than he did, FACT!

true, but absolute dollars is what matters, is 50% of 10 more or less than 50% of 3?

Yes, absolute dollars is all that matters...thus Trump is 1000 times worse with the budget than FDR was.

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FDR? geez dude, can you factor 75 years of inflation into that claim?

You are the one that said only absolute dollars matter. Absolute dollars cannot be qualified in any manner.

This is your standard you have to love with it.

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and I stand by that, if you want to add inflation to obama's debt go for it.

Absolute means that the data cannot be qualified in any manner...I.e. “adding inflation”.

So again, by your own standard of absolute dollars Trump is 1000 times worse with the budget than FDR was.

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Haven't followed this in a while. I'm 85 pages did anyone explain how Trump is spending TRILLIONS, but can't spend $8Billion for Our Wall?

Wow, this is easy. MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL! Dotard told us,duh!

Mexico is having to deal with the thousands of illegals, that is costing them more than the wall will cost. The companies that have left mexico to return to the USA have cost mexico billions in tax collections. Mexico is indirectly paying for the wall big time. I know that you are too dumb to understand how that works, but most people get it.

So ewe admit that Mexico is NOT paying for the wall. Thank ewe, I accept your surrender!

no one ever said that Mexico would mail us a check for the wall. your obsession with female sheep is quite telling.

So you're saying that Mexico has sent no currency if any kind, correct? Thank ewe!
Haven't followed this in a while. I'm 85 pages did anyone explain how Trump is spending TRILLIONS, but can't spend $8Billion for Our Wall?

Wow, this is easy. MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL! Dotard told us,duh!

Mexico is having to deal with the thousands of illegals, that is costing them more than the wall will cost. The companies that have left mexico to return to the USA have cost mexico billions in tax collections. Mexico is indirectly paying for the wall big time. I know that you are too dumb to understand how that works, but most people get it.

So ewe admit that Mexico is NOT paying for the wall. Thank ewe, I accept your surrender!

no one ever said that Mexico would mail us a check for the wall. your obsession with female sheep is quite telling.

So you're saying that Mexico has sent no currency if any kind, correct? Thank ewe!

no one ever said that they would send currency. There are lots of other ways they are paying: having to deal with the illegal migrants in Mexico is costing them billions, fairer trade policies and tariffs are costing them, american companies moving from Mexico back to the USA is costing them. So indirectly they are paying for the wall. Thank you for asking.
true, but absolute dollars is what matters, is 50% of 10 more or less than 50% of 3?

Yes, absolute dollars is all that matters...thus Trump is 1000 times worse with the budget than FDR was.

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FDR? geez dude, can you factor 75 years of inflation into that claim?

You are the one that said only absolute dollars matter. Absolute dollars cannot be qualified in any manner.

This is your standard you have to love with it.

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and I stand by that, if you want to add inflation to obama's debt go for it.

Absolute means that the data cannot be qualified in any manner...I.e. “adding inflation”.

So again, by your own standard of absolute dollars Trump is 1000 times worse with the budget than FDR was.

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you are a funny dude, you want to add inflation when it helps your argument and want to ignore it when it helps your argument. What does that tell you? Duh, that your argument is flawed.
you are a funny dude, you want to add inflation when it helps your argument and want to ignore it when it helps your argument. What does that tell you? Duh, that your argument is flawed.

I am not making an argument, I am using your own words.

According to you, and you stand by this, absolute dollars are all that matter. You said that and you affirmed it.

As such you have admitted that Trump is at this point 1000 times worse than FDR was in dealing with the budget, as Trump has added 1000 times more to the debt than FDR did.

This is your bed, you made the claim that only absolute dollars matter. I have said total dollars do not matter at all, only the percentage added. So, would you like to now switch to my view or are you going to stick with the absolute dollars and admit that Trump is worse than FDR by a factor of 1000 or more?
you are a funny dude, you want to add inflation when it helps your argument and want to ignore it when it helps your argument. What does that tell you? Duh, that your argument is flawed.

I am not making an argument, I am using your own words.

According to you, and you stand by this, absolute dollars are all that matter. You said that and you affirmed it.

As such you have admitted that Trump is at this point 1000 times worse than FDR was in dealing with the budget, as Trump has added 1000 times more to the debt than FDR did.

This is your bed, you made the claim that only absolute dollars matter. I have said total dollars do not matter at all, only the percentage added. So, would you like to now switch to my view or are you going to stick with the absolute dollars and admit that Trump is worse than FDR by a factor of 1000 or more?

you are correct. FDR was wonderful and Trump is terrible. Now, please STFU about this.
you are a funny dude, you want to add inflation when it helps your argument and want to ignore it when it helps your argument. What does that tell you? Duh, that your argument is flawed.

I am not making an argument, I am using your own words.

According to you, and you stand by this, absolute dollars are all that matter. You said that and you affirmed it.

As such you have admitted that Trump is at this point 1000 times worse than FDR was in dealing with the budget, as Trump has added 1000 times more to the debt than FDR did.

This is your bed, you made the claim that only absolute dollars matter. I have said total dollars do not matter at all, only the percentage added. So, would you like to now switch to my view or are you going to stick with the absolute dollars and admit that Trump is worse than FDR by a factor of 1000 or more?

you are correct. FDR was wonderful and Trump is terrible. Now, please STFU about this.

Actually FDR was terrible, but your stupidity and your use of words you do not know the meaning of has caught up to you.

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you are a funny dude, you want to add inflation when it helps your argument and want to ignore it when it helps your argument. What does that tell you? Duh, that your argument is flawed.

I am not making an argument, I am using your own words.

According to you, and you stand by this, absolute dollars are all that matter. You said that and you affirmed it.

As such you have admitted that Trump is at this point 1000 times worse than FDR was in dealing with the budget, as Trump has added 1000 times more to the debt than FDR did.

This is your bed, you made the claim that only absolute dollars matter. I have said total dollars do not matter at all, only the percentage added. So, would you like to now switch to my view or are you going to stick with the absolute dollars and admit that Trump is worse than FDR by a factor of 1000 or more?

you are correct. FDR was wonderful and Trump is terrible. Now, please STFU about this.

Actually FDR was terrible, but your stupidity and your use of words you do not know the meaning of has caught up to you.

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geez dude, grow up. this is not a forum for juvenile insult contests. If you want to play word games go somewhere else.

But to clarify, when comparing the amount of debt added by obama vs Trump, Bush, or anyone else, Obama wins in the number of dollars added. If you want to use percentages to defend him, go right ahead. After 2024 we can see how Trump compares.
you are a funny dude, you want to add inflation when it helps your argument and want to ignore it when it helps your argument. What does that tell you? Duh, that your argument is flawed.

I am not making an argument, I am using your own words.

According to you, and you stand by this, absolute dollars are all that matter. You said that and you affirmed it.

As such you have admitted that Trump is at this point 1000 times worse than FDR was in dealing with the budget, as Trump has added 1000 times more to the debt than FDR did.

This is your bed, you made the claim that only absolute dollars matter. I have said total dollars do not matter at all, only the percentage added. So, would you like to now switch to my view or are you going to stick with the absolute dollars and admit that Trump is worse than FDR by a factor of 1000 or more?

you are correct. FDR was wonderful and Trump is terrible. Now, please STFU about this.

Actually FDR was terrible, but your stupidity and your use of words you do not know the meaning of has caught up to you.

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geez dude, grow up. this is not a forum for juvenile insult contests. If you want to play word games go somewhere else.

But to clarify, when comparing the amount of debt added by obama vs Trump, Bush, or anyone else, Obama wins in the number of dollars added. If you want to use percentages to defend him, go right ahead. After 2024 we can see how Trump compares.

I have never defended him, I defend logic and accuracy in reporting.

But to clarify, when comparing the amount of debt added by FDR vs Trump Trump is 1000 times worse, and if he keep adding debt at the current rate he will be 4000 times worse.
you are a funny dude, you want to add inflation when it helps your argument and want to ignore it when it helps your argument. What does that tell you? Duh, that your argument is flawed.

I am not making an argument, I am using your own words.

According to you, and you stand by this, absolute dollars are all that matter. You said that and you affirmed it.

As such you have admitted that Trump is at this point 1000 times worse than FDR was in dealing with the budget, as Trump has added 1000 times more to the debt than FDR did.

This is your bed, you made the claim that only absolute dollars matter. I have said total dollars do not matter at all, only the percentage added. So, would you like to now switch to my view or are you going to stick with the absolute dollars and admit that Trump is worse than FDR by a factor of 1000 or more?

you are correct. FDR was wonderful and Trump is terrible. Now, please STFU about this.

Actually FDR was terrible, but your stupidity and your use of words you do not know the meaning of has caught up to you.

Sent from my iPhone using

geez dude, grow up. this is not a forum for juvenile insult contests. If you want to play word games go somewhere else.

But to clarify, when comparing the amount of debt added by obama vs Trump, Bush, or anyone else, Obama wins in the number of dollars added. If you want to use percentages to defend him, go right ahead. After 2024 we can see how Trump compares.

I have never defended him, I defend logic and accuracy in reporting.

But to clarify, when comparing the amount of debt added by FDR vs Trump Trump is 1000 times worse, and if he keep adding debt at the current rate he will be 4000 times worse.

great, so what? and FDR was probably 10,000 times worse than Washington. that proves nothing.
I am not making an argument, I am using your own words.

According to you, and you stand by this, absolute dollars are all that matter. You said that and you affirmed it.

As such you have admitted that Trump is at this point 1000 times worse than FDR was in dealing with the budget, as Trump has added 1000 times more to the debt than FDR did.

This is your bed, you made the claim that only absolute dollars matter. I have said total dollars do not matter at all, only the percentage added. So, would you like to now switch to my view or are you going to stick with the absolute dollars and admit that Trump is worse than FDR by a factor of 1000 or more?

you are correct. FDR was wonderful and Trump is terrible. Now, please STFU about this.

Actually FDR was terrible, but your stupidity and your use of words you do not know the meaning of has caught up to you.

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geez dude, grow up. this is not a forum for juvenile insult contests. If you want to play word games go somewhere else.

But to clarify, when comparing the amount of debt added by obama vs Trump, Bush, or anyone else, Obama wins in the number of dollars added. If you want to use percentages to defend him, go right ahead. After 2024 we can see how Trump compares.

I have never defended him, I defend logic and accuracy in reporting.

But to clarify, when comparing the amount of debt added by FDR vs Trump Trump is 1000 times worse, and if he keep adding debt at the current rate he will be 4000 times worse.

great, so what? and FDR was probably 10,000 times worse than Washington. that proves nothing.


Absolute dollars prove nothing! Thank you so much for finally realizing that!

my work here is done!
you are a funny dude, you want to add inflation when it helps your argument and want to ignore it when it helps your argument. What does that tell you? Duh, that your argument is flawed.

I am not making an argument, I am using your own words.

According to you, and you stand by this, absolute dollars are all that matter. You said that and you affirmed it.

As such you have admitted that Trump is at this point 1000 times worse than FDR was in dealing with the budget, as Trump has added 1000 times more to the debt than FDR did.

This is your bed, you made the claim that only absolute dollars matter. I have said total dollars do not matter at all, only the percentage added. So, would you like to now switch to my view or are you going to stick with the absolute dollars and admit that Trump is worse than FDR by a factor of 1000 or more?

you are correct. FDR was wonderful and Trump is terrible. Now, please STFU about this.

Actually FDR was terrible, but your stupidity and your use of words you do not know the meaning of has caught up to you.

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geez dude, grow up. this is not a forum for juvenile insult contests. If you want to play word games go somewhere else.

But to clarify, when comparing the amount of debt added by obama vs Trump, Bush, or anyone else, Obama wins in the number of dollars added. If you want to use percentages to defend him, go right ahead. After 2024 we can see how Trump compares.

I have never defended him, I defend logic and accuracy in reporting.

But to clarify, when comparing the amount of debt added by FDR vs Trump Trump is 1000 times worse, and if he keep adding debt at the current rate he will be 4000 times worse.

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