Deficit Reduction Is Going To Go On The Backs Of The Weakest In Our Society


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
[ame=]‪Bernie Sanders "Much Of Deficit Reduction In Going To Go On The Backs Of The Weakest In Our Society"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
C'mon you weakest, buck up! Dust off some of the songs the field Negroes used to sing back in the slavery days. It always seemed to put them in good spirits and should do the same for you guys.

Clauncey, have someone bring my car around. Thanks.
omg, how the hell do you people LIKE being referred to AS WEAK..

So I suppose the old Socialist Sanders is going to tell us, HE and HIS GOVERNMENT he belongs to Is strong, and we should lean in his open arms..

my gawd, come on people.
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