Define an American


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
You might be IN Texas but you are definitely not FROM Texas.

For the record im not in Texas, but im a fan of good ol USA. I love all states but randomly choose Texas. However this comment inspired me to ask the question "who is a reall american"? I thought if im in texas and us citizen im american, no? Who is a reall american?

Sec. 337. [8 U.S.C. 1448]

(a) A person who has applied for naturalization shall, in order to be and before being admitted to citizenship, take in a public ceremony before the Attorney General or a court with jurisdiction under section 310(b) an oath

(1) to support the Constitution of the United States;

(2) to renounce and abjure absolutely and entirely all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which the applicant was before a subject or citizen;

(3) to support and defend the Constitution and the laws of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

(4) to bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and

(5) (A) to bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law, or

(B) to perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law, or

(C) to perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law. Any such person shall be required to take an oath containing the substance of clauses (1) through (5) of the preceding sentence, except that a person who shows by clear and convincing evidence to the satisfaction of the Attorney General that he is opposed to the bearing of arms in the Armed Forces of the United States by reason of religious training and belief shall be required to take an oath containing the substa nce of clauses (1) through (4) and clauses (5)(B) and (5)(C), and a person who shows by clear and convincing evidence to the satisfaction of the Attorney General that he is opposed to any type of service in the Armed Forces of the United States by reason of religious training and belief shall be required to take an oath containing the substance of clauses (1) through (4) and clause (5)(C). The term "religious training and belief" as used in this section shall mean an individual's belief in a relation to a S upreme Being involving duties superior to those arising from any human relation, but does not include essentially political, sociological, or philosophical views or a merely personal moral code. In the case of the naturalization of a child under the provisions of section 322 of this title the Attorney General may waive the taking of the oath if in the opinion of the Attorney General the child is unable to understand its meaning. 1/ The Attorney General may waive the taking of the oath by a person if in the opinion of the Attorney General the person is unable to understand, or to communicate an understanding of, its meaning because of a physical or developmental disability or mental impairment. If the Attorney General waives the taking of the oath by a person under the preceding sentence, the person shall be considered to have met the requirements of section 316(a)(3) with respect to attachment to the principles of the Constitution and well disposition to the good order and happiness of the United States.
By my last post I'm not implying one way or another of whether you immigrated here, or were naturally born.

My fundamental beliefs are that we are bound by that oath whether Natural Born or immigrated. I was born and raised here in the United States from the Great State of Alabama. I believe in the Constitution and would protect it from any enemy, foreign or domestic. I would expect any American to do the same.

If they choose allegiance to another country, while being a U.S. Citizen, then they are Not a true AMERICAN as they have violated their oath and/or their country.

Any citizen who ditches the Constitution for whatever means is a traitor in my book.

I don't care about your race, age, or other characteristics. I would stand by you if attacked by an enemy and expect you to do the same for me.
those posts cover it. Thank you so much.
I dont think any ferther comment is necessary.
I do, however, think that there are many here that need, realy need, to read the second post.
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those posts cover it. Thank you so much.
I dont think any ferther comment is necessary.
I do, however, think that there are many here that need, realy need, to read the second post.

You really need to take a remedial English course. Your posts are an embarrassment.
those posts cover it. Thank you so much.
I dont think any ferther comment is necessary.
I do, however, think that there are many here that need, realy need, to read the second post.

You really need to take a remedial English course. Your posts are an embarrassment.

well...excuuuuuuse meeeeeeee.
Really and
Its been fact that when a person has no ideas of their own and nothing constructive to say, whether from ignorance or a mental deficit, they
revert to insults and nit picking small mistakes or spelling.
So now your a stalking troll that is going to follow my posts and insult me?
I must have hit a nerve.
How courteous of you to spam a fine thread.
If you arent a mex or a kid...or a mex kid, (probably) you missed a good oppertunity.
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those posts cover it. Thank you so much.
I dont [sic] think any ferther [sic] comment is necessary.
I do, however, think that there are many here that need, realy [sic] need, to read the second post.

You really need to take a remedial English course. Your posts are an embarrassment.

well...excuuuuuuse meeeeeeee.

Instead of begging for forgiveness, you should do something to address your obvious shortcoming. As it stands, you are presenting yourself as a semi-literate buffoon at best.
You might be IN Texas but you are definitely not FROM Texas.

For the record im not in Texas, but im a fan of good ol USA. I love all states but randomly choose Texas. However this comment inspired me to ask the question "who is a reall american"? I thought if im in texas and us citizen im american, no? Who is a reall american?


Primarily Liberal. But all about common sense.
A healthy questioning nature that thinks power is best put in the hands of the people.
Fiercely protective of individual rights.
Most possess a big love of country and for the most part, countrymen.
Most have a curiosity about the world.
Most are very hard working and family oriented.
Generous and generally willing to help others.
Americans also love innovation.

That's in a nutshell.
Good old Unkotare. Never remiss in his constant battle to denigrate and alienate every damn poster in all the forums. How about exercising a little patience and compassion when dealing with your fellow man? Some people may mistype, maybe they don't have spell check. That's no reason to be an asshole.
Good old Unkotare. Never remiss in his constant battle to denigrate and alienate every damn poster in all the forums. How about exercising a little patience and compassion when dealing with your fellow man? Some people may mistype, maybe they don't have spell check. That's no reason to be an asshole.

Ah yes, excuses always help people improve... :rolleyes:
Definitely what Eagle said. That pretty much sums up my feelings on the definition of an "American." Everyone else is merely an illegal carpetbagger who is usurping a spot reserved for other aliens who want to enter this country legally. Get in line like everyone else, take your citizenship test, learn English, and do things the right way. It will cause you a lot less problems in the long run.

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