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Define liberals and conservatives

Liberal has two definitions:
The false =
Commie pinko who actually fears true liberalism most of all.
Hates true liberals because false liberals believe in the superiority of the elitist.

The True =
Person who believes in limited-to-no-government. Believes that humans are inherently good.

Conservative = a commie-pinko tool who will believe anything faux news tells them.
Hates true liberals because Limbaugh and the rich tells them to.

Nailed it.
well i think progressive/conservative behaviors we see displayed on the internet
are not how they behave for the most part in their natural habitat.

people are nastier and meaner cause they can say and do whatever with no consequences.
bad behavior is rewarded on the internet so there seems to be a tendency to scream to be
heard over all the other noise...and be relevant perhaps in some way they are not in their real lives.

so we see more of the 'extreme sides' of both species than we would see in polite/social settings.

i imagine that if we all had a meet up and no one knew each others nicks..we could all socialize and discuss things just fine without all the bellicose chest beating and bad manners. i believe that.

i work with 2 woman [2 different jobs OMG A LIBERAL WITH A JOB...WAIT...2 JOBS...GASP..joking :D ] both republicans. i love and adore both women and i cant imagine either of them screaming at me over some stupid politician or policy or reverse. they would not tell me what to do with my body or who i can marry and i wouldnt tell them not to love their god/faith.

at the end of the day it all comes down to bad manners on the internet/media by sometimes undeserving, but influential people..sucking us into the manufactured outrage of the moment.
and 'we the sheeple' dutifully follow along..

i TRY not to judge progressive or conservative solely based on my inet experiences but in what i see in my reality..which is ANYONE left unsupervised on the internet WILL behave badly.. right/left/forward.
very rarely will you see an inet 'nick' carrying around their keyboards for protection so everyone must have manners in real life that they do not have to display here or risk getting shot or kicked in the head :D

so i will not attempt to define one or the other until i can see/mix with them in their natural enviro <3

at the end of the day if i met you on the street..i would simply smile and i would never know if you were a conservative/progressive. at the end of the day we are all americans and we are all people.


I have a neighbor who lives across the street from me who has been bumming money, cigarettes and rides for probably close to a year now. For the most part, he pays me back for the money and cigarettes he bums from me and generally gives me gas money when I'd give him a ride somewhere he needed to go. However, in certain instances, his paying me back would be in a significantly delayed manner than when he promised he would pay me back. We treated each other in a generally friendly manner and I think he thought I liked him more than I actually did. However, on election night, he came over to pay me back a cigarette he had borrowed from me a couple of days earlier and as he was handing me the cigarette through the door, he asked me if I knew what was going on with the election. The voting had just barely started and they hadn't gotten any returns yet and I told this guy that they weren't getting any returns yet and that they still had a ways to go. I asked him who he hoped would win and he told me he hoped Obama would win, because "Romney scared [him]". I asked the guy if I scared him and he said, "no, no, no". I said I supported Romney and if Romney scared him then I must scare him too. Then he him and hawed around and said, "It's his religion" and I told him that I was of the same religion Romney was. Then, he him and hawed around some more and said "I'm afraid he's going to mix his religion in with his politics" and I told him, no he won't. And, then, I proceeded to shoo him off my porch and essentially indicated to him I don't want him at my house any longer. He's been groveling and apologizing ever since and I just tell him, "whatever". Then, proceed to ignore him. He can go to hell. And, when he needs money to get his back pain medication or needs money to buy his kids some cough syrup or, when he needs a cigarette or, he needs a ride to pick up his kids from daycare because his car is broke down, he might think twice about the things he says. So, no, I think you're wrong. I will tell someone what I think of them whether I'm on a forum or, face-to-face with them. Because, in a face-to-face situation, the first thing I would make sure I know about someone would be their politics.. And, if their politics are of the left? They could just fuck off.
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Just to trow it out there..... :badgrin:

liberal: The world owes you everything....and life is free.

conservative: The world owes you nothing... and pay for the life you want.

Hmmm? Not my take, which is...

Liberal: willing to pay for stuff

... with other peoples' money.

Conservative: resistant to paying for stuff

... with other peoples' money.
Considering how much vitriol gets thrown around on this board towards these two words and labels, I thought it would be fascinating to hear peoples' definitions for both words. Please explain to the board what your perception of a liberal and a conservative is.

I could go on all day about the difference between the two, but I think it can be summed up with how a liberal and a conservative react to a problem.

The conservative's reflex reaction to a problem is, "What can we do about it?"

The liberal's reflex reaction to a problem is, "What is the government going to do about it?"

Hmmm? Not my take, which is...

Liberal: willing to pay for stuff

Conservative: resistant to paying for stuff

liberal: Wanting to take what others have

conservative: Wanting to keep what they have.

Exactly why ya'll have been labeled conservative and not liberal. You fear you'll have to pay for something you cannot park in your driveway nor carry in your front door. Conservative, cheapskate, tightwad... choose your synonym.

It's ours...not yours. Call it "cheapskate, tightwad" or, whatever the hell else it is you want to call it but, the fact of the matter remains, it's not yours...transient. If we want to give something to you out of the goodness of our hearts? Feel lucky, be thankful and don't expect that you somehow deserve more indefinitely. But, you have no business TAKING something of which we refuse to give you for whatever reason it is we desire.

Liberals are not afraid of paying into the system, and have confidence they and the society will benefit indirectly or whatever. Liberal, easygoing, generous and so on.

But, they don't pay into the system because they're too busy taking from the system and, have confidence they and society will benefit indirectly or whatever from that of which they take from conservatives. Liberal, easygoing (lazy), generous (with other peoples' money, things, etc., etc., etc.) and so on.

So you see, the labels do not define us. Our outlooks and core beliefs create the labels that describe us.

Yes, your leftist outlook and leftist core beliefs create the label that describes you.
I don't know how the party of "feed the poor and they will breed"

The party of "disaster victims should pay to be rescued"

The party of "cut school lunches for poor children"

The party of "move jobs to China"

The party that let Bin Laden go

The party of "corporations are people"

The party that apologized to BP

The party of "cut benefits for veterans"

The party that blocked health care for first responders

The party that believes in investing in America is a waste of money

The party that tricked America into invading Iraq

The party that stopped looking for Bin Laden

The party whose policies brought down the economy

The party that believes science is a faith

The party that supported voter suppression

The party that supported fewer Police, Firemen and Teachers

The party that blamed what happened after Katrina on the victims of Katrina

The party that supports tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans

The party that blocked investigating BP

The party of voter suppression

The party of "let him die"

The party whose presidential nominee moved one of his companies to China this month

The party of Death Panels

The party of "we have no smart people"

The party that filled the Justice Department with Bible School Graduates

The party that loves a fetus more than a child

The party of "education is for snobs"

can believe they are the party that loves America. I wish they could secede like so many want to. I really wish they could. The country they would create would be hell on earth with it's people living in the stone age. They would end up worshiping rocks and rivers.
Exactly why ya'll have been labeled conservative and not liberal. You fear you'll have to pay for something you cannot park in your driveway nor carry in your front door. Conservative, cheapskate, tightwad... choose your synonym.

Liberals are not afraid of paying into the system, and have confidence they and the society will benefit indirectly or whatever. Liberal, easygoing, generous and so on.

So you see, the labels do not define us. Our outlooks and core beliefs create the labels that describe us.

Simple to grasp.

Of course liberals are not afraid of paying for anything.... that is becasue they want someone else to pay for it....and or get it all for free.

i do however agree with the description of easygoing and generous... with other peoples money.

Actually self-described Liberals are the most-educated and share the top earning position with Enterpriser Conservatives (businesses owners essentially).

Prove this.

We not only pay more in but are willing to pay even more into the society from which we and our fellow Americans benefit.

Prove this. Further, why don't you elaborate on how "our fellow Americans benefit" from giving illegal immigrants welfare checks. Our "fellow Americans" would benefit if said illegal immigrants weren't here taking welfare checks, in the first place.

Conservatives thus pay less in and whine about having to pay taxes and are loathe to pay a nickel more.

Prove this. I will agree Republicans don't like paying taxes when it comes to those issues which don't benefit our "fellow Americans" but, prove your case that they pay less in to society. Prove that leftists pay more in to charitable entities, for example, than Republicans do. Bet you can't.
Actually self-described Liberals are the most-educated and share the top earning position with Enterpriser Conservatives (businesses owners essentially).

We not only pay more in but are willing to pay even more into the society from which we and our fellow Americans benefit.

Conservatives thus pay less in and whine about having to pay taxes and are loathe to pay a nickel more.

Ill agree some of them are how you describe them.....however, most of them are not.

It's based on polling data and averages, largely contained in a Pew study / report.

So indeed, as an aggregate group, Liberals put more in, in taxes, than Conservatives.


Study Finds Companies with Republican-leaning Leaders Pay More in Taxes

Take a guess: Who do you think pays more in corporate taxes, companies with CEOs who favor the Republican party, or those with CEOs who tend toward the Democrats?

If you guessed the latter, you're wrong, according to a paper that will be presented Aug. 7 at the annual meeting of the American Accounting Association in Washington, D.C. The study, which was led by the researchers at the University of Arizona, finds that companies helmed by executives who lean Republican each pay an average of $12 million more in annual taxes than companies headed by Democratic-leaning managers. With a mean pretax income of $541 million for companies in the sample, the difference results in an extra 2.22 percent in taxes paid.

Yet why would these companies, the ones run by leaders who support a political party that is currently refusing to consider higher taxes, be the very ones to pay more? Because they tend to be more conservative, the researchers say, and "[p]sychology research shows that conservative individuals tend to be more risk-averse, fear losses, value financial security, and try to avoid uncertainty." As a result, the researchers Dane Christensen and Dan Dhaliwal found, conservative nature trumps political ideology.

To perform their study, Christensen and Dhaliwal looked at all executives listed in the ExecuComp database between 1992 and 2008, used personal political contributions data from the Federal Election Commission to determine those executives' political persuasion, and examined two common measures of tax avoidance over the years: each company's effective tax rate (GAAP ETR) and cash effective tax rate (Cash ETR). "We find that when the top executive team's political preferences lean toward the Republican party, their firms have significantly higher GAAP ETRs and Cash ETRs," the two summarize in their paper.

Christensen and Dhaliwal make a convincing case that it is the conservative nature of managers, rather than any number of alternative interpretations, that explain their findings. Many skeptics, for example, are likely to question whether CEOs' campaign contributions might have to do more with trying to influence legislation or corporate interests than their true political leanings. But by averaging contributions over a number of years, they say, motive-driven financial donations don't have an effect on the results. In addition, Christensen and Dhaliwal write, when looking at personal contributions, the size of the amount is relatively small, and most executives consistently donate to one party.

The study also accounts for a range of other variables, from age, industry and gender to whether or not the company is a family firm (which tend to be more conservative) or uses a large amount of stock options (which produces a tax benefit), but they continue to end up with similar results: Companies run by corporate leaders who support Republican candidates pay slightly more in taxes.

What I find most interesting about the study is not which political persuasion leads to paying more to the IRS. (Although it is interesting, if not surprising, to see that of the 6,818 executives they examined, 64 percent leaned Republican, 31 percent leaned Democrat, and another 4 percent were classified as "neutral.") Instead, what intrigues me most is that the values and mindset of the CEO -- a leader who is rarely an accountant, and spends little of his or her time bogged down in tax minutiae -- could have such an influence on how much taxes are paid.

Of course, as Christensen and Dhaliwal point out, CEO's might influence how much to spend on outside tax advisers, how well to compensate the company's top tax managers, or how much to try to reduce a company's tax burden. More important, however, they hire and shape an executive team that is likely to share their approach to uncertainty and losses. And they set a tone at the top that, whether intentionally or not, either encourages or discourages risk-taking throughout their organizations.

Leaders may think their personalities and political preferences can be separated from how they run their companies. But if Christensen and Dhaliwal are right, maybe they can't.
Liberals tend towards reaching forward to an impossible utopian future, and Conservatives tend towards reaching backwards to a non-existent utopian past.

So the state of Utah should resemble Mogadishu. :rolleyes:

No, it looks more like Mayberry which, in some instances, isn't necessarily such a bad thing. But, of course, I'm being fanciful but, it looks much more like Mayberry than, say, the likes of New York does. In many areas, we actually dare step out our front door without worrying about a driveby. However, don't get me wrong...though. There are some communities in Utah which are worse than others. And, those are generally the areas which have larger concentrations of leftists. And, those are the areas which more closely resemble Mogadishu.
If I like an average amount of mayo, does that make me a centerist?

There he goes! Typical of his type, trying to hijack the definition of 'average'! Who made him dictator?

Yes, of course I'm joking. To get to the original question, the definition of 'liberal' depends on which side of the Atlantic one stands. It is a faux amis between even the British use and American use and in fact means almost the opposite.

As I understand it, US liberals want to liberalize the capacity of government to act in society. Conservatives want government to remain outside social issues and relegated to only the essential functions. One expects grievances and difficulties to be actively ameliorated where possible by legislation if necessary. The other prefers to allow 'nature' to take its course.

Both have good arguments.



Ummmm..... which party is it that wants national control of who we fuck, who we marry, what we smoke, and what happens if all that smokin' and fuckin' results in unwanted pregnancy?

GOP platform targets abortion, gay marriage, Medicare - Politics - The Boston Globe

There are two biggies that the Republicans are going to have to flat out give up on if they ever hope to represent more than 30% of the electorate again: Trickle-down Voodoo Economics and their strong desire to preach their values in in every American bedroom.

Don't count on it...chump. You need to keep it in your bedroom and, perhaps, nobody will have a strong desire to preach their values. Additionally, you need to pay that price which results from your lascivious behavior. If you want someone else to pay for it, you're going to have to deal with them preaching their values. And, besides, who the fuck are you to be talking about someone supposedly preaching their values when you have no problem preaching your values, what little of them exist? True, to most people; smoking, fucking and getting unwanted pregnancies might not necessarily be "values" but, they're clearly "values" to you. And, you have no problem preaching about how you want to fuck, smoke and get unwanted pregnancies.

Your comments only go to strengthen what I said in another post.

"Open-minded, tolerant. Just as long as one's ideology resembles or closely resembles theirs. Additionally, they are open-minded and tolerant to the point of absurd. If you want to stick your schtick in a monkey? Cool. If you want to throw shit through an airplane's propeller blades and call it art? Cool. And, their open-mindedness and tolerance gets more and more loose as each decade passes. Soon, at this rate, one might surmise that child molestation will be a-okay with them within the next decade or two and, if you want to whip your chubby out and do some random broad right in the middle of a restaurant, for instance, they'll cheer you on. In the not too distant future, if leftist policies become rampant, one may be able to -- like a dog -- just jump some random broad walking down the street of whom one wants to have sex with and go to town."

"Not bound by tradition, rules, laws, manners, etc., etc., etc."
Just to throw it out there..... :badgrin:

liberal: The world owes you everything....and life is free.

conservative: The world owes you nothing... and pay for the life you want.

Wrong again. I don't want what you have. If we have to pay for a pizza, I think that we should all pay an equal amount for that pizza, regardless of our income.

Yeah, but the only problem is, you also want us all to have the same pizza. If you've got cheese pizza? Everyone else is supposed to have cheese pizza, so we all pay an equal amount for that pizza. If I want pepperoni pizza, that's just too damn bad because you want me to have cheese pizza, so we can all pay an equal amount for that pizza. I don't like cheese pizza. I want a better pizza. So, you're going to have to pay less for that cheese pizza and, I'm going to have to pay more for my pepperoni pizza. And, if you want my pizza, you're going to have to pay more as well. You don't get my pizza at the cheese pizza's price because you think we should all pay an equal amount for the pizza.

A conservative is someone who rises above his personal self-interest and promotes moral and economic values to all. A conservative is willing to learn and advocate the insights of economics and the logic of the Bible for the benefit of all.

More formally, a conservative typically adheres to principles of personal responsibility, moral values, and limited government, agreeing with George Washington's Farewell Address that "religion and morality are indispensable supports" to political prosperity.

Former President Ronald Reagan said, "The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom."

Specifically, conservatives seek or support:

* Limited government and balanced budgets
* Capitalism and free markets
* Classroom prayer
* Respect for human life and prohibition of abortion
* Abstinence education
* Traditional marriage, not same-sex marriage
* The concept of retribution for crimes, including the death penalty for heinous murders proven beyond a reasonable doubt
* Family values, including traditional relationships and division of labor within the household
* Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls
* Laws against pornography
* The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms
* Economic allocative efficiency (as opposed to popular equity)
* Parental control of education (parental rights)
* Private medical care and retirement plans
* Canceling failed social support programs
* No world government
* Enforcement of current laws regarding immigration
* Respect for our military ... past and present
* Rejection of junk science such as evolution and global warming
* Minimal taxation
* Federalism (Separation of powers among the National, State and Local governments)
* Favoring states' rights over federal power, while accepting the Constitutional role of the federal government
* A strong national defense
* An Originalist interpretation of the Constitution
* A dedication to the truth, and an ability to seek it


A liberal is someone who favors censorship of Christianity plus increased government spending and power, as in ObamaCare. Increasingly, liberals side with the homosexual agenda, including supporting homosexual "marriage". Many liberals favor a welfare state where people receive endless entitlements without working. Liberals are often anti-Christian, or otherwise disagree with moral or social principles held by many American Christians. The liberal ideology has worsened over the years and degenerated into economically delusional views and intolerant ideology. Some liberals simply support, in knee-jerk fashion, the opposite of conservative principles without having any meaningful values of their own.

Polling data has consistently shown that a decreasingly large percentage of Americans identify as conservative, rather than as liberal, currently by 38% to 21%. Younger people and those with higher levels of education are more likely to identify as liberal.

The decline in liberal principles can be illustrated by how Franklin Delano Roosevelt opposed and condemned public sector unions, stating that the idea of collective bargaining can't be transferred from the private to the public sector, as that would result in the government being unable to carry out its duties. Yet today, decades later, Democrats and liberals are in lock-step with public sector unions, as they "donate" money to the reelection campaign in exchange for more taxpayer money in their wallets and fluffed up pensions.

A liberal generally supports many of the following political positions and practices:

* Spending money on government programs (the significant economic problems in the Eurozone due to government debt will no doubt increasingly discredit this aspect of liberal ideology and make things more difficult for advocates of liberal economic ideologies)
* Government's ability to solve economic problems
* The belief that terrorism is not a huge threat, and that the main reason for Muslim extremists' hostility towards America is because of bad foreign policy
* Taxpayer-funded and/or legalized abortion
* Censorship of teacher-led prayer in classrooms and school/state-sponsored religious events
* Support for gun control
* Affirmative action
* Opposition to government regulation or restriction of obscenity, pornography and violence in video games as a First Amendment right
* Government-funded medical care, such as ObamaCare
* Taxpayer funded and government controlled public education
* Insisting that men and women be placed in the same jobs in the military
* Legalized same-sex marriage and homosexual adoption
* Tax and spend
* Support for economic sector regulations
* Support and spreading of political correctness
* Support of non-syndicalist labor unions
* Encouraging promiscuity through sexual education (the teaching of safe sex) rather than teaching abstinence from premarital sex
* A "living Constitution" that is reinterpreted as liberals prefer, rather than how it is thought to have been intended
* Government programs to rehabilitate criminals
* Abolition of the death penalty
* Environmentalism
* Globalism
* Support for the constitutionally mandated separation of church and state
* Opposition to full private property rights
* Reinstating the Fairness Doctrine
* In 2005, it was reported by CBS News that liberals were most likely supporters of the theory of evolution
* Opposition to domestic wire-tapping as authorized in the Patriot Act
* Opposition of the War on Terrorism
* Withholds support to the War on Terrorism
* Tolerance of different ideas and lifestyles (just as long as those with different ideas and lifestyles identify themselves as liberal or to the left of the political spectrum)
* Do not support a laissez-faire capitalist economy and support regulation of business

Liberals currently use two clauses to try and expand their power: the Commerce Clause and the General Welfare Clause. The general welfare clause mentions "promoting the general welfare". This to a liberal means taxing the rich at increased rates and redistributing that money. The commerce clause, on the other hand, says that Congress has the power to regulate trade with foreign nations, between the states and with the indian tribes. Since the days of FDR this clause has been interpreted very loosely and has resulted in the federal government expanding its power. The latest example is The Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as ObamaCare. In the ACA, the liberals justify the individual mandate by saying it regulates commerce between the states.

Current dictionaries describe the liberal ideology by pretending that a liberal is "a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties" or "a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets," or "open-minded or tolerant, especially free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc." or "favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by government protection of civil liberties.


Open-minded, tolerant. Just as long as one's ideology resembles or closely resembles theirs. Additionally, they are open-minded and tolerant to the point of absurd. If you want to stick your schtick in a monkey? Cool. If you want to throw shit through an airplane's propeller blades and call it art? Cool. And, their open-mindedness and tolerance gets more and more loose as each decade passes. Soon, at this rate, one might surmise that child molestation will be a-okay with them within the next decade or two and, if you want to whip your chubby out and do some random broad right in the middle of a restaurant, for instance, they'll cheer you on. In the not too distant future, if leftist policies become rampant, one may be able to -- like a dog -- just jump some random broad walking down the street of whom one wants to have sex with and go to town.

Generous. With other peoples' money, things, etc.

Not bound by tradition, rules, laws, manners, etc., etc., etc.

Supports the killing of an unborn child, advocates the saving of Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, etc., etc., etc.

Blames America first.

Can read a book and retain information long enough to pass a test in order to graduate high school or college but, are really quite stupid and have the common sense of a bucket of shit.

Revise history to suit their needs by instituting linguistic gymnastics to twist logic and turn around an event 360 degrees from what it actually was.

Drug addled malcontents.

Can't fight their own battles and are generally cowards on their own unless they're with a group of their conservative friends, in which case, they will open their big mouths and mouth off and start a fight and, then, run away and let their conservative friends fight the fight for them of which they started. And, then, in the absence of their conservative friends, will strut around like a world-class heavyweight champ, proclaiming he/she kicked the asses of those he/she was mouthing off to and allege his/her conservative friends just stood and watched or, even ran away.

Think spit balls, protest signs, bellicose loud yelling and other such non-harmful activity is intimidating.

And more.

Some of the things I can agree with, but this:

The belief that terrorism is not a huge threat, and that the main reason for Muslim extremists' hostility towards America is because of bad foreign policy

Why would you say that? It was Republicans who let Bin Laden go, stopped looking for him and stood by and watched Christians in Iraq to be slaughtered and chased out of their homeland.

More made up bullshit. No one "let" anyone go and, no one "stopped" looking for him. And, you don't even want to get into the issue of Iraq with me.
Considering how much vitriol gets thrown around on this board towards these two words and labels, I thought it would be fascinating to hear peoples' definitions for both words. Please explain to the board what your perception of a liberal and a conservative is.

I could go on all day about the difference between the two, but I think it can be summed up with how a liberal and a conservative react to a problem.

The conservative's reflex reaction to a problem is, "What can we do about it?"

The liberal's reflex reaction to a problem is, "What is the government going to do about it?"


Close, but it's more like

The conservative's reflex reaction to a problem is, "Which democrat can we blame for causing it?"

The liberal's reflex reaction to a problem is, "What can we do to fix it?"
Considering how much vitriol gets thrown around on this board towards these two words and labels, I thought it would be fascinating to hear peoples' definitions for both words. Please explain to the board what your perception of a liberal and a conservative is.

I could go on all day about the difference between the two, but I think it can be summed up with how a liberal and a conservative react to a problem.

The conservative's reflex reaction to a problem is, "What can we do about it?"

The liberal's reflex reaction to a problem is, "What is the government going to do about it?"


Close, but it's more like

The conservative's reflex reaction to a problem is, "Which democrat can we blame for causing it?"

The liberal's reflex reaction to a problem is, "What can we do to fix it?"


Adjective:Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.Noun:A person of liberal views.Synonyms:generous - bounteous - lavish - bountiful - free
More info »Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster - The Free Dictionary


Adjective:Holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in politics or religion.Noun:A person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in politics.Synonyms:tory
More info »Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster

As one can plainly see, the definition for both words does NOT describe either the Democratic nor the Republican party.

Neither party is either conservative or liberal.

This. This right here.
For the longest time, up to just a couple years ago, I wanted very badly to be Liberal, or a Democrat, or what have you. Why? Because I was liberal in the sense of being open to new behavior, ideas, and what have you.

Then I came to realize that politically, so-called Liberals are nothing of the sort. They use the word but the closest thing they are to being "Liberal" is supporting gay rights, because they believe that all people should have equal rights. Otherwise, there's not a lot that I would actually consider "Liberal".

That's what I distance myself from them. They're half the reason I trash talk both sides of the aisle, because they're both fucking stupid.
Considering how much vitriol gets thrown around on this board towards these two words and labels, I thought it would be fascinating to hear peoples' definitions for both words. Please explain to the board what your perception of a liberal and a conservative is.

Liberals = the wind that pushes the ship (this country) forward.

Conservatives = the sea anchor that keeps the ship stable and afloat.

Considering how much vitriol gets thrown around on this board towards these two words and labels, I thought it would be fascinating to hear peoples' definitions for both words. Please explain to the board what your perception of a liberal and a conservative is.

Liberals = the wind that pushes the ship (this country) forward.

Conservatives = the sea anchor that keeps the ship stable and afloat.


Only problem is, liberals are pushing this country forward, in the wrong direction. To, the dark side. The best portrayal of leftists' moving forward is depicted in a movie called Mad Max, where the guy is having sexual relations with a mannequin.


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If I like an average amount of mayo, does that make me a centerist?

There he goes! Typical of his type, trying to hijack the definition of 'average'! Who made him dictator?

Yes, of course I'm joking. To get to the original question, the definition of 'liberal' depends on which side of the Atlantic one stands. It is a faux amis between even the British use and American use and in fact means almost the opposite.

As I understand it, US liberals want to liberalize the capacity of government to act in society. Conservatives want government to remain outside social issues and relegated to only the essential functions. One expects grievances and difficulties to be actively ameliorated where possible by legislation if necessary. The other prefers to allow 'nature' to take its course.

Both have good arguments.



Ummmm..... which party is it that wants national control of who we fuck, who we marry, what we smoke, and what happens if all that smokin' and fuckin' results in unwanted pregnancy?

GOP platform targets abortion, gay marriage, Medicare - Politics - The Boston Globe

There are two biggies that the Republicans are going to have to flat out give up on if they ever hope to represent more than 30% of the electorate again: Trickle-down Voodoo Economics and their strong desire to preach their values in in every American bedroom.

The reference was to my impressions of the thought of people, not the two traitorous political parties that have divided the nation.

A conservative is someone who rises above his personal self-interest and promotes moral and economic values to all. A conservative is willing to learn and advocate the insights of economics and the logic of the Bible for the benefit of all.

More formally, a conservative typically adheres to principles of personal responsibility, moral values, and limited government, agreeing with George Washington's Farewell Address that "religion and morality are indispensable supports" to political prosperity.

Former President Ronald Reagan said, "The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom."

Specifically, conservatives seek or support:

* Limited government and balanced budgets
* Capitalism and free markets
* Classroom prayer
* Respect for human life and prohibition of abortion
* Abstinence education
* Traditional marriage, not same-sex marriage
* The concept of retribution for crimes, including the death penalty for heinous murders proven beyond a reasonable doubt
* Family values, including traditional relationships and division of labor within the household
* Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls
* Laws against pornography
* The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms
* Economic allocative efficiency (as opposed to popular equity)
* Parental control of education (parental rights)
* Private medical care and retirement plans
* Canceling failed social support programs
* No world government
* Enforcement of current laws regarding immigration
* Respect for our military ... past and present
* Rejection of junk science such as evolution and global warming
* Minimal taxation
* Federalism (Separation of powers among the National, State and Local governments)
* Favoring states' rights over federal power, while accepting the Constitutional role of the federal government
* A strong national defense
* An Originalist interpretation of the Constitution
* A dedication to the truth, and an ability to seek it


A liberal is someone who favors censorship of Christianity plus increased government spending and power, as in ObamaCare. Increasingly, liberals side with the homosexual agenda, including supporting homosexual "marriage". Many liberals favor a welfare state where people receive endless entitlements without working. Liberals are often anti-Christian, or otherwise disagree with moral or social principles held by many American Christians. The liberal ideology has worsened over the years and degenerated into economically delusional views and intolerant ideology. Some liberals simply support, in knee-jerk fashion, the opposite of conservative principles without having any meaningful values of their own.

Polling data has consistently shown that a decreasingly large percentage of Americans identify as conservative, rather than as liberal, currently by 38% to 21%. Younger people and those with higher levels of education are more likely to identify as liberal.

The decline in liberal principles can be illustrated by how Franklin Delano Roosevelt opposed and condemned public sector unions, stating that the idea of collective bargaining can't be transferred from the private to the public sector, as that would result in the government being unable to carry out its duties. Yet today, decades later, Democrats and liberals are in lock-step with public sector unions, as they "donate" money to the reelection campaign in exchange for more taxpayer money in their wallets and fluffed up pensions.

A liberal generally supports many of the following political positions and practices:

* Spending money on government programs (the significant economic problems in the Eurozone due to government debt will no doubt increasingly discredit this aspect of liberal ideology and make things more difficult for advocates of liberal economic ideologies)
* Government's ability to solve economic problems
* The belief that terrorism is not a huge threat, and that the main reason for Muslim extremists' hostility towards America is because of bad foreign policy
* Taxpayer-funded and/or legalized abortion
* Censorship of teacher-led prayer in classrooms and school/state-sponsored religious events
* Support for gun control
* Affirmative action
* Opposition to government regulation or restriction of obscenity, pornography and violence in video games as a First Amendment right
* Government-funded medical care, such as ObamaCare
* Taxpayer funded and government controlled public education
* Insisting that men and women be placed in the same jobs in the military
* Legalized same-sex marriage and homosexual adoption
* Tax and spend
* Support for economic sector regulations
* Support and spreading of political correctness
* Support of non-syndicalist labor unions
* Encouraging promiscuity through sexual education (the teaching of safe sex) rather than teaching abstinence from premarital sex
* A "living Constitution" that is reinterpreted as liberals prefer, rather than how it is thought to have been intended
* Government programs to rehabilitate criminals
* Abolition of the death penalty
* Environmentalism
* Globalism
* Support for the constitutionally mandated separation of church and state
* Opposition to full private property rights
* Reinstating the Fairness Doctrine
* In 2005, it was reported by CBS News that liberals were most likely supporters of the theory of evolution
* Opposition to domestic wire-tapping as authorized in the Patriot Act
* Opposition of the War on Terrorism
* Withholds support to the War on Terrorism
* Tolerance of different ideas and lifestyles (just as long as those with different ideas and lifestyles identify themselves as liberal or to the left of the political spectrum)
* Do not support a laissez-faire capitalist economy and support regulation of business

Liberals currently use two clauses to try and expand their power: the Commerce Clause and the General Welfare Clause. The general welfare clause mentions "promoting the general welfare". This to a liberal means taxing the rich at increased rates and redistributing that money. The commerce clause, on the other hand, says that Congress has the power to regulate trade with foreign nations, between the states and with the indian tribes. Since the days of FDR this clause has been interpreted very loosely and has resulted in the federal government expanding its power. The latest example is The Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as ObamaCare. In the ACA, the liberals justify the individual mandate by saying it regulates commerce between the states.

Current dictionaries describe the liberal ideology by pretending that a liberal is "a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties" or "a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets," or "open-minded or tolerant, especially free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc." or "favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by government protection of civil liberties.


Open-minded, tolerant. Just as long as one's ideology resembles or closely resembles theirs. Additionally, they are open-minded and tolerant to the point of absurd. If you want to stick your schtick in a monkey? Cool. If you want to throw shit through an airplane's propeller blades and call it art? Cool. And, their open-mindedness and tolerance gets more and more loose as each decade passes. Soon, at this rate, one might surmise that child molestation will be a-okay with them within the next decade or two and, if you want to whip your chubby out and do some random broad right in the middle of a restaurant, for instance, they'll cheer you on. In the not too distant future, if leftist policies become rampant, one may be able to -- like a dog -- just jump some random broad walking down the street of whom one wants to have sex with and go to town.

Generous. With other peoples' money, things, etc.

Not bound by tradition, rules, laws, manners, etc., etc., etc.

Supports the killing of an unborn child, advocates the saving of Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, etc., etc., etc.

Blames America first.

Can read a book and retain information long enough to pass a test in order to graduate high school or college but, are really quite stupid and have the common sense of a bucket of shit.

Revise history to suit their needs by instituting linguistic gymnastics to twist logic and turn around an event 360 degrees from what it actually was.

Drug addled malcontents.

Can't fight their own battles and are generally cowards on their own unless they're with a group of their conservative friends, in which case, they will open their big mouths and mouth off and start a fight and, then, run away and let their conservative friends fight the fight for them of which they started. And, then, in the absence of their conservative friends, will strut around like a world-class heavyweight champ, proclaiming he/she kicked the asses of those he/she was mouthing off to and allege his/her conservative friends just stood and watched or, even ran away.

Think spit balls, protest signs, bellicose loud yelling and other such non-harmful activity is intimidating.

And more.

Sweet jebus, you must be one paranoid mofo. That post is just nuts. Really.

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