Defining ourselves as "pro" or "anti"


Gold Member
Dec 14, 2015
Would you define yourself as pro- or anti- Israel and/or pro- or anti- Palestine?

What distinguishes the different designations?

I, personally, consider myself both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian.
I don't believe there is such a thing as palestinians anymore. Its like saying there are Trans-Jordanians still among us. Formerly palestinians were of Judaic origin. The former Arab Muslim inhabitants now called Jordanians or Syrians or Arab Muslims.

But naming a subset of a group after an imaginary nonentity is a little disingenuous. It seems more part of a propaganda machine than an factual designation.

So its really not possible for me to say if I'm pro or anti palestinian, as there is no such thing as a palestinian. We have Arab Muslims living within Israel. Who will need to be separated into combatants and non combatants at which point I can honestly say I'm all for those found to be noncombatants being gradually granted equal rights and privileges as they earn them over time.

The Arab Muslim combatants should be repatriated to the countries of their origins.

On the other hand I can say without reservation that I am pro Israel in that they represent one of the greatest victories for native rights anywhere on the globe.

Huge thanks to the Judaic people for having the fortitude to not only stick up for themselves, but native people everywhere.
I consider myself pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli. I believe any solution to the conflict must include a mutual recognition of each side's existence and rights to exist.
I don't believe there is such a thing as palestinians anymore. Its like saying there are Trans-Jordanians still among us. Formerly palestinians were of Judaic origin. The former Arab Muslim inhabitants now called Jordanians or Syrians or Arab Muslims.

But naming a subset of a group after an imaginary nonentity is a little disingenuous. It seems more part of a propaganda machine than an factual designation.

So its really not possible for me to say if I'm pro or anti palestinian, as there is no such thing as a palestinian. We have Arab Muslims living within Israel. Who will need to be separated into combatants and non combatants at which point I can honestly say I'm all for those found to be noncombatants being gradually granted equal rights and privileges as they earn them over time.

The Arab Muslim combatants should be repatriated to the countries of their origins.

On the other hand I can say without reservation that I am pro Israel in that they represent one of the greatest victories for native rights anywhere on the globe.

Huge thanks to the Judaic people for having the fortitude to not only stick up for themselves, but native people everywhere.

They don't stick up for native people's everywhere - where did you pull that from?
I don't believe there is such a thing as palestinians anymore. Its like saying there are Trans-Jordanians still among us. Formerly palestinians were of Judaic origin. The former Arab Muslim inhabitants now called Jordanians or Syrians or Arab Muslims.

But naming a subset of a group after an imaginary nonentity is a little disingenuous. It seems more part of a propaganda machine than an factual designation.

So its really not possible for me to say if I'm pro or anti palestinian, as there is no such thing as a palestinian. We have Arab Muslims living within Israel. Who will need to be separated into combatants and non combatants at which point I can honestly say I'm all for those found to be noncombatants being gradually granted equal rights and privileges as they earn them over time.

The Arab Muslim combatants should be repatriated to the countries of their origins.

On the other hand I can say without reservation that I am pro Israel in that they represent one of the greatest victories for native rights anywhere on the globe.

Huge thanks to the Judaic people for having the fortitude to not only stick up for themselves, but native people everywhere.

They don't stick up for native people's everywhere - where did you pull that from?


Being mostly First Peoples myself I think I have a particularly unique view of the issues involved.

The Judaic people are hands down a first nations people. As am I.

Its the Arab Muslims who colonized the area in waves starting in about 900CE, the latest most significant wave and the majority of the population arriving in the early to mid 20th century CE

So yeah, its kinda hard for a first nations person to advocate for a colonizing race. Particularly when the colonizers are so desperate to invent a false history and pretend they are first nations peoples.

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Would you define yourself as pro- or anti- Israel and/or pro- or anti- Palestine?

What distinguishes the different designations?

I, personally, consider myself both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian.

I am pro Israel and anti islam until islam can learn to live with others as equals
The Judaic people...

Don't exist.

Its the Arab Muslims who colonized the area in waves starting in about 900CE, the latest most significant wave and the majority of the population arriving in the early to mid 20th century CE

Myth, the indigenous population merely abandoned their various religions in favour of Islam.

Particularly when the colonizers are so desperate to invent a false history and pretend they are first nations peoples.

That would be the European Zionist Israelis, then.
Would you define yourself as pro- or anti- Israel and/or pro- or anti- Palestine?

What distinguishes the different designations?

I, personally, consider myself both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian.

Hasbara 101: try to pass yourself off as "neutral"

Pro-Palestinian shitholism: trying to classify anyone not on the "Death to Zionists" camp as "Hasbara troll".
The Judaic people...

Don't exist.

Its the Arab Muslims who colonized the area in waves starting in about 900CE, the latest most significant wave and the majority of the population arriving in the early to mid 20th century CE

Myth, the indigenous population merely abandoned their various religions in favour of Islam.

Particularly when the colonizers are so desperate to invent a false history and pretend they are first nations peoples.

That would be the European Zionist Israelis, then.

Any more than pre 1963 arab muslim Palestinians

According to islamonazi rat boy who has yet to provide a scrap of evidence to substantiate his claim. The evidence of demographics show that the arab muslim population explodes every time there is another skirmish, and of fully grown adults not babes in arms. This is due to the increasing numbers of deserters who cant face the rest of islam after losing again.

No that would be the Jews who lived in the area for 4,500 years, and were the majority of the population before and after the invention of zionism
The Judaic people...

Don't exist.

Its the Arab Muslims who colonized the area in waves starting in about 900CE, the latest most significant wave and the majority of the population arriving in the early to mid 20th century CE

Myth, the indigenous population merely abandoned their various religions in favour of Islam.

Particularly when the colonizers are so desperate to invent a false history and pretend they are first nations peoples.

That would be the European Zionist Israelis, then.

LOL your funny. The Judaic people most certainly still exist. As todays modern Jews. Israeli's

They have a long and rich history dating back to the dawn of written history in the exact place Israel is today ;--)

Your false claim has been deconstructed in detail elsewhere.

But you sure do define what team your on when you make such false claims. The team who's claims require one lie after another. The Arab team.

Israeli is all about establishing peaceful coexistence. You and yours are all about death and destruction. Huge difference.
Would you define yourself as pro- or anti- Israel and/or pro- or anti- Palestine?

What distinguishes the different designations?

I, personally, consider myself both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian.

Hasbara 101: try to pass yourself off as "neutral"

Ha. Well, I am decidedly not neutral. I am very much pro-Israel. But I do think that there is a reasonable solution which will serve the Palestinians as well as the Israelis.
Would you define yourself as pro- or anti- Israel and/or pro- or anti- Palestine?

What distinguishes the different designations?

I, personally, consider myself both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian.

Hasbara 101: try to pass yourself off as "neutral"

Pro-Palestinian shitholism: trying to classify anyone not on the "Death to Zionists" camp as "Hasbara troll".

Want peace? Israel needs to dump Nutandyahoo & his damn Zionist agenda of peace offerings to Palestinians, security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel & find a leader like king Hussein who knew how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
I don't believe there is such a thing as palestinians anymore. Its like saying there are Trans-Jordanians still among us. Formerly palestinians were of Judaic origin. The former Arab Muslim inhabitants now called Jordanians or Syrians or Arab Muslims.

But naming a subset of a group after an imaginary nonentity is a little disingenuous. It seems more part of a propaganda machine than an factual designation.

So its really not possible for me to say if I'm pro or anti palestinian, as there is no such thing as a palestinian. We have Arab Muslims living within Israel. Who will need to be separated into combatants and non combatants at which point I can honestly say I'm all for those found to be noncombatants being gradually granted equal rights and privileges as they earn them over time.

The Arab Muslim combatants should be repatriated to the countries of their origins.

On the other hand I can say without reservation that I am pro Israel in that they represent one of the greatest victories for native rights anywhere on the globe.

Huge thanks to the Judaic people for having the fortitude to not only stick up for themselves, but native people everywhere.

They don't stick up for native people's everywhere - where did you pull that from?


Being mostly First Peoples myself I think I have a particularly unique view of the issues involved.

The Judaic people are hands down a first nations people. As am I.

Its the Arab Muslims who colonized the area in waves starting in about 900CE, the latest most significant wave and the majority of the population arriving in the early to mid 20th century CE

So yeah, its kinda hard for a first nations person to advocate for a colonizing race. Particularly when the colonizers are so desperate to invent a false history and pretend they are first nations peoples.


Where is Israel "sticking up for" native people's everywhere?

Native American's certainly aren't united in support for Israel:
Native American Tribal Support for the State of Israel
Native American Indians Take a Stand For Gaza - Counter Current News
Native Americans turning on Israel?
Last edited:
Would you define yourself as pro- or anti- Israel and/or pro- or anti- Palestine?

What distinguishes the different designations?

I, personally, consider myself both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian.

Hasbara 101: try to pass yourself off as "neutral"

Pro-Palestinian shitholism: trying to classify anyone not on the "Death to Zionists" camp as "Hasbara troll".

No different than Pro-Israeli shitholism: trying to classify anyone not on the "Death to Palestinian" camp as "anti-semitic".
Would you define yourself as pro- or anti- Israel and/or pro- or anti- Palestine?

What distinguishes the different designations?

I, personally, consider myself both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian.

Hasbara 101: try to pass yourself off as "neutral"

Ha. Well, I am decidedly not neutral. I am very much pro-Israel. But I do think that there is a reasonable solution which will serve the Palestinians as well as the Israelis.

Ya, I'm similar except pro-Palestinian and I firmly believe any solution must include the needs and recognition of both Israel and the Palestine as states and more importantly, individual people.
It can be wrong of inaccurate to get locked into labels. There can be times or or particular circumstance when you can be both.

There are times of issues where you are more closely agree with a republican point of view or a more democratic point of view but strongly disagree on other times.

There might be both pro-Israeli and pro-palestinian, but not the actions or politics of either or both at times.

The situation between them is far too complex and labels carry a stigma that prohibits a deep understanding and limits a real solution or compromise between them
I don't believe there is such a thing as palestinians anymore. Its like saying there are Trans-Jordanians still among us. Formerly palestinians were of Judaic origin. The former Arab Muslim inhabitants now called Jordanians or Syrians or Arab Muslims.

But naming a subset of a group after an imaginary nonentity is a little disingenuous. It seems more part of a propaganda machine than an factual designation.

So its really not possible for me to say if I'm pro or anti palestinian, as there is no such thing as a palestinian. We have Arab Muslims living within Israel. Who will need to be separated into combatants and non combatants at which point I can honestly say I'm all for those found to be noncombatants being gradually granted equal rights and privileges as they earn them over time.

The Arab Muslim combatants should be repatriated to the countries of their origins.

On the other hand I can say without reservation that I am pro Israel in that they represent one of the greatest victories for native rights anywhere on the globe.

Huge thanks to the Judaic people for having the fortitude to not only stick up for themselves, but native people everywhere.

They don't stick up for native people's everywhere - where did you pull that from?


Being mostly First Peoples myself I think I have a particularly unique view of the issues involved.

The Judaic people are hands down a first nations people. As am I.

Its the Arab Muslims who colonized the area in waves starting in about 900CE, the latest most significant wave and the majority of the population arriving in the early to mid 20th century CE

So yeah, its kinda hard for a first nations person to advocate for a colonizing race. Particularly when the colonizers are so desperate to invent a false history and pretend they are first nations peoples.


Where is Israel "sticking up for" native people's everywhere?

Native American's certainly aren't united in support for Israel:
Native American Tribal Support for the State of Israel
Native American Indians Take a Stand For Gaza - Counter Current News
Native Americans turning on Israel?

You might do a little more than a few moments research,d.amc



US opinion on Israel,d.amc


Native Americans poll on the Israel issue,d.amc


7 in 10 americans support Israel,d.amc


Ryan Bellerose, a member of the Métis nation in Canada, wrote in the Metropolitan,


The Palestinians are not like us. Their fight is not our fight. We natives believe in bringing about change peacefully and we refuse to be affiliated with anyone who engages in violence targeting civilians. I cannot remain silent and allow the Palestinians to gain credibility at our expense by claiming commonality with us.

I cannot stand by while they trivialize our plight by tying it to theirs, which is largely self-inflicted. Our population of over 65 million was violently reduced to a mere 10 million, a slaughter unprecedented in human history. To compare that in whatever way to the Palestinians’ story is deeply offensive to me. The Palestinians did lose the land they claim is theirs, but they were repeatedly given the opportunity to build their state on it and to partner with the Jews — and they persistently refused peace overtures and chose war. We were never given that chance. We never made that choice.

End Quote


Polls specificaly targetting Native Americans on this issue are hard to find but being of First Nations origins myself and being involved in my community I can personally attest too just how offended we are that anyone would attempt to associate our recent past with that of the Arab Muslims of Israel.

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