Defining ourselves as "pro" or "anti"

Once you breed with Europeans for 10 generations you are European.

Does that mean that once you breed with Arabs for 10 generations you are Arab? Goose/gander, dude.

Oh, and your comments about blood and race are vile and disgusting.

And that would require Jews to admit that Palestinians had rights to the land, considering they'd be Palestinians at that point. Assuming that's what you meant by 'Arabs"
the thing is, once you move beyond ties to place - then you start denying people who's families or people have been in a certain geographical area for a long length of time. I can see that is somehow arbritrary (length of time) but it allows for the fewest rights to be trampled, as I see it.

But I don't at all disagree with you here. Which is one of the reasons why I support a 4 State solution, even though it severely cuts into Israel's territorial integrity.
the thing is, once you move beyond ties to place - then you start denying people who's families or people have been in a certain geographical area for a long length of time. I can see that is somehow arbritrary (length of time) but it allows for the fewest rights to be trampled, as I see it.

But I don't at all disagree with you here. Which is one of the reasons why I support a 4 State solution, even though it severely cuts into Israel's territorial integrity.

Why would Israelis have a right to deny the right of return? They need to share the land or leave, the only moral solution. No other settler colonial state stole the best land and quarantined itself off.

Why do you think Jews get these special priveleges because of their religious beliefs? It doesn't entitle them to be ethno fascists. Americans would never treat my kin that way in 2016 and neither would Kiwis, Australians, or Canadians. What gives Jews the right to be so barbaric? German crimes?
Once you breed with Europeans for 10 generations you are European.

Does that mean that once you breed with Arabs for 10 generations you are Arab? Goose/gander, dude.

Oh, and your comments about blood and race are vile and disgusting.

And that would require Jews to admit that Palestinians had rights to the land, considering they'd be Palestinians at that point. Assuming that's what you meant by 'Arabs"

Quite the opposite. If Jews have no rights to the lands because of interbreeding with Europeans makes them European, then "Palestinians" would have no rights to the lands because of interbreeding with Arabs makes them Arab.

You can't have it both ways. If Palestinians have a right to the land despite interbreeding with Arabs, then Jews have a right to the land despite interbreeding with Eurpoeans. And that would make you both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian. See, the problem with you is that you want to apply the rules differently to each group so that you can be pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel.
Once you breed with Europeans for 10 generations you are European.

Does that mean that once you breed with Arabs for 10 generations you are Arab? Goose/gander, dude.

Oh, and your comments about blood and race are vile and disgusting.

And that would require Jews to admit that Palestinians had rights to the land, considering they'd be Palestinians at that point. Assuming that's what you meant by 'Arabs"

Quite the opposite. If Jews have no rights to the lands because of interbreeding with Europeans makes them European, then "Palestinians" would have no rights to the lands because of interbreeding with Arabs makes them Arab.

You can't have it both ways. If Palestinians have a right to the land despite interbreeding with Arabs, then Jews have a right to the land despite interbreeding with Eurpoeans. And that would make you both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian. See, the problem with you is that you want to apply the rules differently to each group so that you can be pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel.

Palestinians have always been Arabs by blood, they were never much different from the people who lived so close to them. The patriarchs and Jesus were "Arabs" just before anyone knew what their descendants would call themselves
Would you define yourself as pro- or anti- Israel and/or pro- or anti- Palestine?

What distinguishes the different designations?

I, personally, consider myself both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian.

I am pro-Israel, and I do not pretend otherwise.

I support the right of a besieged minority to determine their own fate, so I support Israel against the Arabs who wish to destroy them. Since I support the right of women to become doctors and lawyers and engineers instead of mere brood mares, I support Israel instead of Arabs. Since I support the rights of gay people to live their lives free from harassment, I support the state that has gay-pride parades instead of the Arabs who would only kill them. Since I support forward-thinking green technology, I support the state that is among the world's leaders instead of those who produce nothing at all useful to anybody else. Since I support modernity instead of superstitious backwardness, I support Israel.

It's really a very easy decision to make for anybody who is actually liberal and who is intelligent enough to see through all the propaganda aimed at creating legions of cultish useful idiots who have been convinced that down is really up, backwards is really forwards and death is really life.
Since I support the right of women to become doctors and lawyers and engineers instead of mere brood mares, I support Israel instead of Arabs.​

Do you mean like:


Dr. Mona El-Farra, Director of Gaza Projects, is a physician by training and a human rights and women’s rights activist by practice in the occupied Gaza Strip. She was born in Khan Younis, Gaza and has dedicated herself to developing community based programs that aim to improve health quality and link health services with cultural and recreation services all over the Gaza Strip. Dr. El-Farra is also the Health Chair of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society of the Gaza Strip and a member of the Union of Health Work Committees. Dr. El-Farra has a son and two daughters.
Would you define yourself as pro- or anti- Israel and/or pro- or anti- Palestine?

What distinguishes the different designations?

I, personally, consider myself both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian.

I am pro-Israel, and I do not pretend otherwise.

I support the right of a besieged minority to determine their own fate, so I support Israel against the Arabs who wish to destroy them. Since I support the right of women to become doctors and lawyers and engineers instead of mere brood mares, I support Israel instead of Arabs. Since I support the rights of gay people to live their lives free from harassment, I support the state that has gay-pride parades instead of the Arabs who would only kill them. Since I support forward-thinking green technology, I support the state that is among the world's leaders instead of those who produce nothing at all useful to anybody else. Since I support modernity instead of superstitious backwardness, I support Israel.

It's really a very easy decision to make for anybody who is actually liberal and who is intelligent enough to see through all the propaganda aimed at creating legions of cultish useful idiots who have been convinced that down is really up, backwards is really forwards and death is really life.
Since I support the right of women to become doctors and lawyers and engineers instead of mere brood mares, I support Israel instead of Arabs.​

Do you mean like:


Dr. Mona El-Farra, Director of Gaza Projects, is a physician by training and a human rights and women’s rights activist by practice in the occupied Gaza Strip. She was born in Khan Younis, Gaza and has dedicated herself to developing community based programs that aim to improve health quality and link health services with cultural and recreation services all over the Gaza Strip. Dr. El-Farra is also the Health Chair of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society of the Gaza Strip and a member of the Union of Health Work Committees. Dr. El-Farra has a son and two daughters.

Old white and racist, what a surprise.

RIP knowing that your grandsons will be spit upon for their beliefs. If you had the balls to talk to me about Natives or some black guy about Black Americans the way you do Arabs you wouldn't have lasted long in this country old man.

Remember what passing on those sorts of beliefs has gotten your kin in the past

Basically, all he said was that the Arab nations aren't as progressive as Western ones. That is the truth. Did you ever hear of honor killings, as an example?
Yeah, no ;--)

Your both wrong.

The Israeli's are the indigenous people. Studies show that even the European Jews maintained their distinct culture and heritage. They also maintain some of the same genetic diseases found in much more prevalently in jews worldwide and to the same degree as other Judaic populations.

Also from the science of archeology we have definitive proof that the protojudaic peoples developed in the canaan area. Exactly where Israel is now.

We also know as a certainty that the Roman emperor Hadrian, ( right about the 2nd century CE ) out of anger at the Jewish people, changed the name of Judea to palaestina. This happened at a time when Arabs and even Arab Muslims didn't exist yet.

So the palaestina people of Hadrian's time couldn't possibly have been any other than the Judaic people today. Jews.

Arab Muslims didn't exist until sometime around Mo-mad's time or roughly the 7th century CE. Even the first inklings of the Arabic language didn't first appear until roughly the 4th century and that only in a few inscriptions in Pompeii, which is a far cry from Israel. And that as a protolanguage.

The simple fact is that Arab Muslims, who entered the Judaic are in about the 9th century CE as colonists didn't even exist when the term palaestina was coined. Ergo the term could not have meant an Arab Muslim. It meant the Jewish people who's culture and distinctness as a people developed there.

It wasn't until sometime AFTER the Arab defeat in 1967 that Assafat ( an Egyptian ) invented the PLO and thus, absconded with the term and reaplied it to an invented people.

The Arab Muslims of Israel today are not different culturally or ethnically than the Arab Muslims of Jordan ( about 100' away across the Jordan river ) or those in Syria, or a number of other nearby countries.

What is known about the Arab Muslim population is Israel is that they mostly arrived in the second major Arab colonial period in the early to mid 20th century.


Redirect Notice

As far as a right of return is concerned, Israel is a sovereign nation. It has no obligation to allow anyone entrance. Nor is there any evidence of a unique culture or peoples known as palestinian. The term and the concept are an invention for political gain.

Also the area in question was intended for a national Jewish homeland. EVERYTHING west of the Jordan in fact in available for that purpose. Ref both the Mandate and the Jordan Memorandum. Ergo the Israeli's cannot be occupying land intended for them in the first place.

Its also readily apparent that the Judaic people were expelled from Arab Lands in the early to mid 20th century, with no compensation payed. Yet the Arabs were not expelled from Israel. 20% of the Israeli population today are Arab. So any questions about right of return must be tied to compensation for those who do not wish to return. If and when the Arabs pay reparations to the Judaic people who were forced from their homes, then and only then should the Judaic people consider the same. However, once again Israel is a sovereign nation, it is not obligated to allow anyone entrance.
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Would you define yourself as pro- or anti- Israel and/or pro- or anti- Palestine?

What distinguishes the different designations?

I, personally, consider myself both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian.

I am pro-Israel, and I do not pretend otherwise.

I support the right of a besieged minority to determine their own fate, so I support Israel against the Arabs who wish to destroy them. Since I support the right of women to become doctors and lawyers and engineers instead of mere brood mares, I support Israel instead of Arabs. Since I support the rights of gay people to live their lives free from harassment, I support the state that has gay-pride parades instead of the Arabs who would only kill them. Since I support forward-thinking green technology, I support the state that is among the world's leaders instead of those who produce nothing at all useful to anybody else. Since I support modernity instead of superstitious backwardness, I support Israel.

It's really a very easy decision to make for anybody who is actually liberal and who is intelligent enough to see through all the propaganda aimed at creating legions of cultish useful idiots who have been convinced that down is really up, backwards is really forwards and death is really life.
Since I support the right of women to become doctors and lawyers and engineers instead of mere brood mares, I support Israel instead of Arabs.​

Do you mean like:


Dr. Mona El-Farra, Director of Gaza Projects, is a physician by training and a human rights and women’s rights activist by practice in the occupied Gaza Strip. She was born in Khan Younis, Gaza and has dedicated herself to developing community based programs that aim to improve health quality and link health services with cultural and recreation services all over the Gaza Strip. Dr. El-Farra is also the Health Chair of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society of the Gaza Strip and a member of the Union of Health Work Committees. Dr. El-Farra has a son and two daughters.

Old white and racist, what a surprise.

RIP knowing that your grandsons will be spit upon for their beliefs. If you had the balls to talk to me about Natives or some black guy about Black Americans the way you do Arabs you wouldn't have lasted long in this country old man.

Remember what passing on those sorts of beliefs has gotten your kin in the past

Basically, all he said was that the Arab nations aren't as progressive as Western ones. That is the truth. Did you ever hear of honor killings, as an example?

You think there is some vast moral difference between honor killings and dropping missiles on school children?

These are old tropes, the British said the same things about my Indian ancestors. Tropes as old as time. Women's rights my ass, as if white men move armies to defend brown women

He's just an old racist white man caught in an era he doesn't belong
Yeah, no ;--)

Your both wrong.

The Israeli's are the indigenous people. Studies show that even the European Jews maintained their distinct culture and heritage. They also maintain some of the same genetic diseases found in much more prevalently in jews worldwide and to the same degree as other Judaic populations.

Also from the science of archeology we have definitive proof that the protojudaic peoples developed in the canaan area. Exactly where Israel is now.

We also know as a certainty that the Roman emperor Hadrian, ( right about the 2nd century CE ) out of anger at the Jewish people, changed the name of Judea to palaestina. This happened at a time when Arabs and even Arab Muslims didn't exist yet.

So the palaestina people of Hadrian's time couldn't possibly have been any other than the Judaic people today. Jews.

Arab Muslims didn't exist until sometime around Mo-mad's time or roughly the 7th century CE. Even the first inklings of the Arabic language didn't first appear until roughly the 4th century and that only in a few inscriptions in Pompeii, which is a far cry from Israel. And that as a protolanguage.

The simple fact is that Arab Muslims, who entered the Judaic are in about the 9th century CE as colonists didn't even exist when the term palaestina was coined. Ergo the term could not have meant an Arab Muslim. It meant the Jewish people who's culture and distinctness as a people developed there.

It wasn't until sometime AFTER the Arab defeat in 1967 that Assafat ( an Egyptian ) invented the PLO and thus, absconded with the term and reaplied it to an invented people.

The Arab Muslims of Israel today are not different culturally or ethnically than the Arab Muslims of Jordan ( about 100' away across the Jordan river ) or those in Syria, or a number of other nearby countries.

What is known about the Arab Muslim population is Israel is that they mostly arrived in the second major Arab colonial period in the early to mid 20th century.


Redirect Notice

As far as a right of return is concerned, Israel is a sovereign nation. It has no obligation to allow anyone entrance. Nor is there any evidence of a unique culture or peoples known as palestinian. The term and the concept are an invention for political gain.

Also the area in question was intended for a national Jewish homeland. EVERYTHING west of the Jordan in fact in available for that purpose. Ref both the Mandate and the Jordan Memorandum. Ergo the Israeli's cannot be occupying land intended for them in the first place.

Its also readily apparent that the Judaic people were expelled from Arab Lands in the early to mid 20th century, with no compensation payed. Yet the Arabs were not expelled from Israel. 20% of the Israeli population today are Arab. So any questions about right of return must be tied to compensation for those who do not wish to return. If and when the Arabs pay reparations to the Judaic people who were forced from their homes, then and only then should the Judaic people consider the same. However, once again Israel is a sovereign nation, it is not obligated to allow anyone entrance.

Israel is a nation of bigots who ethnically cleansed Palestine and are now occupying land they have no right to.

There is only one way this ends, and that's with teh right of return.

And then the Israeli state disappears. Jews will have to man up and deal with the majorities they pissed off in their own homelands or live with the "Arabs".
...Israel is a nation of bigots who ethnically cleansed Palestine and are now occupying land they have no right to...
And all the Muslim-Arab pissing and moaning in the world isn't going to bring your non-existent-never-existed Palestine back from your Alternative Universe.

...There is only one way this ends, and that's with teh right of return...
The only way this ends is with the under-performing Muslim-Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank being pushed across the east bank of the Jordan River.

The Jewish Reconquista of the Holy Land is already far advanced, and approaching completion.

Good times, and fun stuff, that.

...And then the Israeli state disappears. Jews will have to man up and deal with the majorities they pissed off in their own homelands or live with the "Arabs".
Only in your fantasy-world.

Your Muslim-Arab pals lack the brains and muscle and balls to make that happen.

They've already tried... several times... and the Israelis have handed them their heads back on a platter.

Most of Israel's Muslim-Arab neighbor countries have given up on the idea, and, other than throwing a few millions here and there at the mad-dog so-called Palestinians, for humanitarian relief, they're no longer particularly interested in bleeding for Losers and Fools again.

And, of course, ISIS-ISIL-IS, and Hezbollah, will be dead as a doornail within a few years, as The West, collectively, wakes up to the dangers there, and begins killing the troublemakers by the thousands and scores of thousands...

It's all a marvelous opportunity for Israel to finish what they started in 1948, and, judging by the Pals' own propaganda maps of land lost, it's all over but the shouting, already...

The Pals might as well acknowledge Reality, pack up, and leave for greener pastures; no point in hanging around a place that holds no future for them.


Oh... by the way... I'm pro-Israel...
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I'm "anti-stupid"...

You know the ones, those stupid enough to keep spouting off about there being no Palestine, no Palestinians... Like they suddenly came to rule the fucking world... Dumbasses!

Ah yes but then, a typical zionut trait, change history, change the here and now and god will take care of us 'poor, down-trodden zionuts'...

They are as stupid as 'holocaust deniers'!

You know, those neo nazi types who choose to ignore historical factual evidence...
Israel is a nation of bigots who ethnically cleansed Palestine and are now occupying land they have no right to.

There is only one way this ends, and that's with teh right of return.

And then the Israeli state disappears. Jews will have to man up and deal with the majorities they pissed off in their own homelands or live with the "Arabs".

You may be stupid, but at least you lie a lot. :thup:

Allah loves a stupid liar!
Thread was closed for a bit, to consider what to do because it is getting derailed. We need to keep it on topic. Generic ethnic bashing belongs elsewhere. There is also a thread dedicated to the indiginousness of each group and another thread dedicated to the history of the Mandate and the formation of the conflict. Rather than derail this thread, let's take that discussion to the appropriate threads.

So...topic is do you consider yourself anti pro etc and why....

Thread has been reopened.

Thanks :)

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