Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Many creationist like myself have a strong background in science so stop your stupid comments address my questions or move along how fucking hard is that to comprehend.

Many creationist are simply religious zealots with no formal training in the subject matter they blather on about.

You are the stereotypical example of someone with no background in the sciences you hope to denigrate. Your cutting and pasting from such hacks as Harun Yahya and the various creation ministries is an example of that.

Would you care to explain how Kyle Butt is qualified to provide a comprehensive explanation of carbon / radiometric dating methods?

Apologetics Press | Bible Contradiction |

Kyle Butt is a graduate of Freed-Hardeman University, where he earned a B.A. with a double major in Bible and communications, and an M.A. in New Testament. Currently, he serves in the Bible department at Apologetics Press and as editor of Discovery magazine. He speaks frequently around the country at youth rallies, lectureships, Gospel meetings, etc.

What a joke.

Encyclopedia of American Loons: Search results for Kyle Butt

As you’d expect, Butt is an ludicrously insane young earth creationist who claims to have (conclusive) evidence for the flood. Unfortunately, Butt’s ability to distinguish evidence from imagination is less than fully developed, and his reasoning skills are not quite impeccable either.

Here is his own argument that since science has made mistakes before – giving one example of a (putative) mistake that science itself corrected – the Bible is an accurate portrayal of verifiable reality, and “the idea that scientific ’findings’ trump every other source of information is simply false.” As he so eloquently puts it: “information in science books changes from year to year. […] Yet the biblical text has stood for centuries. Its integrity has surpassed that of any book ever printed. And the scientific information in it coincide perfectly with all factual data.” Assigning the (putative) unchanging commands of the Bible to dogma and confirmation bias in the face of falsifying evidence apparently doesn’t cross his mind. And all gaps in knowledge are evidence for the existence of God. There are some comments on his work here, and here.

Together with one Eric Lyons, Butt wrote “Dinosaurs Unleashed: A True Story Of Dinosaurs And Humans”, which is, needless to say, not a true story. It is picked apart in some detail here. Butt has also penned an interesting treatise; see comment 18 in this link) called “Defending the Bible’s Position on Slavery.”

Ok you are just to stupid to see the sources the guy used which were from your side comical yes.

Hollie take me on , I am the one challenging you.

You are no challenge... except to depths of ignorance.

And still, you have run away from addressing a single post I've offered refuting your fallacious, claims, lies and falsehoods.
Simple explanation? Perhaps, but one that only a simpleton could accept.

All living things that have ever existed and will ever exist on this planet are born and die.

It has always been this way.

The death consequent to sin described in the fairy tale is the inability to produce a coherent and rational thought so perfectly displayed by you in your obstinate stupidity against accepting all the available facts related to the irrefutable evidence of the geological record of the evolution of all species..

The sweat of your brow, thinking, produces only thorns and thistles.

If you do not cleanse your mind of every trace of falsehood you will never know what it is to be a living being.

Simpleton ? you see entropy all around you dumbshit.

Then you can respond to my questions otherwise you can take a hike as well. I am tired of morons coming in and speaking from their ass.

Shit or get off the pot.

Defend your faith or fuck off.

Such are the dangers of fundamentalist creationist. Their arguments have failed, they have no challenge to science fact and so are left behave like petulant children.

So, aside from your juvenile potty mouth, you're really just hopelessly unable to offer a coherent thought.

Evade much !
No not bad design once you read the scriptures you will learn when man sinned entropy began simple explanation no ?

Simple explanation? Perhaps, but one that only a simpleton could accept.

All living things that have ever existed and will ever exist on this planet are born and die.

It has always been this way.

The death consequent to sin described in the fairy tale is the inability to produce a coherent and rational thought so perfectly displayed by you in your obstinate stupidity against accepting all the available facts related to the irrefutable evidence of the geological record of the evolution of all species..

The sweat of your brow, thinking, produces only thorns and thistles.

If you do not cleanse your mind of every trace of falsehood you will never know what it is to be a living being.

Simpleton ? you see entropy all around you dumbshit.

Then you can respond to my questions otherwise you can take a hike as well. I am tired of morons coming in and speaking from their ass.

Shit or get off the pot.

Defend your faith or fuck off.

Yes simpleton.

You are the one who associated entropy with the concept of sin related to a bronze age fairy tale intended to educate bronze age children whose level of intelligence seems to have been far above yours.

Grow up or fuck off yourself.
Many creationist are simply religious zealots with no formal training in the subject matter they blather on about.

You are the stereotypical example of someone with no background in the sciences you hope to denigrate. Your cutting and pasting from such hacks as Harun Yahya and the various creation ministries is an example of that.

Would you care to explain how Kyle Butt is qualified to provide a comprehensive explanation of carbon / radiometric dating methods?

Apologetics Press | Bible Contradiction |

Kyle Butt is a graduate of Freed-Hardeman University, where he earned a B.A. with a double major in Bible and communications, and an M.A. in New Testament. Currently, he serves in the Bible department at Apologetics Press and as editor of Discovery magazine. He speaks frequently around the country at youth rallies, lectureships, Gospel meetings, etc.

What a joke.

Encyclopedia of American Loons: Search results for Kyle Butt

As you’d expect, Butt is an ludicrously insane young earth creationist who claims to have (conclusive) evidence for the flood. Unfortunately, Butt’s ability to distinguish evidence from imagination is less than fully developed, and his reasoning skills are not quite impeccable either.

Here is his own argument that since science has made mistakes before – giving one example of a (putative) mistake that science itself corrected – the Bible is an accurate portrayal of verifiable reality, and “the idea that scientific ’findings’ trump every other source of information is simply false.” As he so eloquently puts it: “information in science books changes from year to year. […] Yet the biblical text has stood for centuries. Its integrity has surpassed that of any book ever printed. And the scientific information in it coincide perfectly with all factual data.” Assigning the (putative) unchanging commands of the Bible to dogma and confirmation bias in the face of falsifying evidence apparently doesn’t cross his mind. And all gaps in knowledge are evidence for the existence of God. There are some comments on his work here, and here.

Together with one Eric Lyons, Butt wrote “Dinosaurs Unleashed: A True Story Of Dinosaurs And Humans”, which is, needless to say, not a true story. It is picked apart in some detail here. Butt has also penned an interesting treatise; see comment 18 in this link) called “Defending the Bible’s Position on Slavery.”

Ok you are just to stupid to see the sources the guy used which were from your side comical yes.

Hollie take me on , I am the one challenging you.

You are no challenge... except to depths of ignorance.

And still, you have run away from addressing a single post I've offered refuting your fallacious, claims, lies and falsehoods.

You never addressed the faulty assumptions presented I am waiting !

You have not offered how non-living matter could become life !
Simpleton ? you see entropy all around you dumbshit.

Then you can respond to my questions otherwise you can take a hike as well. I am tired of morons coming in and speaking from their ass.

Shit or get off the pot.

Defend your faith or fuck off.

Such are the dangers of fundamentalist creationist. Their arguments have failed, they have no challenge to science fact and so are left behave like petulant children.

So, aside from your juvenile potty mouth, you're really just hopelessly unable to offer a coherent thought.

Evade much !

Not at all.

Try addressing any of the refutations I've offered to your fallacious claims.

All we have from you are childish tantrums and juvenile name-calling.
Simple explanation? Perhaps, but one that only a simpleton could accept.

All living things that have ever existed and will ever exist on this planet are born and die.

It has always been this way.

The death consequent to sin described in the fairy tale is the inability to produce a coherent and rational thought so perfectly displayed by you in your obstinate stupidity against accepting all the available facts related to the irrefutable evidence of the geological record of the evolution of all species..

The sweat of your brow, thinking, produces only thorns and thistles.

If you do not cleanse your mind of every trace of falsehood you will never know what it is to be a living being.

Simpleton ? you see entropy all around you dumbshit.

Then you can respond to my questions otherwise you can take a hike as well. I am tired of morons coming in and speaking from their ass.

Shit or get off the pot.

Defend your faith or fuck off.

Yes simpleton.

You are the one who associated entropy with the concept of sin related to a bronze age fairy tale intended to educate bronze age children whose level of intelligence seems to have been far above yours.

Grow up or fuck off yourself.

Yes the bible gives an explanation of what sin brings.

So if everything experiences entropy why is that ?
Such are the dangers of fundamentalist creationist. Their arguments have failed, they have no challenge to science fact and so are left behave like petulant children.

So, aside from your juvenile potty mouth, you're really just hopelessly unable to offer a coherent thought.

Evade much !

Not at all.

Try addressing any of the refutations I've offered to your fallacious claims.

All we have from you are childish tantrums and juvenile name-calling.

Already did respond to your rebuttal there is not just one faulty assumption but several.
Ok you are just to stupid to see the sources the guy used which were from your side comical yes.

Hollie take me on , I am the one challenging you.

You are no challenge... except to depths of ignorance.

And still, you have run away from addressing a single post I've offered refuting your fallacious, claims, lies and falsehoods.

You never addressed the faulty assumptions presented I am waiting !

You have not offered how non-living matter could become life !

Dinosaurs Unleashed - EvoWiki

Dinosaurs Unleashed: The True story of Dinosaurs and Humans is a young earth creationist publication written by Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons and published in 2004 by Apologetics Press. NOT a true story.


This is to be more as Dinosaurs Unleashed: The UN-true Story of Dinosaurs and Humans than anything else because these men are lying here. If what the 2 YECs, Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons who made this newest fantasy book is exactly what they claim to be, then we would have seen evidences of dinosaurs and humans found mixed together in the fossil record along with skins and bones made into tools and jewelry, wagons, bridals, leashes, and barns big enough to house them, and real valid authentic images, writings and figures carved exactly by the ancients of long ago as seen in Dinotopia and other forms of science fiction literature, but none are found!

Knowing that dinosaurs poses a major problem for them and their teachings, they realized there are 3 options to consider.

1. Acknowledged and accept the true dinosaur record, which tells us that dinosaurs did lived and died before humans were around (Good Idea.).
2. Deny their existence (Bad idea).
3. Lie about them! Say that dinosaurs lived with man at one point in time (Even Worse.).

Unfortunately, YECs like Ham, Morris, and Hovind chose 3 as their option, Lie about them; Say that dinosaurs lived with man at one point in time and cram them all within their faulty interpretations of the Bible, falsely call them “God's Word” and tell it like it is. They would take certain verses, they think best fits dinosaurs, out of text, like they do in quotes and images, and twisted them around to fit their beliefs about it. If that's called sheer dishonesty as well as blasphemy when they used the Lord they deliberately put into a box as a pawn to help win converts to their group, then I don't know what it is.
No not bad design once you read the scriptures you will learn when man sinned entropy began simple explanation no ?

Simple explanation? Perhaps, but one that only a simpleton could accept.

All living things that have ever existed and will ever exist on this planet are born and die.

It has always been this way.

The death consequent to sin described in the fairy tale is the inability to produce a coherent and rational thought so perfectly displayed by you in your obstinate stupidity against accepting all the available facts related to the irrefutable evidence of the geological record of the evolution of all species..

The sweat of your brow, thinking, produces only thorns and thistles.

If you do not cleanse your mind of every trace of falsehood you will never know what it is to be a living being.

Simpleton ? you see entropy all around you dumbshit.

Then you can respond to my questions otherwise you can take a hike as well. I am tired of morons coming in and speaking from their ass.

Shit or get off the pot.

Defend your faith or fuck off.

I can easily see that you don't speak from "Christ". Saints don't need to use this kind of language to speak for God.
You are no challenge... except to depths of ignorance.

And still, you have run away from addressing a single post I've offered refuting your fallacious, claims, lies and falsehoods.

You never addressed the faulty assumptions presented I am waiting !

You have not offered how non-living matter could become life !

Dinosaurs Unleashed - EvoWiki

Dinosaurs Unleashed: The True story of Dinosaurs and Humans is a young earth creationist publication written by Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons and published in 2004 by Apologetics Press. NOT a true story.


This is to be more as Dinosaurs Unleashed: The UN-true Story of Dinosaurs and Humans than anything else because these men are lying here. If what the 2 YECs, Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons who made this newest fantasy book is exactly what they claim to be, then we would have seen evidences of dinosaurs and humans found mixed together in the fossil record along with skins and bones made into tools and jewelry, wagons, bridals, leashes, and barns big enough to house them, and real valid authentic images, writings and figures carved exactly by the ancients of long ago as seen in Dinotopia and other forms of science fiction literature, but none are found!

Knowing that dinosaurs poses a major problem for them and their teachings, they realized there are 3 options to consider.

1. Acknowledged and accept the true dinosaur record, which tells us that dinosaurs did lived and died before humans were around (Good Idea.).
2. Deny their existence (Bad idea).
3. Lie about them! Say that dinosaurs lived with man at one point in time (Even Worse.).

Unfortunately, YECs like Ham, Morris, and Hovind chose 3 as their option, Lie about them; Say that dinosaurs lived with man at one point in time and cram them all within their faulty interpretations of the Bible, falsely call them “God's Word” and tell it like it is. They would take certain verses, they think best fits dinosaurs, out of text, like they do in quotes and images, and twisted them around to fit their beliefs about it. If that's called sheer dishonesty as well as blasphemy when they used the Lord they deliberately put into a box as a pawn to help win converts to their group, then I don't know what it is.

Still evading ! have a good day butt sore.
Simple explanation? Perhaps, but one that only a simpleton could accept.

All living things that have ever existed and will ever exist on this planet are born and die.

It has always been this way.

The death consequent to sin described in the fairy tale is the inability to produce a coherent and rational thought so perfectly displayed by you in your obstinate stupidity against accepting all the available facts related to the irrefutable evidence of the geological record of the evolution of all species..

The sweat of your brow, thinking, produces only thorns and thistles.

If you do not cleanse your mind of every trace of falsehood you will never know what it is to be a living being.

Simpleton ? you see entropy all around you dumbshit.

Then you can respond to my questions otherwise you can take a hike as well. I am tired of morons coming in and speaking from their ass.

Shit or get off the pot.

Defend your faith or fuck off.

I can easily see that you don't speak from "Christ". Saints don't need to use this kind of language to speak for God.

I am not worthy to be a saint nitwit. I am not speaking for God.
Simpleton ? you see entropy all around you dumbshit.

Then you can respond to my questions otherwise you can take a hike as well. I am tired of morons coming in and speaking from their ass.

Shit or get off the pot.

Defend your faith or fuck off.

Yes simpleton.

You are the one who associated entropy with the concept of sin related to a bronze age fairy tale intended to educate bronze age children whose level of intelligence seems to have been far above yours.

Grow up or fuck off yourself.

Yes the bible gives an explanation of what sin brings.

So if everything experiences entropy why is that ?

Subject to which of the many different bibles you choose to read, you will get explanations for many things. Many of those explanations are comically wrong, inept or seriously flawed.

I for one am grateful that there are still some unsolved mysteries, because solving them is what causes science to gain credibility and to give its practitioners such great satisfaction.

But your position seems unable to account for all the mysteries that are no longer mysterious, or all the paradoxes that have been resolved. We actually know vast amounts about the universe that we didn’t know just a few decades ago. Oddly, so many of the mysteries of the natural world and of the universe have been solved by science. It is creationist who are promoting ignorance, fear and superstition as a means to defend their dogma.

You are among the more excitable wavers of your pom poms for promoting such ignorance, fear and superstition.

How's that working out for you?
When you start responding to my questions we will continue.

I see. You exempt yourself from defending the nonsense you promote, (lies, falsehoods and unsupported claims), yet you expect to be taken seriously with your silly demands that others address your nonsensical conspiracy theories.

And you wonder why your creation ministries are a laughing stock?
Yes simpleton.

You are the one who associated entropy with the concept of sin related to a bronze age fairy tale intended to educate bronze age children whose level of intelligence seems to have been far above yours.

Grow up or fuck off yourself.

Yes the bible gives an explanation of what sin brings.

So if everything experiences entropy why is that ?

Subject to which of the many different bibles you choose to read, you will get explanations for many things. Many of those explanations are comically wrong, inept or seriously flawed.

I for one am grateful that there are still some unsolved mysteries, because solving them is what causes science to gain credibility and to give its practitioners such great satisfaction.

But your position seems unable to account for all the mysteries that are no longer mysterious, or all the paradoxes that have been resolved. We actually know vast amounts about the universe that we didn’t know just a few decades ago. Oddly, so many of the mysteries of the natural world and of the universe have been solved by science. It is creationist who are promoting ignorance, fear and superstition as a means to defend their dogma.

You are among the more excitable wavers of your pom poms for promoting such ignorance, fear and superstition.

How's that working out for you?

Feeling lucky step up to the plate and put your big boy pants on.

We can cover;
1. Origins
2. Genetics
3. Biochemistry
4. Cells at the Molecular level

All of which covers origins through creation or naturalism.
When you start responding to my questions we will continue.

I see. You exempt yourself from defending the nonsense you promote, (lies, falsehoods and unsupported claims), yet you expect to be taken seriously with your silly demands that others address your nonsensical conspiracy theories.

And you wonder why your creation ministries are a laughing stock?

Step up to the plate.
You never addressed the faulty assumptions presented I am waiting !

You have not offered how non-living matter could become life !

Dinosaurs Unleashed - EvoWiki

Dinosaurs Unleashed: The True story of Dinosaurs and Humans is a young earth creationist publication written by Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons and published in 2004 by Apologetics Press. NOT a true story.


This is to be more as Dinosaurs Unleashed: The UN-true Story of Dinosaurs and Humans than anything else because these men are lying here. If what the 2 YECs, Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons who made this newest fantasy book is exactly what they claim to be, then we would have seen evidences of dinosaurs and humans found mixed together in the fossil record along with skins and bones made into tools and jewelry, wagons, bridals, leashes, and barns big enough to house them, and real valid authentic images, writings and figures carved exactly by the ancients of long ago as seen in Dinotopia and other forms of science fiction literature, but none are found!

Knowing that dinosaurs poses a major problem for them and their teachings, they realized there are 3 options to consider.

1. Acknowledged and accept the true dinosaur record, which tells us that dinosaurs did lived and died before humans were around (Good Idea.).
2. Deny their existence (Bad idea).
3. Lie about them! Say that dinosaurs lived with man at one point in time (Even Worse.).

Unfortunately, YECs like Ham, Morris, and Hovind chose 3 as their option, Lie about them; Say that dinosaurs lived with man at one point in time and cram them all within their faulty interpretations of the Bible, falsely call them God's Word and tell it like it is. They would take certain verses, they think best fits dinosaurs, out of text, like they do in quotes and images, and twisted them around to fit their beliefs about it. If that's called sheer dishonesty as well as blasphemy when they used the Lord they deliberately put into a box as a pawn to help win converts to their group, then I don't know what it is.

Still evading ! have a good day butt sore.

So explain to us how, in the creationist model, humans and dinosaurs co-existed?

Defend a 6,000 year old earth... just spare us the cutting and pasting from Harun Yahya.

A basic (and false) assumption you make is over the "argument from authority" style you are accustomed to spewing. The stereotypical creationist argument, as we see repeatedly from you is nothing more than: here is a one-liner quote from "scripture"; here is what it "obviously" means; now shut up, fuck off, or go to hell. What a compelling argument!

Christian creationists are identical to Harun Yahya in the way they assume biologists treat academic papers as "scripture", and think they are accomplishing something by quoting a one-liner. Frequently, appeals to authority, such as infallible bibles, is a convenient shortcut if you don't care enough about a subject to perform some investigation for yourself: so I leave it up to you, to take the word of Harun Yahya as the ultimate authority regarding science.

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