Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

that numan is right ?

weren't those the same people that crucified JC ? - followers of the culprit Bible.

payback is not a souly Atheist affair, as for the Religious it is a matter for the destruction of Evil.

Since religions have been around for millennia and never so much as made a dent in "evil" isn't it about time you tried something different? After all isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results". Perhaps religion is the root of all evil and you are merely feeding the beast instead of destroying it. Just saying! :D

God warned us that evil would exist until the final judgement. How bout atheists do they have an answer on how to deal with all the evil in the world ?
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God warned us that evil would exist until the final judgement. How bout atheists do they have an answer on how to deal with all the evil in the world ?
Getting rid of religious superstition would be a firm step forward.
weren't those the same people that crucified JC ? - followers of the culprit Bible.

payback is not a souly Atheist affair, as for the Religious it is a matter for the destruction of Evil.

Since religions have been around for millennia and never so much as made a dent in "evil" isn't it about time you tried something different? After all isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results". Perhaps religion is the root of all evil and you are merely feeding the beast instead of destroying it. Just saying! :D

God warned us that evil would exist until the final judgement. How bout atheists do they have an answer on how to deal with all the evil in the world ?

Yeah. I propose fighting evil and defending the innocent. Certainly not sitting around on my ass waiting for 'final judgment'.
that numan is right ?

weren't those the same people that crucified JC ? - followers of the culprit Bible.

payback is not a souly Atheist affair, as for the Religious it is a matter for the destruction of Evil.
sure it is..
as to the crucifiers of Jesus his own people were not atheists...his god was and is their god.
the romans were the executioners they had their own gods, not atheists either.

spiritual evidence is non existent. its generally "faith based knowledge", which in itself is an illusion of knowledge and willful ignorance.

as to the crucifiers of Jesus his own people were not atheists

are you suggesting it was the Atheists who crucified JC ? - if numan implies bringing the crucifiers to Justice, the Religious will join his crusade.

spiritual evidence is non existent.

no blade of grass has been the same for 750 million years and never will nor any accompaniment of the Garden for all eternity.
that numan is right ?

weren't those the same people that crucified JC ? - followers of the culprit Bible.

payback is not a souly Atheist affair, as for the Religious it is a matter for the destruction of Evil.

Since religions have been around for millennia and never so much as made a dent in "evil" isn't it about time you tried something different? After all isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results". Perhaps religion is the root of all evil and you are merely feeding the beast instead of destroying it. Just saying! :D
Hey asshole, this thread isn't about religion. How about sticking to the subject? Oh, that's right, you can't win that argument so you have to derail the thread.
weren't those the same people that crucified JC ? - followers of the culprit Bible.

payback is not a souly Atheist affair, as for the Religious it is a matter for the destruction of Evil.

Since religions have been around for millennia and never so much as made a dent in "evil" isn't it about time you tried something different? After all isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results". Perhaps religion is the root of all evil and you are merely feeding the beast instead of destroying it. Just saying! :D
Hey asshole, this thread isn't about religion. How about sticking to the subject? Oh, that's right, you can't win that argument so you have to derail the thread.

Perhaps if you actually read the posts instead of just emoting you might have realized that it was your fellow believer who "derailed the thread" by raising the topic of religion and evil. Have a nice day explaining to him/her why you were so self righteously crude about them.
Since religions have been around for millennia and never so much as made a dent in "evil" isn't it about time you tried something different? After all isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results". Perhaps religion is the root of all evil and you are merely feeding the beast instead of destroying it. Just saying! :D

God warned us that evil would exist until the final judgement. How bout atheists do they have an answer on how to deal with all the evil in the world ?

Yeah. I propose fighting evil and defending the innocent. Certainly not sitting around on my ass waiting for 'final judgment'.

Hmm sounds familiar and what atheists were afraid of religious people doing. Of course we have to live our lives until that day comes and deal with evil. God even tells us how to deal with evil but man does not listen.
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Since religions have been around for millennia and never so much as made a dent in "evil" isn't it about time you tried something different? After all isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results". Perhaps religion is the root of all evil and you are merely feeding the beast instead of destroying it. Just saying! :D
Hey asshole, this thread isn't about religion. How about sticking to the subject? Oh, that's right, you can't win that argument so you have to derail the thread.

Perhaps if you actually read the posts instead of just emoting you might have realized that it was your fellow believer who "derailed the thread" by raising the topic of religion and evil. Have a nice day explaining to him/her why you were so self righteously crude about them.

I stand corrected it was not you that brought up evil.
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God warned us that evil would exist until the final judgement. How bout atheists do they have an answer on how to deal with all the evil in the world ?

Yeah. I propose fighting evil and defending the innocent. Certainly not sitting around on my ass waiting for 'final judgment'.

Hmm sounds familiar and what atheists were afraid of religious people doing. Of course we have to live our lives until that day comes and deal with evil. God even tells us how to deal evil but man does not listen.

It's true. I can't hear the voices in your head.
weren't those the same people that crucified JC ? - followers of the culprit Bible.

payback is not a souly Atheist affair, as for the Religious it is a matter for the destruction of Evil.

Since religions have been around for millennia and never so much as made a dent in "evil" isn't it about time you tried something different? After all isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results". Perhaps religion is the root of all evil and you are merely feeding the beast instead of destroying it. Just saying! :D

God warned us that evil would exist until the final judgement. How bout atheists do they have an answer on how to deal with all the evil in the world ?
And he should know since he is powerless against it.

Atheists know the God created evil cannot be defeated, but it can be resisted.

Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Since religions have been around for millennia and never so much as made a dent in "evil" isn't it about time you tried something different? After all isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results". Perhaps religion is the root of all evil and you are merely feeding the beast instead of destroying it. Just saying! :D

God warned us that evil would exist until the final judgement. How bout atheists do they have an answer on how to deal with all the evil in the world ?
And he should know since he is powerless against it.

Atheists know the God created evil cannot be defeated, but it can be resisted.

Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

You must read the bible in context to get to the true meaning.

Why does Isaiah 45:7 say that God created evil?
Yeah. I propose fighting evil and defending the innocent. Certainly not sitting around on my ass waiting for 'final judgment'.

Hmm sounds familiar and what atheists were afraid of religious people doing. Of course we have to live our lives until that day comes and deal with evil. God even tells us how to deal evil but man does not listen.

It's true. I can't hear the voices in your head.

Read the bible.
Since religions have been around for millennia and never so much as made a dent in "evil" isn't it about time you tried something different? After all isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results". Perhaps religion is the root of all evil and you are merely feeding the beast instead of destroying it. Just saying! :D

God warned us that evil would exist until the final judgement. How bout atheists do they have an answer on how to deal with all the evil in the world ?
And he should know since he is powerless against it.

Atheists know the God created evil cannot be defeated, but it can be resisted.

Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Your problem you only quote from the KJV.

Isa 45:7

(BBE) I am the giver of light and the maker of the dark; causing blessing, and sending troubles; I am the Lord, who does all these things.

(CEV) I create light and darkness, happiness and sorrow. I, the LORD, do all of this.
God warned us that evil would exist until the final judgement. How bout atheists do they have an answer on how to deal with all the evil in the world ?
And he should know since he is powerless against it.

Atheists know the God created evil cannot be defeated, but it can be resisted.

Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Your problem you only quote from the KJV.

Isa 45:7

(BBE) I am the giver of light and the maker of the dark; causing blessing, and sending troubles; I am the Lord, who does all these things.

(CEV) I create light and darkness, happiness and sorrow. I, the LORD, do all of this.
There are over 3,000 versions of the bible, so not only do you have to find the right religion, you have to find the right bible for that religion. The KJV claims to be the INSPIRED word of God, so now we know the KJV is a lie.
Thank you.

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