Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

They know what the early atmosphere was like because they are not stupid what the heck kind of response was that lol ? no one said they were stupid but it is just speculation that is all it is. They can't prove what the atmosphere was like billions of years ago. But you to missed the point the tests were done from the standpoint of intelligence not natural happenings.

I did not touch on the many things that was not produced in the tests like molecular machines and DNA. Talk about requiring faith to believe such a fairytale.
Talk about stubbornly ignoring the facts. After the method used to determine the early atmosphere of the Earth was explained to you, you still claim scientists are too stupid to figure such things out.

How does this answer the question they knew that the early atmosphere did not contain oxygen ?

Don't be rediculous,oxygen is throughout space. So you tell me how an atmosphere did not contain oxygen ?
Again, when the lava from the early Earth is spewed into the air it traps some of that early atmosphere before it hardens. Those lava rocks can be dated. The rocks from the time of the formation of the Earth are then ground down in the laboratory and the released gasses are collected and analyzed. From that analysis the composition of the atmosphere of the Earth at the age of the rocks can be determined. In the gasses that were trapped by the oldest rocks there was no free oxygen.
no, I hold three degrees and science is a major part of them.

That's impossible, ed says scientists are not stupid, and you most definitely are.

YWC has been schooling all of you on this, and all you can do is fire off your credentials, re-post the same debunked garbage, beat your chest some more, run away from his points as fast as possible, and support your own arguments with brilliance like "scientists aren't stupid!"
no it more then possible it's fact.
thanks for proving you suffer from the same delusional thinking that YWC does.
I never said scientists aren't stupid....don't know or care who did.
you also have the same propensity for making false accusations he does.
Fine with me. Just waiting for you atheists to to stop imposing YOUR non-provable beliefs on society. It works both ways.
Count me out of this love-fest of toleration.

We atheists have a lot of religious fanatics to swindle, torture and burn alive before we catch up to what the "Christians" have done to us.

I won't be satisfied until we are even-steven.
Exactly what I thought.
that numan is right ?
As an Atheist I will defend your right to believe in that "higher power". Will you defend my right to not have your belief imposed on me?
Fine with me. Just waiting for you atheists to to stop imposing YOUR non-provable beliefs on society. It works both ways.
Count me out of this love-fest of toleration.

We atheists have a lot of religious fanatics to swindle, torture and burn alive before we catch up to what the "Christians" have done to us.

I won't be satisfied until we are even-steven.
you almost make me ashamed to be an atheist (almost)
Count me out of this love-fest of toleration.

We atheists have a lot of religious fanatics to swindle, torture and burn alive before we catch up to what the "Christians" have done to us.

I won't be satisfied until we are even-steven.
Exactly what I thought.
that numan is right ?

That numan just gave away your motive. This debate is not about science or spiritual existence, or objective evaluation, it's about Christian haters, doing whatever they can to attack Christian believers. This is why I continue to have to rescue the thread from people trying to turn my argument into a theological debate. This is why religion continues to be conflated with spirituality.

You people are so filled with hate and anger toward Christians, you have literally bigoted yourselves from science, and ironically, have begun to practice a faith-based belief.

No, they haven't even gotten to the Ontological Argument, which is much more classy.
Count me out of this love-fest of toleration.

We atheists have a lot of religious fanatics to swindle, torture and burn alive before we catch up to what the "Christians" have done to us.

I won't be satisfied until we are even-steven.
Exactly what I thought.
that numan is right ?
No, that numan is intolerant and hateful. I find that to be the case with most atheists.
As an Atheist I will defend your right to believe in that "higher power". Will you defend my right to not have your belief imposed on me?
Fine with me. Just waiting for you atheists to to stop imposing YOUR non-provable beliefs on society. It works both ways.
Count me out of this love-fest of toleration.

We atheists have a lot of religious fanatics to swindle, torture and burn alive before we catch up to what the "Christians" have done to us.

I won't be satisfied until we are even-steven.

Needless to say your tongue-in-cheek response went over the Believers heads. They all took you literally and are feeling victimized again. What a bunch of self-righteous babies. As far as the attempt to level the playing field went that never even made it beyond the first post either. They must all have kindergarten level EQ's.
Count me out of this love-fest of toleration.

We atheists have a lot of religious fanatics to swindle, torture and burn alive before we catch up to what the "Christians" have done to us.

I won't be satisfied until we are even-steven.
Exactly what I thought.
that numan is right ?

weren't those the same people that crucified JC ? - followers of the culprit Bible.

payback is not a souly Atheist affair, as for the Religious it is a matter for the destruction of Evil.
Exactly what I thought.
that numan is right ?

weren't those the same people that crucified JC ? - followers of the culprit Bible.

payback is not a souly Atheist affair, as for the Religious it is a matter for the destruction of Evil.

Since religions have been around for millennia and never so much as made a dent in "evil" isn't it about time you tried something different? After all isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results". Perhaps religion is the root of all evil and you are merely feeding the beast instead of destroying it. Just saying! :D
Fine with me. Just waiting for you atheists to to stop imposing YOUR non-provable beliefs on society. It works both ways.
Count me out of this love-fest of toleration.

We atheists have a lot of religious fanatics to swindle, torture and burn alive before we catch up to what the "Christians" have done to us.

I won't be satisfied until we are even-steven.
Needless to say your tongue-in-cheek response went over the Believers heads. They all took you literally and are feeling victimized again. What a bunch of self-righteous babies. As far as the attempt to level the playing field went that never even made it beyond the first post either. They must all have kindergarten level EQ's.
Yes, needless to say. Americans are some of the most humorless, stodgy, literal-minded, tone-deaf people in the world -- as this short video amply demonstrates :

[ame=]Rick Mercer talks with Americans[/ame]

Could there be clearer proof that television-watching fries people's brains? Or perhaps I should say that America, in general, fries brains.
You're right up there with the stars of this film, S.J.!!
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Exactly what I thought.
that numan is right ?

That numan just gave away your motive. This debate is not about science or spiritual existence, or objective evaluation, it's about Christian haters, doing whatever they can to attack Christian believers. This is why I continue to have to rescue the thread from people trying to turn my argument into a theological debate. This is why religion continues to be conflated with spirituality.

You people are so filled with hate and anger toward Christians, you have literally bigoted yourselves from science, and ironically, have begun to practice a faith-based belief.
another classic false assumption I don't hate Christians, but if you are saying you represent non fringe Christianity then you are lying.
also ass hat Numan does not in any way speak for me.
it's also a false and bigoted assumption that so called haters are attacking believers physically or metaphorically...the reverse is true.
Fine with me. Just waiting for you atheists to to stop imposing YOUR non-provable beliefs on society. It works both ways.
Count me out of this love-fest of toleration.

We atheists have a lot of religious fanatics to swindle, torture and burn alive before we catch up to what the "Christians" have done to us.

I won't be satisfied until we are even-steven.

Needless to say your tongue-in-cheek response went over the Believers heads. They all took you literally and are feeling victimized again. What a bunch of self-righteous babies. As far as the attempt to level the playing field went that never even made it beyond the first post either. They must all have kindergarten level EQ's.
Exactly what I thought.
that numan is right ?

weren't those the same people that crucified JC ? - followers of the culprit Bible.

payback is not a souly Atheist affair, as for the Religious it is a matter for the destruction of Evil.
sure it is..
as to the crucifiers of Jesus his own people were not atheists...his god was and is their god.
the romans were the executioners they had their own gods, not atheists either.

spiritual evidence is non existent. its generally "faith based knowledge", which in itself is an illusion of knowledge and willful ignorance.
Last edited:
that numan is right ?

weren't those the same people that crucified JC ? - followers of the culprit Bible.

payback is not a souly Atheist affair, as for the Religious it is a matter for the destruction of Evil.

Since religions have been around for millennia and never so much as made a dent in "evil" isn't it about time you tried something different? After all isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results". Perhaps religion is the root of all evil and you are merely feeding the beast instead of destroying it. Just saying! :D

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