Definitive proof that Obama was born in Africa

I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!
During a visit to Goree Island, Senegal on Thursday, President Barack Obama crossed a rope line and mingled with a crowd of people who had gathered.

The crowd included several children who, according to a White House pool report, were donning white t-shirts with the caption: "Welcome home, Mr. President."

Children In Africa To Obama: 'Welcome Home, Mr. President' | TPM LiveWire

oh no.....not you Ravi......:eusa_eh:
Just the straw that broke the camel's back. Children don't lie.
Some said the same thing to him in Ireland- definitive PROOF he was born in Ireland! It's the whole home country thing taken to the hater dupe idiotic extreme.

Another of the hundreds of ridiculous lies that make a hater dupe a hater dupe lol.

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