Defund The Police Democrat gets everything she deserved. I LOVE KARMA!!!!

and her kids watched for a civic lesson...may KARMA STRIKE ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS BLM

like i said, a very physically ugly pos that should have been sterilized at 14 yrs olds
As if the cops would have been right there at that second to stop it.
This reminds me of a video that came out some time back during all the George Floyd, defund-the-police protests.

I don't remember where this was but there was yet another one of these protests going on and the protesters, as per their usual M.O., were holding up traffic and in some cases were beating on the vehicles trying to inch their way through.

Well, this one guy in a small SUV was having none of it. They were beating on his car and when he got through the mob, immediately pulled over and jumped out to confront them. As soon as he did, one of them - a young woman - starts to panic and starts yelling "call the police!"

Oh Hypocrisy, thy name is Woke.
Minneapolis used to be such a nice city.

Older members will remember how Mary Tyler Moore started each episode of her iconic TV show by throwing her hat into the air in downtown Minneapolis.

Today if she did it, someone would steal the hat.

We thought the reforms of the 1960s would usher in a golden era of harmony.

The opposite has occurred.
Too bad you don't know what defund the police means. The stupidest name for a program ever which meant to add social training and some social workers to the police, not to cut investment in policing. Just make it better. Too bad about you dupes..... A real mental health system would be nice too. Tax The rich again and invest in America again.....
That's not what defund the police means. It means exactly what it says. Democratic Socialists who came up with the idea don't even pretend that it means anything other than eliminating the police.
Screenshot at 2023-09-10 13-15-27.png

I think it was a set-up of sorts like the black actor in Chicago claiming he was mugged by the MAGA boys.

This woman claims to have sustained a broken leg, but she seems to be in no pain, much less standing. And real blood would seem to dry in that sunlight. Carjacked in her own driveway??? Seems like the safest place to incur such a situation. Where's the EMT soaking up the blood and applying bandages?

I think you are all fooled for reasons we do not know yet.

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