“Defund the Police is an utter failure”

It was a great success for the Neo-GOP. It didn't matter that nearly every Democrat politician denouncede the slogan, the Right wing Echo Chamber pinned it on them and all the rubies parroted it like it was gold.
It was a great success for the Neo-GOP. It didn't matter that nearly every Democrat politician denouncede the slogan, the Right wing Echo Chamber pinned it on them and all the rubies parroted it like it was gold.
But it was actually implemented in these democrat run cities. So to say it was denounced does not appear to be accurate.
Defunding itself is not violent, but if you look at the link in my earlier post there was a large increase in crime/violent crime in the "defund the police" cities. And, yes, there were instances where the police made mistakes, or did things they shouldn't. However, that does not mean you punish the collective group when they are majority upstanding individuals that protect us with their lives every day.

It's pretty simple. Those cities that are involved in Police Consent Decree do not have the bad police. We need to restart the consent decree program that was cancelled by Rumper.
Defunding itself is not violent, but if you look at the link in my earlier post there was a large increase in crime/violent crime in the "defund the police" cities. And, yes, there were instances where the police made mistakes, or did things they shouldn't. However, that does not mean you punish the collective group when they are majority upstanding individuals that protect us with their lives every day.
Agreed for the most part but still, the police need to bear the responsibilty to root out he bad apples. That wasn't happening before Chauvin. I think it is happening more now.
Can we at least agree that Chauvin wasn't an upstanding individual?
But it was actually implemented in these democrat run cities. So to say it was denounced does not appear to be accurate.

"If you believe, as I do, that we should be able to reform the criminal justice system so that it's not biased and treats everybody fairly, I guess you can use a snappy slogan like 'Defund The Police,' but, you know, you lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you're actually going to get the changes you want done," Obama told Peter Hamby on Snapchat's "Good Luck America" when asked what his advice is to an activist who believes in using the slogan although politicians are likely to avoid it.

"But if you instead say, 'Let's reform the police department so that everybody's being treated fairly, you know, divert young people from getting into crime, and if there was a homeless guy, can maybe we send a mental health worker there instead of an armed unit that could end up resulting in a tragedy?' Suddenly, a whole bunch of folks who might not otherwise listen to you are listening to you."

It was either a gift to the Republicans by some really dumb Democrats or it was a Rovian plant.
Defunding itself is not violent, but if you look at the link in my earlier post there was a large increase in crime/violent crime in the "defund the police" cities. And, yes, there were instances where the police made mistakes, or did things they shouldn't. However, that does not mean you punish the collective group when they are majority upstanding individuals that protect us with their lives every day.

Indeed, each of the cities Blue Plantation cities run by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and Commie D.A.'s show extreme rises of crime.

"If you believe, as I do, that we should be able to reform the criminal justice system so that it's not biased and treats everybody fairly, I guess you can use a snappy slogan like 'Defund The Police,' but, you know, you lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you're actually going to get the changes you want done," Obama told Peter Hamby on Snapchat's "Good Luck America" when asked what his advice is to an activist who believes in using the slogan although politicians are likely to avoid it.

"But if you instead say, 'Let's reform the police department so that everybody's being treated fairly, you know, divert young people from getting into crime, and if there was a homeless guy, can maybe we send a mental health worker there instead of an armed unit that could end up resulting in a tragedy?' Suddenly, a whole bunch of folks who might not otherwise listen to you are listening to you."

It was either a gift to the Republicans by some really dumb Democrats or it was a Rovian plant.
The republicans just used the term coined by the democrats. You are trying to make it look like the right made this stuff up now that it is blowing up in the lefts face. However, the left actually did it. So the term is irrelevant as the democrats actually adopted it.
The republicans just used the term coined by the democrats. You are trying to make it look like the right made this stuff up now that it is blowing up in the lefts face. However, the left actually did it. So the term is irrelevant as the democrats actually adopted it.
It showed up in a hand written sign at a protest and the Alt Right media jumped on it. Again no seasoned Democrat politician endorsed the slogan as it is stupid.
Hogan spoke out immediately a couple of years ago when the ludicrous notion that reducing funding for the police would decrease crime.

No one want to defund the police. MOST democrats want to defund the police, that is a lie.
Who uttered that statement? Conservatives??
Hogan spoke out immediately a couple of years ago when the ludicrous notion that reducing funding for the police would decrease crime.

No one want to defund the police. MOST democrats want to defund the police, that is a lie.
By any other words…..

Biden doesn't want to defund the police, so there, and defund the police is null and void.
Remember when you guys were telling us how awesome it would be? You were going to replace cops with social workers and no one would get hurt anymore. :laugh:
Thank you, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan for taking lead to Re-fund” the police. Hogan spoke out immediately a couple of years ago when the ludicrous notion that reducing funding for the police would decrease crime. As he stated, it was an utter failure. The stats speak for themselves.
Of course crime increased. Any intelligent person should realize that defunding the police will result in higher crime in large cities.

If nothing else we should have learned a lesson from traffic policing. If the cops are active on a road, people tend to keep close to the speed limit. If the cops are never watching a road people tend to speed.

Plus not only were police departments defunded but some cities refused to back up the cops and treated them like the bad guys. Therefore the cops turned reactive rather than proactive. They started to feel it was wiser to arrive a little late to a crime and put up crime scene tape than get in a gun fight with some criminals that might lead a cop to being charged with a crime and imprisoned.
Thank you, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan for taking lead to Re-fund” the police. Hogan spoke out immediately a couple of years ago when the ludicrous notion that reducing funding for the police would decrease crime. As he stated, it was an utter failure. The stats speak for themselves.
Gee, what could possibly go wrong with defunding the police?
It’s not radical to be opposed to racist policing and police brutality without accountability.

It’s deplorable to look the other way.
As deplorable as racist and brutality behavior from police is, the suggestion to defund the police is radical and makes a bad situation worse. How is defunding the police going to make the problem of racist behavior and brutality better? It’s a moot point because it was stupid to suggest defunding in the first place. Deflect all you want, it was a stupid choice of words that made a bad situation worse.
As deplorable as racist and brutality behavior from police is, the suggestion to defund the police is radical and makes a bad situation worse. How is defunding the police going to make the problem of racist behavior and brutality better? It’s a moot point because it was stupid to suggest defunding in the first place. Deflect all you want, it was a stupid choice of words that made a bad situation worse.

The answer is Consent Decree. Both of you are dancing around. Discuss Public Safety Consent Decree and see what happens.

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