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Defunding Police

well, it seems that in some of our larger cities, the leaders just not need any police force/protection. OK, so in that case, lets just fire all of the firemen and those who work in the services that the ER crew has to offer. This means when your house is on fire, hey, it's OK, all houses have garden hoses, right? And every time you get injured/fall off your roof/minor heart attack, just Take A Pill, and chill out for two days !
And maybe say a prayer to the new democrat jesus. Enough of this white privilege.... pry jesus christ off of the cross.... George Floyd goes up there...
Ahhh...crosses with the figure of George "Jesus" Floyd, popping up all over and on either side of him, clay tablets that list his Commandments:
1. Thou shall not respect those who do not wish to become victims of crime.
2. Thou shall be allowed to commit assault with deadly weapons without interference.
3. Thou shall use any drugs deemed illegal, regardless of any danger thou presents to the communities.
4. Thou shall be a poor example for thy sons, daughters and communities.
5. No longer should there be law enforcement, as it interferes with Commandments one and two.
Praise your lord: George Jesus Floyd. For I shall rise again and lead the world to chaos, crime and death, as it should be.
So let's get this straight, after all the destruction, violence, murder and looting that occured over a bad cop in the Democrat run city of Minneapolis, in a Democrat run state with a Democrat governor, THIS is the brilliant solution Democrats have come up with now?

They are truly a bunch of crazy, shameless people.

Crime is going to go up in every city in America. Police are going to refuse to treat Blacks who commit offenses in the same way as others that commit the same offenses. Hence enabling Blacks to commit more crimes, and less people wanting to be police officers. Let's be serious, which insane person would sign up for the police academy as a future career, with the constant demonization and bashing of law enforcement that Democrats have been engaging in the last 12 years, since Hussein Obama became president?

Oh and let's not forget, we're still under strict social distancing guidelines in democrat run cities and states. Unless you're protesting or looting, then it's okay.

Was going to go out of state on vacation this year. Now my wife and I won't even go into the bigger cities for a day of shopping. There's several thousand dollars of tourism that those places won't see.

Guess I'll just spend it on home defense and security systems.


All their criminal conspiracies against Trump have not worked, so they are using the acts of a bad cop in Democrat run city, in a Democrat run state with a Democrat governor as a last ditch ploy to motivate the base, and as a counter to the fact that Donald Trump has done far more for Black Americans than any Democrat president, including the disastrous 8 years of Hussein Obama. Their internal polls are showing even more Blacks will be voting for Trump.
You people are such GD loons. Nobody is gonna "disband" the cops. REFORMS are all anyone is asking for. The last couple of decades have been a horrible failure. Lack of training, low pay, allowing assholes like Chauvin who had 17 complaints and investigations to stay, police unions ... I could go on and on.
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Was going to go out of state on vacation this year. Now my wife and I won't even go into the bigger cities for a day of shopping. There's several thousand dollars of tourism that those places won't see.

Guess I'll just spend it on home defense and security systems.



Big cities are all now boarded up like war zones, because the Democrats forced the police to back. There are now a few movements in these very Democrat cities to fire their mayors or police chiefs for allowing the looting and destruction to happen, unabated. Some are beginning to see the consequences of their warped ideology.
You people are such GD loons. Nobody is gonna "disband" the cops. REFORMS are all anyone is asking for. The last couple of decades have been a horrible failure. Lack of training, low pay, allowing assholes like Chauvin who had 17 complaints and investigations to stay, police unions ... I could go on and on.
"Lack of training" in Democrat run cities, with Democrat mayors, and Democrat governors, and you guys point fingers at the opposing party and Trump?
You people are such GD loons. Nobody is gonna "disband" the cops. REFORMS are all anyone is asking for. The last couple of decades have been a horrible failure. Lack of training, low pay, allowing assholes like Chauvin who had 17 complaints and investigations to stay, police unions ... I could go on and on.
"Lack of training" in Democrat run cities, with Democrat mayors, and Democrat governors, and you guys point fingers at the opposing party and Trump?

Your OP is dishonest - Sorry, but nobody is buying it who isn't in the tank for tRump.

No federal funds to rebuild. This was not a natural disaster. It's a leadership issue of the governors, majors, and other leaders, of the cities and states involved.

Let it burn!


All their criminal conspiracies against Trump have not worked, so they are using the acts of a bad cop in Democrat run city, in a Democrat run state with a Democrat governor as a last ditch ploy to motivate the base, and as a counter to the fact that Donald Trump has done far more for Black Americans than any Democrat president, including the disastrous 8 years of Hussein Obama. Their internal polls are showing even more Blacks will be voting for Trump.

the fact that Donald Trump has done far more for Black Americans than any Democrat president, including the disastrous 8 years of Hussein Obama. "

NO TRUTH this this whatsoever!

only a deranged lunatic would say things like this

All their criminal conspiracies against Trump have not worked, so they are using the acts of a bad cop in Democrat run city, in a Democrat run state with a Democrat governor as a last ditch ploy to motivate the base, and as a counter to the fact that Donald Trump has done far more for Black Americans than any Democrat president, including the disastrous 8 years of Hussein Obama. Their internal polls are showing even more Blacks will be voting for Trump.
I used to think of liberalism as a temporary and cureable condition that was usually cured with age as one reached maturity but it's getting to look more and more like a terminal disease every day lately. Its adherents doomed to life long stupidity and to die in ignorance.
Crime is going to go up in every city in America. Police are going to refuse to treat Blacks who commit offenses in the same way as others that commit the same offenses. Hence enabling Blacks to commit more crimes, and less people wanting to be police officers.
But...but... Roudy Roddy, THAT IS THE IDEA. Empower blacks, reparations for nothing, and when it all implodes yet again, they will blame the mess on Trump and demand the need to do MORE of it!
All their criminal conspiracies against Trump have not worked, so they are using the acts of a bad cop in Democrat run city, in a Democrat run state with a Democrat governor as a last ditch ploy to motivate the base, and as a counter to the fact that Donald Trump has done far more for Black Americans than any Democrat president, including the disastrous 8 years of Hussein Obama. Their internal polls are showing even more Blacks will be voting for Trump.

the fact that Donald Trump has done far more for Black Americans than any Democrat president, including the disastrous 8 years of Hussein Obama. "

NO TRUTH this this whatsoever!

only a deranged lunatic would say things like this


Everyone except the totally unhinged know it to be true.
Crying won't help you ,
moaning won't do you no good.
When the levee breaks we'll have no place to stay.
All their criminal conspiracies against Trump have not worked, so they are using the acts of a bad cop in Democrat run city, in a Democrat run state with a Democrat governor as a last ditch ploy to motivate the base, and as a counter to the fact that Donald Trump has done far more for Black Americans than any Democrat president, including the disastrous 8 years of Hussein Obama. Their internal polls are showing even more Blacks will be voting for Trump.

the fact that Donald Trump has done far more for Black Americans than any Democrat president, including the disastrous 8 years of Hussein Obama. "

NO TRUTH this this whatsoever!

only a deranged lunatic would say things like this

The protest have proven what Trump has failed to do that Oblama started.
We need to demilitarize the police.

Bill Clinton's crime bill is responsible for the ever escalating militarization of police forces. Now the police act more like an occupying force that considers the people they are supposed to protect and serve enemies.

I will try do something here that will likely go nowhere. (Except maybe see this thread flushed down into the badlands section) Which is to use truth and logic on you. (Along with a little history) On the news last night they talked about a movement starting to defund police departments. In other words, remove law enforcement. Or at the very least, with less money, make cops more likely to accept bribes. Which is almost as bad. But like it or not, all civilizations need laws and those to enforce them.

The only people who would want to weaken law enforcement are criminals. To that end, here are some statistics for you. Negroes make up about 14% of the population in the U.S. But they are responsible for at least 52% of the crimes in this country. Also, between 1965-2004, there were 806,316 murders in the U.S. 588,611 were committed by negroes. Of those, 179,808 were White men, women and CHILDREN murdered by negroes. Which is over 60,000 more than the number of U.S. troops who died in the Korean and Vietnamese wars combined!

Also, in 2005, there were 37,000 black on White rapes-sexual assaults in this country. (That are known of) In the same amount of time, the number of White on black rapes-sexual assaults was 0 to 10! Gee, I wonder why blacks would be wanting to defund police departments. Could it be because they're a criminal species of human? It looks that way to me. Another thing is that the protesters often yell out, "No Justice! No Peace!" Do the crime statistics I've shown you sound like "peace" to you?

Next, I'll put this question to you. If it came to one or the other, which would be better. To just execute criminals or let them be free to commit crimes. But like it or not, victims will always seek justice. Who knows. Maybe it would be best to get rid of law enforcement. Then we could go back to a more basic form of justice. Like these pictures show.

The pictures were removed. But just look at this picture and use your imagination.

Hang'em High.jpg
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The movement to defund should be to DEMOCRATIZE districts where residents SHARE responsibility
for law enforcement, so like college campus towns, they can hire their own police, along with teachers, doctors and legal defense.
That will do the most to solve these problems of disparity and discrimination:
by teaching ALL people to depend on themselves for self-govt instead of
giving too much authority to govt and then complaining when it gets abused!

I urge communities to look at the success of campus police
that can solve problems of profiling by residents knowing each other.
This becomes a similar issue of defunding public schools and going with private charter.

We can actually have a mix of both, according to what each district enacts
democratically to represent the residents, including hiring their own
teachers, police and doctors, similar to university campus towns.

Why not give communities tax breaks at 100% to invest in their own
medical and security programs so more people are equally empowered
to govern themselves: www.ethics-commission.net

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