Delivery system reorganization to bring down costs

It's about 12 million people who want and need health insurance and legitimately can't afford it and here legally.

Hardly justifies junking the health care system for the other 95% of Americans.
Are you free if government strong arms your health care provider to provide you with less health care?

Why should people who are not having babies subsidide the premiums of people who are?

ahh and you have no children. ;)

Anyway I believe we should not give tax deductions based on how many children you have . You have em they are your responsibility.

My details don't matter, since you can tell us all sorts of things about yourself we can't verify.

Americans would trade fewer deductions for lower rates.
Translation: Once the Government has full control.

Well, government knows best when it comes to your healthcare....
Once they herd us all into those rooms and watch a subliminal message video, yes we all will know.
View attachment 11903

Can't wait....

Are you free if government strong arms your health care provider to provide you with less health care?

Why should people who are not having babies subsidide the premiums of people who are?

ahh and you have no children. ;)

Anyway I believe we should not give tax deductions based on how many children you have . You have em they are your responsibility.

My details don't matter, since you can tell us all sorts of things about yourself we can't verify.

Americans would trade fewer deductions for lower rates.

Most would not.

and why should i have to pay to educate someone elses child?
Far and away, claims, or services rendered drive the cost of health care more than anything else.

So the only way to cut costs is to cut services.

I can't tell if you're arguing that cost containment is impossible or you're advocating for measures you've already demonized as "backdoor rationing" (e.g. discouraging unnecessary care) in this very thread.
Far and away, claims, or services rendered drive the cost of health care more than anything else.

So the only way to cut costs is to cut services.

I can't tell if you're arguing that cost containment is impossible or you're advocating for measures you've already demonized as "backdoor rationing" (e.g. discouraging unnecessary care) in this very thread.

American's should be able to buy all the healthcare they want, and not have a bureaucrat breathing down their necks telling them some care is "unnecessary."

If it's any other way, is it liberty?
Far and away, claims, or services rendered drive the cost of health care more than anything else.

So the only way to cut costs is to cut services.

I can't tell if you're arguing that cost containment is impossible or you're advocating for measures you've already demonized as "backdoor rationing" (e.g. discouraging unnecessary care) in this very thread.
Nobody is denying anything to anyone, who isn't ready and willing to pay for it, tovarich strawman.
Should Deval Patrick decide how much health care you should have? Bart Stupak? Kathleen Sebelius? Donald Berwick?
Far and away, claims, or services rendered drive the cost of health care more than anything else.

So the only way to cut costs is to cut services.

Why is it when I need an ultrasound of my liver, I can go to a private imaging center and they charge me $225, but when I use my insurance, they send me to the local hospital which charges $1600?
Far and away, claims, or services rendered drive the cost of health care more than anything else.

So the only way to cut costs is to cut services.

Why is it when I need an ultrasound of my liver, I can go to a private imaging center and they charge me $225, but when I use my insurance, they send me to the local hospital which charges $1600?

Because there's not enough government regulation at the private imaging center?
Far and away, claims, or services rendered drive the cost of health care more than anything else.

So the only way to cut costs is to cut services.

Why is it when I need an ultrasound of my liver, I can go to a private imaging center and they charge me $225, but when I use my insurance, they send me to the local hospital which charges $1600?

Because there's not enough government regulation at the private imaging center?

Not really. Insurance companies set rates for what they will pay for a given procedure, regardless of the actual cost. Since margins are very low for insurance companies, they naturally prefer higher costs on the user end, because that makes their case for higher premiums, which increase their profits. Insurance companies have no incentive to go to the cheapest source for any given medical treatment. All that would do is reduce their profits.

The biggest problem is that insurance covers too much. Patients have no involvement in determining the cost of their treatment. They just go wherever their insurance company tells them. They have choice so long as their insurance is contracted with a given provider.

Insurance has normally been purchased by people in case of something catastrophic happening. If your house burns down, your homeowner's insurance will pay to build you a new house. If you are in a car accident and you do a lot of damage to yours and someone else's vehicle, your auto insurance will cover you. However, if you break a window in your house, you go out and fix it yourself. You don't call on your homeowners's policy to pay for it. Same with a car accident. If it's a minor fender bender that costs a few hundred dollars, you probably won't even report it. You'll just go fix the minor damage on your own. However, with health insurance, the insurance company handles every single doctor visit, whether it's for a cold or just a routine yearly physical.

The easiest way to change all of this would be to take the responsibility of providing health insurance away from employers and placing it directly on individuals. Most people don't realize how much health insurance costs. If everyone had to pay for it themselves, they would force prices down, and most would choose policies with lower premiums and higher deductibles. They would then look for competetively priced healthcare providers and we would see many services priced accordingly.
You actually think Gottlieb is a good guy, eh? Ya might want to do some research.

Gottlieb has been on our radar along with others in the sleezy Obama group who are furthering Obama's health care plan.

IF the real issue about heath care was money, it would stand to reason that something would be way way wrong with an Obama appointed health care "committee" being funded for a trillion dollars, that has the goal of "saving" three million dollars.

You and I think of "about money" meaning something like valid medical care somehow is sucking the money out of all our pockets because that is what you are being told.

The real "about money" in this picture happens to be a con game our own government is engaging in, and the victims are the American people.

This entire Obama health care deal is a fraud. Make no mistake about it. And this fraud is especially dangerous because it is not only conning money from people who think they are paying for health care coverage, it is also medically murdering those people. Deliberately withholding care is Medical Murder. And they are doing exactly that even in cases of early stage Cancers when those Cancers are most curable. Our money is being used to pay those goons to put all of us in a grave.

There ain't no good guys anywhere in the Obama picture, and if you think so, you might want to take another look.

The Republicans just swept the Nov. 2 elections. Hold their feet to the fire on the Obama mess, and when 2012 rolls around have another Republican sweep. Even Democrats are fed up and sickened by what Obama is and has been doing and don't think they aren't.

Obama and his goons never should have been in any position of authority. They belong in cages.

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