Delta variant as transmissible as chicken pox


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

As transmissible as chicken pox, SARS, flu, common cold among others.

But, and CNN doesn't seem to recognize this, for the Trump Cult, it's more important to stop President Biden from looking good by refusing to be vaccinated and wear masks. So what if a bunch of the unvaccinated clog up hospitals and morgues.

At least it is the Trump Cult that's losing voters, not Democrats, who for the most part are vaccinated. Some Republicans recognize this, but not the Trump Cult. They have hunkered down, willing to be infected.
From the same people that colluded with China to create the virus.

From the same people that told us 15 days to flatten the curve.

From the same people that told us masks don’t work, then masks do work, then wear two masks.

From the same people that said the vaccines are safe, when people are dying from them.

From the same people that said the vaccines are effective, when they aren’t.

As transmissible as chicken pox, SARS, flu, common cold among others.

But, and CNN doesn't seem to recognize this, for the Trump Cult, it's more important to stop President Biden from looking good by refusing to be vaccinated and wear masks. So what if a bunch of the unvaccinated clog up hospitals and morgues.

At least it is the Trump Cult that's losing voters, not Democrats, who for the most part are vaccinated. Some Republicans recognize this, but not the Trump Cult. They have hunkered down, willing to be infected.
Oh, dear.

Yeah but it cured death from influenza last year.



As transmissible as chicken pox, SARS, flu, common cold among others.

But, and CNN doesn't seem to recognize this, for the Trump Cult, it's more important to stop President Biden from looking good by refusing to be vaccinated and wear masks. So what if a bunch of the unvaccinated clog up hospitals and morgues.

At least it is the Trump Cult that's losing voters, not Democrats, who for the most part are vaccinated. Some Republicans recognize this, but not the Trump Cult. They have hunkered down, willing to be infected.
Evil bastards and their minions.

This is Fauci's "gain of function".


As transmissible as chicken pox, SARS, flu, common cold among others.

But, and CNN doesn't seem to recognize this, for the Trump Cult, it's more important to stop President Biden from looking good by refusing to be vaccinated and wear masks. So what if a bunch of the unvaccinated clog up hospitals and morgues.

At least it is the Trump Cult that's losing voters, not Democrats, who for the most part are vaccinated. Some Republicans recognize this, but not the Trump Cult. They have hunkered down, willing to be infected.
It looks like you’re gonna have to get a few more doses of your malfunctioning vaccine
Gibraltar, Iceland See MASSIVE Covid Spike Despite Over 90% of Population Vaccinated
Stats coming out of several countries show vaccinated people are spreading Covid-19, as evidence mounts the vaccine is actually causing viral variants and infections as experts predicted.

In Gibraltar, a peninsula in Spain, almost 99% of the population is fully vaccinated – that’s according to info provided by Google.

Easy to predict shit going down when it was planned in advance. That is called a false prophet at the foot of Mnt. Nebo in Bible speak for those who don't get it.
Less deadly....Period, full stop.

Now move you commie ass to Cuba,

As transmissible as chicken pox, SARS, flu, common cold among others.

But, and CNN doesn't seem to recognize this, for the Trump Cult, it's more important to stop President Biden from looking good by refusing to be vaccinated and wear masks. So what if a bunch of the unvaccinated clog up hospitals and morgues.

At least it is the Trump Cult that's losing voters, not Democrats, who for the most part are vaccinated. Some Republicans recognize this, but not the Trump Cult. They have hunkered down, willing to be infected.

The most likely people to be unvaccinated in the US are blacks and hispanics:

As observed in prior weeks, Black and Hispanic people have received smaller shares of vaccinations compared to their shares of cases and compared to their shares of the total population in most states.
FDA Guidance on Vaccinated People Producing Viral Variants and Infecting others through shedding (a term the medical mafia and mockingbirds & fact-checkers deny exist).
Pfizer and Moderna's mRNA shots are not vaccines; they are gene therapy (also denied by the medical mafia and mockingbirds & fact-checkers).
Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products

Karen Kingston is a former Pfizer employee and presently analyzes medical devices for a living.
As transmissible as chicken pox, SARS, flu, common cold among others.
No, I just read an epidemiologist saying that SARS and the others you mentioned were well below the R8 of chickenpox (anyone but me remember chickenpox parties?? They were normal, to let all the children catch it early --- when it was less harmful.). Measles is the only thing we know of now that has a higher R number. Some of the other "childhood diseases" (meaning endemic -- all childhood diseases are endemic, only children catch them because children are the only ones not yet infected) may have high numbers but they are so well controlled they are no longer a factor, at least till society breaks down, then they'll come roaring back, of course.

This panic going on is because people are figuring all this out.

I don't have a high opinion of a vaccine that doesn't stop the disease it's supposed to prevent. Bad job. But Big Pharma is still raking in the billions.

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