Delusional Erratic Trump Cult Politics-Temporary or Permanent American Curse?

Delusional cult inspired politics has come to America with an addition of erratic behavior from both a President and his following of supporters often referred to as the "Trump Base". It has caused Americans who support their President to ignore and make excuses for endless lies and misinformation promoted by the President despite the presence of recordings, videos, live addresses, documents and overwhelming proof to confirm a constant stream of these lies and misinformation. It has brought about hate, violence, and division and stalled or even halted advancements to benefit the American population. The simplest bipartisan programs and policies that would make life better for all Americans are lying in wait for the curse to end and rationality to return to American Politics.

The question is, has trump and his cult dealt a permanent destructive blow and curse to American Politics or is has the cult just a temporary set back and nightmare? Will the curse continue after the nation rids itself of trump or will his and their legacy be recorded as "irreparable damage" to American Politics"?

Thinking people who disagree with you politically as a "cult" just shows how out of touch you are with your fellow countrymen, and is how you GET MOAR TRUMP.
Wrong. I am using accepted criteria and tenets that define a cult. It is a method of mathematical evaluations based on an accumulative total of defined criteria and tenets.

Thinking people are influenced and become members of cults. Intellectual ability has nothing to do with it.

Indeed. Any group with strongly held beliefs is a cult by definition.

Which cult are you?
That is not a definition of being influenced by a cult. Strongly held beliefs are not defining criteria for a cult or for cult followers when the issue is one of provable and accepted.

So, again. To what cult do you belong?
I am not sure I belong to any type of cult. I have avoided groups and clubs, established a religion and political parties my whole life. I may have been a long distance backpacking cultist for awhile and a living off the grid cultist in the past. Some of my friends and family probably consider me to be a member of the retired at the beach old fuckers cult.
And yet you fail to expose the Clinton Cult, Camp. Fleeing to Pakistan, hiding servers, bleaching, cheating, lying, hate, violence and division.
Who do think you are fooling with your bias bullshit?

There has never been a cult for Clinton. There has never been anyone who followed her obsessively and without criticism. Who deny that she has flaws or agree with everything she says or proposes and never calls her on her bullshit. In fact it's the opposite.

Clinton gets blamed for stuff she never did, accused of crimes which never happened, and regardless of how well she's done in a job, has been subjected to relentless criticism.
Cult behavior is when Trump takes 4 different positions on Obamcare successively, and the cult turns every which way but loose trying to stay in agreement with him.
Smarter right wingers MUST realize that the repeated Trump lies (sometimes his lies negate what he stated the day before) CANNOT be just discarded as "sarcasm" or "minor character flaws"......This idiot is president, and as members of his own party are starting to realize, he BEST start acting like a president instead of a child-like narcissistic, demagogue who ONLY cares about getting personal praises.
I am a conservative and the only thing I disagree with you about is his idiocy. I think he is brilliant in the way that some twisted people are brilliant. Or criminals are brilliant.
If trump were brilliant he would be able to reach his legislative goals the way Clinton and Obama were able to reach legislative goals, even with opposition controlled congresses. His failure to pass legislation to promote his stated goals and campaign promises and his almost total reliance of Executive Orders indicates a lack of brilliance. It may look good and fool his delusional base into thinking he is establishing changes he promised, but those changes will quickly disappear as soon as he leaves office and is replaced at some point by a Democrat or even moderate Republican. That is what makes him and his base delusional.
All political bases are to some extent delusional. You don't need brilliance to pass legislation. You need to missile lock on your objective and tenaciously pursue it. That takes linear thinking. And strategic thinking. I am not convinced that President Trump has either of those qualities or he wouldn't be torching Republicans in congress.

As for brilliance I mean it in the same way that people like Stalin and Hitler were brilliant. Both were narcissistic political criminals, not criminal politicians. President Trump's megalomania moves him towards that end of the spectrum.
And yet you fail to expose the Clinton Cult, Camp. Fleeing to Pakistan, hiding servers, bleaching, cheating, lying, hate, violence and division.
Who do think you are fooling with your bias bullshit?

There has never been a cult for Clinton. There has never been anyone who followed her obsessively and without criticism. Who deny that she has flaws or agree with everything she says or proposes and never calls her on her bullshit. In fact it's the opposite.

Clinton gets blamed for stuff she never did, accused of crimes which never happened, and regardless of how well she's done in a job, has been subjected to relentless criticism.
I disagree. There is a virulently anti Clinton cult. It overlaps with the Trumpbot cult but not completely. The Clintons deserve it and frankly their opponents seem to need someone convenient to hate.
Cult behavior is when Trump takes 4 different positions on Obamcare successively, and the cult turns every which way but loose trying to stay in agreement with him.
I think I have to rethink my response to my belonging to a cult. Someone just reminded me that I belonged to the V-Twin cult for over 30 years. Perhaps dressing up in denim and leather and taking all those cross country motorcycle runs makes me a member of that cult.
Delusional cult inspired politics has come to America with an addition of erratic behavior from both a President and his following of supporters often referred to as the "Trump Base". It has caused Americans who support their President to ignore and make excuses for endless lies and misinformation promoted by the President despite the presence of recordings, videos, live addresses, documents and overwhelming proof to confirm a constant stream of these lies and misinformation. It has brought about hate, violence, and division and stalled or even halted advancements to benefit the American population. The simplest bipartisan programs and policies that would make life better for all Americans are lying in wait for the curse to end and rationality to return to American Politics.

The question is, has trump and his cult dealt a permanent destructive blow and curse to American Politics or is the the cult just a temporary set back and nightmare? Will the curse continue after the nation rids itself of trump or will his and their legacy be recorded as "irreparable damage" to American Politics"?

This from the far left drone that follows the far left religious cult..

Then again Trump is an FDR Democrat, just because of the letter next to his name shows that FDR would not be welcome in the Democrat party!
Cult behavior is when Trump takes 4 different positions on Obamcare successively, and the cult turns every which way but loose trying to stay in agreement with him.
I think I have to rethink my response to my belonging to a cult. Someone just reminded me that I belonged to the V-Twin cult for over 30 years. Perhaps dressing up in denim and leather and taking all those cross country motorcycle runs makes me a member of that cult.

That's a hobby.

I'm in the I Hate Cults Cult.
Delusional cult inspired politics has come to America with an addition of erratic behavior from both a President and his following of supporters often referred to as the "Trump Base". It has caused Americans who support their President to ignore and make excuses for endless lies and misinformation promoted by the President despite the presence of recordings, videos, live addresses, documents and overwhelming proof to confirm a constant stream of these lies and misinformation. It has brought about hate, violence, and division and stalled or even halted advancements to benefit the American population. The simplest bipartisan programs and policies that would make life better for all Americans are lying in wait for the curse to end and rationality to return to American Politics.

The question is, has trump and his cult dealt a permanent destructive blow and curse to American Politics or is the the cult just a temporary set back and nightmare? Will the curse continue after the nation rids itself of trump or will his and their legacy be recorded as "irreparable damage" to American Politics"?

This from the far left drone that follows the far left religious cult..

Then again Trump is an FDR Democrat, just because of the letter next to his name shows that FDR would not be welcome in the Democrat party!
Thanks for the nutty response. You are one of the most entertaining posters here.
Delusional cult inspired politics has come to America with an addition of erratic behavior from both a President and his following of supporters often referred to as the "Trump Base". It has caused Americans who support their President to ignore and make excuses for endless lies and misinformation promoted by the President despite the presence of recordings, videos, live addresses, documents and overwhelming proof to confirm a constant stream of these lies and misinformation. It has brought about hate, violence, and division and stalled or even halted advancements to benefit the American population. The simplest bipartisan programs and policies that would make life better for all Americans are lying in wait for the curse to end and rationality to return to American Politics.

The question is, has trump and his cult dealt a permanent destructive blow and curse to American Politics or is the the cult just a temporary set back and nightmare? Will the curse continue after the nation rids itself of trump or will his and their legacy be recorded as "irreparable damage" to American Politics"?

This from the far left drone that follows the far left religious cult..

Then again Trump is an FDR Democrat, just because of the letter next to his name shows that FDR would not be welcome in the Democrat party!
Thanks for the nutty response. You are one of the most entertaining posters here.

And the far left drone from the far left religious cult proves my point!
I'll base my answer on the mainstream media. If the public abandons the media over its anti-Trump coverage then the change will be permanent. From what I see it now looks temporary.
The question is, has trump and his cult dealt a permanent destructive blow and curse to American Politics or is the the cult just a temporary set back and nightmare? Will the curse continue after the nation rids itself of trump or will his and their legacy be recorded as "irreparable damage" to American Politics"?
I pictured this person screaming the quoted text above when I read it. :lol:
Delusional cult inspired politics has come to America with an addition of erratic behavior from both a President and his following of supporters often referred to as the "Trump Base". It has caused Americans who support their President to ignore and make excuses for endless lies and misinformation promoted by the President despite the presence of recordings, videos, live addresses, documents and overwhelming proof to confirm a constant stream of these lies and misinformation. It has brought about hate, violence, and division and stalled or even halted advancements to benefit the American population. The simplest bipartisan programs and policies that would make life better for all Americans are lying in wait for the curse to end and rationality to return to American Politics.

The question is, has trump and his cult dealt a permanent destructive blow and curse to American Politics or is the the cult just a temporary set back and nightmare? Will the curse continue after the nation rids itself of trump or will his and their legacy be recorded as "irreparable damage" to American Politics"?
PS Permanent. As long as the right wing and left wing media are profit making enterprises they will fan the flames. Rupert Murdoch and Jeff Bezos are friends. Let that sink in.
Delusional cult inspired politics has come to America with an addition of erratic behavior from both a President and his following of supporters often referred to as the "Trump Base". It has caused Americans who support their President to ignore and make excuses for endless lies and misinformation promoted by the President despite the presence of recordings, videos, live addresses, documents and overwhelming proof to confirm a constant stream of these lies and misinformation. It has brought about hate, violence, and division and stalled or even halted advancements to benefit the American population. The simplest bipartisan programs and policies that would make life better for all Americans are lying in wait for the curse to end and rationality to return to American Politics.

The question is, has trump and his cult dealt a permanent destructive blow and curse to American Politics or is the the cult just a temporary set back and nightmare? Will the curse continue after the nation rids itself of trump or will his and their legacy be recorded as "irreparable damage" to American Politics"?
PS Permanent. As long as the right wing and left wing media are profit making enterprises they will fan the flames. Rupert Murdoch and Jeff Bezos are friends. Let that sink in.

Delusional cult inspired politics has come to America with an addition of erratic behavior from both a President and his following of supporters often referred to as the "Trump Base". It has caused Americans who support their President to ignore and make excuses for endless lies and misinformation promoted by the President despite the presence of recordings, videos, live addresses, documents and overwhelming proof to confirm a constant stream of these lies and misinformation. It has brought about hate, violence, and division and stalled or even halted advancements to benefit the American population. The simplest bipartisan programs and policies that would make life better for all Americans are lying in wait for the curse to end and rationality to return to American Politics.

The question is, has trump and his cult dealt a permanent destructive blow and curse to American Politics or is the the cult just a temporary set back and nightmare? Will the curse continue after the nation rids itself of trump or will his and their legacy be recorded as "irreparable damage" to American Politics"?
Well, the good news is the cult is shrinking

The bad news it has exposed the American birth defect of racism for the world to see and their claims of the Ugly American to be true.

We have to wait until the 2018 midterms to see if America will make a correction statement on their error, if trump lasts that long.
Delusional cult inspired politics has come to America with an addition of erratic behavior from both a President and his following of supporters often referred to as the "Trump Base". It has caused Americans who support their President to ignore and make excuses for endless lies and misinformation promoted by the President despite the presence of recordings, videos, live addresses, documents and overwhelming proof to confirm a constant stream of these lies and misinformation. It has brought about hate, violence, and division and stalled or even halted advancements to benefit the American population. The simplest bipartisan programs and policies that would make life better for all Americans are lying in wait for the curse to end and rationality to return to American Politics.

The question is, has trump and his cult dealt a permanent destructive blow and curse to American Politics or is the the cult just a temporary set back and nightmare? Will the curse continue after the nation rids itself of trump or will his and their legacy be recorded as "irreparable damage" to American Politics"?
Well, the good news is the cult is shrinking

The bad news it has exposed the American birth defect of racism for the world to see and their claims of the Ugly American to be true.

We have to wait until the 2018 midterms to see if America will make a correction statement on their error, if trump lasts that long.

From 2010 to 2016 was the correction. You guys simply can't accept reality can you? Go ahead, double, triple and quadruple down on the identity politics. When will you guys figure out that dividing people up into little groups is a loser for you and the nation? We are Americans, not victims.
Delusional cult inspired politics has come to America with an addition of erratic behavior from both a President and his following of supporters often referred to as the "Trump Base". It has caused Americans who support their President to ignore and make excuses for endless lies and misinformation promoted by the President despite the presence of recordings, videos, live addresses, documents and overwhelming proof to confirm a constant stream of these lies and misinformation. It has brought about hate, violence, and division and stalled or even halted advancements to benefit the American population. The simplest bipartisan programs and policies that would make life better for all Americans are lying in wait for the curse to end and rationality to return to American Politics.

The question is, has trump and his cult dealt a permanent destructive blow and curse to American Politics or is the the cult just a temporary set back and nightmare? Will the curse continue after the nation rids itself of trump or will his and their legacy be recorded as "irreparable damage" to American Politics"?
Well, the good news is the cult is shrinking

The bad news it has exposed the American birth defect of racism for the world to see and their claims of the Ugly American to be true.

We have to wait until the 2018 midterms to see if America will make a correction statement on their error, if trump lasts that long.

From 2010 to 2016 was the correction. You guys simply can't accept reality can you? Go ahead, double, triple and quadruple down on the identity politics. When will you guys figure out that dividing people up into little groups is a loser for you and the nation? We are Americans, not victims.
Identiy politics is the politics practiced by conservatives especially in the age of trump when they lost their minds ~ white male identity

Democrats have all the rest of the groups, so our Big Tent cannot play identity politics by definition.
Delusional cult inspired politics has come to America with an addition of erratic behavior from both a President and his following of supporters often referred to as the "Trump Base". It has caused Americans who support their President to ignore and make excuses for endless lies and misinformation promoted by the President despite the presence of recordings, videos, live addresses, documents and overwhelming proof to confirm a constant stream of these lies and misinformation. It has brought about hate, violence, and division and stalled or even halted advancements to benefit the American population. The simplest bipartisan programs and policies that would make life better for all Americans are lying in wait for the curse to end and rationality to return to American Politics.

The question is, has trump and his cult dealt a permanent destructive blow and curse to American Politics or is the the cult just a temporary set back and nightmare? Will the curse continue after the nation rids itself of trump or will his and their legacy be recorded as "irreparable damage" to American Politics"?
Well, the good news is the cult is shrinking

The bad news it has exposed the American birth defect of racism for the world to see and their claims of the Ugly American to be true.

We have to wait until the 2018 midterms to see if America will make a correction statement on their error, if trump lasts that long.

From 2010 to 2016 was the correction. You guys simply can't accept reality can you? Go ahead, double, triple and quadruple down on the identity politics. When will you guys figure out that dividing people up into little groups is a loser for you and the nation? We are Americans, not victims.
2010-2016? Wasn't Obama's 2nd landslide in there somewhere? Democrats also owned the Senate until 2015.
Delusional cult inspired politics has come to America with an addition of erratic behavior from both a President and his following of supporters often referred to as the "Trump Base". It has caused Americans who support their President to ignore and make excuses for endless lies and misinformation promoted by the President despite the presence of recordings, videos, live addresses, documents and overwhelming proof to confirm a constant stream of these lies and misinformation. It has brought about hate, violence, and division and stalled or even halted advancements to benefit the American population. The simplest bipartisan programs and policies that would make life better for all Americans are lying in wait for the curse to end and rationality to return to American Politics.

The question is, has trump and his cult dealt a permanent destructive blow and curse to American Politics or is the the cult just a temporary set back and nightmare? Will the curse continue after the nation rids itself of trump or will his and their legacy be recorded as "irreparable damage" to American Politics"?
Well, the good news is the cult is shrinking

The bad news it has exposed the American birth defect of racism for the world to see and their claims of the Ugly American to be true.

We have to wait until the 2018 midterms to see if America will make a correction statement on their error, if trump lasts that long.

From 2010 to 2016 was the correction. You guys simply can't accept reality can you? Go ahead, double, triple and quadruple down on the identity politics. When will you guys figure out that dividing people up into little groups is a loser for you and the nation? We are Americans, not victims.
2010-2016? Wasn't Obama's 2nd landslide in there somewhere?
That is why trump's delusional view or outright lie is so ridiculous.

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