Delving into the world of smartphones

I read that the Verizon iPhone will have a feature where it will act as a wireless router for up to 5 other "things" (I'm blanking on the term for "things" attached to a network)

That would be a nice feature.
The Samsung Epic already does that...but it is a major power drain and not worth it.

It is nice to be able to use your phone as a router for your netbook, though.

You should explore CNET and read reviews and stuff for different phones.
Blackberry is the most stable platform out there. You'll be able to use the service where other phones will not have enough signal. For that reason, I've always kept a Blackberry for the past 10 years.

That said, the iphone, though delicate, is the ultimate phone. You'll be able to do much more with it than other phones. When it gets to the stability of the Blackberry, we're all done (now that it is on Verizon's network).

I will wind up with both. The Blackberry will still serve as my workhorse, and the iphone will be my "play phone." :)
I have a Samsung Vibrant smahtphone through TMobile.

I use TMobile. I have always used TMobile. I love TMobile. I will not change from TMobile. Well ... one day I may.
Stay away from Droid Intercept.

If anything go with BB. I used to have one (which is why I got the dreaded Intercept...QWERTY.) They are definitely robust, and it fits your world in your pocket. The BB keeps you connected to everything. It's great.
I don't know anybody who has a blackberry, I'll have to remember that. Sounds about perfect for my house. Constant multitasking plus two little heathens equals, er, the occasional oopsie. :lol:

If your a fan of touch screens, the new Torch is fantastic, it's touch with a slide out keyboard... best of both worlds. Don't be put off by the initial size of the keypad.... you get used to it real fast. It's truly a great cell.

I actually wanted one with the slide out keyboard. But hey, the day my old phone finally bit the dust and I called in the only droid they were giving away free with a new data plan had all the other features I'd been looking for but was a touch screen.

Free is a great feature, and worth making the adjustment for. :thup:

I liked that a smartphone newb like me could take it out of the box, charge it, turn it on and it made perfect sense.

I like free too. I stole my brother's and just swapped the SIMs. He wasn't overly thrilled but, I do that 'doe eyed baby sister' thing and he's putty in my hands. :lol: All my family - and most friends - have BlackBerry's. It has it's own IM system too so its a great little feature.
I just got my first one as my Xmas present to myself.

I also have Verizon, I went with a droid and other than getting used to typing on that tiny little touch screen :evil: it's been a breeze. It's also already proven to be durable. :lol:

I had several people tell me not to go with the iphone, for reasons ranging from it being more fragile (not a good idea in a house with little kiddos) to it being more complicated to use to it being more of a toy for texting, facebooking and e-mailing, not something useful for business applications. But I haven't used one myself.

Couple of friends have had problems with the seemingly delicate iphone. My BlackBerry, otoh, seems indestructible! And I have dropped on a tiled floor, slammed it in a car door (don't ask), and my horse trod on it! Friend of mine left his BB on the roof of his car, it fell off and got run over... still worked! :lol:

I need two hands with the iPhone as well. I can type and use the BB with one hand and I text a lot. I've dropped it at least five times. No problems.

No choice for me.
My smart phone can do fractions, sing "I'm a little tea pot" and win an argument with Shaganuts.
(Wait a minute, a slug can win an argument with Shaganuts. Never mind.)

I hear you can get porn on them that true? :dunno:
If you get a blackberry I will pary for you and be truley sorry for your lots.
Emoticons no substitute for real emotions...

Are smartphones making young people emotionally stunted?
Sat, Sep 13, 2014 - It is the generation that can understand exactly how you are feeling through a few simple emoticons.
But now researchers claim that children are so engrossed in their phones, they are unable to accurately read how people are feeling in real life. This is the result of less face-to-face time interaction, according to the study, which found young kids are glued to electronic devices for nearly five hours each day.


The finding was made after testing the ability of 11 to 12-year-olds to recognize the emotions of people pictured in photos. “Many people are looking at the benefits of digital media in education, and not many are looking at the costs,” said study author Patricia Greenfield, professor of psychology at the Children’s Digital Media Center, part of the University of California, Los Angeles. “Decreased sensitivity to emotional cues — losing the ability to understand the emotions of other people — is one of the costs.”

Lead author Yalda Uhls said that emoticons are a poor substitute for face-to-face communication: “We are social creatures. We need device-free time.”

Are smartphones making young people emotionally stunted?<br /> ???????? ???????? - Taipei Times
LG Optimus 7

Blackberry was making terrific phones some years back (i.e., the Pearl).

However, I would say that LG and the iPhone now have the social edge.

I have to say that the real landmark in the mobile/smartphone universe was the Windows Mobile operating system (another nod to the modern era King Kong, Bill Gates).

Windows Mobile is now simply called Windows Phone, and the LG Optimus 7 is a great Windows Phone operated smartphone.

You don't want to end up in Red Lobster by yourself waiting for your date to show up, and you're sitting there without a handy-dandy cell phone which you could have used to receive the right text/call so you could plan your next perfect move.


LG Optimus 7 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Umm why was this dug up? It is a three year old thread started by a banned guy who thought buying a smartphone was smart much less a life changing event.
Is everyone off their meds today? Do tell. How is buying a cellphone a life changing event?
I have an iPhone, and like all smartphones, they have never heard of the word privacy. They all assume that you of course want to share everything about you to everyone you know - and you of course want to know everything about everyone you know.
My first introduction to that, was a little known feature that happens when you install the facebook app on your phone. Suddenly my contact list was filled with a whole bunch of contacts/phone numbers that I didn't want. And, if it wasn't for the fact I have my facebook locked down, MY cellphone number would have been available to everyone I know.
Two..."push" is something almost every app wants to do...if you see this question "allow pushes" - the choice is "Yes or No". When in fact there should be an option for "Hell No".
Unwittingly, and alarmingly easily you can accidently share your GPS location to everyone in your contact list. That is bad.
It goes on. A smart phone can be a very good thing. It can also make you a zombie, have a car accident, alienate your family and invite everyone you know to know alot about you.

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