Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

The EC is certainly obsolete
So you are not bright enough to understand why the EC is used and why it is so important still today....

Copy That.

Just tell me you don't think the EC had anything really to do with her loss........
As slavery played a major role in the creation of the EC, it’s clearly time for an update.
Lol please elaborate
James Madison: “There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. The right of suffrage was much more diffusive in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of the Negroes. The substitution of electors [through the Electoral College] obviated this difficulty and seemed on the whole to be liable to fewest objections.”
The EC is certainly obsolete; but the only people I know who want the President to maintain pardon power for himself, family and associates are alt-right Trump sheep who want white-collar crime legalized.

Also, Hillary did not sell Russia 20% of U.S. uranium. If you somehow still believe that, there is no point in engaging you about anything.

Obsolete my ass, you keep your immoral degenerate ways in your libtard blue states and leave the rest of us alone

Stop holding our states and cities hostage, and taking our money while paying in very very little, and I’ll shut up about it.

Pay little my ass and you don't pay it's the millionaires and billionaires of your blue states and for the millionth time Democrats set it up that way

I always said Democrats never think ahead..IE..Harry Reid and his nuke option..

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers? - The Atlantic

Part of the explanation for why southern states dominate the “most dependent” category is historical. During the many decades in the 20th century when the South was solidly Democratic, its congressional representatives in both the House and the Senate, enjoying great seniority, came to hold leadership positions on powerful committees, which they used to send federal dollars back to their home states in the form of contracts, projects, installations.
Thanks for explaining how your leech southern shitholes rob from the rest of us. GFY
The EC is certainly obsolete; but the only people I know who want the President to maintain pardon power for himself, family and associates are alt-right Trump sheep who want white-collar crime legalized.

Also, Hillary did not sell Russia 20% of U.S. uranium. If you somehow still believe that, there is no point in engaging you about anything.

Obsolete my ass, you keep your immoral degenerate ways in your libtard blue states and leave the rest of us alone

Stop holding our states and cities hostage, and taking our money while paying in very very little, and I’ll shut up about it.

Stop holding our states and cities hostage,


Is it YOUR turn to hold the (flyover) states Hostage?

Get rid of the EC, and approximately 14-18 coastal states decide the presidency from then on.
The EC is certainly obsolete; but the only people I know who want the President to maintain pardon power for himself, family and associates are alt-right Trump sheep who want white-collar crime legalized.

Also, Hillary did not sell Russia 20% of U.S. uranium. If you somehow still believe that, there is no point in engaging you about anything.
The EC is obsolete but it would take small states to agree with amending the Constitution

Not going to happen

You just figure that out now Einstein?

Tell your idiot Congresman
Wow. Is this what your Founding Fathers wanted?

Maybe some want California and NY to determine every election.

Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tn.), a vocal critic of President Trump, on Thursday introduced two bills to eliminate the electoral college and prevent presidents from pardoning themselves or their family members.

Cohen introduced the constitutional amendments on the first night of the 116th Congress, both digs at Trump.
Let the people pick a President, not the states

People live in the states, dingus.
The EC is certainly obsolete; but the only people I know who want the President to maintain pardon power for himself, family and associates are alt-right Trump sheep who want white-collar crime legalized.

Also, Hillary did not sell Russia 20% of U.S. uranium. If you somehow still believe that, there is no point in engaging you about anything.

Obsolete my ass, you keep your immoral degenerate ways in your libtard blue states and leave the rest of us alone

Stop holding our states and cities hostage, and taking our money while paying in very very little, and I’ll shut up about it.

Stop holding our states and cities hostage,


Is it YOUR turn to hold the (flyover) states Hostage?

Get rid of the EC, and approximately 14-18 coastal states decide the presidency from then on.
You mean the majority of Americans. You still have the Senate to try to ram your minority bullshit through. Your massive advantage there should only grow as robots replace your rural deadbeats and people flee to where jobs are.
The reason the electoral college was not the cause of Hillary's loss of the election, is that she had the opportunity to campaign in all the states as well as Trump did. If she had set foot in WI, IL, ID, OH, etc., then she might have won.
But she did not.
BEFORE it ever got to that, Hillary and the DNC - according to DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazil - rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, stacked the deck against Bernie, violated both Election and Campaign Finance Laws , and in the end STILL had to steal Sanders' nomination and give it to Hillary.

Hillary never won her nomination and thus should never have been in the election to begin with.

('Popularity Contest / Election Screwing'? How did Sanders win a state in the primaries but Hillary walked away with all of the delegates?)
Wow. Is this what your Founding Fathers wanted?

Maybe some want California and NY to determine every election.

Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tn.), a vocal critic of President Trump, on Thursday introduced two bills to eliminate the electoral college and prevent presidents from pardoning themselves or their family members.

Cohen introduced the constitutional amendments on the first night of the 116th Congress, both digs at Trump.

Better to eliminate the Democrats as a viable political party.

Better to eliminate them both.
In doing so they prove they are too stupid to understand why the Electoral College was established to begin with and why it is so important today - all they understand is 'Hillary lost because of the Electoral College'....

Which brings me to my 2nd point:


Without having to address her long history of scandal / sexual misconduct enabling / abandoning Americans to needlessly die / selling Russia 20% of the US' uranium, compromising our national security / etc.... Hillary Clinton should NEVER have been in the election to begin with as she failed to WIN her own party's nomination. The election should have been Sanders versus Trump.

House Dems move to eliminate Electoral College, limit presidential pardon power and more in first days back

Yeah um there's this little matter of the Senate.

I guess they forgot about the Senate.

The reason the electoral college was not the cause of Hillary's loss of the election, is that she had the opportunity to campaign in all the states as well as Trump did. If she had set foot in WI, IL, ID, OH, etc., then she might have won.
But she did not.
She deliberately ran a campaign based on popular vote, knowing that the electoral college was in force.
So it was all her own fault, and can't blame anyone else.

If the electoral college had not existed, Trump would still have won, because then he would have also run a popular vote campaign as well, and also skipped the smaller states.
Drumpf lost the popular vote. Where have you been?
The EC is certainly obsolete; but the only people I know who want the President to maintain pardon power for himself, family and associates are alt-right Trump sheep who want white-collar crime legalized.

Also, Hillary did not sell Russia 20% of U.S. uranium. If you somehow still believe that, there is no point in engaging you about anything.

Obsolete my ass, you keep your immoral degenerate ways in your libtard blue states and leave the rest of us alone

Stop holding our states and cities hostage, and taking our money while paying in very very little, and I’ll shut up about it.

Stop holding our states and cities hostage,


Is it YOUR turn to hold the (flyover) states Hostage?

Get rid of the EC, and approximately 14-18 coastal states decide the presidency from then on.
You mean the majority of Americans. You still have the Senate to try to ram your minority bullshit through. Your massive advantage there should only grow as robots replace your rural deadbeats and people flee to where jobs are.

You mean the majority of Americans.

I mean the minority of states.

Not real bright, are you?

Rural deadbeats flee to where the jobs are?

you figure they're going to pack up their farms and move to cities?

Have your ever spent more than 5 minutes outside the family cellar?
In doing so they prove they are too stupid to understand why the Electoral College was established to begin with and why it is so important today - all they understand is 'Hillary lost because of the Electoral College'....

Which brings me to my 2nd point:


Without having to address her long history of scandal / sexual misconduct enabling / abandoning Americans to needlessly die / selling Russia 20% of the US' uranium, compromising our national security / etc.... Hillary Clinton should NEVER have been in the election to begin with as she failed to WIN her own party's nomination. The election should have been Sanders versus Trump.

House Dems move to eliminate Electoral College, limit presidential pardon power and more in first days back
There is an oncoming battle with the slighty-sane wing of the Dem party with the absolutely-bonkers wing. It's a battle between the senile represented by San Fran Nan and Crying Chuck and the lunatic fringe.
The founding fathers had no option but to allow states to select the President

Tallying a popular vote among a widely dispersed nation with no practical communications was not possible. It would take months to come up with a total vote. They also did not trust people to vote.
The EC is certainly obsolete; but the only people I know who want the President to maintain pardon power for himself, family and associates are alt-right Trump sheep who want white-collar crime legalized.

Also, Hillary did not sell Russia 20% of U.S. uranium. If you somehow still believe that, there is no point in engaging you about anything.

Obsolete my ass, you keep your immoral degenerate ways in your libtard blue states and leave the rest of us alone

Stop holding our states and cities hostage, and taking our money while paying in very very little, and I’ll shut up about it.

Stop holding our states and cities hostage,


Is it YOUR turn to hold the (flyover) states Hostage?

Get rid of the EC, and approximately 14-18 coastal states decide the presidency from then on.
States would not decide...PEOPLE would decide

Why should someone’s vote from a coastal state count less than the vote from someone in a flyover state?
In doing so they prove they are too stupid to understand why the Electoral College was established to begin with and why it is so important today - all they understand is 'Hillary lost because of the Electoral College'....

Which brings me to my 2nd point:


Without having to address her long history of scandal / sexual misconduct enabling / abandoning Americans to needlessly die / selling Russia 20% of the US' uranium, compromising our national security / etc.... Hillary Clinton should NEVER have been in the election to begin with as she failed to WIN her own party's nomination. The election should have been Sanders versus Trump.

House Dems move to eliminate Electoral College, limit presidential pardon power and more in first days back
There is an oncoming battle with the slighty-sane wing of the Dem party with the absolutely-bonkers wing. It's a battle between the senile represented by San Fran Nan and Crying Chuck and the lunatic fringe.

Honestly, I don't think so. I think the left has always been hardcore government extremists, they are just out in the open now. I don't think I have ever heard of a moderate dem.
The EC is certainly obsolete
So you are not bright enough to understand why the EC is used and why it is so important still today....

Copy That.

Just tell me you don't think the EC had anything really to do with her loss........
As slavery played a major role in the creation of the EC, it’s clearly time for an update.

43 states have a population less than LA County. It seems to me the EC is needed now more than ever.
The EC is certainly obsolete; but the only people I know who want the President to maintain pardon power for himself, family and associates are alt-right Trump sheep who want white-collar crime legalized.

Also, Hillary did not sell Russia 20% of U.S. uranium. If you somehow still believe that, there is no point in engaging you about anything.

Obsolete my ass, you keep your immoral degenerate ways in your libtard blue states and leave the rest of us alone

Stop holding our states and cities hostage, and taking our money while paying in very very little, and I’ll shut up about it.

Stop holding our states and cities hostage,


Is it YOUR turn to hold the (flyover) states Hostage?

Get rid of the EC, and approximately 14-18 coastal states decide the presidency from then on.
States would not decide...PEOPLE would decide

Why should someone’s vote from a coastal state count less than the vote from someone in a flyover state?

is this America, or the United States of America?

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