Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Wow. Is this what your Founding Fathers wanted?

Maybe some want California and NY to determine every election.

Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tn.), a vocal critic of President Trump, on Thursday introduced two bills to eliminate the electoral college and prevent presidents from pardoning themselves or their family members.

Cohen introduced the constitutional amendments on the first night of the 116th Congress, both digs at Trump.

These bills are the equivalent of the GOP voting 54 times to get rid of ObamaCare knowing the bills would never make it past the Senate or the White House.

But it is fun to watch the sheep get triggered.

LOL, 54 times, Good point...

On the other hand, the Critters-D are off to a good start in winning the Time & Effort Wasting World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt back from the GOP.

The fewer "real" bills that pass and get signed into law the better off the country is.
They have to repeal the 12th amendment. Goddamn they are STUPID
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They have to ratify the 12th amendment. Goddamn they are STUPID

They are not stupid, they are throwing out some red meat the to faithful. They know none of these bills will make it out of the house.

It is not different than the GOP voting 54 times to end ObamaCare knowing they would never leave the house
Wow. Is this what your Founding Fathers wanted?

Maybe some want California and NY to determine every election.

Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tn.), a vocal critic of President Trump, on Thursday introduced two bills to eliminate the electoral college and prevent presidents from pardoning themselves or their family members.

Cohen introduced the constitutional amendments on the first night of the 116th Congress, both digs at Trump.
So you’d be okay if Trump pardoned him or his family?

Your ok with one branch limiting the other branches power?

Ok then why are libs having a shit fit what Republican's in North Carolina and Wisconsin different to their new Democrat govenors?

Wow. Is this what your Founding Fathers wanted?

Maybe some want California and NY to determine every election.

Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tn.), a vocal critic of President Trump, on Thursday introduced two bills to eliminate the electoral college and prevent presidents from pardoning themselves or their family members.

Cohen introduced the constitutional amendments on the first night of the 116th Congress, both digs at Trump.
Let the people pick a President, not the states
Wow. Is this what your Founding Fathers wanted?

Maybe some want California and NY to determine every election.

Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tn.), a vocal critic of President Trump, on Thursday introduced two bills to eliminate the electoral college and prevent presidents from pardoning themselves or their family members.

Cohen introduced the constitutional amendments on the first night of the 116th Congress, both digs at Trump.
Let the people pick a President, not the states
They are doing nothing more than pandering to people like you lol
Pretty sure i saw you blasting trump for doing the same fucking thing :lol:
So they start off 2019 by granting themselves an additional 7 days of vacation, then proposing three bills that will never get signed even if The Senate approves them.

Should Presidents have the power to pardon their own crimes?
Wow. Is this what your Founding Fathers wanted?

Maybe some want California and NY to determine every election.

Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tn.), a vocal critic of President Trump, on Thursday introduced two bills to eliminate the electoral college and prevent presidents from pardoning themselves or their family members.

Cohen introduced the constitutional amendments on the first night of the 116th Congress, both digs at Trump.
Let the people pick a President, not the states
They are doing nothing more than pandering to people like you lol
Pretty sure i saw you blasting trump for doing the same fucking thing :lol:
Give me an example
Wow. Is this what your Founding Fathers wanted?

Maybe some want California and NY to determine every election.

Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tn.), a vocal critic of President Trump, on Thursday introduced two bills to eliminate the electoral college and prevent presidents from pardoning themselves or their family members.

Cohen introduced the constitutional amendments on the first night of the 116th Congress, both digs at Trump.
Both long overdue reforms.
Says a fucking moron
Speaking in the third person is so cliche. Just makes you look silly.
In doing so they prove they are too stupid to understand why the Electoral College was established to begin with and why it is so important today - all they understand is 'Hillary lost because of the Electoral College'....

Which brings me to my 2nd point:


Without having to address her long history of scandal / sexual misconduct enabling / abandoning Americans to needlessly die / selling Russia 20% of the US' uranium, compromising our national security / etc.... Hillary Clinton should NEVER have been in the election to begin with as she failed to WIN her own party's nomination. The election should have been Sanders versus Trump.

House Dems move to eliminate Electoral College, limit presidential pardon power and more in first days back
The EC is certainly obsolete; but the only people I know who want the President to maintain pardon power for himself, family and associates are alt-right Trump sheep who want white-collar crime legalized.

Also, Hillary did not sell Russia 20% of U.S. uranium. If you somehow still believe that, there is no point in engaging you about anything.
The EC is certainly obsolete; but the only people I know who want the President to maintain pardon power for himself, family and associates are alt-right Trump sheep who want white-collar crime legalized.

Also, Hillary did not sell Russia 20% of U.S. uranium. If you somehow still believe that, there is no point in engaging you about anything.

Obsolete my ass, you keep your immoral degenerate ways in your libtard blue states and leave the rest of us alone


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