Dem Issues Won! Candidates Lost! History Will Cement Dynamic Obama Record For Decades!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
While All Republicans everywhere are now celebrating the historical comparisons with the Herbert Hoover Administration, then Democrats will not have to just point to the Truman legacy of a do-nothing Republican Congress. The Republicans would win a lot, in the 1950's.

Analysts, including Ron Brownstein, have noted that Obama created five times more jobs in six years, than Bush did in eight. The other comparison with Herbert Hoover did not materialize, except maybe a stock market crash--The intended outcome of Boehner, McCarthy, McConnell, John McCain, Cotton,and Paul, Paul, et. al. They seem to be a lot happier now, with who their legacy can be compared with(?)!. "Hate the Black Guy" could be said a part of the campaigns, varying with how much they glorified the Obama record.
Apparently they did not, so back to the Herbert Hoover comparison.

Mark Mellman A winning message but losing candidates TheHill

So in many campaigns, the Democratic candidates do not seem to have glorified the Obama record. In a lot of those states, only the Democrat campaign positions were winners.

Soon there will be historians, and statisticians, who be doing the compare and contrasts! Obama created Five times the number of jobs that Bush did, likely more than any President in history. So far, that is only a six year time frame! Obama will likely have enrolled upwards of 16 mil. enrolled for the first time in an affordable Health Plan. That is likely more than any President in history, even better than the start of Medicare. More States raising Minimum Wages than under any President in history, will be on the record.

Over and over again, this will all easily be compared and contrasted in the textbooks, for little kids: Going forward. The winner--Obama Liberal Democrats.

And next the Democrats seem to want to do gender diversity, and then after than likely Hispanic, and on and on.

Many will take heart that Jew, so far, doesn't seem to be on radar--what with the Moses atrocity on the books(?). For peoples worldwide, there is Deuteronomy 23:19-20. Kissinger, somehow, people did get let in the foreign doors. Now people see that there is ISIL, or something(?), unless that is pinned on Bush-Cheney, and however they are regarded(?). Before, it was the Third German Republic. Before that it was Karl Marx. Before that it was Adam Smith. Before that it was Mohammed. . .and on and on. Actually Deuteronomy 23:19-20, never gets much credit, many will say. There is separation of Church and State, and so even bankers don' much notice. . .or Holy Fathers, and on and on.

None of that ever makes the history books, for Republicans needing the comfort zone.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes Come to lands of many nations, even indentured like captured warriors and women, in slavery. Many maybe say, "See! They are a lot like us. . . at least some of them(?). . .if maybe they didn't say that the day before yesterday. . .if at all(?)!")
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For what ails you..

I believe Democratic policies and candidates lost. Obama did say his policies were on the ballot, indeed they were.

So you can continue to cement your ignorance while you delude yourself that there is any silver lining in the major butt kicking you received in the election.
The Opening Post actually so-states that Obama policies were on the ballot, so now TemplarKorma poster is for the Herbert Hoover comparison, or maybe the Klan comparison(?). Coolidge would be a comparison, famous for not much saying much of anything, for example, about what even he would do, if he won! Adlai Stevenson lost big, too. I seem to recall that mostly my own father, would tell people he had voted for Stevenson. Stevenson would later on become UN Ambassador, noting that people worldwide were becoming literate. Even the Soviet ambassador, really never needed the translations.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Soviet Ambassador never even wear great flowing, War Bonnet--like truly Great War Chiefs! Never even played one game for famous football team, from Washington, D. C.!)
I believe Democratic policies and candidates lost. Obama did say his policies were on the ballot, indeed they were.

So you can continue to cement your ignorance while you delude yourself that there is any silver lining in the major butt kicking you received in the election.

Nope. You'd be wrong....again.

From Marijuana to Gun Control, Liberal Initiatives Passed

MARIJUANA Oregon and Alaska became the third and fourth states to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes (Colorado and Washington were the first two), while the District of Columbia repealed all criminal and civil penalties for possession and allowed limited, private cultivation of the drug.

Even where pro-legalization measures lost, advocates had reason to feel positive. A proposed constitutional amendment in Florida to legalize medical marijuana received 57 percent of the vote, but it still failed because amendments there require at least 60 percent approval.

Before Tuesday’s election, it was already clear that Americans had turned against prohibition because more than 30 states had liberalized their marijuana laws. Maybe elected officials, who have lagged behind the public on this issue, will finally have the courage to embrace change.

CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM For the second time in three years, Californians voted to shorten the sentences of people serving time in prison. The state — which created the notorious three-strikes law — remains under federal court order to reduce prison overcrowding.

In 2012, voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 36, which has led to the early release of more than 1,900 three-strikers serving life in prison. And there has not been an increase in crime. Proposition 47 on this week’s ballot converts low-level drug and property offenses — like shoplifting, writing bad checks or simple drug possession — from felonies to misdemeanors. It is expected to reduce the sentences of as many as 10,000 inmates.

On Tuesday, the measure, which enjoyed broad bipartisan support, passed with more than 58 percent of the vote. Many politicians are still afraid of looking soft on crime, but California’s experience shows that voters can lead the way.

ABORTION RIGHTS The overwhelming rejection of “personhood” measures in Colorado and North Dakota dealt another well-deserved blow to the effort by some opponents of reproductive rights to ban all abortions (and some common forms of contraception) by passing laws giving fertilized eggs legal rights and protections that apply to individuals.

The defeat in Colorado was not unexpected. Voters there handily quashed earlier “personhood” initiatives in 2008 and 2010, and they were not deceived by this round’s revised wording. But few expected a similar proposal to be rejected by 64 percent of voters in North Dakota, a conservative state that — like Mississippi, which roundly defeated a “personhood” initiative three years ago — has just one abortion provider remaining.

Unfortunately, opponents of abortion rights scored a victory in Tennessee, where nearly 53 percent of voters approved a state constitutional amendment that gives the Republican-led State Legislature leeway to curtail access to safe and legal abortion care. While nothing will change immediately, there will likely be a rush to enact new abortion restrictions beyond those already in place in the months ahead. But politicians in Tennessee would be wrong to read Tuesday’s relatively close vote as a mandate to obliterate a woman’s fundamental right.

GUN CONTROL In the aftermath of the school massacre in 2012 in Newtown, Conn., Congress — caving to the National Rifle Association — did nothing to protect the public from gun violence. In Washington State, a campaign started by outraged church and community leaders fared much better. Initiative 594, which will require criminal and mental-health checks on gun buyers, drew an impressive 60 percent voter support on Tuesday.

Just as important, the gun lobby’s measure — Initiative 591, which was on the same ballot — would have blocked background checks and was defeated by 55 percent of the vote. Other campaigns are underway at the statehouse level, supported by former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s well-financed gun-safety movement and others. Opponents decried Mr. Bloomberg’s campaign as outside interference but got nowhere this time.

CONSERVATION Environmentalists who may be singing the blues over the election results can take heart from approval of a record $13 billion in land conservation measures in states and cities across the country. Two were especially significant.

In Florida, a constitutional amendment will dedicate $9 billion in real estate transfer taxes over the next 20 years to preserving open spaces, including major investments in the threatened Everglades.

New Jersey voters dedicated $2.15 billion in corporate tax revenue to land conservation, also over the next 20 years, rescuing a popular program that was on the verge of extinction. The message for President Obama is that the public will support executive actions to protect threatened wilderness, even if Congress does not.
New House Majority Leader McCarthy is famously from a Blue State, California. Nancy Pelosi is from there, too. They may even know each other, if McCarthy has ever shown up for work, or whatever it is they do. Santa Monica Public Works is actually learning about digging ditches--the one, so far, maybe taking three weeks. California is a rich, liberal state. The Republican Majority Whip is from a Red State, 6th lowest median household income, in the United States. That would be Louisiana. In fact, that state didn't even choose to take any free bucks, to keep up prosperity, from the ObamaCare, Medicaid expansion. Notoriously, they did advertise for illegal immigrants, after the blacks all left for Houston, and parts anywhere-but-the-9th-ward. Texas was going to jail anyone who employed an illegal. They lady withdrew the bill after noting that half the state would be in prison.

So the Red States have their legacy. The Liberals do understand about them. The City of Los Angeles, Friday before elections, in Venice, CA, took pains to clear away the people leavings, and scrub off the sidewalk, the day before opening, legal dog leash day. That was Halloween, before November 1. Dogs are not allowed in the summer months. So many could recall when Bob the Wino would do his version of "Wash the sidewalk!" It was not like that at all. Bob would also be said to have had a severe red cell deficiency, in his blood count. Moving around was not much in the cards, for Bob. California does participate in the Medicaid Expansion. In California, people have noticed about people like Bob, already.

Locally, it does get sold as ambience. There is a certain humanity, however, about how the Blue States do treat the matter, and the leavings.

Many would say that actual delusion is different, like dear old Bob!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sending disinfectants maybe thought humane, compared with sending poison blankets and rotted corn!)
Democrats lost because obama said his policies were on the ballot.
The more easily shown, real heart of the matter, is that Obama said that his policies were everywhere on the ballot. Many of the candidates even had trouble admitting that they had ever heard of Barack Obama. . . .probably some guy from Kenya(?)! They actually made that likely conclusion warranted, in their campaign speeches(?)! They would not so-state, but they would not so-state(?)!

The other fact is that the candidates might have won had ISIL not emerged, had the plague not emerged, had the Militant Public Relations campaign of weekly beheadings not emerged. The early idea may have been to let the Republican base think it nothing to offer, and was going nowhere, and had no reason to even show up. Then all the scary stuff happened, with no Democrat saying, "Government should be doing. . . ." as mostly the GOP response, was noting.

Exit polls seemed to show that a sense of economic malaise had gripped the lower and middle income voters. That would be less the fault of Obama and more the fault of all the Quantitative Easing programs of the Federal Reserve. The investor classes were baled out big-time, as in cotton, not just hay!

That would not be the fault of Obama-Biden. The Republican Investor classes may have turned out, big-time, hoping that Boehner and McConnell would bring more QE back!

"Capitalism," and "Republican Free Market," they all call it.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many bring hopes of rain in California, based on slight rise in temperature of oceans(?)! Hmmmm! Current not called, "Young Brave Astride Great War Pony, Whispering Near Great Head. . . Soaring Faster Than Attack Of Great Desert Snake, Of Many Spirit Rattles(?)" Current called name of Some Great Illegal instead, like "George," or something, Without Papers, ,or similar name.)
While All Republicans everywhere are now celebrating the historical comparisons with the Herbert Hoover Administration, then Democrats will not have to just point to the Truman legacy of a do-nothing Republican Congress. The Republicans would win a lot, in the 1950's.

Analysts, including Ron Brownstein, have noted that Obama created five times more jobs in six years, than Bush did in eight. The other comparison with Herbert Hoover did not materialize, except maybe a stock market crash--The intended outcome of Boehner, McCarthy, McConnell, John McCain, Cotton,and Paul, Paul, et. al. They seem to be a lot happier now, with who their legacy can be compared with(?)!. "Hate the Black Guy" could be said a part of the campaigns, varying with how much they glorified the Obama record.
Apparently they did not, so back to the Herbert Hoover comparison.

Mark Mellman A winning message but losing candidates TheHill

So in many campaigns, the Democratic candidates do not seem to have glorified the Obama record. In a lot of those states, only the Democrat campaign positions were winners.

Soon there will be historians, and statisticians, who be doing the compare and contrasts! Obama created Five times the number of jobs that Bush did, likely more than any President in history. So far, that is only a six year time frame! Obama will likely have enrolled upwards of 16 mil. enrolled for the first time in an affordable Health Plan. That is likely more than any President in history, even better than the start of Medicare. More States raising Minimum Wages than under any President in history, will be on the record.

Over and over again, this will all easily be compared and contrasted in the textbooks, for little kids: Going forward. The winner--Obama Liberal Democrats.

And next the Democrats seem to want to do gender diversity, and then after than likely Hispanic, and on and on.

Many will take heart that Jew, so far, doesn't seem to be on radar--what with the Moses atrocity on the books(?). For peoples worldwide, there is Deuteronomy 23:19-20. Kissinger, somehow, people did get let in the foreign doors. Now people see that there is ISIL, or something(?), unless that is pinned on Bush-Cheney, and however they are regarded(?). Before, it was the Third German Republic. Before that it was Karl Marx. Before that it was Adam Smith. Before that it was Mohammed. . .and on and on. Actually Deuteronomy 23:19-20, never gets much credit, many will say. There is separation of Church and State, and so even bankers don' much notice. . .or Holy Fathers, and on and on.

None of that ever makes the history books, for Republicans needing the comfort zone.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes Come to lands of many nations, even indentured like captured warriors and women, in slavery. Many maybe say, "See! They are a lot like us. . . at least some of them(?). . .if maybe they didn't say that the day before yesterday. . .if at all(?)!")

LOL, that's funny!
obama has cemented his place in history right along with Caligula, Nero, Mao and Stalin. He will go down as one of the more spectacular failures.

The good news is that he has assured a republican president in 2016.
The only thing dems won is a big showing of the middle finger from America.

Pussies can't take the loss with dignity
The only thing dems won is a big showing of the middle finger from America.

Pussies can't take the loss with dignity

No one has posted commentary or fact contrary to my link to the NYT article specifying liberal initiatives winning in the polls. Lazy, lazy, lazy....It's how the right wing wins elections. The GOP literally takes your sheer inertia to the bank.
obama has cemented his place in history right along with Caligula, Nero, Mao and Stalin. He will go down as one of the more spectacular failures.

The good news is that he has assured a republican president in 2016.

And he will cement it with the Immigration Executive order tomorrow night.
The only thing dems won is a big showing of the middle finger from America.

Pussies can't take the loss with dignity

No one has posted commentary or fact contrary to my link to the NYT article specifying liberal initiatives winning in the polls. Lazy, lazy, lazy....It's how the right wing wins elections. The GOP literally takes your sheer inertia to the bank.
Better take something, your sodium level is awful high
obama has cemented his place in history right along with Caligula, Nero, Mao and Stalin. He will go down as one of the more spectacular failures.

The good news is that he has assured a republican president in 2016.

And he will cement it with the Immigration Executive order tomorrow night.
He's not done. He still has to increase the cost of energy to fight global warming. Especially when so much of the country is buried under snow. It's an ideal time to make heating unaffordable.

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