Dem Issues Won! Candidates Lost! History Will Cement Dynamic Obama Record For Decades!

obama has cemented his place in history right along with Caligula, Nero, Mao and Stalin. He will go down as one of the more spectacular failures.

The good news is that he has assured a republican president in 2016.

The best thing that can happen for Democrats is for Republicans to gloat in their victory. 2016 will not be the same. Democrats will get their supporters excited again and voter turnout will be much higher. I will not at all be surprised if the Dems win the White House, take back the Senate, and have substantial gains in the House in 2016.
obama has cemented his place in history right along with Caligula, Nero, Mao and Stalin. He will go down as one of the more spectacular failures.

The good news is that he has assured a republican president in 2016.

The best thing that can happen for Democrats is for Republicans to gloat in their victory. 2016 will not be the same. Democrats will get their supporters excited again and voter turnout will be much higher. I will not at all be surprised if the Dems win the White House, take back the Senate, and have substantial gains in the House in 2016.

Good Lord!!!!

Exit polling says that the Dems lost because most people don't like the direction the country is headed.

Barry and his pack of boobs and the Dems are running the show right now so that means most Americans don't like the way he's governing.

Says it all.
The direction in which the country is heading has so far been guided more by Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve treated the failed Ivy League bankers like spoiled children. They papered over all the mistakes with Quantitative Easing.

For all the money the Republicans spent, at the federal level only eight Senate seats changed political party, where it would be expected to happen. Only about a dozen House seats changed political party. In new House Majority Leader, McCarthy's state: The Republicans lost one of their few remaining members. CA is 11% of the national population, and has money.

So the Republicans could even be said to have already taken their first step backward(?), more into a "Herbert Hoover, Again," kind of mantra(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes come to Lands of Many Nations, now to trade! Great Spirit, "Seven-Come-Eleven!" now hears many prayers!)
So what are the net gains of new jobs created ? In other words, since so many jobs were lost in the crash and many would have come back on their own, how many jobs did Obama create OVER the existing jobs before the crash ?
The Opening Post actually so-states that Obama policies were on the ballot, so now TemplarKorma poster is for the Herbert Hoover comparison, or maybe the Klan comparison(?). Coolidge would be a comparison, famous for not much saying much of anything, for example, about what even he would do, if he won! Adlai Stevenson lost big, too. I seem to recall that mostly my own father, would tell people he had voted for Stevenson. Stevenson would later on become UN Ambassador, noting that people worldwide were becoming literate. Even the Soviet ambassador, really never needed the translations.

The opening post is some of the most moronic butt hurt I've ever seen. I laughed at the fools at "The Hill" when they posted it last week. Your flaccid cut & paste here is merely pathetic.

What's good though is that you don't learn, that you lack the intellect to examine the message of the election and adjust your behavior accordingly. This ensures that the public at large will continue to despise you. You're only hope to regain power is that the Republicans fuck up so badly that the public hates them more than they hate you. I never underestimate the capacity of the foolish Republicans to fuck things up, so your hope is not entirely in vain - yet your arrogance and stupidity ensure that even if you regain power, you won't hold it long.
When the inability to think is inevitable, post cartoons.

Ah yes, you really won - the repudiation of your candidates is a clear message that the American people want a centrally planned and managed economy with strict, authoritarian rule over social interactions.

You have it all figured out Comrade, please pursue your agenda loudly.
Yet It's back to Herbert Hoover, again, already! Shut the government down, to kill off the troops now in the field--along with any others, this side of the Ocean, not even troops(?)! The government shut-down discussions are underway at GOP! All GOP now Praises the Herbert Hoover direction(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes come to Lands of Many Nations, now to celebrate eyes of tongues like snake!)
Yet It's back to Herbert Hoover, again, already! Shut the government down, to kill off the troops now in the field--along with any others, this side of the Ocean, not even troops(?)! The government shut-down discussions are underway at GOP! All GOP now Praises the Herbert Hoover direction(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes come to Lands of Many Nations, now to celebrate eyes of tongues like snake!)

Are you drunk? Or maybe high? You should seek help.
Wow, I wonder what kind of hallucinogenic drugs the Op is taking.


The OP is just cut & pasting from one of the leftist sites. I saw this article last week; which garnered an eye roll from me.

The leftists are butt hurt beyond belief.
The Government Shut-Down is being avidly discussed all over, and may even bring about Presidential addresses, and new candidates, even starting early in 2015.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Next GOP help further downgrade the credit rating, their personal created national direction!)

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