Dem Mayor of "Sanctuary City" NYC says there is no room there for migrants.

Correct. It doesn't state that they will take an unlimited number of migrants. A sanctuary city is a city that will not inquire about your immigration status/citizenship if you call the police because you're old man is beating you for example.
The need to take half of what the border cities are dealing with.
Trump should have built more than 45 miles of the wall. Why didn't he build more? Oh yeah..he failed. LOL
Trump did what he could while democrats did everything to stop him. Even with all that, there was less than 400,000 illegals going over the border a year. In two years under Biden over 5 million illegals. They should all be sent to sanctuary cities.
Trump should have built more than 45 miles of the wall. Why didn't he build more? Oh yeah..he failed. LOL

Oh yeah, he built 460 miles of wall, much of it replacing useless borders like vehicle barriers that an 80 year old woman could get across.

vehicle barriers.jpeg
You don't know the definition of a "sanctuary city" if you think it means they take in unlimited numbers of migrants. And from your funny commentary think just that.

Sanctuary cities warn illegals when ICE plans on conducting workplace raids. Sanctuary states allow them to get drivers licenses so they can get to those jobs they're not supposed to have. Why wouldn't illegals want to go to these places?
Correct. It doesn't state that they will take an unlimited number of migrants. A sanctuary city is a city that will not inquire about your immigration status/citizenship if you call the police because you're old man is beating you for example.

In most cases they are not allowed to call ICE when they have an illegal criminal in their jails. I say send all the criminals to these cities and states.
I hope Adams is directing his comments to the person who is responsible for all of this fucking mess!


'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'"

The problem is (according to the OP) is he is blaming Republicans for sending them to his city.

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