Dem Mayor of "Sanctuary City" NYC says there is no room there for migrants.

Are you really this dense? I was doubtful at first but you're proving to be quite silly.

If you're here illegally and are taken advantage of by an employer or roughed up by some redneck, you should be able to call the police on those who are breaking the law without fear that you'll be deported.
nothing says you can’t. Illegal aliens aren’t migrants as you claimed before
nothing says you can’t. Illegal aliens aren’t migrants as you claimed before
Well, that is what sanctuary cities promise....that if you call the police, they won't deport you and you can enjoy the protections of the law. Back to the original has nothing to do with overcrowded shelters or stresses on social services as the OP mistakenly still believes.
Well, that is what sanctuary cities promise....that if you call the police, they won't deport you and you can enjoy the protections of the law. Back to the original has nothing to do with overcrowded shelters or stresses on social services as the OP mistakenly still believes.
no that’s not what they promise, they promise criminals they won’t hold them for ICE. so that guy can get out ans bear his wife again
no that’s not what they promise, they promise criminals they won’t hold them for ICE. so that guy can get out ans bear his wife again
Well, you've basically have zero idea what you're talking about.

But you did stumble into the truth on one point...we should keep violent persons locked up for far longer than we do. What often happens is that the battered spouse doesn't press charges so the cycle starts all over.
Well, you've basically have zero idea what you're talking about.

But you did stumble into the truth on one point...we should keep violent persons locked up for far longer than we do. What often happens is that the battered spouse doesn't press charges so the cycle starts all over.
no you have highlighted repeatedly you are clueless…first you thought it dealt with migrants, once that was disapprove yoj thought it had to do with local law enforcement not deporting victims of crime…when anyone with a basic understanding knows they don’t even do that…

now this is strike thiree

you are out
no you have highlighted repeatedly you are clueless…first you thought it dealt with migrants, once that was disapprove yoj thought it had to do with local law enforcement not deporting victims of crime…when anyone with a basic understanding knows they don’t even do that…

now this is strike thiree

you are out
Well, I guess that means I can't look forward to any more intelligent input from you on this topic (not that there has been any from you)? Great. I win.
Are you really this dense? I was doubtful at first but you're proving to be quite silly.

If you're here illegally and are taken advantage of by an employer or roughed up by some redneck, you should be able to call the police on those who are breaking the law without fear that you'll be deported.

Even though you are breaking the law yourself? That's as stupid as saying police shouldn't be allowed to arrest people with warrants so they have the ability to call the police themselves if they are in trouble.
He didn't take the steps required to build the wall. If Trump would've been fully committed to building that wall, we would've had at least a few hundred miles of wall built now, not a few feet. We would now have at least 500 miles of wall, but that's not what happened. Trump could've done a lot more than he did to build that wall and also stop illegal immigration. He could've deployed our military on our southern border, he could've lifted economic sanctions off of Latin American countries that are being embargoed by the US. He could've organized mass rallies, million-man marches in Washington DC, he could've started his own "occupy" movement, similar to the one in 2011 that organized around occupying Wall Street. This new Trump MAGA "occupy" movement, could've had millions of people occupying Washington DC to make sure that wall gets built.

There's a lot that POTUS can do, to get shit done, even when congress isn't on board. He can even sign executive orders to deploy troops on our border and stop all illegal immigration. Perhaps even an exec order to build a giant 1900-mile wall. He could've even threatened Mexico with war, if they continue allowing illegal immigrants to pass through their country into ours. He could've told the Mexican government that it has to stop the illegal immigrants from traveling through their country, that it has to get rid of the drug smuggling and eliminate all of the cartels and their cronies, under threat of war. There's a hell of a lot that he could've done as POTUS that he refused to do.

You are so full of shit. Trump did stop immigrants from crossing Mexico to get to our border by threatening Mexico with the cancellation of foreign aid if they didn't. Mexico sent their military to their southern borders to make sure that didn't happen. Trump created the Stay In Mexico policy. He created Title 42 which Dementia is currently trying to get rid of. He created the asylum policies to apply at your own US embassy. And if you didn't and made your way here, you were automatically disqualified if you were offered asylum by Mexico or any other country along the way.

President Trump did more to curb illegal immigration than the last four Presidents combined, and got great results for his efforts.
You are so full of shit. Trump did stop immigrants from crossing Mexico to get to our border by threatening Mexico with the cancellation of foreign aid if they didn't. Mexico sent their military to their southern borders to make sure that didn't happen. Trump created the Stay In Mexico policy. He created Title 42 which Dementia is currently trying to get rid of. He created the asylum policies to apply at your own US embassy. And if you didn't and made your way here, you were automatically disqualified if you were offered asylum by Mexico or any other country along the way.

President Trump did more to curb illegal immigration than the last four Presidents combined, and got great results for his efforts.

He could've built the wall but he didn't, because he really wasn't committed to the project. He could've called all of his MAGA hat-wearing minions to torment Democrat politicians in Washington, He didn't use the so-called "bully pulpit", which every POTUS can use whenever congress refuses to do something that he believes is necessary. He didn't do it.
He could've built the wall but he didn't, because he really wasn't committed to the project. He could've called all of his MAGA hat-wearing minions to torment Democrat politicians in Washington, He didn't use the so-called "bully pulpit", which every POTUS can use whenever congress refuses to do something that he believes is necessary. He didn't do it.

You are a fucking idiot dude.
The end.
Where The fuck are you getting your information from? Under Trump 460 miles of replacement or new barriers were built.

Not the wall. He promised a big wall not some replacement barriers. In many highways around the country, you see big concrete walls on the side of the highways, especially in urban areas. Those types of walls would stop many illegals from entering. Trump didn't do it.
Not the wall. He promised a big wall not some replacement barriers. In many highways around the country, you see big concrete walls on the side of the highways, especially in urban areas. Those types of walls would stop many illegals from entering. Trump didn't do it.

Not only did Trump build huge walls, he took the input from the Border Patrol on what they wanted in those border walls.
He could've built the wall but he didn't, because he really wasn't committed to the project. He could've called all of his MAGA hat-wearing minions to torment Democrat politicians in Washington, He didn't use the so-called "bully pulpit", which every POTUS can use whenever congress refuses to do something that he believes is necessary. He didn't do it.

What's with your insistence that he didn't build the wall? How many reports would you like me to post that claims you're absolutely wrong? Trump didn't need to torment anybody, he used our military funds to build the wall and got around Congress who wouldn't give Trump a dime.

The Communists want as many illegals in this country as possible. That's why Dementia reversed all of Trump's successful policies and we have the worst border problem ever with record setting crossers.
What's with your insistence that he didn't build the wall? How many reports would you like me to post that claims you're absolutely wrong? Trump didn't need to torment anybody, he used our military funds to build the wall and got around Congress who wouldn't give Trump a dime.

The Communists want as many illegals in this country as possible. That's why Dementia reversed all of Trump's successful policies and we have the worst border problem ever with record setting crossers.

Trump didn't build a wall, but if you want to believe he did, go right ahead. Biden isn't a communist or socialist, he's just a typical American liberal. Communists like me don't want illegal immigration in America, we want people to stay in their own country and develop it. We shouldn't have to provide Medicare for all, to all of Latin America. Social services in the US are for Americans, not Mexicans. We would like the Mexicans and people from other countries in Latin America, to have their own socialist government that serves their interests, providing them with healthcare, and education. etc. They have their own country and we have ours, that's the communist, Marxist position. Biden, Pelosi, Hillary, they're just MSNBC liberals. Look what the Democratic Party did to Bernie Sanders. They got rid of him quickly. Bernie is an anti-establishment social progressive, not even a true Marxist, and they got rid of him. So claiming that Biden is a communist is absurd.

Marxists are also against all of the transgender lunacy, not to speak of injecting children with puberty blockers. Unlike American liberals, we can define what a woman is.

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