Dem Mayor of "Sanctuary City" NYC says there is no room there for migrants.

What's with your insistence that he didn't build the wall? How many reports would you like me to post that claims you're absolutely wrong? Trump didn't need to torment anybody, he used our military funds to build the wall and got around Congress who wouldn't give Trump a dime.

The Communists want as many illegals in this country as possible. That's why Dementia reversed all of Trump's successful policies and we have the worst border problem ever with record setting crossers.
Maybe he was in a coma the entire time that Democrats and Establishment Republicans used every legal and illegal maneuverer to thwart the building of the wall.
Undocumented people being here is a religious sacrament for each of those. though for different reasons.
If he would said say - yeah, I wasn't lucid for those 4 years, I would be willing to give him a break.
Trump didn't build a wall, but if you want to believe he did, go right ahead. Biden isn't a communist or socialist, he's just a typical American liberal. Communists like me don't want illegal immigration in America, we want people to stay in their own country and develop it. We shouldn't have to provide Medicare for all, to all of Latin America. Social services in the US are for Americans, not Mexicans. We would like the Mexicans and people from other countries in Latin America, to have their own socialist government that serves their interests, providing them with healthcare, and education. etc. They have their own country and we have ours, that's the communist, Marxist position. Biden, Pelosi, Hillary, they're just MSNBC liberals. Look what the Democratic Party did to Bernie Sanders. They got rid of him quickly. Bernie is an anti-establishment social progressive, not even a true Marxist, and they got rid of him. So claiming that Biden is a communist is absurd.

Marxists are also against all of the transgender lunacy, not to speak of injecting children with puberty blockers.

Did you just morph into a responsible conservative?
Did you just morph into a responsible conservative?

I'm a communist, Marxist, with respect to economics, and politics. You just don't know what Marxism truly is. Did you read what Karl Marx said about workers owning firearms? He was for the working class, for the citizenry, owning firearms. The means to self-defense. He believed in democracy, the rule of the people, rather than plutocracy, the rule of the rich at the expense of everybody else.
I'm a communist, Marxist, with respect to economics, and politics. You just don't know what Marxism truly is. Did you read what Karl Marx said about workers owning firearms? He was for the working class, for the citizenry, owning firearms. The means to self-defense. He believed in democracy, the rule of the people, rather than plutocracy, the rule of the rich at the expense of everybody else.

Yeah, that all sounded lovely and doable to me too.
Then I turned 13.
Maybe he was in a coma the entire time that Democrats and Establishment Republicans used every legal and illegal maneuverer to thwart the building of the wall.
Undocumented people being here is a religious sacrament for each of those. though for different reasons.
If he would said say - yeah, I wasn't lucid for those 4 years, I would be willing to give him a break.

It's one of the reasons Trump was hated by the left and even some on the right. Paul Ryno didn't help Trump one bit. Glad he's gone too. We had no use for him. The guy always looked like a shady used car salesman to me.
Trump didn't build a wall, but if you want to believe he did, go right ahead. Biden isn't a communist or socialist, he's just a typical American liberal. Communists like me don't want illegal immigration in America, we want people to stay in their own country and develop it. We shouldn't have to provide Medicare for all, to all of Latin America. Social services in the US are for Americans, not Mexicans. We would like the Mexicans and people from other countries in Latin America, to have their own socialist government that serves their interests, providing them with healthcare, and education. etc. They have their own country and we have ours, that's the communist, Marxist position. Biden, Pelosi, Hillary, they're just MSNBC liberals. Look what the Democratic Party did to Bernie Sanders. They got rid of him quickly. Bernie is an anti-establishment social progressive, not even a true Marxist, and they got rid of him. So claiming that Biden is a communist is absurd.

Marxists are also against all of the transgender lunacy, not to speak of injecting children with puberty blockers. Unlike American liberals, we can define what a woman is.


Those cheap barriers aren't the wall that was promised. They also don't cover the 1900-mile border. Trump should've built a big wall:


No wall, just the old typical metal barriers, that are open and easily breached.

Those narrow metal columns, don't stop people from climbing them or passing drugs and other goods, and objects through them. There are neighborhoods in California, in Texas, where those barriers divide the US from Mexico and drug smugglers simply walk up to the barriers and hand the drugs to their friends on the other side. That's not a secure wall or barrier. Trump said WE WILL BUILD A GREAT WALL..TALL, IMPENETRABLE, BEAUTIFUL". No, you won't unfortunately. You didn't do it. Hopefully, if Trump becomes president in the next election, he will finally do it. I will probably vote for him, because I prefer him to Biden or most democrats, nonetheless, he didn't build the darn wall. I voted for him in 2016 and I didn't vote for anyone in the last election.
Let us hope not.
Communism is responsible for more human death than all other systems combined.

The opposite is true. Capitalism in its pursuit of profits and power has killed more people than any other system or ideology. Capitalist imperialism, colonialism, two world wars. etc. If it wasn't for communism, you would be speaking German now and soluting to a Nazi flag and shouting "Heil Hitler!".
Those cheap barriers aren't the wall that was promised. They also don't cover the 1900-mile border. Trump should've built a big wall:


No wall, just the old typical metal barriers, that are open and easily breached.

Those narrow metal columns, don't stop people from climbing them or passing drugs and other goods, and objects through them. There are neighborhoods in California, in Texas, where those barriers divide the US from Mexico and drug smugglers simply walk up to the barriers and hand the drugs to their friends on the other side. That's not a secure wall or barrier. Trump said WE WILL BUILD A GREAT WALL..TALL, IMPENETRABLE, BEAUTIFUL". No, you won't unfortunately. You didn't do it. Hopefully, if Trump becomes president in the next election, he will finally do it. I will probably vote for him, because I prefer him to Biden or most democrats, nonetheless, he didn't build the darn wall. I voted for him in 2016 and I didn't vote for anyone in the last election.

Obviously you didn't read any of the links I posted where it clearly states the walls are 30 feet high, and the other link describing the increase of injuries and deaths trying to breach that wall. Yes, Trump did build those big and beautiful walls; 460 miles of them. In one of those links it showed the before and after pictures of the replacement walls which are a clear night and day difference.
Obviously you didn't read any of the links I posted where it clearly states the walls are 30 feet high, and the other link describing the increase of injuries and deaths trying to breach that wall. Yes, Trump did build those big and beautiful walls; 460 miles of them. In one of those links it showed the before and after pictures of the replacement walls which are a clear night and day difference.

Bollard fencing isn't a wall. That story states most of his so-called "wall" is just fencing, not walling.

Obviously you didn't read any of the links I posted where it clearly states the walls are 30 feet high, and the other link describing the increase of injuries and deaths trying to breach that wall. Yes, Trump did build those big and beautiful walls; 460 miles of them. In one of those links it showed the before and after pictures of the replacement walls which are a clear night and day difference.

This is my wall:



Vote for me Bubba. That's my campaign slogan. Vote for me Bubba, I'll build you a wall.

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Bollard fencing isn't a wall. That story states most of his so-called "wall" is just fencing, not walling.

You should have read the whole thing:

The Trump administration say they've completed more than 400 miles of border wall since then.

It's 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021).
However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before - that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier.
If you would've turned 13 in 2030, 2040, you would've been even more committed to communism, because that's the future. Capitalism is the past.
Communism has failed in every country it was implemented. China was wallowing in economic misery until the US created the option for China to be a hybrid Communist/Capitalist government. That was probably the worst mistake our government has ever made, but it created the economic powerhouse that now rivals America.
Communism has failed in every country it was implemented. China was wallowing in economic misery until the US created the option for China to be a hybrid Communist/Capitalist government. That was probably the worst mistake our government has ever made, but it created the economic powerhouse that now rivals America.

I'm not responding to MarathonMike for his sake, because we've already had this discussion many times in the past. I know everything I write to him on this subject will be flippantly dismissed and ignored because that's what he's done in the past, hence I should just ignore him. I write this for the sake of others that might be interested in the truth, not for him.

MarathonMike i.e. MM, obviously hasn't read Marx, because markets are permitted in socialism. Socialism is the earliest stage of communism, and it permits markets, even a certain level of capitalism to exist alongside it, in a mixed, centrally planned economy. Communism can only exist when the material conditions, and the production technology available, allows for it to replace capitalism. Until then, the economy might remain mixed even with extensive central planning:

China is a highly regulated, centrally planned economy and yet notice that MM admits that it is an economic powerhouse, rivaling the United States.

Your claim that communism has never worked is false because it did work quite impressively in the Soviet Union until the Soviets in an attempt to end the cold war after the death of Stalin in the early 1950s, tried to regress, into an earlier stage of communism which allows less central planning with capitalist markets. That led to perestroika i.e. "market reforms", in the 1980s and long breadlines, even without a war. Market reforms and less central planning in the 80s, destroyed the Soviet economy and led to ten years of the worst economy in Russia's history in the 1990s!

Until Putin became president and implemented socialist reforms, Russia was on a downward spiral, economically and socially. Putin's nationalization, and centralization of the economy, saved Russia. It has dramatically increased its GDP and economic prosperity in the last 23 years. Putin's socialist reforms saved Russia from balkanization and plunging itself into further socioeconomic chaos.

As far as China, it wasn't "free market" shock therapy, that saved it but rather a mixed economy. Unlike the Soviet Union, China never industrialized as it should've, eventually even becoming an enemy of the USSR early in its development, cutting itself off from the assistance it needed from its much more developed communist neighbor. Maoism was more agrarian and agriculturally oriented, and that is what impeded its growth and success. It was Chinese culture that was the problem not communism.

North Korea i.e. DPRK, on the other hand, did the opposite of Maoist China, maintaining good relations with the Soviets, and in the 1950s, 60s, up to the late 70s, was more industrialized than South Korea and China. People living in the DPRK had a higher standard of living than those in South Korea and China. We don't see a serious downturn in the North Korean economy until it was cut off from its major trading partner, namely the USSR and Eastern Europe, in the early 90s.

GDP in a communist country, isn't really much of a marker or indicator of economic success and efficiency, due to the fact that there aren't any markets in communism. So naturally, the GDP will appear to be lower, even much lower than a capitalist-run economy, despite heavy industrialization and everyone living well in that communist system.

The Soviet Union didn't have markets until later in its history and it was a world superpower, second only to the USA, notwithstanding all of the challenges and obstacles it had to face, due to its many wars with capitalist powers. One can convincingly argue that the Soviet military was superior to that of the United States. The Warsaw Pact military alliance would've eaten NATO alive in a conventional war.

It should be noted that communist countries can trade with one another, even without having a currency. They can even have trade relations with capitalist-run countries. Read Marx. Communists doing that doesn't equate to them being "capitalists". The practice of trading goods existed way before capitalism. Even markets existed before capitalism, so if MM wants to go this route with his rhetoric, he's resorting to nonsensical arguments.

The following quote about the North Korean economy, is from an article written by a rabid defender of capitalism:


"North Koreans were once known as the travelers and traders of Korea. In the 1950s, after the Korean War, the industrialized North Korea was richer than largely agricultural South Korea. By 2002, South Korea had a GDP or $505 billion while North Korea’s was only $15 billion.

Rich in natural resources, the North Korean economy performed quite well during the 1950s and 60s. In the 1960s, per capita income was higher in North Korea than South Korea. With Soviet assistance, the North Korean economy outperformed the economies of both South Korea and China.

In the 1970s North Korea exported locomotives to the Soviet Union, synthetics to China, machine tools to Europe, farm machinery and chemical fertilizers to Africa and Latin America. Much of the country's industry was centered around the Hamhung-Hungham industrial complex.

According to the Columbia Encyclopedia: North Korea has changed from a predominantly agricultural society (in 1946) to an industrial one. With abundant mineral resources and hydropower, 70 percent of its national product is now derived from mining, manufacturing, and services; about 30 percent still comes from agriculture. "


The author of the above article, admits that the DPRK, wasn't doing that badly economically, yet conveniently forgets to mention the brutal sanctions regime against the DPRK i.e. "North Korea", and the fact that it is essentially a nation still at war with the world's most powerful capitalist empire, and its capitalist allies. The Korean war really hasn't ended yet. How can someone be honestly interested in the truth and "forget" to mention that?

Blaming communism for all of the DPRK's problems, without factoring in the fact that it's always economically embargoed and under the threat of nuclear annihilation is a bit RICH.

I end my rant with this.

Capitalism in the United States can't survive without socialism. MM is apparently oblivious to the capitalist business cycle (boom and bust, boom and bust, boom and bust, bubbles and bursts bubbles). When the capitalist business cycle busts or bursts, depending on which analogy you like best, the capitalist run to good ol' Uncle Sam. Oh yes, make your losses public, burdening the American people with your bad business decisions, lest the whole capitalist economy collapses and people go hungry and die.

It's socialist bailout money i.e. Public Funds, that allows capitalist markets to function.

The US Federal Government has to come in and SAVE capitalism, every seven to twelve years. Just look at the history of our economy since 1776. One boom and bust after another, and who saves the economy from falling apart and plunging the nation into a civil war? Believe me, when people start going hungry the pitchforks come out. That almost happened in the 1930s during our great depression. FDR's New Deal prevented that from happening. Socialist bailouts allow capitalism to survive and thrive. Capitalism without socialism can't exist. That's what history tells us.

Just like capitalism took centuries to replace chattel slavery and feudalism, it has taken over a century for communism to replace capitalism. We're now in the transition phase from capitalism to communism, thanks to advanced 21st-century automation technology. It's advanced, computerized, intelligent automation that will provide the critical mass needed to shift from capitalism to high-tech communism.

Fully matured high-communism according to Karl Marx, is a society without a state (or with a very small state), without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. Don't believe me, just read the commonly held definition of communism, by every economist worth his or her salt. Communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society. No need for a state, no need for socioeconomic classes or money. That's what high-tech, automated production results in, whether you like it or not.

Copy of Copy of Black Modern Girl Youtube Profile Picture (500 × 500 px) (800 × 500 px) (800 ×...gif

All we communists have to do is sit back, take out the popcorn and watch capitalism dispatch itself with advanced automation. It's hilarious, watching capitalists trying to scare workers, telling them they will replace human labor with robots. Please do! Yes! Awesome! Replace human drudgery with robots! You do that! That's the end of capitalism because without wage labor you have no market. HELLO?
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You should have read the whole thing:

The Trump administration say they've completed more than 400 miles of border wall since then.

It's 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021).
However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before - that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier.
You keep saying "452 miles", that's not a wall. If you want to continue believing that, go right ahead. There is no wall. Nothing resembling what was promised. If he becomes president in the next election, maybe he will do it. I hope he does. I will most likely vote for Trump, if I have to choose between him and Biden, Kamala Harris, or Ted Cruz. I don't like DeSantis either. If that's all we have to choose from other than Trump, I would rather vote for Trump, despite all of his flaws.
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You keep saying "452 miles", that's not a wall. If you want to continue believing that, go right ahead. There is no wall. Nothing resembling what was promised. If he becomes president in the next election, maybe he will do it. I hope he does. I will most likely vote for Trump, if I have to choose between him and Biden, Kamala Harris, or Ted Cruz. I don't like DeSantis either. If that's all we have to choose from other than Trump, I would rather vote for Trump, despite all of his flaws.

I presented plenty of evidence including articles that quoted our border patrol and pictures that yes, there is a wall. If you want to believe there's no wall in spite of the overwhelming evidence against you, then live in your own little world. It's not a wonder why you're a Communist. Like other leftists, when people present evidence to you, your response is :lalala:
I presented plenty of evidence including articles that quoted our border patrol and pictures that yes, there is a wall. If you want to believe there's no wall in spite of the overwhelming evidence against you, then live in your own little world. It's not a wonder why you're a Communist. Like other leftists, when people present evidence to you, your response is :lalala:

What they call a wall, isn't the wall that Trump promised. A big great impenetrable wall. Fencing or barriers like the ones up now are not a wall. Illegals can easily breach the "wall" we have up now. That's not what we envisioned for a border wall. You can walk right up to the "wall"/fence and pass drugs and weapons or whatever, right through it. That's not the wall we were promised, hopefully, Trump will erect it in his second term if he is reelected. A real wall, not a Mickey Mouse wall.


Minus the hill there at the end of the wall. That would be an impenetrable, awesome wall.​
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What they call a wall, isn't the wall that Trump promised. A big great impenetrable wall. Fencing or barriers like the ones up now are not a wall. Illegals can easily breach the "wall" we have up now. That's not what we envisioned for a border wall. You can walk right up to the "wall"/fence and pass drugs and weapons or whatever, right through it. That's not the wall we were promised, hopefully, Trump will erect it in his second term if he is reelected. A real wall, not a Mickey Mouse wall.

View attachment 749415

Minus the hill there at the end of the wall. That would be an impenetrable, awesome wall.​

Trump can only build what's feasible. Walls like this would be hundreds of billions of dollars if not trillions and the Democrats refused to give Trump the 7 billion he asked for. That's besides the fact anybody could walk up that hill and still breach the wall you're showing. A lot of the wall has to be built on private land. Would you want this is your backyard? Then you have the animal rights people to battle, the ecology people, and yes, Democrat supporters all giving resistance.

Borders will not stop everybody, but they can stop most. The walls Trump constructed were planned out by the Army corps of engineers in conjunction with the border patrol. It's the border patrol that suggested to Trump he build barriers they could see through so they can spot trouble before it gets to our border. I would think that they know what works best to stop migrants and drugs than you or I do.

Fencing does not necessarily mean chain link fences. Fence is another word for barrier.

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