Dem plant at GOP event

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the North was forcing economic hardships on the South when things like cotton, tobacco, sorghum and etc were getting 50% better prices in Europe (with free shipping) than they were to the Northern States who had a blockade against the farmers in the South to keep them from shipping their goods to Europe.

So the Southern States had to use slaves just to survive farming and the economic abuse by the North.

Northern states were under pressure because they relied upon industrial processing of Southern goods sold to Europe. They would buy the Southern Cotton, turn it into cloth and try to sell it in Europe....but unless it was deeply discounted Europeans were uninterested in purchasing the cloth.

Also there wasn't much in the way of a forecasting of what crops to at times the seed for growing cotton was costing more than the cotton it would produce.

So...where slavery was an was a natural result caused by Northern economic pressures. But they fought over it just the same.
Fuckup was that blockade before or after Fort Sumter?
Lincoln didn't invaded Virginia to end slavery. He did it to make Virginia collect Union tariffs.
was that before or after Fort Sumter?
When the pro-slavery Democrats cheated in an election in Kansas that pretty much started the war...

Up to that time the fistfights, duels, and the general mayhem of congress failed to settle the arguments. Even though many calls for peaceful means of resolving the conflicts were called for the politicians refused to lower the volume of rhetoric and personal attacks on each other. (Much like things are going on today)

Fort Sumpter falling into the hands of the Southern secessionist by means of an attack was only a catalyst for further armed conflict by the North. Only two men died during the attack on Fort Sumpter and both were accidents as one of the two was killed during an explosion of gunpowder while raising the flag during surrender. (Nobody really wanted to kill each other)

When the Southern secessionist refused to show up to congress things were quieter in congress....but that by no means meant that they were quieter elsewhere. Lots of dirty dealings and backstabbing were routine in Washington. (Which is how the South gained military personnel, arms, and Forts)

The real truth of the matter was that the North and the South needed each other. And the wealthy elite were pulling the strings of the Government to manipulate the whole nation (much like they are today)

Between the railroads and the industrial manufacturing industry of the North needing the cotton and other goods from the South ("king cotton") inexpensively to sell to mostly Britain (who seemed to control American exports as France wasn't buying (Napolian wake, and Spain was supplied with South America and Cuba)
The states were in a state of chaos bickering over scraps on the table of economics. Each claiming innocence and whining about how they were suffering....and all guilty of concentrating on themselves instead of giving credence to the opposition's ideas.

The South was going broke if it weren't for slavery. The cause was the North's need to use its expensive mills that were dormant (causing massive unemployment) unless it used discounted goods from the South.

No real solutions were broached or discussed. They focused on the issue of Slavery as a single item and instead of looking at the whole picture of the economic problem and attacking that....they picked at that one issue and blew it up.

The real solution could have made it peaceful and where the South could farm cotton without the use of slaves and survived economically....the North could then have cheap cotton and dominated the European markets. But nobody wanted to look at it this way.
Dirty tricks by Democrats are no longer a surprise to us. It looks like Dems will go lower than low in order to make a Republican look bad. We've seen them do that with Trump many times.

---She later accused the voter who asked her about the cause of the Civil War of being a “Democrat plant,” the New Hampshire Journal reported.---

Doesn’t matter who asked the question.

It matters that she couldn’t answer it because she was afraid to anger the racists.
Dirty tricks by Democrats are no longer a surprise to us. It looks like Dems will go lower than low in order to make a Republican look bad. We've seen them do that with Trump many times.

---She later accused the voter who asked her about the cause of the Civil War of being a “Democrat plant,” the New Hampshire Journal reported.---

how does that change the stupid ass fucking answer that she gave?
It was about slavery.
Only marginally at was the political focus of the argument but in truth it was economics as a whole that was the issue. The viewpoint that it was slavery was extremely myopic. Which is why the war started...that and the personal attacks between the political parties.

If the US government had assisted the Southern farmers buy and use tractors instead of slaves and mules...the war would have never been fought and the slaves would have been freed. That's the truth in a nutshell.

Instead there was a whole lot of self righteousness and finger pointing.
Dirty tricks by Democrats are no longer a surprise to us. It looks like Dems will go lower than low in order to make a Republican look bad. We've seen them do that with Trump many times.

---She later accused the voter who asked her about the cause of the Civil War of being a “Democrat plant,” the New Hampshire Journal reported.---

Someone needed to plant a brain in Nikki...
Correct, and Nikki failed that question.
She was asked about the “cause of the Civil War”. One can say the Civil War was about slavery but was it the cause? Did the South secede and fire shots on the Union because of Slavery or did they do it because the central government was going to take away an economic tool which was Slavery?

The same people bashing Nikki Haley over this are the same people who ignored or downplayed Biden telling Blacks that if they voted for Trump then they are not Black.
She was asked about the “cause of the Civil War”. One can say the Civil War was about slavery but was it the cause? Did the South secede and fire shots on the Union because of Slavery or did they do it because the central government was going to take away an economic tool which was Slavery?

The same people bashing Nikki Haley over this are the same people who ignored or downplayed Biden telling Blacks that if they voted for Trump then they are not Black.
First off the Democrats during the conflicts that led up to the Civil War were very much in favor of slavery and the economics of it. They were much more unified than the whigs (later reforming into Republicans).

And if the North had used its steel technology and industrial capabilities to further develop tractors the use of slaves would have become a non-issue instead of a central focus.
Also at issue was "States Rights".
Did the individual states have rights to do as they deemed morally right?

There are times when "helping your enemy" is actually the best thing instead of arguing, fighting and taking lives.
She was asked about the “cause of the Civil War”. One can say the Civil War was about slavery but was it the cause? Did the South secede and fire shots on the Union because of Slavery or did they do it because the central government was going to take away an economic tool which was Slavery?

The same people bashing Nikki Haley over this are the same people who ignored or downplayed Biden telling Blacks that if they voted for Trump then they are not Black.
Are you suggesting that both Nikki and President Biden were wrong?!??

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