Dem Rep. Haley Stevens On Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘Gun Threats’: I'm concerned about MTG's mental health

Sure... I mean, it was the go-to resource for disappearing those who became a little too discomforting to government types in the old USSR.
Let's put MTG and Bobert in the octagon against AOC and Omar....and see what happens.
More than that, MTG and Boebert are survivors in bad times while the other two would be dead quickly with a lot less in a primal world.
All four are out side the connect called for when working in Our government. To many politicians push party plus personal agenda. Instead of working together for the betterment of all Americans. Can Never be perfect but what's
going on now is insane.
All four are out side the connect called for when working in Our government. To many politicians push party plus personal agenda. Instead of working together for the betterment of all Americans. Can Never be perfect but what's
going on now is insane.
How do you work with people whose mission it is to destroy you?
Interesting that she isn't concerned about the mental health of the President of the United States. I wonder why?
As much as I enjoy empty threats from the cucks on the right, my question is why keep making them if you're too pussy to do anything? Then you just look like a coward.
‘Michigan Representative Haley Stevens says she is "concerned" about the mental state of her colleague, Marjorie Taylor Greene after the Georgia Republican suggested that "Second Amendment rights" should be used against Democrats, and called on Capitol Police to "address" the "dangerous threats."’

And appropriately so.

Greene is typical of the violent, lawless right.
And AOC allegedly has an undergrad degree in econ...Ask her what a broken window is.
Allegedly? Have any of the colleges she attended denied she graduated with a degree, Skippy?

No? That's what I thought.
Interesting that she isn't concerned about the mental health of the President of the United States. I wonder why?
If they enacted the 25th against 45 this Country would be far better off right now.

Trump is crazier then a shithouse rat.
Be honest is MTG any different then the other clowns serving in Congress? The problem, rather fact, is we tend to label those we disagree with as loony tunes, unfit, uneducated, psychological nut cases.

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