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Dem Rep. Quigley on Taxes: ‘If You Love This Country, One of the Things You Do Is Pay Your Fair Share’

My "fair share" of your welfare check is zero. My fair share of Green Energy programs is zero

Saturday, during an appearance on MSNBC, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) defended the so-called Inflation Reduction Act’s provision to bolster the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with an additional 80,000 agents.
According to Quigley, paying taxes was part of it if one “loved” the country.
There is the Democrats view in a nutshell. Create a new army of armed tax collectors to intimidate the middle class to cough up more of their hard earned money to the government. Meanwhile the government is bloated with far too many employees and agencies. Countless billions of dollars are lost through Waste fraud and abuse. And now we have a new monster called "Green Energy" that will feed on the middle class.
That's the problem with living in a democracy, you don't get to do whatever you want.
A democracy can be just as corrupt and oppressive as any other kind of government.

There is a better form of government. A real Constitutional Republic where the individual has protected rights from the majority using the government to steal and plunder.

I suspect that is what our Founding Fathers thought they had created. However, you greedy little Socialist shitheads have distorted what this country suppose to be. You filth don't even like the existing Bill of Rights. You hate free speech when it criticizes your destruction, you can't stand freedom OF religion and you hate the right to keep and bear arms with a passion. The same for due process. You even hate the involuntary servitude because you little assholes want us all to be slaves to the fucking State.
There is the Democrats view in a nutshell. Create a new army of armed tax collectors to intimidate the middle class to cough up more of their hard earned money to the government. Meanwhile the government is bloated with far too many employees and agencies. Countless billions of dollars are lost through Waste fraud and abuse. And now we have a new monster called "Green Energy" that will feed on the middle class.

If the IRS is so understaffed, why are they not working ten hour days or six days a week? That's what industry does to save money. It's cheaper to pay people overtime than it is to hire new employees.

The Democrats are not stupid, but their constituents are. They give them this line of BS like these new agents are going to go after the evil rich guy, you know, those guys the left hates.

It's a win-win for the Communists. More government employees mean more likely Democrat votes. More government workers means more contributions to the unions that the Democrats get a kick-back from. More agents mean they can target more conservatives.
Taxes are an evil.

There are a few legitimate expenses at the Federal level that we all should pay for. Defense, courts, Border Patrol, State Department, etc. Nothing wrong with paying a fuel tax to fund roads.

Everything else, including all those worthless alphabet agencies, are a waste of money.

If somebody think it is my "patriotic duty" to pay taxes that go for a bloated and wasteful government and a welfare state then they are batshit crazy.
Examples of truly wasteful spending of OUR tax dollars!

18) Birds
The U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research conducted a study which determined that the first bird on earth most likely had black feathers.

17) Southern Royalty?
The Federal Government spent $25,000 on a promotional tour for the Alabama Watermelon Queen.

16) Bugs
We know why bugs are attracted to lights, but we do not know what they do by them. The Federal Government granted a subsidy of $65,473 to find out what bugs do by lights.

15) Ornithology?
The U.S. Department of Defense spent $283,500 on creating a special unit within the department dedicated to monitoring gnatcatchers.

14) Hooked?
The U.S. National Institutes of Health spent $442,340 to study the behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam.

13) Monkey Business
The U.S. National Institutes of Health funded a $592,527 study to explain why Chimpanzees throw their feces.

12) Inmate Athletes v. Student Athletes?
The Federal Government paid $750,000 to build a new Soccer field for inmates at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

11) Healthy Eating?
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services paid a $800,000 subsidy to build an IHOP in Washington, D.C. Guess Michelle Obama approves of pancakes.

10) From Zoo to Circus?
The National Science Foundation received $856,000 in funding from the Federal Government to conduct a study to see if it is possible to train Lions to walk on a treadmill. It took the Lions eight months.

9) Lucky ONE
The U.S. Department of Agriculture spent two million dollars to create an internship program which resulted in the hiring of one full time employee.

8) Worst Super Bowl Commercial
The Federal Government funded a 30 second commercial during the Super Bowl which cost 2.5 million dollars – that is $83,333 per second! The commercial was poorly produced and was banned from television immediately after airing.

7) Drink Responsibly
The U.S. Federal Government spent 2.6 million dollars in advertising to encourage Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly. Dos Equis might have the Most Interesting Man in the World, but the Federal Government has the most interesting advertisement in the world.

6) More Modern Than Wigs
In the past 15 years, members of the U.S. Senate has spent a total of 5.25 million dollars on hair care products.

5) Pottery
The U.S. Federal Government has spent 27 million dollars to teach people in Morocco to design and create pottery. It must be some exquisite pottery.

4) Mango a Day Costs How Much?
The U.S. Agency for International Development has spent 30 million dollars to help develop Pakistani Mango farming industry.

3) Ghost Clinics
Medicare paid 35 million dollars to 118 medical clinics in the United States that do not exist. These clinics were claimed by criminal organizations and used to defraud the Government. It worked.

2) To Who?
The Federal Government paid 120 million dollars in disability and retirement to dead Federal employees, which raises the question, to whom did the money actually go?

1) Upgraded
The Federal Government spent 146 million dollars so that Federal employees could upgrade their flights to Business Class.
I guess Economy Class is almost as bad as the American Economy.

These are 18 of the most ridiculous things the Federal Government has funded, ranking from least expensive to most. The total Federal funding for all of the previously mentioned is $374,164,840. The current U.S. National debt comes to a frightening 19.19 trillion dollars. If the Federal Government did not unnecessarily fund any of the previously mentioned, the current National debt would be reduced to approximately $18,999,725,835,160. We can be the generation to do it.
There is a better form of government. A real Constitutional Republic where the individual has protected rights from the majority using the government to steal and plunder.
Who decides what rights are protected? You or a majority of the country? See the problem here, your ideology is unrealistic.
They are far worse than just a waste of money. They are an assault on my rights.

You don't have the right not to pay taxes - that "right" has existed exactly nowhere. Ever.

The idea that I should be forced to pay for gender reassignment therapy violates every principle of ethical government.

Ever hear of health insurance pools? You don't think you're already paying for someone else's surgeries and illnesses? Like fucking 40-50% of this country's obese - that means at serious risk of diabetes, cancer, organ failure, cardiovascular disease. Probably 100-150 million people, easy. With healthcare costs in the future that will drain their accounts and hospital resources. And insurance companies pay for that, which means you do, too.

But you're worried about the teeny, tiny thousandth of a percent of patients who get their gender reassigned.

Bullshit. The Democrats simply lie to the people on what they are spending on like this phony as hell inflation bill. It's nothing more than throwing away hundreds of billions of dollars on green BS. And when we spend these hundreds of billions of dollars, the envirokooks will simply demand more because climate change is a bottomless money pit.
Yeah, that trillion dollar PPP was so well managed with oversight
Examples of truly wasteful spending of OUR tax dollars!

18) Birds
The U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research conducted a study which determined that the first bird on earth most likely had black feathers.

17) Southern Royalty?
The Federal Government spent $25,000 on a promotional tour for the Alabama Watermelon Queen.

16) Bugs
We know why bugs are attracted to lights, but we do not know what they do by them. The Federal Government granted a subsidy of $65,473 to find out what bugs do by lights.

15) Ornithology?
The U.S. Department of Defense spent $283,500 on creating a special unit within the department dedicated to monitoring gnatcatchers.

14) Hooked?
The U.S. National Institutes of Health spent $442,340 to study the behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam.

13) Monkey Business
The U.S. National Institutes of Health funded a $592,527 study to explain why Chimpanzees throw their feces.

12) Inmate Athletes v. Student Athletes?
The Federal Government paid $750,000 to build a new Soccer field for inmates at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

11) Healthy Eating?
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services paid a $800,000 subsidy to build an IHOP in Washington, D.C. Guess Michelle Obama approves of pancakes.

10) From Zoo to Circus?
The National Science Foundation received $856,000 in funding from the Federal Government to conduct a study to see if it is possible to train Lions to walk on a treadmill. It took the Lions eight months.

9) Lucky ONE
The U.S. Department of Agriculture spent two million dollars to create an internship program which resulted in the hiring of one full time employee.

8) Worst Super Bowl Commercial
The Federal Government funded a 30 second commercial during the Super Bowl which cost 2.5 million dollars – that is $83,333 per second! The commercial was poorly produced and was banned from television immediately after airing.

7) Drink Responsibly
The U.S. Federal Government spent 2.6 million dollars in advertising to encourage Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly. Dos Equis might have the Most Interesting Man in the World, but the Federal Government has the most interesting advertisement in the world.

6) More Modern Than Wigs
In the past 15 years, members of the U.S. Senate has spent a total of 5.25 million dollars on hair care products.

5) Pottery
The U.S. Federal Government has spent 27 million dollars to teach people in Morocco to design and create pottery. It must be some exquisite pottery.

4) Mango a Day Costs How Much?
The U.S. Agency for International Development has spent 30 million dollars to help develop Pakistani Mango farming industry.

3) Ghost Clinics
Medicare paid 35 million dollars to 118 medical clinics in the United States that do not exist. These clinics were claimed by criminal organizations and used to defraud the Government. It worked.

2) To Who?
The Federal Government paid 120 million dollars in disability and retirement to dead Federal employees, which raises the question, to whom did the money actually go?

1) Upgraded
The Federal Government spent 146 million dollars so that Federal employees could upgrade their flights to Business Class.
I guess Economy Class is almost as bad as the American Economy.

These are 18 of the most ridiculous things the Federal Government has funded, ranking from least expensive to most. The total Federal funding for all of the previously mentioned is $374,164,840. The current U.S. National debt comes to a frightening 19.19 trillion dollars. If the Federal Government did not unnecessarily fund any of the previously mentioned, the current National debt would be reduced to approximately $18,999,725,835,160. We can be the generation to do it.
It wouldn't be as bad if the list only including a few idiotic pork items like you mentioned. However, when you look all these wasteful federal agencies and the cost of the bloated welfare state and add in the corruption then we are truly fucked.

The real sad thing? These stupid uneducated mentally retarded soulless confused Moon Bats want the government to spend more, tax more and go in debt more.

Because of their greed and not understanding Economics they don't have a clue how destructive it is.
You don't have the right not to pay taxes - that "right" has existed exactly nowhere. Ever.
Wrong, asshole. Taxation is theft. Government has no right to take my money.

Ever hear of health insurance pools? You don't think you're already paying for someone else's surgeries and illnesses? Like fucking 40-50% of this country's obese - that means at serious risk of diabetes, cancer, organ failure, cardiovascular disease. Probably 100-150 million people, easy. With healthcare costs in the future that will drain their accounts and hospital resources. And insurance companies pay for that, which means you do, too.
If you don't want to buy insurance, no one is forcing you.

But you're worried about the teeny, tiny thousandth of a percent of patients who get their gender reassigned.

No, I object to all of it. I don't want to pay for smokers, alcoholics, teenage mothers, you name it.

I object to taxation, period.

Explain how taxation differs from theft.
It isn't the taxes that are the problem, it's the out-of-control profligate spending on shit that is not necessary and is subject to a ridiculous amount of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse. Especially at a time when we are already fighting problems with inflation and a slow-growth or no-growth economy.
Virtually non of it is necessary.

Why do we need a dept of Agriculture? Does anyone believe farmers don't know how to crow food? Dept of Education? Somehow we got by without it until the Carter administration.
Wrong, asshole. Taxation is theft. Government has no right to take my money.

Okay, asshole, but no kingdom or nation-state in the history of civilization has ever held that view. Good luck asserting that "right".

If you don't want to buy insurance, no one is forcing you.

True, but I'm guessing you have insurance or some kind. You'd have to be an idiot not to.

No, I object to all of it. I don't want to pay for smokers, alcoholics, teenage mothers, you name it.

I object to taxation, period.

Explain how taxation differs from theft.

Ask a lawyer, as theft has a statutory definition.
By God, they did. However, that was only about 100 years older.

Okay, well then there's the Roman Republic -- 2000 years old. Where do you think "Republicanism" comes from? We didn't invent that. After Rome's democracy and eventually its civilization collapsed, the idea of popularly-influenced representative government kinda died with it. But power sharing between different entities - the kings, the nobles, etc - resurfaced. Most notably with the English Magna Carta in 1215. Parliament was established under King Edward in the 1300s (I think).

The American Revolution was successful is because it was a Revolution of intellectuals, of people who understood that the political system they were trying to build was extremely difficult. And their fears were validated once they saw the French Revolution descend into mob rule that wasn't put down until Napoleon became a de facto dictator.
Doesn't matter since they too had taxation. Try tax avoision for yer whiney soul.
What a rare occasion MoonGlow... I agree... Remember what Jesus said..
Then the Pharisees went and plotted how to entangle him in his words.
And they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying,
“Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, and you do not care about anyone's opinion, for you are not swayed by appearances. Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?
But Jesus, aware of their malice, said,
“Why put me to the test, you hypocrites? Show me the coin for the tax.”
And they brought him a denarius.
And Jesus said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said, “Caesar’s.
Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.”
When they heard it, they marveled. And they left him and went away.

Now it is up to the citizens though to replace the politicians that use our tax money to do what is just a fraction of their misuse of our tax dollars:
Just a FEW examples of truly wasteful spending of OUR tax dollars!

18) Birds
The U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research conducted a study which determined that the first bird on earth most likely had black feathers.

17) Southern Royalty?
The Federal Government spent $25,000 on a promotional tour for the Alabama Watermelon Queen.

16) Bugs
We know why bugs are attracted to lights, but we do not know what they do by them. The Federal Government granted a subsidy of $65,473 to find out what bugs do by lights.

15) Ornithology?
The U.S. Department of Defense spent $283,500 on creating a special unit within the department dedicated to monitoring gnatcatchers.

14) Hooked?
The U.S. National Institutes of Health spent $442,340 to study the behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam.

13) Monkey Business
The U.S. National Institutes of Health funded a $592,527 study to explain why Chimpanzees throw their feces.

12) Inmate Athletes v. Student Athletes?
The Federal Government paid $750,000 to build a new Soccer field for inmates at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

11) Healthy Eating?
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services paid a $800,000 subsidy to build an IHOP in Washington, D.C. Guess Michelle Obama approves of pancakes.

10) From Zoo to Circus?
The National Science Foundation received $856,000 in funding from the Federal Government to conduct a study to see if it is possible to train Lions to walk on a treadmill. It took the Lions eight months.

9) Lucky ONE
The U.S. Department of Agriculture spent two million dollars to create an internship program which resulted in the hiring of one full time employee.

8) Worst Super Bowl Commercial
The Federal Government funded a 30 second commercial during the Super Bowl which cost 2.5 million dollars – that is $83,333 per second! The commercial was poorly produced and was banned from television immediately after airing.

7) Drink Responsibly
The U.S. Federal Government spent 2.6 million dollars in advertising to encourage Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly. Dos Equis might have the Most Interesting Man in the World, but the Federal Government has the most interesting advertisement in the world.

6) More Modern Than Wigs
In the past 15 years, members of the U.S. Senate has spent a total of 5.25 million dollars on hair care products.

5) Pottery
The U.S. Federal Government has spent 27 million dollars to teach people in Morocco to design and create pottery. It must be some exquisite pottery.

4) Mango a Day Costs How Much?
The U.S. Agency for International Development has spent 30 million dollars to help develop Pakistani Mango farming industry.

3) Ghost Clinics
Medicare paid 35 million dollars to 118 medical clinics in the United States that do not exist. These clinics were claimed by criminal organizations and used to defraud the Government. It worked.

2) To Who?
The Federal Government paid 120 million dollars in disability and retirement to dead Federal employees, which raises the question, to whom did the money actually go?

1) Upgraded
The Federal Government spent 146 million dollars so that Federal employees could upgrade their flights to Business Class.
I guess Economy Class is almost as bad as the American Economy.

These are 18 of the most ridiculous things the Federal Government has funded, ranking from least expensive to most. The total Federal funding for all of the previously mentioned is $374,164,840. The current U.S. National debt comes to a frightening 19.19 trillion dollars. If the Federal Government did not unnecessarily fund any of the previously mentioned, the current National debt would be reduced to approximately $18,999,725,835,160. We can be the generation to do it.

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