Dem Response To Are You Better Off Than Four Years Ago: Blame Bush

Dem Response To Are You Better Off Than Four Years Ago: Blame Bush

there is no doubt the economy and Country are better off today under the Obama Administration than the conditions they were left in by the Bush Administration.
Dem Response To Are You Better Off Than Four Years Ago: Blame Bush

there is no doubt the economy and Country are better off today under the Obama Administration than the conditions they were left in by the Bush Administration.

Not in a million years will that be believable unless you are stone cold obamafied drone.
Dem Response To Are You Better Off Than Four Years Ago: Blame Bush

there is no doubt the economy and Country are better off today under the Obama Administration than the conditions they were left in by the Bush Administration.

Not mine, not anyone that I know in real life.
I don't blame just Bush. I blame the Republicans too.

You're with us or with the "terrorists".
Congress Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low In Gallup Poll

Congress Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low In Gallup Poll

Just one in 10 Americans approves of the job Congress is doing, according to a Gallup poll released Tuesday, tying the branch's lowest approval rating in 38 years.

... tying the branch's lowest approval rating in 38 years

the Real Charm belongs to the 2010 Tea Party Republicans ...

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Me personally, im much better off.

I left the country when Bush II was elected for a second term. The wars and his spending were all I needed to know that now was the time to take my work over seas. Best decision I ever made.

Once Obama was elected I decided to buy two new properties in FL which I now rent out. I also was able to sell my mothers house in FL at a profit. I made strides in my professional career and received a huge promotion with a nice pay increase as well. All under Obama.

For my family, we are better off than we were under Bush II, 4 years ago.
Me personally, im much better off.

I left the country when Bush II was elected for a second term. The wars and his spending were all I needed to know that now was the time to take my work over seas. Best decision I ever made.

Once Obama was elected I decided to buy two new properties in FL which I now rent out. I also was able to sell my mothers house in FL at a profit. I made strides in my professional career and received a huge promotion with a nice pay increase as well. All under Obama.

For my family, we are better off than we were under Bush II, 4 years ago.

I'm willing to bet if we had a republican president you and other obama supporters would be saying things were really bad.
There is no way things are better now than 4 years ago.
Me personally, im much better off.

I left the country when Bush II was elected for a second term. The wars and his spending were all I needed to know that now was the time to take my work over seas. Best decision I ever made.

Once Obama was elected I decided to buy two new properties in FL which I now rent out. I also was able to sell my mothers house in FL at a profit. I made strides in my professional career and received a huge promotion with a nice pay increase as well. All under Obama.

For my family, we are better off than we were under Bush II, 4 years ago.

I'm willing to bet if we had a republican president you and other obama supporters would be saying things were really bad.
There is no way things are better now than 4 years ago.

he found a quarter on the street, hes praising obama
There is no way things are better now than 4 years ago.

for my family, yes it is. Its night and day.

Unless you forget the economic melt down under Bush II, do you? My mother is 70, just turned. Her 401k and other assets like the house we lived in for 23 years were in horrid shape. Now, if you like, you can check the stock market and see its above 13k, and the house regained its value under Obama. My mom was almost forced to move into my place, till Obama came into office.

Look, some people will have the compete alternate story to mine, such is life. However, this GOP tone that the sky is falling is complete shit.

Fact is, and ill say it as many times as needed. My family is far better off with Obama at the helm.
Dem Response To Are You Better Off Than Four Years Ago: Blame Bush

there is no doubt the economy and Country are better off today under the Obama Administration than the conditions they were left in by the Bush Administration.

your daddy the head of exon mobil or something
21 new taxes in obamacare, and wait 2 years when the middle class gets soaked for those taxes
Me personally, im much better off.

I left the country when Bush II was elected for a second term. The wars and his spending were all I needed to know that now was the time to take my work over seas. Best decision I ever made.

Once Obama was elected I decided to buy two new properties in FL which I now rent out. I also was able to sell my mothers house in FL at a profit. I made strides in my professional career and received a huge promotion with a nice pay increase as well. All under Obama.

For my family, we are better off than we were under Bush II, 4 years ago.

so if you stayed in america and things were okay for you in your world, would you credit bush or wait til obama was elected?
Me personally, im much better off.

I left the country when Bush II was elected for a second term. The wars and his spending were all I needed to know that now was the time to take my work over seas. Best decision I ever made.

Once Obama was elected I decided to buy two new properties in FL which I now rent out. I also was able to sell my mothers house in FL at a profit. I made strides in my professional career and received a huge promotion with a nice pay increase as well. All under Obama.

For my family, we are better off than we were under Bush II, 4 years ago.

It was a no brainer to buy property in 09 as the market was bottoming out. It didn't matter who the president was for that.

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