Dem Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Calls Eliminating All Private Health Plans An “Urgent Goal”

I hope she runs for POTUS. That would be awesome. Having her, Warren, Harris and Beto all debate on which of them is smarter than a 5th grader. Answer: NONE of them.

Here is all you will EVER NEED TO KNOW about today's Political Climate:

  • Global Warming: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Income Inequality: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Guranteed Income: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Universal Healthcare: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • The New Green Deal: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Paris Climate Accord: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Calling Hydrocarbons Fossil Fuels: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Universal Free College Education: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Open Borders Open Immigration: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Sanctuary Cities: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Adhering to United Nations Protocols, Policies, Treaties or Mandates: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Granting Asylum to Cultures unable to and unwilling to assimilate in to US Culture: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Signing and abiding by so called Free Trade Agreements instead of negotiating as a Sovereign Nation on a one on one basis for "Fair Trade" : Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
I hope she runs for POTUS. That would be awesome. Having her, Warren, Harris and Beto all debate on which of them is smarter than a 5th grader. Answer: NONE of them.
You gotta include Alexandra Occasional Cortex in that brain trust.

She is too young unfortunately.

But whichever poor soul gets her endorsement is just going to have a gold mine of "brilliant" support in their camp.

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